• most homozygotes are still alive at embryonic day 9, but the majority are dead by day 10 and all are dead by day 12
• instances are found of complete or partial duplication of the entire embryonic axis, or of individual organs such as the heart, or extraneous growth of a lump of tissue, or doubled neural folds
• seen in day 8 embryos
• 8 day embryos can have hyperplasia of neuroectoderm and mesenchyme yielding folds protruding into the amniotic cavity, 9 day embryos frequently have more contorted headfolds and neural folds
• 9 day embryos have abnormally small tail buds
• 8 and 9 day embryos frequently have abnormal embryonic membranes and some embryos are found outside of the yolk sac
• instances of multiple allantoides are found
• seen in day 8 embryos
• 9 day embryos have abnormally small tail buds