• glands located between the eyeball and the orbit are hypertrophied
• the nerves start to develop but do not penetrate through the outer pigmented layer
• absent in the adult
• distorted shape and non-crystalline
• eye size and proportions are normal until E11
• eye size decreases after E11 due to failure of the central artery and vein to establish a pathway along the choroid fissure
• degenerates and missing in the adult
• a reduction in primary blood supply results in severely retarded eye development
• evident at birth
nervous system
• the nerves start to develop but do not penetrate through the outer pigmented layer
• absent in the adult
endocrine/exocrine glands
• glands located between the eyeball and the orbit are hypertrophied
• glands located between the eyeball and the orbit are hypertrophied
• G1 is prolonged in E12 retina anlange