• coat color is lighter than in the original pink eye mutants
• same as for p, pink-eyed dilution: yellow on agouti background
• diluted eye color appears pink
• eye pigment is reduced to approximately the same color as in the original pink eye mutants
• homozygotes are described as active, nervous and a little uncoordinated
abnormal gait
• jerky, hesitant movement
• diluted eye color appears pink
• eye pigment is reduced to approximately the same color as in the original pink eye mutants
reproductive system
small testis
• testes are less than half the normal size
• fewer sperm tails are counted in the lumina of the spermatic tubules indicative of a reduced number of spermatogonia and sperm
• a small number of multinucleated giant rounded spermatids can be found in the germinal epithelium
• although maturing follicles are found histologically in ovaries, there is a decrease in the number of corpora lutea
• sertoli cells and spermatogonia are found histologically in testes but no normal mature sperm
• electron microscopy reveals that acrosome development is frequently abnormal, the proacrosome is sometimes duplicated, the proacrosomal vesicle and underlying nuclear membrane are sometimes flattened or irregular in shape and vesicular inclusions can be seen in developing acrosomes
• many spermatids have two or more nuclei and maturing sperm have abnormalities of the head including giant sperm with multiple tails
endocrine/exocrine glands
small testis
• testes are less than half the normal size
• homozygotes are smaller at birth and most weigh less as adults than their littermate controls
N |
• no malocclusion or dental defects are found
• coat color is lighter than in the original pink eye mutants
• same as for p, pink-eyed dilution: yellow on agouti background
• electron microscopy reveals that acrosome development is frequently abnormal, the proacrosome is sometimes duplicated, the proacrosomal vesicle and underlying nuclear membrane are sometimes flattened or irregular in shape and vesicular inclusions can be seen in developing acrosomes
• many spermatids have two or more nuclei and maturing sperm have abnormalities of the head including giant sperm with multiple tails
• fewer sperm tails are counted in the lumina of the spermatic tubules indicative of a reduced number of spermatogonia and sperm
• a small number of multinucleated giant rounded spermatids can be found in the germinal epithelium
• although maturing follicles are found histologically in ovaries, there is a decrease in the number of corpora lutea