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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
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normoblastic anemia
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Ank1nb/Ank1nb either: (involves: non-inbred stock) or (involves: C57BL/6) or (involves: WB/Re) MGI:2449181
Ank1nb/Ank1nb involves: C57BL/6J * WB/Re MGI:3766445
Ank1nb/Ank1nb (WB.Cg-Ank1nb/BrkJ x B6.Cg-Ank1nb/BrkJ)F1 MGI:4819820
Ank1nb/Ank1+ involves: C57BL/6J * WB/Re MGI:3767057

either: (involves: non-inbred stock) or (involves: C57BL/6) or (involves: WB/Re)
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Mouse lines carrying:
Ank1nb mutation (2 available); any Ank1 mutation (106 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• bright orange skin color at birth, fading with age

• after 6 months of age
• awkward, unbalanced gait develops after 6 months of age

cardiovascular system

• becoming 8-10% of body weight

hematopoietic system
• the thymus is still present at 6 months of age
• becoming 8-10% of body weight
• normocytic hypochromic anemia

immune system
• the thymus is still present at 6 months of age
• becoming 8-10% of body weight

liver/biliary system
• appear in 57% of homozygotes after 6 months of age
• twice as frequent in females as in males
• jaundice at birth but no longer obvious as adults although obvious discoloration of urine, serum, and intestines persists

reproductive system

• bone marrow hyperplasia

nervous system
• 50% cell loss after 6 months of age

• although iron is quickly removed from the serum into erythrocytes, it does so to a lesser extent than normal and only 1/3 of the amount of iron normally seen in the femur is found there in 3 hours post iron incorporation

• bright orange skin color at birth, fading with age

endocrine/exocrine glands
• the thymus is still present at 6 months of age

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
hereditary spherocytosis type 1 DOID:0110916 OMIM:182900

involves: C57BL/6J * WB/Re
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Mouse lines carrying:
Ank1nb mutation (2 available); any Ank1 mutation (106 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• severe microcytic anemia is found in adults, but homozygotes are not anemic until soon after birth
• mutants accumulate only 50% of the normal amount of spectrin in their erythrocyte membrane skeleton, however normal levels of alpha spectrin synthesis and mRNA activity are seen (J:7501)
• red cell ghosts and membrane skeletons are smaller and more spherical than normal, although intact Triton shells can be obtained and resemble red cell ghosts in size and shape (J:42526)
• the spectrin content of red blood cell membranes is approximately half of normal, the amount of SLC4A1 that is associated with the membrane skeleton is much less than normal, more of it is in the dimeric rather than tetrameric form, and it has a greater fractional mobility (J:42526)
• electron micrographs of spread membrane skeletons from red blood cells show fewer than normal ankyrin-containing globular structures but normal skeletons and Triton shells have normal mechanical stability (J:42526)
• rotary shadowing shows increased heterogeneity of intramembrane particles in red blood cell membranes (J:42526)
• scanning electron microscopy shows exovesiculation, stomatocytes, and cells resembling acanthocytes also with an overall reduction in size of erythrocytes (J:111131)
• Percoll-stractan gradients show that the red cells are varied in both size and density (J:111131)
• within 24 hours of birth red blood cell counts are lower than normal and continue to decrease during the early neonatal period
• red blood cell protoporphyrin levels are about 10 times higher than in controls
• total reticulocyte count is increased at embryonic day 18, considerably increased at 1 day of age and then decreases toward normal levels but remains elevated (J:3122)
• erythrocyte intracellular sodium levels are three times higher than normal, erythrocyte intracellular potassium levels are lower than normal, and ouabain induced cation flux rates in erythrocytes are approximately three times higher than normal

• red blood cell protoporphyrin levels are about 10 times higher than in controls
• embryonic and neonatal assessment shows iron deposits in the liver but not spleen or kidney, and at embryonic day 16 hemosiderin is found in small amounds in the liver, this is increased by embryonic day 18, and is increased dramatically after birth
• adult homozygotes have extensive dposition of hemosiderin in liver macrophages and kidney proximal convoluted tubules

immune system
• homozygotes are resistant to the malarial parasites, Plasmodium chabaudi adami and Plasmodium berghei and do not develop parasitemia

liver/biliary system

renal/urinary system

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
malaria DOID:12365 J:111131

(WB.Cg-Ank1nb/BrkJ x B6.Cg-Ank1nb/BrkJ)F1
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Mouse lines carrying:
Ank1nb mutation (2 available); any Ank1 mutation (106 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• approximately 11% die before weaning

reproductive system

cardiovascular system


hematopoietic system
• cell surface expression of phosphatidylserine is higher than in wild-type controls, with 7.4% of erythrocytes straining positive for phosphatidylserine versus 1.6% in wild-type controls
• slightly more than half the normal number
• mean hematocrit is reduced to 24.7% from 50.4% in wild-type controls
• mean hemoglobin is decreased to 6.03 g/dL compared with 15.64 g/dL in wild-type controls
• approximately 6 times normal levels
• the percentage of erythroid cells that are microcytes is much larger than in wild-type controls
• mean percent of reticulocytes is substantially increased from 3.16% in wild-type controls to 59.6%
• sodium content of erythrocytes is elevated to 48 mEq/l from 12.4 mEq/l in wild-type controls, and the membrane cholesterol and phospholipid content is reduced
• average erythrocyte lifespan is approximately half a day
• increased sensitivity to osmotic lysis

• 22% of homozygous adults display cardiac thrombi

immune system

liver/biliary system
• although not jaundiced at birth, homozygotes develop severe jaundice within hours of being born

involves: C57BL/6J * WB/Re
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ank1nb mutation (2 available); any Ank1 mutation (106 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• occasional deformed erythrocytes are found in heterozygotes
• red blood cells show a higher concentration of protoporphyrin than in wild-type

• red blood cells show a higher concentration of protoporphyrin than in wild-type

immune system
• lower peak parasitaemia when infected with Plasmodium chabaudi, but normal lethal infection level occurs when infected with P. berghei

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory