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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
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Summary 9 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Csf1op/Csf1op B6;C3Fe a/a-Csf1op/J MGI:4418684
Csf1op/Csf1op B6C3Fe a/a-Csf1op/J MGI:3610379
Csf1op/Csf1op C57BL/6J-Csf1op MGI:3609667
Csf1op/Csf1op involves: C3HeB/FeJ * C57BL/6J MGI:3610499
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C3HeB/Fe * C57BL/6 MGI:3836254
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:2652709
involves: 129S4/SvJae * BALB/cJ * C57BL/6J MGI:3699098
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:3576604
involves: C3HeB/Fe * C57BL/6J * CE/J MGI:5003115

B6;C3Fe a/a-Csf1op/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• to the bronchoalveolar lavage of bleomycin-treated mice compared with similarly treated wild-type mice
• numbers are significantly decreased in atral follicles (J:30863)
• numbers were enhanced by treatment with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (J:30863)
• in the bronchoalveolar lavage of bleomycin-treated mice compared with similarly treated wild-type mice (J:147697)
• decrease in numbers of microglia in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord compared to wild-type mice

• mice are protected from bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis with fewer recruited alveolar macrophages in the bronchoalveolar lavage compared with similarly treated wild-type mice

hematopoietic system
• to the bronchoalveolar lavage of bleomycin-treated mice compared with similarly treated wild-type mice
• numbers are significantly decreased in atral follicles (J:30863)
• numbers were enhanced by treatment with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (J:30863)
• in the bronchoalveolar lavage of bleomycin-treated mice compared with similarly treated wild-type mice (J:147697)
• decrease in numbers of microglia in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord compared to wild-type mice

nervous system
• decrease in numbers of microglia in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord compared to wild-type mice
• neurons explanted from embryonic day 17 cortex and cultured for 1 to 2 days have fewer processes and at 4 and 8 days of culture have decreased complexity of neurites compared with controls

• latencies are prolonged and amplitudes reduced with an absolute delay in the wave I latency, prolongation of the wave I-V interval, and loss of amlitude and integrity of the later components; subcutaneous administration of CSF1 daily for 10 weeks beginning at 2 days of age ameliorates this phenotype toward normal values

• surface visual evoked potentials are dramatically reduced or absent
• intracortical visual evoked potential readings show total intracortical current to be significantly reduced, both in the initial excitation and subsequent inhibition, with deficits found in both transmembrane current flow and multiple unit activity, although the onset latencies of current flow are normal; subcutaneous administration of CSF1 daily for 10 weeks beginning at 2 days of age ameliorates this phenotype toward normal values
• supragranular laminae and thalamorecipient layers both show abnormal processing
• administration of the GABA A antagonist bicuculline results not only in changes in neural firing in the supragranular laminae, as is the case in wild-type controls, but also results in diffusely elevated unit firing in several laminae in homozygotes indicating abnormal intracortical circuitry

endocrine/exocrine glands
• the numbers of cells in the atral follicles are significantly reduced but differentiation increases after treatment with macrophage colony-stimulating factor
• there are fewer mature follicles in the proestrus ovary compared with controls
• fewer antral follicles develop compared with controls

reproductive system
• the numbers of cells in the atral follicles are significantly reduced but differentiation increases after treatment with macrophage colony-stimulating factor
• there are fewer mature follicles in the proestrus ovary compared with controls
• fewer antral follicles develop compared with controls
• total number of oocytes ovulated is less than expected
• the number of eggs ovulated at each cycle varies significantly

• mutants do not exhibit any neurological signs

• growth of mutants is slower than wild-type mice

• the numbers of cells in the atral follicles are significantly reduced but differentiation increases after treatment with macrophage colony-stimulating factor
• to the bronchoalveolar lavage of bleomycin-treated mice compared with similarly treated wild-type mice

B6C3Fe a/a-Csf1op/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Sagittal sections of Csf1op/Csf1+ and Csf1op/Csf1op mammary glands

• reduced numbers of homozygotes survive to weaning

• severely atrophied white and intermediate muscle fibers are observed in the superficial region of the masseter muscle
• the progression and extent of atrophy differed among regions of the muscle
• the decrease in diameter of muscle fibers was larger than found in mice fed a granulated diet
• the decrease in sensory input due to underdevelopment of periodontal ligaments in the absence of teeth likely results in atrophy of the masseter muscle
• low body weight (J:73663)
• slower growth rate

immune system
• 30% fewer Kupffer cells than normal littermates
• irregular distribution of Kupffer cells in liver lobules
• Kupffer cells possess phagocytized blood cells, poorly developed organelles and microvilli projections
• reduced numbers of perivascular macrophages (as identified by F4/80 staining) are found in parietal cortex
• consists mostly of thymic epithelial cells
• atrophic with numerous macrophages
• decreased numbers of macrophages in liver, spleen, bone marrow, kidney, subcutaneous tissue, uterus and ovary (J:26978)
• macrophages exhibit intracytoplasmic organelles in splenic, thymic and bone marrow (J:26978)
• macrophage organelles and microvillous projections are poorly developed (J:26978)
• decreased numbers in spleen and marrow (J:104139)
• TRAP+ cells (osteoclasts) were present in low numbers in the bony trabecula regions compared to controls
• almost complete absence of monocytes in peripheral blood
• bone chimera experiments suggest hematopoietic precursors to Langerhans cells have reduced capability to differentiate into Langerhan cells when skin is inflammed
• absence of Langerhans cells in newborns but numbers recover in adults
• reduced numbers of microglial cells in frontal cortex, parietal cortex and corpus callosum
• microglial cells in frontal cortex have smaller cell bodies and shorter cytoplasmic processes
• reduced size and number of multinuclear osteoclasts
• daily injection of exogenous M-CSF recruits functional osteoclasts (J:4732)
• minimally a single injection of 5 micrograms rhM-CSF is needed for transient recruitment of osteoclasts (J:4732)
• linked to impaired remodeling of bone and no marrow cavity formation in long bones (J:19549)
• extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis
• increased concentration of CFU-S cells, however , size and differentiation pattern of spleen colonies is normal
• spleen mostly composed of fibroblastoid cells
• reduced number of macrophages
• mutants have prolonged hemopoiesis
• Langerhan cell numbers are slow to recover after UV irradiation
• two weeks after UV irradiation, numbers are 25% compared to unirradiated mutant mice while at the same timepoint irradiated wild-type LC numbers are close to 100% of control

• parietal bone grows only through the trabecular bone formation with no subperiosteal bone lamellae forming as in normal mice
• flat bone grows without resorption while keeping the normal primary curvature resulting in a more globular skull
• reduced size and number of multinuclear osteoclasts
• daily injection of exogenous M-CSF recruits functional osteoclasts (J:4732)
• minimally a single injection of 5 micrograms rhM-CSF is needed for transient recruitment of osteoclasts (J:4732)
• linked to impaired remodeling of bone and no marrow cavity formation in long bones (J:19549)
• TRAP+ cells (osteoclasts) were present in low numbers in the bony trabecula regions compared to controls
• distal end is wide, diaphysis does not have a well defined cortex
• proximal end is wide, diaphysis does not have a well defined cortex
• heavily infiltrated with bone trabeculae
• at postnatal Day 7 femoral marrow cellularity and progenitor cell content was significantly reduced (J:19549)
• reduced numbers of hematopoietic cells (J:26978)
• femoral bone marrow cellularity is reduced early but recovers to control levels by 8 months of age (J:73663)
• excessive amount of bone trabeculae (J:26978)
• higher amounts of bony trabeculae (J:73663)
• in long bones, therefore no marrow cavity formation

reproductive system
• percentage of dead sperm is two times higher than controls
• epididymal sperm count 60% lower than control
• lobulo-alveolar development is premature and occupies 56% of mammary gland by day 18 of pregnancy
• as a percentage of body weight, testicular tissue is increased over controls
• endometrium is hypoplastic
• myometrium is hypoplastic
• poor development of glandular epithelia
• males take 5 times longer to mate than controls
• males mate on the first night, but not on subsequent nights in timed mating experiments

nervous system
• reduced numbers of microglial cells in frontal cortex, parietal cortex and corpus callosum
• microglial cells in frontal cortex have smaller cell bodies and shorter cytoplasmic processes
• 100 to 200 fibrillar plaques observed in cerebral cortex
• 20 to 60 plaques observed in amygdala and hypothalamus
• small number of plaques observed in hippocampus
• hippocampal neuron loss in CA1 and CA3 regions

hematopoietic system
• 30% fewer Kupffer cells than normal littermates
• irregular distribution of Kupffer cells in liver lobules
• Kupffer cells possess phagocytized blood cells, poorly developed organelles and microvilli projections
• reduced numbers of perivascular macrophages (as identified by F4/80 staining) are found in parietal cortex
• consists mostly of thymic epithelial cells
• atrophic with numerous macrophages
• observed in splenic red pulp
• number of cells 10 fold less than controls
• marrow mostly composed of fibroblastoid cells
• reduced numbers of CFU-S cells
• decreased numbers of macrophages in liver, spleen, bone marrow, kidney, subcutaneous tissue, uterus and ovary (J:26978)
• macrophages exhibit intracytoplasmic organelles in splenic, thymic and bone marrow (J:26978)
• macrophage organelles and microvillous projections are poorly developed (J:26978)
• decreased numbers in spleen and marrow (J:104139)
• TRAP+ cells (osteoclasts) were present in low numbers in the bony trabecula regions compared to controls
• almost complete absence of monocytes in peripheral blood
• bone chimera experiments suggest hematopoietic precursors to Langerhans cells have reduced capability to differentiate into Langerhan cells when skin is inflammed
• absence of Langerhans cells in newborns but numbers recover in adults
• reduced numbers of microglial cells in frontal cortex, parietal cortex and corpus callosum
• microglial cells in frontal cortex have smaller cell bodies and shorter cytoplasmic processes
• reduced size and number of multinuclear osteoclasts
• daily injection of exogenous M-CSF recruits functional osteoclasts (J:4732)
• minimally a single injection of 5 micrograms rhM-CSF is needed for transient recruitment of osteoclasts (J:4732)
• linked to impaired remodeling of bone and no marrow cavity formation in long bones (J:19549)
• extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis
• increased concentration of CFU-S cells, however , size and differentiation pattern of spleen colonies is normal
• spleen mostly composed of fibroblastoid cells
• reduced number of macrophages
• mutants have prolonged hemopoiesis

liver/biliary system
• 30% fewer Kupffer cells than normal littermates
• irregular distribution of Kupffer cells in liver lobules
• Kupffer cells possess phagocytized blood cells, poorly developed organelles and microvilli projections

• distal end is wide, diaphysis does not have a well defined cortex
• proximal end is wide, diaphysis does not have a well defined cortex

endocrine/exocrine glands
• consists mostly of thymic epithelial cells
• atrophic with numerous macrophages
• postpartum females exhibit incompletely differentiated mammary gland tissue with a nonsecretory phenotype
• alveolar cells are cuboidal, contain large lipid vesicles and the lumen is small or unformed
• ductal structures are poorly developed with incomplete arborization
• lobulo-alveolar development is premature and occupies 56% of mammary gland by day 18 of pregnancy
• alveolar cells are cuboidal, contain large lipid vesicles and the lumen is small or unformed
• as a percentage of body weight, testicular tissue is increased over controls
• only 10% of females can lactate, however, lactation in this subset is inefficient

• 100 to 200 fibrillar plaques observed in cerebral cortex
• 20 to 60 plaques observed in amygdala and hypothalamus
• small number of plaques observed in hippocampus

• delayed and diminished response to brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP)
• poorly formed or absent response to surface visual evoked potential (VEP)

cardiovascular system
• 30% fewer Kupffer cells than normal littermates
• irregular distribution of Kupffer cells in liver lobules
• Kupffer cells possess phagocytized blood cells, poorly developed organelles and microvilli projections
• reduced numbers of perivascular macrophages (as identified by F4/80 staining) are found in parietal cortex

• parietal bone grows only through the trabecular bone formation with no subperiosteal bone lamellae forming as in normal mice
• flat bone grows without resorption while keeping the normal primary curvature resulting in a more globular skull
• severely atrophied white and intermediate muscle fibers are observed in the superficial region of the masseter muscle
• the progression and extent of atrophy differed among regions of the muscle
• the decrease in diameter of muscle fibers was larger than found in mice fed a granulated diet
• the decrease in sensory input due to underdevelopment of periodontal ligaments in the absence of teeth likely results in atrophy of the masseter muscle

• severely atrophied white and intermediate muscle fibers are observed in the superficial region of the masseter muscle
• the progression and extent of atrophy differed among regions of the muscle
• the decrease in diameter of muscle fibers was larger than found in mice fed a granulated diet
• the decrease in sensory input due to underdevelopment of periodontal ligaments in the absence of teeth likely results in atrophy of the masseter muscle

• total intracortical transmembrane current significantly reduced as measured by intracortical VEP
• altered neural firing as demonstrated by multiple unit activity (MUA) measurement

• postpartum females exhibit incompletely differentiated mammary gland tissue with a nonsecretory phenotype
• alveolar cells are cuboidal, contain large lipid vesicles and the lumen is small or unformed
• ductal structures are poorly developed with incomplete arborization
• lobulo-alveolar development is premature and occupies 56% of mammary gland by day 18 of pregnancy
• alveolar cells are cuboidal, contain large lipid vesicles and the lumen is small or unformed
• only 10% of females can lactate, however, lactation in this subset is inefficient

• percentage of dead sperm is two times higher than controls
• epididymal sperm count 60% lower than control
• daily injection of exogenous M-CSF recruits functional osteoclasts (J:4732)
• minimally a single injection of 5 micrograms rhM-CSF is needed for transient recruitment of osteoclasts (J:4732)
• linked to impaired remodeling of bone and no marrow cavity formation in long bones (J:19549)

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
osteopetrosis DOID:13533 OMIM:PS259700

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 40% of mice that survive weaning die by 12 months
• hydrocephalus is observed in mice that die at an early age

• increased bone matrix formation to postnatal day 40
• decreased bone matrix formation after day 81
• overall skeleton is smaller than in wild-type
• absence of incisors is observed by 10 days
• homozygous mice are toothless
• observed by 10 days
• large lipoid masses in vascular and extravascular areas of bone
• osteoclasts small and few in number
• abnormal distribution of acid phosphatase activity
• delayed development of bone marrow cavity
• abnormally high numbers of megakaryocytes at 10 months of age
• long bones filled with primary spongiosa
• mice exhibit osteoporosis

immune system
• cells expressing F4/80+ (a marker for macrophages) are almost entirely absent
• osteoclasts small and few in number
• abnormal distribution of acid phosphatase activity
• sinusoids less developed

hematopoietic system
• cells expressing F4/80+ (a marker for macrophages) are almost entirely absent
• osteoclasts small and few in number
• abnormal distribution of acid phosphatase activity
• sinusoids less developed

reproductive system

• absence of incisors is observed by 10 days
• homozygous mice are toothless
• observed by 10 days
• snouts are rounded

• all hind foot digits curve progressively laterally or medially
• change in shape of hind feet during growth, first digit of hindfoot often becomes parallel to the second digit
• frequent development of s-type curves

• absence of incisors is observed by 10 days
• homozygous mice are toothless
• snouts are rounded
• from day 10 weight gain does not match control

endocrine/exocrine glands
• parafollicular cell density in thyroid is significantly increased during first three months

• serum phosphate levels average 30% below control

• increased bone matrix formation to postnatal day 40
• decreased bone matrix formation after day 81

involves: C3HeB/FeJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mutant male mice have a seven-fold lower concentration of circulating testosterone than wild-type mice
• unable to raise serum calcium concentration in response to parathyroid extract (PTE)
• phosphate serum levels are low but calcium levels are normal

• pups drink less of the mother's milk possibly due to being unable to compete with normal littermates
• only 64.4% of superovulated mutant females successfully mated as evidenced by a vaginal plug compared with 88.9% of mated superovulated heterozygous females
• normal mating behavior is restored following treatment with circulating testosterone or CSF-1 throughout the postnatal period

cardiovascular system
• mice on a high fat diet for 15 weeks develop smaller atherosclerosis lesions than do the C57BL/6J controls
• lesions are also less frequent and when present, less advanced with no lesions containing fibrous caps observed

• noticeably absent at 10 days of age
• at weaning mice need to be provided with soft food in order to thrive
• mice have decreased body weight until weaning when they will normalize their weight if fed a liquid diet

hematopoietic system
• exogenous M-CSF enables normal osteoclast differentiation
• at birth the osteoclast population appears normal but quickly decreases to negligible numbers by the time the mouse is 3-4 days of age

immune system
• exogenous M-CSF enables normal osteoclast differentiation
• at birth the osteoclast population appears normal but quickly decreases to negligible numbers by the time the mouse is 3-4 days of age

• exogenous M-CSF enables normal osteoclast differentiation
• noticeably absent at 10 days of age
• at weaning mice need to be provided with soft food in order to thrive
• mutants are recognized at 10 days of age by a characteristic domed head
• at birth the osteoclast population appears normal but quickly decreases to negligible numbers by the time the mouse is 3-4 days of age
• the excessive accumulations of bone lack marrow cavities
• compared with normal littermates, bone matrix formation is significantly elevated before 40 days of age and significantly reduced between 81 days and 10 months of age
• although bone remodeling is reduced, overall decline in rate of bone formation removes excess bone resulting in nearly normal bone

• noticeably absent at 10 days of age
• at weaning mice need to be provided with soft food in order to thrive
• mutants are recognized at 10 days of age by a characteristic domed head

endocrine/exocrine glands
• this cell population is increased in this mutation
• precocious development of the lobulo-alveolar system
• incomplete mammary gland ductal growth occurs during pregnancy
• very few macrophages present in ovaries at all stages of cycle and follicular development
• milk proteins are expressed but parturition does not initiate lactation
• testosterone level in the tesis is lower than normal

reproductive system
• very few macrophages present in ovaries at all stages of cycle and follicular development
• testosterone level in the tesis is lower than normal
• a lower then normal number of viable sperm are detected
• normal numbers of viable sperm are restored after testosterone or CSF-1 treatment throughout the postnatal period
• significantly lower ovulation rate and frequency
• 20% of ovaries fail to undergo ovulation
• the ovulation rate is low for mice that do ovulate
• mice do not display the characteristic surge in circulating estradiol-17 beta expected during proestrus
• females reach estrus every 14 days compared with a normal approximately 5 day cycle
• subcutaneous adninistration of CSF-1 from birth restores a normal estrous cycle
• a lower than normal number of implantations are seen
• only 50% of the mated superovulated mutant females produced fertilized ooctyes compared with 83.3% of the mated superovulated heterozygous females

• precocious development of the lobulo-alveolar system
• incomplete mammary gland ductal growth occurs during pregnancy
• milk proteins are expressed but parturition does not initiate lactation

• exogenous M-CSF enables normal osteoclast differentiation

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C3HeB/Fe * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Apoetm1Unc mutation (33 available); any Apoe mutation (158 available)
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
cardiovascular system
• mice are almost entirely free of fatty lesions in the aortic root compared to the 75% of atherosclerotic lesions in mice homozygote null for just the Apoe gene

• total cholesterol levels are extremely high with a mean of 1056 mg/dl compared to 112 mg/dl for controls or 379 mg/dl mice for Apoe null mice

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
Csf2tm1Ard mutation (3 available); any Csf2 mutation (35 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• median survival is 71 days due to pneumonia


immune system
• elevated neutrophil levels in mice 138-170 days of age
• lymphopenia, but to a similar level as single Csf1op mice
• perivascular lymphoid infiltrate in lungs
• lungs of older mutants contain large numbers of alveolar macrophages
• acute broncho- or lobar-pneumonia
• acute multifocal bronchopneumonia contains many neutrophils in the inflammatory exudate

respiratory system
• perivascular lymphoid infiltrate in lungs
• lungs of older mutants contain large numbers of alveolar macrophages
• acute broncho- or lobar-pneumonia
• acute multifocal bronchopneumonia contains many neutrophils in the inflammatory exudate
• presence of granular, eosinophilic material within lung alveoli that accumulates with age
• aggregates of fibrillary material and numerous type-C lamellar bodies within alveoli
• marked accumulation of lipo-proteinaceous alveolar material

• hypoplasia of femoral bone marrow, although marrow cellularity does increase in older mice

hematopoietic system
• active extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen
• elevated neutrophil levels in mice 138-170 days of age
• lymphopenia, but to a similar level as single Csf1op mice

• marked accumulation of lipo-proteinaceous alveolar material


involves: 129S4/SvJae * BALB/cJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
Sh3bp2tm1Bjro mutation (0 available); any Sh3bp2 mutation (35 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the cortical bone resorption seen in mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone is practically eliminated

immune system
• serum levels of TNF are elevated similar to what is seen in mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone
• increase in macrophage numbers in the lymph nodes similar to what is seen in mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone
• inflammation is still present but the severity is greatly reduced compared to mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone
• however, inflammation of the stomach mucosa seen in mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone is practically eliminated

liver/biliary system
• inflammation is still present but the severity is greatly reduced compared to mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone
• however, inflammation of the stomach mucosa seen in mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone is practically eliminated

• serum levels of TNF are elevated similar to what is seen in mice homozygous for the Sh3bp2 allele alone

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
Mpztm1Msch mutation (0 available); any Mpz mutation (28 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• although demyelination still occurs it is much reduced in the absence of a wild-type Csf1 allele
• myelin sheaths are thicker than in the absence of a wild-type Csf1 allele

immune system
• macrophage infiltration of motor nerves does not occur

involves: C3HeB/Fe * C57BL/6J * CE/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Csf1op mutation (1 available); any Csf1 mutation (48 available)
Galctwi mutation (1 available); any Galc mutation (46 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mutants have a shorter lifespan than single homozygous Galctwi mice, with a more exacerbated neurological phenotype

• mutants develop fine twitching in the neck around P18, 2-3 days earlier than Galctwi mice, and shortly after develop a coarse tremor that gradually spreads from the neck to the trunk
• moribund mice are paralyzed in the hindlimbs


• smaller than either single mutant
• mutants start to lose weight between P29 and P33

immune system
• macrophage infiltration in the CNS white matter observed in Galctwi mice is almost completely blocked: although degenerated myelin is observed in the white matter parenchyma, PAS stain is rarely seen, indicating that PAS+ macrophages, or globoid cells are not observed in demyelinated lesions and that there is an absence of myelin phagocytosis by macrophages

nervous system
• white matter exhibits similar reactive astrocytosis as single Galctwi mice, however double mutants have a smaller oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) population
• levels of psychosine are increased in the forebrain compared to wild-type mice, however levels are lower than in single Galctwi mice, indicating that levels of psychosine do not correlate with the severity of disease
• mutants have lower levels of free sphingosine compared to wild-type mice, and levels are lower in double mutants than in single Galctwi mice
• oligodendrocyte progenitor cells become hypertrophic and have short and stout processes instead of well branched fine processes as in wild-type mice
• mutants exhibit fewer oligodendrocytes than wild-type or single Galctwi mice
• recruitment of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in response to demyelination is compromised
• mutants exhibit a more severe demyelinating pathology than single homozygous Galctwi mice due to inhibition of remyelination and a delay in myelin development, rather than enhanced demyelination
• myelin degeneration is seen in the white matter, with significantly more nonmyelinated axons at P45 in mutants than single Galctwi mice and a preferential loss of myelin in large diameter axons
• sciatic nerves are severely demyelinated
• however, development (wrapping) of myelin from P15 to P30 is not affected


• white matter exhibits similar reactive astrocytosis as single Galctwi mice, however double mutants have a smaller oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) population
• macrophage infiltration in the CNS white matter observed in Galctwi mice is almost completely blocked: although degenerated myelin is observed in the white matter parenchyma, PAS stain is rarely seen, indicating that PAS+ macrophages, or globoid cells are not observed in demyelinated lesions and that there is an absence of myelin phagocytosis by macrophages

hematopoietic system
• macrophage infiltration in the CNS white matter observed in Galctwi mice is almost completely blocked: although degenerated myelin is observed in the white matter parenchyma, PAS stain is rarely seen, indicating that PAS+ macrophages, or globoid cells are not observed in demyelinated lesions and that there is an absence of myelin phagocytosis by macrophages

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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