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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
Allele Name
Allele ID
Summary 86 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Faslpr/Faslpr AK.MRL-Faslpr MGI:3799204
Faslpr/Faslpr B6.Cg-Apoetm1Unc Faslpr MGI:3800214
Faslpr/Faslpr B6.MRL-Faslpr MGI:3798887
Faslpr/Faslpr B6.MRL-Faslpr/J MGI:3707398
Faslpr/Faslpr C3.MRL-Faslpr MGI:3799268
Faslpr/Faslpr C3.MRL-Faslpr/J MGI:3796615
Faslpr/Faslpr involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * MRL MGI:4944221
Faslpr/Faslpr involves: C3H * MRL/Mp MGI:3694733
Faslpr/Faslpr involves: C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:4361837
Faslpr/Faslpr involves: MRL/Mp MGI:3851804
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL.Cg-Irf1tm1Mak Faslpr MGI:3769145
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL.Cg-Tnfrsf9tm1Byk Faslpr MGI:3800241
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL-Faslpr MGI:3761609
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL/Mp-Agtpbp1atms Faslpr MGI:3613077
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL/Mp-Faslpr MGI:2450135
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL/MpJ-Faslpr MGI:3799686
Faslpr/Faslpr MRL/MpJ-Faslpr/J MGI:3639605
Faslpr/Faslpr NOD.MRL(B6)-Faslpr MGI:3622771
Faslpr/Faslpr NOD.MRL-Faslpr MGI:3663022
Faslpr/Fastm1.1Cgn involves: C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3690618
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:6694199
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2 * MRL MGI:3690553
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3690552
involves: C57BL/6 * DBA/2 * MRL MGI:3690551
B6.Cg-Apoetm1Unc Faslpr MGI:3800213
B6.Cg-Bcl2l11tm1.1Ast Faslpr MGI:3800656
B6.Cg-Havcr1tm1Kuch Faslpr MGI:5437713
B6.Cg-Il2ratm1Dw Faslpr Tg(CD2-Ccdc86)1Hfuj MGI:4356291
B6.Cg-Tlr9tm1Aki Faslpr MGI:3799744
EOD-Dsg4hage MGI:3812133
involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:5006703
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL MGI:4947940
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL MGI:4947942
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL MGI:4947943
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL MGI:4947941
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL MGI:4947944
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J * MRL/Mp MGI:4839051
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3800140
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * MRL MGI:4944220
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:5478501
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:3767451
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * MRL/MpJ MGI:3640320
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3800669
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3800668
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3800670
involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J * MRL/Mp MGI:5552962
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:4361838
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * DBA/1 * MRL/Mp MGI:4839049
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * MRL MGI:4837859
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6 MGI:3053737
involves: 129/SvHsd * 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3799535
involves: 129/SvHsd * 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3799536
involves: 129/SvHsd * 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL MGI:3799534
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6JJmsSlc * MRL/Mp MGI:5563354
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6JJmsSlc * MRL/Mp MGI:5563353
involves: C57BL/6 * CBA * MRL/MpJ MGI:3662636
involves: C57BL/6J * C57BL/6JJmsSlc * MRL/Mp MGI:5563351
involves: C57BL/6J * MRL/Mp MGI:5689998
involves: C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp MGI:5292731
MRL.Cg-Apoetm1Unc Faslpr MGI:3799494
MRL.Cg-Ccr2tm1Blck Faslpr MGI:3665495
MRL.Cg-Cd180tm1Kmiy Faslpr MGI:3799683
MRL.Cg-Ebi3tm1Nkma Faslpr MGI:5312683
MRL.Cg-Faslpr Igh-Jtm2(3H9-VDJ*)Mwg MGI:3809239
MRL.Cg-Faslpr Tg(CD2-Foxj1)#Stlp MGI:3800459
MRL.Cg-Fcer1gtm1Tks Faslpr MGI:4360203
MRL.Cg-Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr MGI:4838774
MRL.Cg-Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr MGI:4838777
MRL.Cg-Ifngr1tm1Agt Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr MGI:4838775
MRL.Cg-Ifngtm1Ts Faslpr MGI:3801419
MRL.Cg-Ifngtm1Ts Faslpr MGI:3801418
MRL.Cg-Il27ratm1Mak Faslpr MGI:4943704
MRL.Cg-Il4tm1Cgn Faslpr MGI:3799736
MRL.Cg-Irf1tm1Mak Faslpr MGI:3769143
MRL.Cg-Irf1tm1Mak Faslpr MGI:3769144
MRL.Cg-Selplgtm1Fur Faslpr MGI:3800806
MRL.Cg-Selptm1Bay Faslpr MGI:3799723
MRL.Cg-Tcratm1Mjo Faslpr MGI:4944218
MRL.Cg-Tlr9tm1Aki Faslpr MGI:5478500
MRL.Cg-Tnfrsf13cBcmd1 Faslpr MGI:3800181
MRL.Cg-Tnfrsf9tm1Byk Faslpr MGI:3800222
MRL/Mp-Agtpbp1atms Faslpr MGI:3613073
MRL/Mp-Agtpbp1atms Faslpr MGI:3613075
MRL/Mp-Faslpr Sh2d1arpl MGI:3761613
NOD.Cg-Faslpr Tg(Ins2-Fasl)24Ach MGI:3663021
NOD.Cg-Faslpr Tg(INS-Il10)#Sar MGI:3622770

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage
• IgG and IgM levels are modestly increased in serum at 6 months
• nodes are 6 times normal size
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive necrosis
• increase in thymocytotoxic autoantibodies at 6 months is seen
• mice have significantly increased levels of anti-ssDNA antibodies
• antibodies are increased relative to controls
• Background Sensitivity: immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 1 year of age but is much milder than in MRL homozygotes

renal/urinary system
• nephritic changes consist of focal increase in mesangial substance and mild mesangial proliferation
• mild mesangial proliferation
• Background Sensitivity: immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 1 year of age but is much milder than in MRL homozygotes
• focal increase in mesangial substance

hematopoietic system
• IgG and IgM levels are modestly increased in serum at 6 months

cardiovascular system
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage

• mild mesangial proliferation

B6.Cg-Apoetm1Unc Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
cardiovascular system
• at 5 months, mice show no atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta when on a normal chow diet or after 5 weeks of a high-fat diet

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• median survival is 284 days, compared to 795 days for controls (J:6638)
• 50% mortality is observed at 13.5 months with 90% mortality at 16 months, significantly reduced from wild-type (J:7454)
• 64% survival at 24 weeks (J:135036)

immune system
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage
• IgG and IgM levels are increased in serum at 6 months
• by 4 months of age, lymph nodes are increased 10- to 20-fold (J:6638)
• nodes are 13 times normal size (J:7454)
• generalized lymphadenopathy (J:135036)
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive necrosis
• defect in Il2 activity begins during early life and worsens with age; spleen cells show no stimulated Il2 production upon stimulation with concanavalin A
• increase in thymocytotoxic autoantibodies at 6 months is seen (J:7454)
• mice have elevated levels of anti-chromatin antibodies compared to double mutants (J:135036)
• anti-nuclear antibodies are present at 6 months of age (J:6638)
• mice have elevated levels of anti-chromatin (anti-nucleosome) antibodies compared to double mutants (J:135036)
• antibodies are increased relative to controls
• Background Sensitivity: immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 1 year of age but is much milder than in MRL homozygotes (J:7454)
• interstitial lymphoid infiltration is observed at 6 months; glomerular IgG deposits that are exclusively mesangial are observed (J:135036)

renal/urinary system
• nephritic changes consist of focal increase in mesangial substance and mild mesangial proliferation
• mild mesangial proliferation
• Background Sensitivity: immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 1 year of age but is much milder than in MRL homozygotes (J:7454)
• interstitial lymphoid infiltration is observed at 6 months; glomerular IgG deposits that are exclusively mesangial are observed (J:135036)
• focal increase in mesangial substance

hematopoietic system
• IgG and IgM levels are increased in serum at 6 months

cardiovascular system
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage

• mild mesangial proliferation


Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• after bile duct ligation (BDL), Peyer's patch B cells do not display evidence of apoptosis
• plasmablast numbers in spleen are increased relative to wild-type
• higher numbers of T2 B cells in spleen relative to wild-type
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• T1:follicular B cell ratio is higher than wild-type or Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• total number of CD19+ splenocytes is higher than wild-type
• total number of splenocytes is increased relative to wild-type
• continuous treatment with recombinant murine IL12 results in sustained recruitment of NK cells to the liver
• mice develop less severe lymphadenopathy at later ages than the double mutant Igh-6/Fas mice
• total number of cells per lymph node is increased compared to wild-type
• total anti-IgM antibody levels are increased compared to wild-type
• anti-nuclear antibodies are increased compared to wild-type
• anti-ssDNA IgM and IgG antibodies are increased compared to wild-type
• increased compared to wild-type
• anti-ssDNA IgM and IgG antibodies are increased compared to wild-type
• by 7 days after TMEV infection, inflammation is present, decreasing slightly by 21 days, but widespread tissue damage is present, similar to controls (B6)
• tissue damage is less frequent at 45 days than in Prf-null mice
• mice infected with 500 CFU of S. aureus have drastically elevated number of S. aureus CFU compared to similarly-infected wild-type mice, but lower counts than infected Faslgld mice
• inflammation and tissue damage in the brain are slightly greater than in control, resistant mice at 45 and 180 days

hematopoietic system
• after bile duct ligation (BDL), Peyer's patch B cells do not display evidence of apoptosis
• plasmablast numbers in spleen are increased relative to wild-type
• higher numbers of T2 B cells in spleen relative to wild-type
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• T1:follicular B cell ratio is higher than wild-type or Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• total number of CD19+ splenocytes is higher than wild-type
• total number of splenocytes is increased relative to wild-type
• continuous treatment with recombinant murine IL12 results in sustained recruitment of NK cells to the liver

renal/urinary system
• higher numbers of apoptotic cells are detected in glomeruli compared to wild-type
• number of macrophages surrounding glomeruli is increased compared to wild-type which have no macrophage index
• IgG deposits mainly localized to glomerular basement membrane are increased relative to wild-type

liver/biliary system
• confluent foci of feathery hepatocyte degeneration due to bile acid cytotoxicity are significantly reduced compared to controls hours after BDL
• necroinflammatory foci after BDL are reduced in number compared to controls
• when mice are recipients of wild-type hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-specific Th1 cells after treatment with HBsAg, severe liver injury is induced to similar extent as in wild-type mice (J:120559)
• treatment with Prf1-deficient HBsAg-specific Th1 cells and HBsAg induces liver injury as severe as that induced by wild-type HBsAg-specific Th1 cells (J:120559)
• after BDL, necroinflammatory foci and lymphocytic infiltration are obviously less than in controls (J:135830)
• hepatocyte cell death is reduced compared to controls after BDL

nervous system
• by 7 days after TMEV infection, inflammation is present, decreasing slightly by 21 days, but widespread tissue damage is present, similar to controls (B6)
• tissue damage is less frequent at 45 days than in Prf-null mice
• by 7 days after TMEV infection, inflammation is present in the meninges and gray matter of spinal cord, but decreases by 21 days, although not as much as in controls (B6)

• after bile duct ligation (BDL), Peyer's patch B cells do not display evidence of apoptosis
• higher numbers of apoptotic cells are detected in glomeruli compared to wild-type
• hepatocyte cell death is reduced compared to controls after BDL

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• stimulation with concanavalin A does not induce cells to produce Il2

immune system
• at 2 months, glandular inflammation is neglible; at 5 months, nearly all mice exhibit lacrimal gland inflammation covering a larger area than in mutants at 2 months or controls at 5 months
• inflammation correlates with age, immune complex level and spleen weight; antinuclear antibody level correlation is greater than probability cutoff; controls do not show correlations with these factors and gland inflammation
• inflammatory infiltrates consist of mononuclear cells and occurs in a periductal or perivascular pattern
• scattered lobular atrophy with loss of secretory elements is seen in glands with multifocal infiltrates
• lymph node cells (T cell origin) are abnormal; cells are Ly-2-/L3T4-/surface Ig-
• cells do not generate CTL in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• cells do not proliferate in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• stimulation with concanavalin A does not induce cells to produce Il2

endocrine/exocrine glands
• submandibular gland inflammation is observed in most mice at 5 months, but differences compared to wild-type are not significant
• no parotid gland inflammation is observed and only 1 animal showed sublingual gland inflammation at 5 months
• in inflamed lacrimal glands, lobular boundaries are preserved with preservation of interlobular septae; lobular atrophy occurs with preservation of ductal epithelium; widely dilated ducts indicate that ductal obstruction is not observed
• scattered lobular atrophy with loss of secretory elements is seen in glands with multifocal infiltrates
• at 2 months, glandular inflammation is neglible; at 5 months, nearly all mice exhibit lacrimal gland inflammation covering a larger area than in mutants at 2 months or controls at 5 months
• inflammation correlates with age, immune complex level and spleen weight; antinuclear antibody level correlation is greater than probability cutoff; controls do not show correlations with these factors and gland inflammation
• inflammatory infiltrates consist of mononuclear cells and occurs in a periductal or perivascular pattern
• scattered lobular atrophy with loss of secretory elements is seen in glands with multifocal infiltrates

hematopoietic system
• lymph node cells (T cell origin) are abnormal; cells are Ly-2-/L3T4-/surface Ig-
• cells do not generate CTL in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• cells do not proliferate in response to stimulation with alloantigens

• scattered lobular atrophy with loss of secretory elements is seen in glands with multifocal infiltrates
• at 2 months, glandular inflammation is neglible; at 5 months, nearly all mice exhibit lacrimal gland inflammation covering a larger area than in mutants at 2 months or controls at 5 months
• inflammation correlates with age, immune complex level and spleen weight; antinuclear antibody level correlation is greater than probability cutoff; controls do not show correlations with these factors and gland inflammation
• inflammatory infiltrates consist of mononuclear cells and occurs in a periductal or perivascular pattern
• scattered lobular atrophy with loss of secretory elements is seen in glands with multifocal infiltrates

digestive/alimentary system

• unlike wild-type vaginal cells, vaginal cells derived from mutant mice do not undergo apoptosis after treatment with agonistic anti-mouse Fas antibody or mouse recombinant TNF antibody
• neuron viability is comparable to wild-type when grown in absence of Abeta or if treated with KCN which induces necrotic cell death
• very low levels of apoptosis (15%) compared to wild-type (60%) are seen when cortical neurons are treated with Abeta25-35 or Abeta1-40 peptides
• cells do not proliferate in response to stimulation with alloantigens

nervous system
• neuron viability is comparable to wild-type when grown in absence of Abeta or if treated with KCN which induces necrotic cell death
• very low levels of apoptosis (15%) compared to wild-type (60%) are seen when cortical neurons are treated with Abeta25-35 or Abeta1-40 peptides

reproductive system
• at 2 days after estrogen deprivation induced by gonadectomy, mutant females show no vaginal regression (measured by a decrease in vaginal organ weight), indicating no Fas-mediated vaginal cell death, in contrast to wild-type females that show >50% decrease in vaginal organ weight

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Sjogren's syndrome DOID:12894 OMIM:270150

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
cardiovascular system
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage

• when placed under hyperoxic conditions for >5 days, mice do not show increased survival (resistance to hyperoxia) compared to wild-type mice
• 50% mortality is observed at 11.5 months with 90% mortality at 14 months, significantly reduced from wild-type

hematopoietic system
• airway eosinophils are decreased with anti-Il5 teatment compared to contol IgG-teated animals at 96 hours
• (sIg-, Ly-5(B220+) are present at 4 weeks of age in spleen and by 16-20 weeks, represent 80% of cells
• after 10 weeks of age, there is a 2-fold increase in frequency of immunoglobulin-containing and secreting cells in the spleen; this does not occur until abnormal T cells (Ly-5(B220+) cells) are found in the spleen
• IgG and IgM levels are increased in serum at 6 months

immune system
• mice show normal spleen and lymph node cell cytotoxic T cell response to alloantigen
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage
• airway eosinophils are decreased with anti-Il5 teatment compared to contol IgG-teated animals at 96 hours
• (sIg-, Ly-5(B220+) are present at 4 weeks of age in spleen and by 16-20 weeks, represent 80% of cells
• after 10 weeks of age, there is a 2-fold increase in frequency of immunoglobulin-containing and secreting cells in the spleen; this does not occur until abnormal T cells (Ly-5(B220+) cells) are found in the spleen
• IgG and IgM levels are increased in serum at 6 months
• nodes are 29 times normal size
• after 10 weeks of age, there is a 3- to 4-fold increase in numbers of B lymphocytes, and after 6 weeks of age, there is a 4- to 5-fold increase in number of null cells (sIg-, Thy-1-)
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive necrosis
• after 6 weeks of age, spleen cells show significant decrease in ability to produce Il-2 induced by concanavalin A treatment
• marked increase in thymocytotoxic autoantibodies at 6 months is seen
• mice have significantly increased levels of anti-ssDNA antibodies
• antibodies are increased relative to controls
• Background Sensitivity: immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 1 year of age but is much milder than in MRL homozygotes

renal/urinary system
• nephritic changes consist of focal increase in mesangial substance and mild mesangial proliferation
• mild mesangial proliferation
• Background Sensitivity: immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 1 year of age but is much milder than in MRL homozygotes
• focal increase in mesangial substance

• mild mesangial proliferation
• a trend toward increased apoptosis in airways is observed in anti-Il5 treated mutants after IP-IN OVA challenge

respiratory system
• mice intraperitoneally-injected (IP) with ovalbumin (OVA) and subsequently challenged intranasally (IN) with OVA develop airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) at 48 hours and is significantly sustained at 96 hours but resolves at 6 days, whereas wild-type mice under same paradigm develop AHR at 48 hours but changes in airway resistance resolve by 96 hours
• treatment with anti-Il5 at 48 hours post-IP-IN challenge significantly attenuates AHR

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• about 10% of mice are moribund by 16 weeks of age

immune system
• develop massive lymphadenopathy due to alpha beta DN T cell accumulation
• develop massive lymphadenopathy due to alpha beta DN T cell accumulation
• periglomerular infiltration

• significantly elevated
• compared to age-matched B10.A mice

renal/urinary system
• compared to age-matched B10.A mice
• periglomerular infiltration
• glomerular hypercellularity

hematopoietic system
• develop massive lymphadenopathy due to alpha beta DN T cell accumulation

involves: C3H * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• at 2 months of age and on
• systemic autoimmune disease occurred at 2-3 months of age
• characterized by elevated serum immune complexes, cryoglobulins, and antinuclear antibodies
• beginning at 4 month of age

• degeneration of the stria vascularis was seen starting at 2 month and progressed throughout the lifespan (J:1060)
• early edema of the stria occurred in the apex and progressed basalward (J:1060)
• by 10 months of age, stria vascularis area was smaller (J:1060)
• no degeneration of hair cells was seen at any age (J:1060)
• edematous areas in the stria vascularis primarily in the basal turns due to enlarged extracellular spaces filled with fluid (J:34296)
• all sensorineural elements, inner and outer hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons appeared normal even in the 8-10 month-old mice with significant threshold shifts (J:34296)
• the stria capillaries often were larger than normal, and the endothelial cells were occasionally swollen or thickened due to hypertrophy and not hyperplasia
• the ABR thresholds of the 10-month-old mutant mice were significantly higher than those of wild-type C3H/HeJ controls (J:1060)
• the 2- and 4-month-old mutant mice had normal auditory thresholds similar to control (J:34296)
• after onset of systemic autoimmune disease at 3-4 months of age, threshold at 6 months were significantly elevated at 24 and 32 kHz (J:34296)
• threshold continued to rise and by 8 months 16 kHz was elevated as well (J:34296)
• threshold at the low frequencies (4 and 8 kHz) did not change with progression of systemic disease (J:34296)

hematopoietic system
• at 2 months of age and on

cardiovascular system
• the stria capillaries often were larger than normal, and the endothelial cells were occasionally swollen or thickened due to hypertrophy and not hyperplasia

• at 2 months of age and on

involves: C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice

hematopoietic system
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice
• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice

• at day 175 and 275 compared with wild-type mice

involves: MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice exhibit increased Pseudomonas aerugiosa exotoxin-induced mortality compared with similarly treated wild-type mice

immune system
• macrophages exhibit 60% less cholesterol-induced apoptosis compared with similarly treated wild-type cells
• mice exhibit increased Pseudomonas aerugiosa exotoxin-induced mortality compared with similarly treated wild-type mice

• macrophages exhibit 60% less cholesterol-induced apoptosis compared with similarly treated wild-type cells

hematopoietic system
• macrophages exhibit 60% less cholesterol-induced apoptosis compared with similarly treated wild-type cells

MRL.Cg-Irf1tm1Mak Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice typically die by 26 weeks of age from renal failure; 50% of mice are dead by 22 weeks

renal/urinary system
• by 24 weeks of age, 75% of mice have urine protein levels >200 mg/dl
• at 26 weeks of age, mice show severe glomerulonephritis
• mice show extensive glomerular deposition/staining of IgG and C3
• occurs around 26 weeks, leading to death

immune system
• at 26 weeks of age, levels are significantly higher relative to Faslpr, Irf1-null mice
• at 26 weeks of age, mice show severe glomerulonephritis

• by 24 weeks of age, 75% of mice have urine protein levels >200 mg/dl

• by 24 weeks, ear necrosis is observed in some mice
• mice show characteristic signs of skin disease at 24 weeks of age

MRL.Cg-Tnfrsf9tm1Byk Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• by 5 months, 40% mortality is observed

• by 5 months, skin lesions develop around tip of nose and around the ears

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mean weight is 0.9 grams
• splenic cells in culture show four- to sixfold higher frequencies of spontaneous immunoglobulin release than controls
• twice wild-type levels
• about 1.7 fold higher than wild-type levels
• enhanced T-helper cell activity is seen in vitro; removal of T cells from splenic cultures resulted in a significant reduction of the frequency of spontaneous immunoglobulin release in both autoimmune and normal spleen cell populations
• T cell-enriched populations from older animals provided twice the help offered by T cells of young syngeneic animals or T cells from young and older normal mice of the same H-2 haplotype
• mean weight of axillary lymph nodes is 1.3 grams
• levels are elevated compared to wild-type mice
• 30 fold higher than in mice without autoimmune disease
• lymphocyte infiltration, lobulation, and hyaline deposition noted in kidney

• mean levels are 52.4 mg/dl

hematopoietic system
• mean weight is 0.9 grams
• splenic cells in culture show four- to sixfold higher frequencies of spontaneous immunoglobulin release than controls
• twice wild-type levels
• about 1.7 fold higher than wild-type levels
• enhanced T-helper cell activity is seen in vitro; removal of T cells from splenic cultures resulted in a significant reduction of the frequency of spontaneous immunoglobulin release in both autoimmune and normal spleen cell populations
• T cell-enriched populations from older animals provided twice the help offered by T cells of young syngeneic animals or T cells from young and older normal mice of the same H-2 haplotype

cardiovascular system
• observed in kidneys with destruction of external elastic lamina common

renal/urinary system
• lymphocyte infiltration, lobulation, and hyaline deposition noted in kidney

• mean weight is 0.9 grams

MRL/Mp-Agtpbp1atms Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• body weight is increased by 3 weeks of age in homozygotes that may or may not be heterozygous for atms

hematopoietic system

immune system
• develop lymphadenopathy

• develop subcutaneous tumors

• ruffled hair due to superficial prominent lymphadenopathy

endocrine/exocrine glands

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mean age of death in females was 17 weeks of age (J:13757)
• mean age of death in males was 22 weeks of age (J:13757)
• 50% mortality is observed at 5 or 5.5 months for females and males with 90% mortality at 7.3 or 8.6 months in females and males (J:27634)
• life span of females is 120+/-4 days (J:28885)
• life span of males is 154+/-32 days (J:28885)

immune system
• frequency of C3d receptor bearing cells declines with age
• Anti-dsDNA B cells escape receptor editing
• lymph node cells (T cell origin) are abnormal; cells are Ly-2-/L3T4-/surface Ig- (J:8267)
• increase in T-cell frequencies and absolute numbers with advanced disease; however, the number of Ly123+ and Ly23+ T cells is markedly decreased in older mice compared to young mice (J:108760)
• increase in thymus weight restricted to the medulla
• slighlty enlarged
• doubling of thymus weight
• thymic atrophy is observed; severity is most severe in the cortex but usually involves the medulla in most animals
• initial lesion is loss of cortical thymocytes, with later degeneration (cystic) of thymocytes of medulla
• in 5-10% of animals, there is medullary or stromal hyperplasia that maintains or increases the size of the thymus
• atrophic cortex (J:13757)
• spleen is 7-fold larger than controls
• mice have a larger marginal zone B cell population (10.8% of splenic lymphocytes) compared to BALB/c controls (1.9%)
• slight enlargement
• in mice with lymph node hyperplasia, larger nodes show extensive hemorrhage and cystic necrosis, which results in clinically observed terminal reduction in size
• mice show 4- to 6-fold higher frequencies of immunoglobulin-secreting cells (IgSC) compared to normal controls
• enlargement started at 8 weeks of age and progressed until lymph node weights were 100 times control lymph node weight by 16 weeks of age (J:13757)
• node architecture was blurred, with proliferation of lymphocytes with some admixture of plasma cells and histiocytes (J:13757)
• no evidence of malignancy was present, despite enlargement (J:13757)
• all mice begin to develop generalized lymph lymphadenopathy when >3 months of age; in about 33%. lymph nodes shrink markedly 7-10 days before death (J:27634)
• lymph nodes are up to 100 times normal size
• in mice with lymph node hyperplasia, larger nodes show extensive cystic necrosis
• in mice with lymph node hyperplasia, larger nodes show extensive hemorrhage
• arteritis is observed in a number of organs, and is associated with hemorrhage and infarcts in the lymph nodes
• lymphocytic infiltration and lymphocytic foci are observed in mice 3.4-3.7 months of age
• treatment with danazol or Org 4094 sifnificantly lowers number of foci and percentage of lymphocyte infiltration, as well as other immune parameters compared to untreated controls
• autoimmune sialodenitis with parenchymal destruction is observed in 4-6 month old mice in submandibular salivary glands of female mice
• most infiltrating cells are CD4+ and Vbeta8+ with a minority being CD4+ and Vbeta6+
• animals display thyroid gland infiltration (autoimmune thyroiditis)
• adult lacrimal glands show infiltration by lymphocytes
• treatment with steroids alleviates lymphocyte infiltration
• mice show 4- to 6-fold higher frequencies of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in spleens compared to normal controls (J:6257)
• hypergammaglobulinemia (J:13757)
• 2-fold increase
• at 2-3 months, concentration are up to 5 times control and 8 times control at 5 months
• 10-fold increase (J:28885)
• 10-fold increase (J:28885)
• 2-fold increase
• 2-fold increase
• cells do not generate CTL in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• cells do not proliferate in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• activity of helper T cells is enhanced in older mice relative to younger animals or normal controls
• 4-6 month old mice exhibit significantly depressed cytotoxic T cell response to alloantigens
• stimulation with concanavalin A does not induce cells to produce Il2
• perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes in lung, kidney, salivary gland and liver
• perivascular and peribronchial lymphoproliferation observed in lung reslting in patches of atelectasis and exudate containing patches
• early in life, mice show reduced Il2 production, that worsens with age, such that almost no Il2 activity is detected in culture supernatants from 2 month old animals; spleen cells show no stimulated Il2 production upon stimulation with concanavalin A (J:6638)
• mice have severe deficiency in Il-2 production (J:7488)
• thymocytoxic autoantibodies are detected with aging
• levels reach 4 and 11% in males and females
• anti-Sm antibodies are detected in males and females but not in controls (J:27634)
• anti-nuclear antigen antibody (ANA) activity in renal eluate Ig is much higher than activity in serum Ig for anti-ssDNA and anti-dsDNA (J:27634)
• antinuclear antibody titers are detectable at 8 weeks of age and increased rapidly (J:28885)
• 4-month old mice show around 4-fold higher number of spleen cells secreting autoantibodies to dsDNA compared to 8-month old wild-type controls. (J:6257)
• high levels detected at 4-5 months (J:27634)
• significant levels of IgM and IgG antibodies that bind dsDNA antibodies are detected in mice 6-8 weeks of age (J:131138)
• levels of these auto antibodies rise with age (J:131138)
• detected at significant levels at 2 months, with very high levels detected at 4-5 months
• immune complex glomerulonephritis (J:13757)
• mice show a largely subacute proliferative form of disease; lesions involve proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells (J:27634)
• glomerular lesions involve proliferation of both endothelial and mesangial cells and basement membrane thickening (J:28885)
• granular deposits of immunoglobulins present in the capillary walls (J:28885)
• capsular cell proliferation, tubular damage, and casts were seen in severe lesions (J:28885)

renal/urinary system
• granular deposits of immunoglobulins present in the capillary walls
• proliferation of endothelial cells
• proliferation of mesangial cells
• glomerular lesions involve proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells
• incomplete penetrance, 50% of females tested have a 9-fold increase over controls
• immune complex glomerulonephritis (J:13757)
• mice show a largely subacute proliferative form of disease; lesions involve proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells (J:27634)
• glomerular lesions involve proliferation of both endothelial and mesangial cells and basement membrane thickening (J:28885)
• granular deposits of immunoglobulins present in the capillary walls (J:28885)
• capsular cell proliferation, tubular damage, and casts were seen in severe lesions (J:28885)
• glomerular basement membrane thickening
• capsular cell proliferation is seen in severe glomerular lesions
• between 2 and 5 months, granular IgG and C3 deposits increase in capillary wall and mesangium
• casts were seen in severe glomerular lesions

• mice have high concentrations of circulating immune complex at 2-3 and 4-5 months
• high levels of cyroglobulins are found in mice at 5 months
• total serum protein levels are slightly increased
• 2-fold increase in beta- and 5-fold increase in gamma-globulins
• 20-25% of old, diseased mice show joint swelling of the hind feet and lower legs; involving destruction of articular cartilage, proliferation of synovium, pannus formations, and sometimes joint effusions
• stimulation with concanavalin A does not induce cells to produce Il2
• incomplete penetrance, 50% of females tested have a 9-fold increase over controls

hematopoietic system
• increase in thymus weight restricted to the medulla
• slighlty enlarged
• doubling of thymus weight
• thymic atrophy is observed; severity is most severe in the cortex but usually involves the medulla in most animals
• initial lesion is loss of cortical thymocytes, with later degeneration (cystic) of thymocytes of medulla
• in 5-10% of animals, there is medullary or stromal hyperplasia that maintains or increases the size of the thymus
• atrophic cortex (J:13757)
• spleen is 7-fold larger than controls
• frequency of C3d receptor bearing cells declines with age
• Anti-dsDNA B cells escape receptor editing
• mice have a larger marginal zone B cell population (10.8% of splenic lymphocytes) compared to BALB/c controls (1.9%)
• lymph node cells (T cell origin) are abnormal; cells are Ly-2-/L3T4-/surface Ig- (J:8267)
• increase in T-cell frequencies and absolute numbers with advanced disease; however, the number of Ly123+ and Ly23+ T cells is markedly decreased in older mice compared to young mice (J:108760)
• mice show 4- to 6-fold higher frequencies of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in spleens compared to normal controls (J:6257)
• hypergammaglobulinemia (J:13757)
• 2-fold increase
• at 2-3 months, concentration are up to 5 times control and 8 times control at 5 months
• 10-fold increase (J:28885)
• 10-fold increase (J:28885)
• 2-fold increase
• 2-fold increase
• cells do not generate CTL in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• cells do not proliferate in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• activity of helper T cells is enhanced in older mice relative to younger animals or normal controls
• 4-6 month old mice exhibit significantly depressed cytotoxic T cell response to alloantigens

cardiovascular system
• granular deposits of immunoglobulins present in the capillary walls
• proliferation of endothelial cells
• 15-30% of mice suffer old and/or acute myocardial infarction involving either ventricle and judged severe enough to contribute to death
• in mice with lymph node hyperplasia, larger nodes show extensive hemorrhage
• arteritis is observed in a number of organs, and is associated with hemorrhage and infarcts in the lymph nodes

endocrine/exocrine glands
• lymphatic tissues that undergo age-related increase in weight due to lymphocytic accumulation are decreased in weight with cyclophosphamide treatment compared to placebo treated controls
• lymphocytic infiltration and lymphocytic foci are observed in mice 3.4-3.7 months of age
• treatment with danazol or Org 4094 sifnificantly lowers number of foci and percentage of lymphocyte infiltration, as well as other immune parameters compared to untreated controls
• autoimmune sialodenitis with parenchymal destruction is observed in 4-6 month old mice in submandibular salivary glands of female mice
• most infiltrating cells are CD4+ and Vbeta8+ with a minority being CD4+ and Vbeta6+
• dexamethasone treatment increases weight of lacrimal tissue compared to untreated mice; treatment results in a reduction in tear volume
• treatment with androgens increases gland weight in mutants
• this treatment significantly decreases lymphocytic infiltration into submandibular glands
• increase in thymus weight restricted to the medulla
• slighlty enlarged
• doubling of thymus weight
• thymic atrophy is observed; severity is most severe in the cortex but usually involves the medulla in most animals
• initial lesion is loss of cortical thymocytes, with later degeneration (cystic) of thymocytes of medulla
• in 5-10% of animals, there is medullary or stromal hyperplasia that maintains or increases the size of the thymus
• atrophic cortex (J:13757)
• inflamed tissue has massive infiltration organized into lymphoid follicle centers and extensive interstitially distributed lymphocytes
• fibrosis is minimal, with only 1% of tissue displaying fibroblast growth; when detected, fibrosis is adjacent to atrophic follicles
• functional communication between cells in thyroid cell cultures is dramatically reduced
• marked decrease in follicle size is noted proceeding from center of lobe toward periphery
• animals display thyroid gland infiltration (autoimmune thyroiditis)
• adult lacrimal glands show infiltration by lymphocytes
• treatment with steroids alleviates lymphocyte infiltration

• 20-25% of old, diseased mice show joint swelling of the hind feet and lower legs; involving destruction of articular cartilage, proliferation of synovium, pannus formations, and sometimes joint effusions

digestive/alimentary system
• treatment with androgens increases gland weight in mutants
• this treatment significantly decreases lymphocytic infiltration into submandibular glands
• lymphocytic infiltration and lymphocytic foci are observed in mice 3.4-3.7 months of age
• treatment with danazol or Org 4094 sifnificantly lowers number of foci and percentage of lymphocyte infiltration, as well as other immune parameters compared to untreated controls
• autoimmune sialodenitis with parenchymal destruction is observed in 4-6 month old mice in submandibular salivary glands of female mice
• most infiltrating cells are CD4+ and Vbeta8+ with a minority being CD4+ and Vbeta6+

• adult lacrimal glands show infiltration by lymphocytes
• treatment with steroids alleviates lymphocyte infiltration

• lesions accompanied by hair loss and scab formation were common
• erythemateous lesions of the ear often become necrotic

• proliferation of mesangial cells
• cells do not proliferate in response to stimulation with alloantigens
• glomerular lesions involve proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells

• spleen is 7-fold larger than controls

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• animals start to die at 4.5 months, with >50% mortality observed at 7 months (J:125114)
• 50% mortality by 20 weeks; <40% survival beyond 40 weeks (J:137066)

hematopoietic system
• significantly enhanced at 12 and 16 weeks
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• severe
• 46% of venules display leukocytes adjacent to endothelium, compared to only 145 in controls; in mutants and controls, 60-70% of these cells are mononuclear
• significantly increased relative to controls
• reduced compared to wild-type MRL animals
• reduced compared to wild-type MRL animals
• mice develop hypergammaglobulinemia

immune system
• mice develop systemic necrotizing arteritis of small- and medium-sized arteries; frequently observed in kidneys
• significantly enhanced at 12 and 16 weeks
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• severe
• 46% of venules display leukocytes adjacent to endothelium, compared to only 145 in controls; in mutants and controls, 60-70% of these cells are mononuclear
• significantly increased relative to controls
• reduced compared to wild-type MRL animals
• reduced compared to wild-type MRL animals
• mice develop hypergammaglobulinemia
• mice develop anti-nuclear antibodies (ie. anti-dsDNA, anti-ssDNA, etc)
• IgG3 anti-IgG2a rheumatoid factor (RF) levels are much higher than wild-type controls
• levels of anti-dsDNA and anti-chromatin autoantibodies are elevated compared to wild-type
• mice show deposition of IgG or C3 in kidneys and inflammation (J:125114)

cardiovascular system
• mice develop systemic necrotizing arteritis of small- and medium-sized arteries; frequently observed in kidneys

renal/urinary system
• mice show deposition of IgG or C3 in kidneys and inflammation (J:125114)

• significantly enhanced at 12 and 16 weeks
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated

• severe

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 50% mortality is observed at 5 months with 90% mortality at 7.5 months, significantly reduced from wild-type

• mild increase in mesangial cells is seen at 20 weeks of age

immune system
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage
• CD19+IgM+ immature B cells are reduced in the spleen
• numbers of the T1 subset of B cells is reduced
• mild to moderated neutrophil accumulation is observed at 20 weeks
• CD19+ IgDhigh IgMlow B cells are severely reduced in the spleen
• numbers of marginal zone (MZ) B cells is reduced
• increased B220+IgM+ cells are observed in bone marrow; number of IgG-secreting cells are significantly increased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• staining intensity and number of germinal centers (GCs) is reduced 10 days post-challenge with NP-KLH antigen, compared to controls
• in vitro, splenic B cells produce significantly higher amounts of IgG1 in response to LPS and anti-CD40 plus Il4 stimulation, and higher amounts of IgG2a upon LPS stimulation
• production of anti-NP IgG is impaired in spleen cells
• IgG and IgM levels are increased in serum at 6 months (J:7454)
• mice display hypergammaglobulinemia; serum levels are comparable to Fas homozygotes (J:122315)
• mice exhibit increased serum IgG levels and IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice
• nodes are 62 times normal size (J:7454)
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive necrosis
• mice exhibit increased serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor and DNA auto-antibodies, lymphadenopathy, glomerulonephritis, renal immunoglobulin deposits, proteinuria, and end organ disease compared to in wild-type mice
• at 16 weeks, levels of anti-cardiolipin antibodies are significantly higher than in wild-type controls; levels are significantly higher at 8 weeks (J:14151)
• mice exhibit increased serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor compared to in wild-type mice (J:92084)
• mice have significantly increased levels of anti-ssDNA antibodies (J:7454)
• at 16 weeks, anti-DNA titers are significantly higher than in wild-type controls (J:14151)
• DNA auto-antibodies are increased compared to in wild-type mice at 12 weeks (J:92084)
• by 5-6 months of age, Fas-deficient mice have antinuclear antibody (ANA) levels comparable to >50% of C4b-deficient females (on Ighb haplotype homozygous background) (J:111811)
• antibodies are increased relative to controls and other mutant strains with Faslpr mutations (J:7454)
• mice produce high titers of IgG1 and IgG2a anti-dsDNA antibodies, comparable to Fas homozygotes (J:122315)
• at 20 weeks, all mice show mononuclear infiltrates in the choroid plexus; at 10 weeks, all mice display monuclear infiltrates
• Background Sensitivity: severe immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 6 months (J:7454)
• mice show deposition of IgG or C3 in kidneys and inflammation, similar to Fas homozygotes (J:122315)
• kidney lesions have lower scores than those in double mutants at 20 weeks (J:127199)

• myocardium neighboring the heart valves shows mononuclear infiltration of the vessels, but valves are normal

hematopoietic system
• CD19+IgM+ immature B cells are reduced in the spleen
• numbers of the T1 subset of B cells is reduced
• mild to moderated neutrophil accumulation is observed at 20 weeks
• CD19+ IgDhigh IgMlow B cells are severely reduced in the spleen
• numbers of marginal zone (MZ) B cells is reduced
• increased B220+IgM+ cells are observed in bone marrow; number of IgG-secreting cells are significantly increased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• staining intensity and number of germinal centers (GCs) is reduced 10 days post-challenge with NP-KLH antigen, compared to controls
• in vitro, splenic B cells produce significantly higher amounts of IgG1 in response to LPS and anti-CD40 plus Il4 stimulation, and higher amounts of IgG2a upon LPS stimulation
• production of anti-NP IgG is impaired in spleen cells
• IgG and IgM levels are increased in serum at 6 months (J:7454)
• mice display hypergammaglobulinemia; serum levels are comparable to Fas homozygotes (J:122315)
• mice exhibit increased serum IgG levels and IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice

renal/urinary system
• mice have excessive urinary albumin compared to wild-type (>10-fold) at 3-4 months
• foot processes are only focally effaced
• dilated capsules are observed in mice at 3-4 months
• abnormalities due to severe glomerulonephritis (J:7454)
• at 20 weeks, lesions show some neutrophil infiltration and hypercellularity (J:127199)
• tuft necrosis, capsular proliferation and fibrosis are less common and less severe than observed in double mutants (J:127199)
• mild increase in mesangial cells is seen at 20 weeks of age
• mild increase in mesangial matrix is seen at 20 weeks of age
• glomerulonephritic changes such as hypercellularity, lobularity, dilated capsules and crescent formation or enlarged glomeruli are observed in mice at 3-4 months
• Background Sensitivity: severe immune complex glomerulonephritis develops by 6 months (J:7454)
• mice show deposition of IgG or C3 in kidneys and inflammation, similar to Fas homozygotes (J:122315)
• kidney lesions have lower scores than those in double mutants at 20 weeks (J:127199)
• crescent formation is observed in mice at 3-4 months
• enlarged glomeruli are observed in mice at 3-4 months
• progressive decline in renal function is observed, during progression to end-stage renal disease

• mice show increased latency to locate hidden platform in water maze testing on days 2-5 of testing at 8 weeks of age; at 16 weeks in spatial bias testing, mutants spend less time and travel reduced distances in quadrant of platform's previous location compared to controls
• equilibrium is significantly impaired in mice at 18-20 weeks, as measured by performance in rotarod tests


cardiovascular system
• myocardium neighboring the heart valves shows mononuclear infiltration of the vessels, but valves are normal
• larger lymph nodes often show extensive hemorrhage

• slight degenerative changes in the stria vascularis of both the apical and basal turns
• the basement membrane of the capillaries in the stria vascularis was thickened
• widened intercellular space in the stria vascularis
• the basal infolding of strial marginal cells
• thinned intermediate cell layer
• the ABR threshold f the 20-week-old mutant mice were significantly higher than those of the 4-week-old mutant mice and the 20-week-old wild-type BALB/c mice

nervous system
• at 20 weeks, all mice show mononuclear infiltrates in the choroid plexus; at 10 weeks, all mice display monuclear infiltrates

• mice have excessive urinary albumin compared to wild-type (>10-fold) at 3-4 months
• Background Sensitivity: 7-8 week old mice show 2-3 fold induction of Dnase1l3 in macrophages and 4-5 fold induction in splenocytes over C57BL/6; levels in other strains like BXSB/MpJ and (NZB x NZW)F1 are similarly elevated compared to B6
• Background Sensitivity: mice show a dramatic defect (~8-fold decrease) in macrophage-secreted Dnase1l3 barrier to liposomal (BT) activity compared to B6; (NZB x NZW)F1 mice show a similar defect in BT activity

• thinned intermediate cell layer

digestive/alimentary system

endocrine/exocrine glands

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Sjogren's syndrome DOID:12894 OMIM:270150

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• during the 24 week period, no animals show diabetes or insulitis (mice are considered diabetic after a blood glucose measure of >300 mg/dl)

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
NOT type 1 diabetes mellitus DOID:9744 OMIM:222100

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• when mice are injected with islet specific CD8+ T cell clones, Faslpr mice are resistant to diabetogenic effect of injected T cells; 0/5 of Fas mutants are diabetic within 20 day observation period, while control NOD littermates become diabetic within 6 days

involves: C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Fastm1.1Cgn mutation (0 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system

immune system
• develop the typical Faslpr homozygous phenotype


involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn mutation (11 available); any Cd19 mutation (60 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Hspa13tm1.1Smoc mutation (0 available); any Hspa13 mutation (20 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mice exhibit reduced increase in autoantibody levels and proteinuria levels compared with control mice
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes

renal/urinary system
• not as severe as in Faslpr homozygotes

• not as severe as in Faslpr homozygotes

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn mutation (11 available); any Cd19 mutation (60 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Fastm1Cgn mutation (1 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi mutation (10 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• similar to mice with recombination only in T cells
• similar to mice with recombination only in T cells
• similar to mice with recombination only in T cells

hematopoietic system
• similar to mice with recombination only in T cells
• similar to mice with recombination only in T cells

• similar to mice with recombination only in T cells

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd19tm1(cre)Cgn mutation (11 available); any Cd19 mutation (60 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Fastm1Cgn mutation (1 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• 5-fold enlargement
• 17-fold enlargement in the lymph nodes
• weight of the enlarged lymph nodes is still 200- to 300-fold less than in Fastm1.1Cgn Faslpr trans-heterozygous mice

hematopoietic system
• 5-fold enlargement

• 5-fold enlargement

involves: C57BL/6 * DBA/2 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Fastm1Cgn mutation (1 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi mutation (10 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• 4 of 5 mice had 2 fold enlargement
• 12-fold enlargement in the lymph nodes
• weight of the enlarged lymph nodes is still 200- to 300-fold less than in Fastm1.1Cgn Faslpr trans-heterozygous mice

hematopoietic system
• 4 of 5 mice had 2 fold enlargement

• 4 of 5 mice had 2 fold enlargement

B6.Cg-Apoetm1Unc Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Apoetm1Unc mutation (33 available); any Apoe mutation (158 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• at 5 months, there are no significant differences in most leukocyte subsets (NK-cells, monocytes/macrophages, and neutrophils) compared to controls
• significantly enlarged compared to Apoe-null, Fas-heterozygous mice or Apoe-wt, Fas-homozygous mice at 5 months
• numbers of circulating cells are significantly reduced
• numbers of circulating cells are significantly reduced comparted to Apoe-wt, Fas-homozygous mice at 5 months
• serum levels of IgG are significantly higher than in Apoe-null and Apoe-null, Fas-heterozygous mice at 6 weeks and at 5 months

• significantly enlarged compared to Apoe-null, Fas-heterozygous mice or Apoe-wt, Fas-homozygous mice at 5 months

immune system
• significantly enlarged compared to Apoe-null, Fas-heterozygous mice or Apoe-wt, Fas-homozygous mice at 5 months
• numbers of circulating cells are significantly reduced
• numbers of circulating cells are significantly reduced comparted to Apoe-wt, Fas-homozygous mice at 5 months
• serum levels of IgG are significantly higher than in Apoe-null and Apoe-null, Fas-heterozygous mice at 6 weeks and at 5 months
• serum antibodies against oxidized phospholipid (OxPL) are decreased compared to Apoe-wt, Fas-homozygous and Apoe-null, Fas-wt controls
• levels of IgG anti-cardiolipin antibodies are increased at 5 months relative to controls
• levels of IgG anti-POVPC and anti-PGPC autoantibodies are significantly higher than in controls at 5 months; IgM anti-POVPC levels are increased also
• serum levels of IgG anti-dsDNA antibodies are significantly higher than in Apoe-null, Fas-wt controls and Apoe-null, Fas-heterozygous mice at 6 weeks and at 5 months
• renal damage is observed, with IgG and C3 deposits present in the mesangium and peripheral capillary loops

renal/urinary system
• at 5 months, renal sections show an increase in apoptotic cells
• increased apoptotic cells are seen in renal tubules at 5 months
• proteinuria is increased compared to Fas-homozygous controls; proteinuria is not evident at 1 month of age
• renal damage is observed, with IgG and C3 deposits present in the mesangium and peripheral capillary loops
• proliferation of glomerular cells and lobule formation are observed
• IgG and C3 deposits present in the mesangium and peripheral capillary loops
• glomerular tuft areas are enlarged compared to controls

cardiovascular system
• IgG deposition in thickened aortic intimas is seen at 5 months, but is not observed in controls; neglible complement C3 deposition is observed in double homozygotes
• increased lesion area at aortic valves in mice on a normal chow diet compared to Apoe-null, Fas-wt controls
• increase in apoptotic cells in vessel walls of heart (in vascular lesions) is observed at 5 months relative to controls

• all limbs of female mutants have lower bone mineral densities (BMD) than male mutants at 5 months of age; ostopenia is similar to Apoe-wt, Fas-null mice at 5 months
• femoral BMD is lower in females than controls at 5 months and 9 months; vertebrae BMD shows a similar trend at 5 months and is lower at 9 months
• at 5 months, vertebrae BMD trends to lower values than controls; at 9 months, BMD is significantly lower
• femoral BMD in females is lower than in Apoe-null, Fas-wt controls at 5 months and at 9 months
• at 9 months, a progressive decrease in trabecular bones (BV/TV, connectivity density, trabecular number, trabecular thickness) is observed in females compared to female Apoe-null, Fas-wt controls

• total serum cholesterol and unesterified cholesterol levels are lower than Apoe-null, Fas-wt controls
• proteinuria is increased compared to Fas-homozygous controls; proteinuria is not evident at 1 month of age

• at 5 months, renal sections show an increase in apoptotic cells
• increased apoptotic cells are seen in renal tubules at 5 months

endocrine/exocrine glands

B6.Cg-Bcl2l11tm1.1Ast Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bcl2l11tm1.1Ast mutation (4 available); any Bcl2l11 mutation (36 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• severely enlarged by 16 weeks
• increased in spleen relative to Faslpr homozygotes
• lower in spleen and lymph node compared to wild-type or single mutants
• mice show reduced amount of nae T cells compared to wild-type or Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• no difference in number of regulatory T cells is observed
• T cell subpopulations in the spleen and lymph nodes including single-positive, central memory and effector memory T cells are increased compared to single-deficient mice
• increased memory T cell numbers in spleen and lymph nodes relative to single mutant animals
• number of CD45+ cells is increased 4.6-fold vs wild-type, 3.2-fold vs Faslpr homozygotes, and 2.8-fold vs Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• plasmablast numbers in spleen are increased 30-fold relative to wild-type, 2-fold relative to Bcl2l11-deficient and 4-fold relative to Faslpr homozygous mice
• number of T1 and T2 B cells is increased relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• increased numbers in spleen and lymph nodes are observed
• increased effector memory T cell numbers in spleen and lymph nodes relative to single mutant animals
• enlargement of spleen is accompanied by alteration of spleen architecture, characterized by decreased red pulp amount
• enlargement of spleen is accompanied by alteration of spleen architecture, characterized by increased white pulp amount
• T1:follicular B cell ratio is disturbed; ratio is higher significantly higher than wild-type, Bcl2l11-deficient mice or Faslpr homozygotes
• increased B cell number; CD19+ B cells are increased by 4.3-fold over wild-type, 1.8-fold over Bcl2l11-null mice and by 3.6-fold over Faslpr mice
• CD19+ B cells are increased 2.2-fold over wild-type and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• no difference from B cell number in Faslpr mice
• severely enlarged by 16 weeks
• on a normally resistant background, mice develop extreme lymphadenopathy and SLE
• total anti-IgM and total anti-IgG antibody levels are increased compared to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice; anti-nuclear, anti-cytoplasmic and anti-glomerular antibodies are increased relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• anti-nuclear antibodies are increased compared to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• anti-dsDNA IgM and IgG antibodies are increased compared to wild-type and Bcl2l11-deficient mice; anti-dsDNA IgM antibody levels are increased over levels in Faslpr homozygotes
• increased compared to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• anti-ssDNA IgM and IgG antibodies are increased compared to wild-type and Bcl2l11-deficient mice; anti-ssDNA IgM antibody levels are increased over levels in Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• severely enlarged by 16 weeks
• increased in spleen relative to Faslpr homozygotes
• lower in spleen and lymph node compared to wild-type or single mutants
• mice show reduced amount of nae T cells compared to wild-type or Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• no difference in number of regulatory T cells is observed
• T cell subpopulations in the spleen and lymph nodes including single-positive, central memory and effector memory T cells are increased compared to single-deficient mice
• increased memory T cell numbers in spleen and lymph nodes relative to single mutant animals
• number of CD45+ cells is increased 4.6-fold vs wild-type, 3.2-fold vs Faslpr homozygotes, and 2.8-fold vs Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• plasmablast numbers in spleen are increased 30-fold relative to wild-type, 2-fold relative to Bcl2l11-deficient and 4-fold relative to Faslpr homozygous mice
• number of T1 and T2 B cells is increased relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• higher in spleen relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• increased numbers in spleen and lymph nodes are observed
• increased effector memory T cell numbers in spleen and lymph nodes relative to single mutant animals
• enlargement of spleen is accompanied by alteration of spleen architecture, characterized by decreased red pulp amount
• enlargement of spleen is accompanied by alteration of spleen architecture, characterized by increased white pulp amount
• T1:follicular B cell ratio is disturbed; ratio is higher significantly higher than wild-type, Bcl2l11-deficient mice or Faslpr homozygotes
• increased B cell number; CD19+ B cells are increased by 4.3-fold over wild-type, 1.8-fold over Bcl2l11-null mice and by 3.6-fold over Faslpr mice

renal/urinary system
• higher numbers of apoptotic cells are detected in glomeruli compared to wild-type and single mutant mice
• glomerular proliferation is increased
• significant increase in renal B cells (CD19+) compared to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• number of macrophages surrounding glomeruli is increased compared to wild-type and Faslpr homozygotes; macrophage index is 2.5-fold higher than in Fas homozygotes
• IgG deposits mainly localized to basement glomerular membrane are increased relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice
• glomerular basement membrane thickening
• mesangial expansion, basement membrane thickening, increased interstitial infiltration, and loss of open capillary loops are characteristic hallmarks of renal damage observed
• kidney damage pathological scores are increased over wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient glomeruli
• glomerular proliferation is increased
• loss of open capillary loops
• mesangial expansion
• glomerular size is increased relative to wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes, and Bcl2l11-deficient mice

• higher numbers of apoptotic cells are detected in glomeruli compared to wild-type and single mutant mice
• glomerular proliferation is increased

cardiovascular system
• loss of open capillary loops

• severely enlarged by 16 weeks

B6.Cg-Havcr1tm1Kuch Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Havcr1tm1Kuch mutation (0 available); any Havcr1 mutation (29 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• more severe in mice over 10 months of age compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• massive accumulation of B cells
• increase in the number of B220+CD3+ T cells in the peripheral lymphoid compartments compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• massive increase in CD3+B220-CD4-CD8- and CD3+B220+CD4-CD8- T cells
• massive increase in the accumulation of CD3+B220- CD4+ T cells
• increase in the frequency of IFNG+ cells
• massive increase in the accumulation of CD3+B220- CD8+ T cells
• increase in the frequency of IFNG+ cells
• most T cells have an activated/memory like phenotype
• unlike IgG levels, IgM levels are decreased compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• more severe in mice over 10 months of age compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• more severe autoimmune response compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• serum levels of some autoantibodies to lupus associated autoantigens are increased at 14 weeks of age in double mutant mice but not in mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• autoantibodies can be detected as early as 10 weeks of age
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone

hematopoietic system
• more severe in mice over 10 months of age compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• massive accumulation of B cells
• increase in the number of B220+CD3+ T cells in the peripheral lymphoid compartments compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• massive increase in CD3+B220-CD4-CD8- and CD3+B220+CD4-CD8- T cells
• massive increase in the accumulation of CD3+B220- CD4+ T cells
• increase in the frequency of IFNG+ cells
• massive increase in the accumulation of CD3+B220- CD8+ T cells
• increase in the frequency of IFNG+ cells
• most T cells have an activated/memory like phenotype
• unlike IgG levels, IgM levels are decreased compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone
• compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone

• more severe in mice over 10 months of age compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr alone

B6.Cg-Il2ratm1Dw Faslpr Tg(CD2-Ccdc86)1Hfuj
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Il2ratm1Dw mutation (3 available); any Il2ra mutation (51 available)
Tg(CD2-Ccdc86)1Hfuj mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• absence of the Fas receptor prevents the transgene from rescuing the splenomegaly associated with Il2ratm1Dw homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• absence of the Fas receptor prevents the transgene from rescuing the splenomegaly associated with Il2ratm1Dw homozygotes

• absence of the Fas receptor prevents the transgene from rescuing the splenomegaly associated with Il2ratm1Dw homozygotes

B6.Cg-Tlr9tm1Aki Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tlr9tm1Aki mutation (7 available); any Tlr9 mutation (66 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 66% survival at 24 weeks

hematopoietic system
• spleens are 5-fold heavier than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice
• dramatically increased compared to wild-type; increased relative to Tlr9 and Fas mutants
• total levels are higher than wild-type or Faslpr mice
• lower than in Faslpr mice

immune system
• spleens are 5-fold heavier than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice
• dramatically increased compared to wild-type; increased relative to Tlr9 and Fas mutants
• total levels are higher than wild-type or Faslpr mice
• lower than in Faslpr mice
• generalized lymphadenopathy
• axillary and inguinal lymph node weights are greater than in Faslpr mice (by >5-fold)
• autoantibodies such as anti-ssDNA, anti-dsDNA, anti-cardiolipin, and anti-IgG are detected, and levels are not different from Fas mutants
• interstitial lymphoid infiltration is observed at 13 weeks
• mesangial proliferation is greater than in Fas single mutants

• increased more from 13 to 24 weeks than in Fas single mutants but not significantly so

renal/urinary system
• increased more from 13 to 24 weeks than in Fas single mutants but not significantly so
• interstitial lymphoid infiltration is observed at 13 weeks
• mesangial proliferation is greater than in Fas single mutants
• glomerular IgG deposits that are exclusively mesangial are more severe than in Fas single mutants

• spleens are 5-fold heavier than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dsg4hage mutation (0 available); any Dsg4 mutation (86 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Yaa mutation (24 available); any Yaa mutation (27 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the mean life span of these male mice is 99 days, which is significantly longer than the 88 day mean lifespan that males from this strain normally live

• mice are generally smaller than controls

immune system
• increased mast cell numbers are found in the superficial layer of the epidermis, with about a 3-fold increase over controls
• the characteristic B220+Thy1+ T cells population found in the spleen of mice carrying the Faslps allele is reduced by more than 5-fold in these mice

hematopoietic system
• increased mast cell numbers are found in the superficial layer of the epidermis, with about a 3-fold increase over controls
• the characteristic B220+Thy1+ T cells population found in the spleen of mice carrying the Faslps allele is reduced by more than 5-fold in these mice

• pups have scanty growth of short hair on the head and back
• the number of hair follicles in a given patch of skin appears to be higher than controls but counting is difficult because of the unusual orientation of the follicles
• axes of hair shafts are randomly oriented, with some being horizontal to the skin layer
• mice fail to grow vibrissae hairs
• mice have thick skin with hyperplasia of the epidermis that is prone to injury

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
hypotrichosis 6 DOID:0110703 OMIM:607903

involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Fasltm2.1Bksa mutation (0 available); any Fasl mutation (37 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• TNFalpha-treated mice do not exhibit a decrease in retinal nerve fibers like in similarly treated wild-type mice
• after 1 week, TNFalpha-treated mice fail to exhibit a decrease in retinal ganglion cells unlike in similarly treated wild-type mice

nervous system
• after 1 week, TNFalpha-treated mice fail to exhibit a decrease in retinal ganglion cells unlike in similarly treated wild-type mice

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tcratm1Mjo mutation (7 available); any Tcra mutation (101 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• relative to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

immune system
• lower titers of immunoglobulins, other than IgE, compared to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra
• lower titers autoantibodies compared to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

• development of skin lesions is delayed (develop by 7 to 8 months of age) compared to mutant mice wild-type by Tcra

renal/urinary system
• substantial reduction in renal disease compared to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

hematopoietic system
• lower titers of immunoglobulins, other than IgE, compared to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd40lgtm1Flv mutation (1 available); any Cd40lg mutation (17 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• relative to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg

immune system
• lower titers of immunoglobulins compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• lower titers of IgG1, IgG2a dna IgG2b compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and Cd40lgtm1Flv
• lower titers autoantibodies compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg

• develop severe hair loss by 24 weeks of age
• develop scabs and purpuric lesions of the dorsal neck and ears by 24 weeks of age

renal/urinary system
• substantial reduction in renal disease compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg

hematopoietic system
• lower titers of immunoglobulins compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• lower titers of IgG1, IgG2a dna IgG2b compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and Cd40lgtm1Flv

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd40lgtm1Flv mutation (1 available); any Cd40lg mutation (17 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tcratm1Mjo mutation (7 available); any Tcra mutation (101 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• lower titers autoantibodies compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• decrease in the anti-snRNP and anti-Ig titers relative to mutant mice compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• relative to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

• do not develop the skin lesions seen in mutant mice wild-type for Tcra and/or Cd40lg

renal/urinary system
• renal disease is decreased compared to mutant mice wild-type Cd40lg but more diseased than mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd40lgtm1Flv mutation (1 available); any Cd40lg mutation (17 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• relative to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg

immune system
• lower titers of immunoglobulins compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• lower titers of IgG1, IgG2a dna IgG2b compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and Cd40lgtm1Flv
• lower titers autoantibodies compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg

• develop severe hair loss by 24 weeks of age
• develop scabs and purpuric lesions of the dorsal neck and ears by 24 weeks of age

renal/urinary system
• substantial reduction in renal disease compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg

hematopoietic system
• lower titers of immunoglobulins compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• lower titers of IgG1, IgG2a dna IgG2b compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and Cd40lgtm1Flv

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S2/SvPas * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd40lgtm1Flv mutation (1 available); any Cd40lg mutation (17 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tcratm1Mjo mutation (7 available); any Tcra mutation (101 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• lower titers autoantibodies compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• decrease in the anti-snRNP and anti-Ig titers relative to mutant mice compared to mutant mice wild-type for Cd40lg
• relative to mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

• do not develop the skin lesions seen in mutant mice wild-type for Tcra and/or Cd40lg

renal/urinary system
• renal disease is decreased compared to mutant mice wild-type Cd40lg but more diseased than mutant mice wild-type for Tcra

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Il4tm1Cgn mutation (4 available); any Il4 mutation (46 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• lympadenopathy (based on spleen weight and cellularity) is reduced compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• relative to wild-type controls but decreased relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• relative to wild-type controls but decreased relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• lympadenopathy (based on lymph node weight and cellularity) is reduced compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• while mice develop the typical autoimmune lesions end organ disease is decreased compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• incidence of end organ disease is increased compared to wild-type controls
• decrease in the percentage of FANA positive sera compared to controls at 3 months of age
• however, no significant differences in anti-dsDNA or anti-snRNP autoantibody levels are detected

• levels are lower compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4

hematopoietic system
• lympadenopathy (based on spleen weight and cellularity) is reduced compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• relative to wild-type controls but decreased relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• relative to wild-type controls but decreased relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• at 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4

• relative to wild-type controls but decreased relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4
• relative to wild-type controls but decreased relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Il4

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Pou2af1tm1Pmt mutation (0 available); any Pou2af1 mutation (15 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at 7 months, all double mutants are still alive compared to extensive mortality observed in Fas single mutants by this age

immune system
• number of splenic IgG-secreting cells is dramatically lower than in Fas single mutants
• number of bone marrow IgG-secreting cells is dramatically lower than in Fas single mutants
• in bone marrow, numbers of CD19+IgM- and CD19+IgD- B cells is increased
• accumulation of B220+CD3+ cells in spleens and lymph nodes is markedly reduced compared to Fas single mutants
• serum immunoglobulin levels are significantly reduced compared to Fas single mutants and are similar to Pou2af1-null mice
• serum level of IgA is reduced but not to same extent as IgG
• IgM production is decreased
• mice do not develop autoantibodies (anti-dsDNA or any IgG antinuclear autoantibodies)

hematopoietic system
• splenic immature and mature B cell numbers are not reduced (a slight increase is observed)
• number of splenic IgG-secreting cells is dramatically lower than in Fas single mutants
• number of bone marrow IgG-secreting cells is dramatically lower than in Fas single mutants
• in bone marrow, numbers of CD19+IgM- and CD19+IgD- B cells is increased
• accumulation of B220+CD3+ cells in spleens and lymph nodes is markedly reduced compared to Fas single mutants
• serum immunoglobulin levels are significantly reduced compared to Fas single mutants and are similar to Pou2af1-null mice
• serum level of IgA is reduced but not to same extent as IgG
• IgM production is decreased

renal/urinary system
• no IgG or C3 deposition is observed, but crescent formation and enlargement of glomeruli is observed
• no inflammation is observed
• crescent formation is observed
• enlargement of glomeruli is observed

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tcratm1Mjo mutation (7 available); any Tcra mutation (101 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• unlike in mutant mice wild-type for Tcra, massive lymphadenopathy is not seen at 16 weeks of age
• 6 fold increase in TCRB+ cells compared to mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• within the TCRB+ cell population the proportion of DN B220+ cells is increased compared mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• 15 fold expansion at 16 weeks of age compared to mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• the majority of these cells express B220 and DN as a result of preferential expansion (300 fold) of this population of cells
• increase in the proportion of T cells in the peripheral lymph nodes expressing the gamma delta variable regions typical of intestinal intraepithelial T cell compared to mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• periglomerular infiltration and perivasculitis

renal/urinary system
• compared to age-matched B10.A mice
• periglomerular infiltration and perivasculitis
• develop glomerular, interstitial and sometimes perivascular lesions
• lesion development is reduced compared mutant mice wild-type for Tcra
• focal glomerular hypercellularity

• significantly elevated
• compared to age-matched B10.A mice

hematopoietic system
• 6 fold increase in TCRB+ cells compared to mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• within the TCRB+ cell population the proportion of DN B220+ cells is increased compared mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• 15 fold expansion at 16 weeks of age compared to mutant mice wild-type for Fas
• the majority of these cells express B220 and DN as a result of preferential expansion (300 fold) of this population of cells
• increase in the proportion of T cells in the peripheral lymph nodes expressing the gamma delta variable regions typical of intestinal intraepithelial T cell compared to mutant mice wild-type for Fas

involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tlr7tm1Flv mutation (1 available); any Tlr7 mutation (20 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• decrease in accumulation of double-negative T cells in the spleen compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• decrease in proportion of CD4+ T cells expressing CD44, both in the lymph node and spleen compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• spleen weight is decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• general B cell activation is inhibited compared to Faslpr homozygotes, as indicated by decreased CD44 expression in splenic B cells
• serum IgG2a levels are decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• serum IgG3 levels are decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• lymph node weight is decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• plasmacytoid DCs exhibit a more immature phenotype compared to Faslpr homozygotes, with decreased expression of MHC class II
• renal disease is significantly decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes, with mice showing decreased glomerular protein deposition and preserved glomerular structure
• although skin disease is evident in mutants, it occurs with a very low frequency and very little is seen at 16 weeks of age
• mutants exhibit impaired generation of antibodies to RNA complexes and generation of high-titer Smith antibodies is blocked
• DNA autoantibodies are seen in mutants

hematopoietic system
• decrease in accumulation of double-negative T cells in the spleen compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• decrease in proportion of CD4+ T cells expressing CD44, both in the lymph node and spleen compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• spleen weight is decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• general B cell activation is inhibited compared to Faslpr homozygotes, as indicated by decreased CD44 expression in splenic B cells
• serum IgG2a levels are decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• serum IgG3 levels are decreased compared to Faslpr homozygotes

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ighmtm1Cgn mutation (17 available); any Ighm mutation (56 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• a transitional block in early B cell development in evident in bone marrow; pre-B cells are decreased in number
• number of Ig-positive B cells in spleen are 10- to 20-fold lower than in wild-type or Faslpr mice
• cell outgrowth in lymphadenopathy is dominated by Tcrb/B220+ cells
• at 8-10 weeks of age, mice develop significant lymphadenopathy
• mice fail to respond to T cell-dependent (OVA) or T cell-independent (dextra) antigenic stimulation and do not produce serum specific antibodies to these antigens
• levels of IgG2a and IgA are elevated compared to wild-type mice; significant levels (up to 10-fold) of serum antibodies have the gamma light chain isotype compared to control
• levels are much lower than in controls, comparable to Igh-6 single nulls
• mice have high titers of chromatin antibodies compared to controls and titer increased with age; anti-cardiolipin antibodies are increased in serum in 40% of double mutants

hematopoietic system
• a transitional block in early B cell development in evident in bone marrow; pre-B cells are decreased in number
• number of Ig-positive B cells in spleen are 10- to 20-fold lower than in wild-type or Faslpr mice
• cell outgrowth in lymphadenopathy is dominated by Tcrb/B220+ cells
• levels of IgG2a and IgA are elevated compared to wild-type mice; significant levels (up to 10-fold) of serum antibodies have the gamma light chain isotype compared to control
• levels are much lower than in controls, comparable to Igh-6 single nulls

• mice show significant proteinuria

renal/urinary system
• mice show significant proteinuria

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * MRL/MpJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dntttm1Gfn mutation (1 available); any Dntt mutation (34 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• significantly lower sera anti-DNA and rheumatoid factor activity than control

involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
C3tm1Crr mutation (3 available); any C3 mutation (103 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mutant and Faslpr spleens and lymph nodes do not significantly differ in weight at 10 or 13 weeks; at 17 weeks, LN mass is elevated but not significantly
• lack of autoantibodies (ANA, anti-dsDNA) is observed

renal/urinary system
• pathology score is minimally increased relative to B6.MRL-Faslpr mutants, but no IgG deposition is observed in kidneys

involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
C4btm1Crr mutation (1 available); any C4b mutation (105 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• spleen mass is significantly increased relative to C3 /Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 17 weeks of age
• lymph node mass is increased relative to C3-null, Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 13 and 17 weeks of age
• frequency of antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) or antibody-forming cells (AFCs) is significantly increased in spleen and bone marrow compared to C3-deficient Fas mutants
• titers of serum ANA are significantly increased at 10, 13, and 17 weeks
• anti-dsDNA titers are elevated significantly at 17 weeks

hematopoietic system
• spleen mass is significantly increased relative to C3 /Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 17 weeks of age

renal/urinary system
• increased IgG deposition relative to C3/Fas mutants is observed in kidney sections
• more severe glomerular abnormalities are observed relative to C3/Fas mutants

• spleen mass is significantly increased relative to C3 /Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 17 weeks of age

involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
C3tm1Crr mutation (3 available); any C3 mutation (103 available)
C4btm1Crr mutation (1 available); any C4b mutation (105 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• spleen mass is significantly increased relative to C3-null, Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 17 weeks of age
• lymph node mass is increased relative to C3-null, Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 10 and 13 weeks of age
• frequency of antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) or antibody-forming cells (AFCs) is significantly increased in spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes compared to C3-deficient Fas mutants or single Faslpr mutants
• titers of serum ANA are significantly increased at 10 and 17 weeks, compared to single-deficient mice
• anti-dsDNA titers are elevated significantly relative to C4, Fas double mutants

hematopoietic system
• spleen mass is significantly increased relative to C3-null, Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 17 weeks of age

renal/urinary system
• increased IgG deposition relative to C3/Fas mutants is observed in kidney sections; deposition is similar to C4/Fas mutants
• more severe glomerular abnormalities are observed relative to C3/Fas mutants, and pathology is similar to that of C4/Fas double mutants

• spleen mass is significantly increased relative to C3-null, Faslpr or single Faslpr mutants at 17 weeks of age

involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Itfg2Gt(OST215121)Lex mutation (1 available); any Itfg2 mutation (39 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes
• increased faster in the blood and to a higher proportion than in Faslpr homozygotes
• decreased circulating B cells for the first 13 weeks of age compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• from 19 weeks compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• from 19 weeks compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes
• more severe autoimmune disease development with inflammatory cell infiltration of the kidney and hypertrophy in the lymphoid organs compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes

• compared with Faslpr homozygotes

renal/urinary system
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes
• increased faster in the blood and to a higher proportion than in Faslpr homozygotes
• decreased circulating B cells for the first 13 weeks of age compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• from 19 weeks compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• from 19 weeks compared with Faslpr homozygotes

• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Spp1tm1Rit mutation (6 available); any Spp1 mutation (43 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• at day 175 compared with wild-type mice with further increase at day 275 compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgA levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG1 levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG2a levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG2b levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG3 levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgM levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 175 compared with wild-type mice with further increase at day 275 compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit moderate nephritis that worsens from day 175 to 215 unlike either single homozygote

renal/urinary system
• mice exhibit moderate nephritis that worsens from day 175 to 215 unlike either single homozygote

hematopoietic system
• at day 175 compared with wild-type mice with further increase at day 275 compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgA levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG1 levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG2a levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG2b levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgG3 levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes
• at day 275 compared with wild-type mice
• however, at day 175 IgM levels are normal unlike in Faslpr homozygotes

• at day 175 compared with wild-type mice with further increase at day 275 compared with Faslpr homozygotes

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * DBA/1 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ifngtm1Ts mutation (18 available); any Ifng mutation (49 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• decrease in the number of CD4-CD8-B220+ alpha beta T cells compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• lympadenopathy (based on spleen weight and cellularity) is reduced compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 7-8 months of age a modest increase in spleen size and cellularity is seen relative to wild-type controls
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• lympadenopathy (based on lymph node weight and cellularity) is reduced compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• in young animals lymph node size is similar to wild-type controls
• at 7-8 months of age a modest increase in lymph node size and cellularity is seen relative to wild-type controls
• while mice develop the typical autoimmune lesions, end organ disease is decreased compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• lower titers of anti-snRNP and anti-rheumatoid factors antibodies relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng at 3 and 7-8 months of age
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age

• levels are lower compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng

hematopoietic system
• decrease in the number of CD4-CD8-B220+ alpha beta T cells compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• lympadenopathy (based on spleen weight and cellularity) is reduced compared to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 7-8 months of age a modest increase in spleen size and cellularity is seen relative to wild-type controls
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng
• at 3 and 7-8 months of age relative to mice homozygous for Faslpr and wild-type for Ifng

• at 7-8 months of age a modest increase in spleen size and cellularity is seen relative to wild-type controls

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Nos2tm1Mrl mutation (5 available); any Nos2 mutation (67 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
renal/urinary system
• protein excretion less than controls at 20 weeks of age but not significantly
• excrete very low levels of nitrite/nitrate relative to controls, heterozygotes are intermediate
• serum and urine levels of nitrite/nitrate are similar

• serum and urine levels of nitrite/nitrate are similar
• protein excretion less than controls at 20 weeks of age but not significantly
• excrete very low levels of nitrite/nitrate relative to controls, heterozygotes are intermediate
• serum and urine levels of nitrite/nitrate are similar

immune system
• vasculitis absent in renal vessels, unlike controls
• anti-DNA levels similar to controls
• IgG1/IgG3 ratio is higher than controls
• significantly reduced rheumatoid factor specific IgG antibodies
• significantly reduced rheumatoid factor specific IgM antibodies

hematopoietic system
• IgG1/IgG3 ratio is higher than controls
• significantly reduced rheumatoid factor specific IgG antibodies
• significantly reduced rheumatoid factor specific IgM antibodies

involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tnfrsf1atm1.1Gkl mutation (1 available); any Tnfrsf1a mutation (52 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• liver inflammation is seen by 3-4 weeks of age and persists throughout adulthood
• no change in the severity of liver inflammation is seen compared to Tnfrsf1atm1Gkl in homozygotes

liver/biliary system
• liver inflammation is seen by 3-4 weeks of age and persists throughout adulthood
• no change in the severity of liver inflammation is seen compared to Tnfrsf1atm1Gkl in homozygotes

involves: 129/SvHsd * 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Raf1tm1Bacc mutation (0 available); any Raf1 mutation (117 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• differentiation of erythroblasts is blocked even at 60 hours after induction of differentiation, as measured by cell proliferation, volume decrease, and hemoglobin accumulation

• number of apoptotic erthroblasts is increased under 10U/ml of erythropoietin

involves: 129/SvHsd * 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Raf1tm1Bacc mutation (0 available); any Raf1 mutation (117 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• differentiation of erythroblasts from double heterozygotes is indistinguishable from wild-type cells

involves: 129/SvHsd * 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * MRL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Raf1tm1Bacc mutation (0 available); any Raf1 mutation (117 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• introduction of a Faslpr allele onto the Raf1-null background rescues the lethality shown by the homozygous Raf1-null embryos

hematopoietic system
• introduction of a Faslpr allele onto the Raf1-null background rescues the anemia observed in homozygous Raf1-null embryos
• differentiation of erythroblasts is delayed, restoring differentiation to level of Raf1 heterozygotes; differentiation is slower than observed in Raf1-null cells

involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6JJmsSlc * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd72b mutation (0 available); any Cd72 mutation (30 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• increased percentage of total B cells in the spleen compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• reduced percentage of lpr T cells in the spleen compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• increased percentage of total T cells in the spleen compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• less severe autoimmune disease (reduced spleen weight, reduced percentage of lpr T cells in the spleen, decreased nuclear autoantibodies, reduced glomeruli size, reduced grade of proteinuria and reduced immune complex deposition) compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• however, severity of renal disease is the same as in Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• anti-double- and single-stranded autoantibodies compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background

renal/urinary system
• reduced proteinuria compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• decreased size and immune complex deposition compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background

• reduced proteinuria compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background

hematopoietic system
• increased percentage of total B cells in the spleen compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• reduced percentage of lpr T cells in the spleen compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• increased percentage of total T cells in the spleen compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a MRL background

involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6JJmsSlc * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd72c mutation (1 available); any Cd72 mutation (30 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• at 12 months compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• reduced percentage compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• increased percentage compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• however, the percentage of B220+CD3+ T cells is the same as in Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• moderate at 12 months compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• more severe lupus-like disease (greater increase in spleen weight, lymphadenopathy, reduced percentage of B cells, increased percentage of T cells, increased inflammation in the lungs and liver, more severe glomerular lesions and increased nuclear autoantibodies) compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• at 12 months compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• at 12 months compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• however, levels are lower than in Faslpr homozygotes on an MRL background
• mice exhibit more severe cell infiltration in the lung and liver compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• mice exhibit more severe cell infiltration in the lung and liver compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background

renal/urinary system
• more severe glomerular lesions with more prominent immune complex deposition compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background

liver/biliary system
• mice exhibit more severe cell infiltration in the lung and liver compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background

respiratory system
• mice exhibit more severe cell infiltration in the lung and liver compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background

hematopoietic system
• at 12 months compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• reduced percentage compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• increased percentage compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• however, the percentage of B220+CD3+ T cells is the same as in Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background

• at 12 months compared with Faslpr homozygotes on a C57BL/6 background

involves: C57BL/6 * CBA * MRL/MpJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(H2-K-Cd86)27All mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• frequency and absolute number of B lymphocytes in primary and secondary lymphoid organs are very low

immune system
• frequency and absolute number of B lymphocytes in primary and secondary lymphoid organs are very low

involves: C57BL/6J * C57BL/6JJmsSlc * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd72tm1Tsub mutation (0 available); any Cd72 mutation (30 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• severe at 6 months
• reduced percentage total B cells
• marked increased percentage of lpr T cells in the spleen, lymph nodes and peritoneal cavity
• increased percentage of total T cells
• severe at 6 months
• more so than in Cd72tm1Tsub homozygotes
• more so than in Cd72tm1Tsub homozygotes
• more so than in either single homozygotes
• with immune complex deposition, more so than in either single homozygotes
• more so than in either single homozygotes

renal/urinary system
• with immune complex deposition, more so than in either single homozygotes

liver/biliary system
• more so than in either single homozygotes

respiratory system
• more so than in either single homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• severe at 6 months
• reduced percentage total B cells
• marked increased percentage of lpr T cells in the spleen, lymph nodes and peritoneal cavity
• increased percentage of total T cells

• severe at 6 months

involves: C57BL/6J * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Kdelr1m1Btlr mutation (1 available); any Kdelr1 mutation (10 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• T cell numbers are restored compared to in Kdelr1m1Btlr homozygotes

involves: C57BL/6 * MRL/Mp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(TcraTcrb)1100Mjb mutation (6 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• after administration of OVA peptide 257-264 has no affect on mortality

liver/biliary system
• no morphological abnormalities or increased apoptosis after administration of OVA peptide 257-264
• extensive infiltration of Valpha2+ CD8+ lymphocytes after administration of OVA peptide 257-264

immune system
• extensive infiltration of Valpha2+ CD8+ lymphocytes after administration of OVA peptide 257-264

MRL.Cg-Apoetm1Unc Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Apoetm1Unc mutation (33 available); any Apoe mutation (158 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mice display greatly increased levels compared to wild-type controls or Apoe-null mice
• IgG and IgM anti-oxidized LDL and anti-cardiolipin antibodies are increased compared to controls
• mice display greatly increased levels compared to wild-type controls or Apoe-null mice
• mice display greatly increased levels compared to wild-type controls or Apoe-null mice

• significantly increased relative to wild-type controls at 24 weeks of age or Fas-single mutants

cardiovascular system
• modest increase in total area of lipid deposits in aorta compared to Apoe-null mice

hematopoietic system
• mice display greatly increased levels compared to wild-type controls or Apoe-null mice

MRL.Cg-Ccr2tm1Blck Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ccr2tm1Blck mutation (3 available); any Ccr2 mutation (43 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• life span is considerably reduced on average but considerably longer than Faslpr controls

immune system
• frequency of CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood is significantly reduced relative to Faslpr controls
• percentage of CD8+ T cells is markedly reduced at 14 and 20 weeks of age relative to Faslpr controls
• levels significantly reduced relative to Faslpr controls
• levels significantly reduced relative to Faslpr controls
• enlargement is significantly less at 14 weeks of age than in Faslpr controls
• spleen enlargement at 20 weeks equivalent to controls
• enlargement is significantly less than in Faslpr controls
• less T-cell and macrophage infiltration than in Faslpr controls
• not as extensive as in Faslpr controls

renal/urinary system
• significantly less developed at 8 and 14 weeks but comparable to Faslpr controls at 20 weeks
• less T-cell and macrophage infiltration than in Faslpr controls
• not as extensive as in Faslpr controls
• abnormalities much less than in Faslpr controls
• abnormalities seen at 14 weeks of age include hypercellular glomeruli, increased mesangial matrix, and perivascular lymphoid cell accumulations
• increased mesangial matrix at 14 weeks of age
• intraglomerular necrosis and sclerosis less developed than in Faslpr controls
• tubular damage and atrophy less than in Faslpr controls

hematopoietic system
• enlargement is significantly less at 14 weeks of age than in Faslpr controls
• spleen enlargement at 20 weeks equivalent to controls
• frequency of CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood is significantly reduced relative to Faslpr controls
• percentage of CD8+ T cells is markedly reduced at 14 and 20 weeks of age relative to Faslpr controls

• levels significantly reduced relative to Faslpr controls
• levels significantly reduced relative to Faslpr controls
• significantly less developed at 8 and 14 weeks but comparable to Faslpr controls at 20 weeks

• enlargement is significantly less at 14 weeks of age than in Faslpr controls
• spleen enlargement at 20 weeks equivalent to controls

MRL.Cg-Cd180tm1Kmiy Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd180tm1Kmiy mutation (5 available); any Cd180 mutation (52 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• Cd180-deficiency ameliorates mortality in Faslpr mice; survival to >40 weeks is significantly greater than Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• numbers of CD4-positive T cells are rescued relative to MRL/MpJ-Faslpr
• severe in double mutants compared to controls, but reduced significantly from that observed in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• significantly increased relative to controls, similar to MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• CD44+ and CD69+ B cells in spleen are decreased relative to wild-type controls
• reduced compared to wild-type controls, but higher than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• significantly lower in serum at 20 weeks than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr single mutant mice
• significantly reduced in serum at 20 weeks than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr single mutant mice

cardiovascular system
• necrotizing arteritis of small- and medium-sized arteries in kidneys is observed less frequently than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice

renal/urinary system

immune system
• necrotizing arteritis of small- and medium-sized arteries in kidneys is observed less frequently than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice
• severe in double mutants compared to controls, but reduced significantly from that observed in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• significantly increased relative to controls, similar to MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• CD44+ and CD69+ B cells in spleen are decreased relative to wild-type controls
• reduced compared to wild-type controls, but higher than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• significantly lower in serum at 20 weeks than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr single mutant mice
• significantly reduced in serum at 20 weeks than in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr single mutant mice
• severe compared to wild-type controls, but reduced significantly from that observed in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes with largest difference in node size observed in axillary lymph nodes
• autoantibody levels are much higher than wild-type controls but no difference is observed in IgG3 anti-IgG2a rheumatoid factor levels compared to MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes
• levels of anti-dsDNA and anti-chromatin autoantibodies are elevated compared to wild-type, but are similar to MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes

• levels are decreased with Cd180 deficiency, but are still elevated relative to wild-type controls

• severe in double mutants compared to controls, but reduced significantly from that observed in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Ebi3tm1Nkma Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ebi3tm1Nkma mutation (0 available); any Ebi3 mutation (12 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 90% survival at 20 weeks compared to 50% survival for MRL/lpr controls

renal/urinary system
• generalized thickening of the capillary walls
• widespread discrete granular Ig deposition in the capillary walls, primarily IgG1 rather than IgG2a
• proteinuria increased relative to MRL/lpr controls
• proteinuria increased relative to MRL/lpr controls

• suppressed relative to MRL/lpr controls
• serum creatinine is suppressed relative to MRL/lpr controls
• suppressed relative to MRL/lpr controls
• proteinuria increased relative to MRL/lpr controls
• proteinuria increased relative to MRL/lpr controls

immune system

cardiovascular system
• generalized thickening of the capillary walls
• widespread discrete granular Ig deposition in the capillary walls, primarily IgG1 rather than IgG2a

hematopoietic system

MRL.Cg-Faslpr Igh-Jtm2(3H9-VDJ*)Mwg
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Igh-Jtm2(3H9-VDJ*)Mwg mutation (3 available); any Igh-J mutation (13 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• Anti-dsDNA B cells have their transgenic heavy chains paired with kappa light chains that do not prevent DNA binding
• most anti-dsDNA B cells have also edited the heavy chain transgene suggesting de novo development of anti-DNA binding activity
• there is a decrease in the number of unresponsive B cells that express both lamda and kappa chains compared to transgenic mice on a BALB/c background (7.6% of splenic B cells versus to 19.4% )
• mice have a smaller marginal zone B cell population (3.4% of splenic lymphocytes) compared to MRL/lpr mice without the transgene (10.8%)
• significant levels of IgM and IgG antibodies that bind dsDNA antibodies are detected in mice 6-8 weeks of age
• levels of these auto antibodies rise with age
• the levels of IgG are higher than in age-matched MRL/lpr mice that do not carry the transgene

hematopoietic system
• Anti-dsDNA B cells have their transgenic heavy chains paired with kappa light chains that do not prevent DNA binding
• most anti-dsDNA B cells have also edited the heavy chain transgene suggesting de novo development of anti-DNA binding activity
• there is a decrease in the number of unresponsive B cells that express both lamda and kappa chains compared to transgenic mice on a BALB/c background (7.6% of splenic B cells versus to 19.4% )
• mice have a smaller marginal zone B cell population (3.4% of splenic lymphocytes) compared to MRL/lpr mice without the transgene (10.8%)

MRL.Cg-Faslpr Tg(CD2-Foxj1)#Stlp
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(CD2-Foxj1)#Stlp mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice
• reduced lymphadenopathy is observed compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice
• diminished accumulation of CD3+ CD4- CD8- B220+ double negative T cells is observed in peripheral lymphoid organs
• peripheral CD4 counts are 8- to 10-fold reduced
• increased numbers of mature CD4+ thymocytes show defective migration in response to CCL19 in vitro, suggesting impaired ability to emigrate from the thymus
• reduced lymphadenopathy is observed compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice
• double mutant mice display protection against murine lupus (reduced lymphadenopathy, autoantibody production and end-organ disease)
• anti-DNA autoantibodies are produced; however, these autoantibodies are not high affinity anti-dsDNA antibodies and likely only low affinity anti-ssDNA antibodies are present
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

hematopoietic system
• reduced lymphadenopathy is observed compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice
• diminished accumulation of CD3+ CD4- CD8- B220+ double negative T cells is observed in peripheral lymphoid organs
• peripheral CD4 counts are 8- to 10-fold reduced
• increased numbers of mature CD4+ thymocytes show defective migration in response to CCL19 in vitro, suggesting impaired ability to emigrate from the thymus

renal/urinary system
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

digestive/alimentary system
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

liver/biliary system
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

respiratory system
• inflammation observed is reduced compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

• reduced lymphadenopathy is observed compared to non-transgenic Faslpr mice

MRL.Cg-Fcer1gtm1Tks Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Fcer1gtm1Tks mutation (1 available); any Fcer1g mutation (28 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• all mice diet of renal failure by 65 weeks of age with a 50% survival rate at a median age of 32-34 weeks similar to MRL-Faslpr mice

immune system
• MRL-Fas mice homozygous for the Fcer1gtm1Tks allele still develop glomerulonephritis in a similar manner as MRL-Faslpr mice carrying the wild-type Fcer1gtm1Tks allele
• necrotizing vasculitis with mononuclear cell infiltration, vessel wall destruction, and occasional thrombosis are observed in the interlobular arteries of the kidney
• necrotizing vasculitis of the pulmonary arteries, with mononuclear cell infiltration and vessel wall destruction occur
• spleen weight is 7- to 8-fold greater than C57BL/6 controls but is similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• a double-negative, B220+ T cell population accumulates in the spleen and lymph nodes similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• IgG levels are elevated compared to C57BL/6 controls but are similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• extravasation does not occur in mice as occurs in controls when iv injected with OVA and intradermally injected with rabbit anti-OVA IgG
• anti-DNA Iglevels are elevated compared to C57BL/6 controls but are similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• mice develop diffuse proliferative GN with mononuclear cell infiltration, mesangial and endothelial cell proliferation, and crescent formation after 16 weeks of age similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• proteinuria, followed by renal failure, develops in all mice

renal/urinary system
• endothelial cell proliferation is noted after 16 weeks of age
• mesangial cell proliferation is noted after 16 weeks of age
• mesangial and endothelial cell proliferation after 16 weeks of age
• urinary protein concentrations increase with age similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• mice develop diffuse proliferative GN with mononuclear cell infiltration, mesangial and endothelial cell proliferation, and crescent formation after 16 weeks of age similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• proteinuria, followed by renal failure, develops in all mice
• crescent formation is noted after 16 weeks of age
• mice die of renal failure by 65 weeks of age similar to MRL-Faslpr mice

• urinary protein concentrations increase with age similar to MRL-Faslpr mice

cardiovascular system
• endothelial cell proliferation is noted after 16 weeks of age
• various forms of medium and small vessel vasculitis occur similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• necrotizing vasculitis with mononuclear cell infiltration, vessel wall destruction, and occasional thrombosis are observed in the interlobular arteries of the kidney
• necrotizing vasculitis of the pulmonary arteries, with mononuclear cell infiltration and vessel wall destruction occur

hematopoietic system
• spleen weight is 7- to 8-fold greater than C57BL/6 controls but is similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• a double-negative, B220+ T cell population accumulates in the spleen and lymph nodes similar to MRL-Faslpr mice
• IgG levels are elevated compared to C57BL/6 controls but are similar to MRL-Faslpr mice

• mesangial cell proliferation is noted after 16 weeks of age
• mesangial and endothelial cell proliferation after 16 weeks of age

• spleen weight is 7- to 8-fold greater than C57BL/6 controls but is similar to MRL-Faslpr mice

MRL.Cg-Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ifnar1tm1Agt mutation (11 available); any Ifnar1 mutation (60 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit increased serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor and DNA auto-antibodies, lymphadenopathy, glomerulonephritis, renal immunoglobulin deposits, proteinuria, and end organ disease compared to in wild-type mice
• some systemic lupus erythematosus symptoms are more severe than Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit increased serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor compared to in wild-type mice and Faslpr homozygotes
• DNA auto-antibodies are increased compared to in wild-type mice at 12 weeks

renal/urinary system


endocrine/exocrine glands
• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes

digestive/alimentary system
• worse than in Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ifngr1tm1Agt mutation (13 available); any Ifngr1 mutation (53 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• some mice exhibit IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit reduced serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor and DNA auto-antibodies, lymphadenopathy, glomerulonephritis, renal immunoglobulin deposits, proteinuria, and end organ disease compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit reduced serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor and DNA auto-antibodies compared to in Ifnar1tm1Agt homozygotes
• DNA auto-antibodies (likely against single stranded DNA) are decreased compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• in some mice

renal/urinary system
• in some mice


hematopoietic system
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• some mice exhibit IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Ifngr1tm1Agt Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ifnar1tm1Agt mutation (11 available); any Ifnar1 mutation (60 available)
Ifngr1tm1Agt mutation (13 available); any Ifngr1 mutation (53 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mild in some mice
• modestly compared with Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr or Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr double homozygotes
• some mice exhibit IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice
• compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit reduced serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor and DNA auto-antibodies, lymphadenopathy, glomerulonephritis, renal immunoglobulin deposits, proteinuria, and end organ disease compared with Faslpr homozygotes
• compared with Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr double homozygotes
• mice exhibit reduced serum levels of kappa-chain rheumatoid factor and DNA auto-antibodies compared to in Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr or Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr double homozygotes
• compared with Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr or Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr double homozygotes at 24 weeks
• in some mice

renal/urinary system
• in some mice


endocrine/exocrine glands
• mild in some mice

digestive/alimentary system
• mild in some mice

hematopoietic system
• modestly compared with Ifngr1tm1Agt Faslpr or Ifnar1tm1Agt Faslpr double homozygotes
• some mice exhibit IgG deposits in the kidney unlike wild-type mice

MRL.Cg-Ifngtm1Ts Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ifngtm1Ts mutation (18 available); any Ifng mutation (49 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice become moribund and are sacrificed at 4 months mutants posttransfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months while all controls remain alive

immune system
• macrophage accumulation is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• mice develop glomerular autoantibody deposits, but do not develop glomerulonephritis
• mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months develop diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis by 6 months

renal/urinary system
• glomeruli are hypercellular in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months
• glomerular damage is more severe in mice receiving cell transfer than in control mice not receiving transfers
• thickening of capillary walls in glomeruli is observed in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months
• mesangial cells are increased in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months
• mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months develop diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis by 6 months

• BUN levels are elevated at time of death in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months

cardiovascular system
• thickening of capillary walls in glomeruli is observed in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months

• mesangial cells are increased in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months
• macrophage accumulation is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• macrophage accumulation is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Ifngtm1Ts Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Ifngtm1Ts mutation (18 available); any Ifng mutation (49 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• at 4 months, kidney-infiltrating macrophages are not present; deposits of glomerular immune complexes (ICs) are not observed
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages, IC deposition and glomerular proliferation are similar to control mice not receiving transfers
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type T cells at 2 months, kidney interstitium remains free of macrophages, T cells, or other lymphocytes (signs of kidney interstitial inflammation) at 2 months post-transfer
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type T cells at 2 months, anti-DNA autoantibody production is minimal compared to Ifng-wild-type, Faslpr homozygotes; glomerular autoantibody deposits are not observed
• macrophage accumulation is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages, migration of macrophages to peritubular and periglomerular areas of kidneys is detected, whereas without transfer, macrophage recruitment to these areas is significantly reduced relative to Faslpr homozygotes
• mice display perivascular infiltrate composed mainly of CD4+ cells
• mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type T cells at 2 months develop heavy perivascular infiltrates of mainly CD4+ T cells but show no signs of glomerular nephritis, similar to nontransferred controls
• severe multifocal pyogranulomatous nephritis is observed in kidneys of mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months of age, with extensive perivascular and periglomerular accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and mononuclear cells
• mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type T cells at 2 months develop diffuse severe acidophilic pneumonia, characterized by intraalveolar accumulation of strongly eosinophilic macrophages with heavy CD3+ cell infiltration; some animals present with peribronchial T cell infiltration

renal/urinary system
• mice display perivascular infiltrate composed mainly of CD4+ cells
• mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type T cells at 2 months develop heavy perivascular infiltrates of mainly CD4+ T cells but show no signs of glomerular nephritis, similar to nontransferred controls
• severe multifocal pyogranulomatous nephritis is observed in kidneys of mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages at 2 months of age, with extensive perivascular and periglomerular accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and mononuclear cells
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages, glomerular nephritis is not observed, but severe multifocal pyogranulomatous nephritis in kidneys is observed

respiratory system
• mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type T cells at 2 months develop diffuse severe acidophilic pneumonia, characterized by intraalveolar accumulation of strongly eosinophilic macrophages with heavy CD3+ cell infiltration; some animals present with peribronchial T cell infiltration

• macrophage accumulation is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages, migration of macrophages to peritubular and periglomerular areas of kidneys is detected, whereas without transfer, macrophage recruitment to these areas is significantly reduced relative to Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• macrophage accumulation is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• in mutants receiving adoptive transfer of Ifng wild-type F4/80+ macrophages, migration of macrophages to peritubular and periglomerular areas of kidneys is detected, whereas without transfer, macrophage recruitment to these areas is significantly reduced relative to Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Il27ratm1Mak Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Il27ratm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Il27ra mutation (29 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 10% of mice die by week 24 compared with 50% of Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice

immune system
• mice exhibit unaltered lymphocyte compartment compared with Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• mice exhibit increased IgG1 depositions in the kidneys compared with Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• IgG1 serum levels are increased compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• mice exhibit reduced IgG2a renal deposits and serum levels compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• Th2-type immune response is favored compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• 10-fold in stimulated CD4+ T cells compared with similarly treated Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ cells
• mice exhibit improved survival, creatinine serum level, blood urea nitrogen serum level, and renal injury compared with Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• mice develop membranous glomerulonephritis

renal/urinary system
• mice develop membranous glomerulonephritis

• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice

hematopoietic system
• compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• mice exhibit increased IgG1 depositions in the kidneys compared with Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• IgG1 serum levels are increased compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• mice exhibit reduced IgG2a renal deposits and serum levels compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice
• Th2-type immune response is favored compared to in Faslpr/Faslpr Il27ratm1Mak/Il27ra+ mice

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
membranous glomerulonephritis DOID:10976 J:122148

MRL.Cg-Il4tm1Cgn Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Il4tm1Cgn mutation (4 available); any Il4 mutation (46 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• dacryoadenitis, characterized by multiple foci of mononuclear inflammatory cells
• predominant cell type in infiltrate at various ages is CD4+ T cells (66%); CD8+ T cells make up 16% of infiltrate
• B cells are somewhat less abundant in infiltrates (18%) than in double mutants
• less severe than MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice at 3 and 5 months

renal/urinary system
• less severe than MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice at 3 and 5 months

• dacryoadenitis, characterized by multiple foci of mononuclear inflammatory cells
• predominant cell type in infiltrate at various ages is CD4+ T cells (66%); CD8+ T cells make up 16% of infiltrate
• B cells are somewhat less abundant in infiltrates (18%) than in double mutants

endocrine/exocrine glands
• dacryoadenitis, characterized by multiple foci of mononuclear inflammatory cells
• predominant cell type in infiltrate at various ages is CD4+ T cells (66%); CD8+ T cells make up 16% of infiltrate
• B cells are somewhat less abundant in infiltrates (18%) than in double mutants

MRL.Cg-Irf1tm1Mak Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Irf1tm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Irf1 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 50% of mice die by 45 weeks; survival is increased relative to MRL-Faslpr mice

immune system
• TNF alpha production is not significantly different from Faslpr, Irf1-sufficient mice
• at 12 weeks, splenic CD4+CD25+ T cells are increased in percentage compared to wild-type MRL-Faslpr mice; percentage increases from 27.1% at 8 weeks to 40.3% at 26 weeks in wild-type mice, double mutants have 60.6% at 26 weeks
• 26 week old mice have a percentage of CD4+CD25+CD62L+ T cells (32.2%) compared to wild-type MRL-Faslpr mice (13.1%)
• mesangial cells from 8- and 26-week old mice show significantly less Il12 production than Faslpr, Irf1-sufficient cells upon stimulation with LPS and interferon gamma
• levels of anti-dsDNA IgG2a are significantly decreased relative to Faslpr, Irf1-sufficient mice
• at 26 weeks of age, mice show much less severe renal disease including IgG and C3 glomerular deposition compared to Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• at 12 weeks, splenic CD4+CD25+ T cells are increased in percentage compared to wild-type MRL-Faslpr mice; percentage increases from 27.1% at 8 weeks to 40.3% at 26 weeks in wild-type mice, double mutants have 60.6% at 26 weeks
• 26 week old mice have a percentage of CD4+CD25+CD62L+ T cells (32.2%) compared to wild-type MRL-Faslpr mice (13.1%)

renal/urinary system
• at 26 weeks of age, mice show much less severe renal disease including IgG and C3 glomerular deposition compared to Faslpr homozygotes

• only 1 mouse had abnormal urine protein levels (above 200 mg/dl) at 24 weeks of age

• in response to LPS + IFN gamma stimulation, mesangial cells show significantly lower activation than cells from MRL-Faslpr mice

• mice do not show characteristic signs of skin disease; at 26 weeks of age, 7/10 mice show no skin involvement, while 3 show minimal skin irritation, compared to 8/10 Faslpr, Irf1 sufficient mice displaying moderate to severe skin involvement

MRL.Cg-Irf1tm1Mak Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Irf1tm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Irf1 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 50% of mice die by 52 weeks; survival is increased relative to MRL-Faslpr mice

renal/urinary system
• not significantly different from Faslpr, Irf1-null mice or Faslpr, Irf1-sufficient mice
• at 26 weeks of age, mice show much less severe renal disease including IgG and C3 glomerular deposition compared to Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• mice display similar T cell population profiles to Faslpr, Irf1-null mice

immune system
• TNF alpha production is not significantly different Faslpr, Irf1-sufficient mice or Faslpr, Irf1-null mice
• mice display similar T cell population profiles to Faslpr, Irf1-null mice
• at 26 weeks of age, levels are significantly higher relative to Faslpr, Irf1-null mice
• at 26 weeks of age, mice show much less severe renal disease including IgG and C3 glomerular deposition compared to Faslpr homozygotes

• not significantly different from Faslpr, Irf1-null mice or Faslpr, Irf1-sufficient mice

• mice display varying severity of skin irritation ranging from little or none to mild or moderate to severe

MRL.Cg-Selplgtm1Fur Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Selplgtm1Fur mutation (1 available); any Selplg mutation (51 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• overall survival is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes (median survival is 21 weeks vs 26 weeks for Fas mutants); renal lesions are severe at time of death

immune system
• significant increases are observed at 16 weeks, in contrast to Selp-null, Fas double mutants; levels are significantly higher than control at 20 weeks
• at 20 weeks of age, kidneys display higher lesion scores than controls
• double mutants show more rapid onset of cutaneous inflammation than Faslpr homozygotes

renal/urinary system
• at 20 weeks of age, kidneys display higher lesion scores than controls

• significant increases are observed at 16 weeks, in contrast to Selp-null, Fas double mutants; levels are significantly higher than control at 20 weeks

• double mutants show more rapid onset of cutaneous inflammation than Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Selptm1Bay Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Selptm1Bay mutation (3 available); any Selp mutation (57 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• overall survival is reduced compared to Faslpr homozygotes (median survival is 20 weeks vs 26 weeks for Fas mutants); renal lesions are severe at time of death

immune system
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• severe neutrophil accumulation at 20 weeks is observed in kidneys
• in kidney and cultured primary renal endothelial cells, levels of CCL2 are elevated compared to Faslpr controls at 20 weeks; expression levels are increased further upon LPS treatment of cells
• at 20 weeks of age, kidneys display higher lesion scores than controls
• double mutants show more rapid onset of cutaneous inflammation than Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• severe neutrophil accumulation at 20 weeks is observed in kidneys

renal/urinary system
• at 20 weeks of age, severely affected glomeruli display capsular fibrosis and proliferation of the lining of Bowman's capsule
• at 20 weeks of age, foot processes are fused
• at 20 weeks of age, foot processes are diffusely effaced
• lesions at 20 weeks are characterized by neutrophil infiltration of the glomerular tuft, proliferation of mesangial and endothelial cells, mild multifocal tubular atrophy, and interstitial mixed inflammatory cell accumulation
• more severely affected glomeruli have necrosis of large areas of the tuft, fibrin deposition, proliferation of lining of Bowman's capsule with fusion of the tuft (synechia), capsular fibrosis, and pericapsular lymphocyte accumulation
• subepithelial and subendothelial electron-dense deposits are detected
• at 20 weeks of age, proliferation of endothelial cells is observed
• at 20 weeks of age, cellularity of mesangium is moderately increased
• at 20 weeks of age, kidneys display higher lesion scores than controls
• at 20 weeks of age, markedly expanded mesangium due to mesangial matrix increase is observed
• at 20 weeks of age, proliferation of lining of Bowman's capsule is observed
• at 20 weeks of age, proliferation of lining of Bowman's capsule with fusion of the tuft (synechia) is observed
• at 20 weeks of age, severely affected glomeruli exhibit fibrin deposition
• at 20 weeks of age, mild multifocal tubular atrophy is observed
• at 20 weeks of age, severely affected glomeruli display necrosis of large areas of the tuft
• progressive decline in renal function is observed, during progression to end-stage renal disease

cardiovascular system
• at 20 weeks of age, proliferation of endothelial cells is observed

• double mutants show more rapid onset of cutaneous inflammation than Faslpr homozygotes

• at 20 weeks of age, cellularity of mesangium is moderately increased
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated
• rolling is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated, in mutants compared to controls
• in mice chronically treated with anti-E-selectin antibodies, rolling is completely eliminated

MRL.Cg-Tcratm1Mjo Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tcratm1Mjo mutation (7 available); any Tcra mutation (101 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• no difference in the susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus is detected compared to wild-type controls

MRL.Cg-Tlr9tm1Aki Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tlr9tm1Aki mutation (7 available); any Tlr9 mutation (66 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mutants show accelerated mortality relative to Faslpr homozygotes, with a median survival of 16.4 weeks compared to 25.1 weeks for Faslpr homozygotes

immune system
• splenomegaly is increased more than in Faslpr homozygotes
• 3-fold increase in the number of CD4- CD8- double-negative T cells in the spleen compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• increase in number of CD4+ helper T cells compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• B cells have increased expression of activation markers CD44 and CD69 compared to Faslpr homozygotes, indicating increased B cell activation
• increase in concentration of every IgG isotype compared to Faslpr homozygotes, with most prominent increases in IgG2a and IgG3
• compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• mice exhibit increased serum IFN-alpha concentration compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• lymphadenopathy is increased more than in Faslpr homozygotes
• splenic plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) are more activated than those in single Faslpr homozygotes based on increased expression of MHC class II
• plasmacytoid DCs have an increased expression of the activation markers CD80 and CD86 compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• mutants exhibit an increase in the incidence and severity of autoimmune skin disease compared to single Faslpr homozygous littermates
• mutants develop exacerbated kidney disease (lupus nephritis) compared to single Faslpr homozygotes
• mutants show impaired ability to generate antibodies to DNA antigens compared to single Faslpr homozygotes, however they do generate antibodies reacting with cytoplasmic antigens that may include RNA
• mice exhibit an elevated baseline level of anti-Smith-ribonucleoprotein autoantibodies compared to single Faslpr homozygotes
• mutants develop exacerbated kidney disease (lupus nephritis) compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• a trend towards increased severity of interstitial infiltrates compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• increase in glomerular size, cellularity, and protein deposition in kidneys leading to glomerulonephritis

renal/urinary system
• mutants develop exacerbated kidney disease (lupus nephritis) compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• a trend towards increased severity of interstitial infiltrates compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• increase in glomerular size, cellularity, and protein deposition in kidneys leading to glomerulonephritis
• glomerular size and cellularity are increased compared to Faslpr homozygotes

hematopoietic system
• splenomegaly is increased more than in Faslpr homozygotes
• 3-fold increase in the number of CD4- CD8- double-negative T cells in the spleen compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• increase in number of CD4+ helper T cells compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• B cells have increased expression of activation markers CD44 and CD69 compared to Faslpr homozygotes, indicating increased B cell activation
• increase in concentration of every IgG isotype compared to Faslpr homozygotes, with most prominent increases in IgG2a and IgG3
• compared to Faslpr homozygotes
• compared to Faslpr homozygotes

• mice exhibit increased serum IFN-alpha concentration compared to Faslpr homozygotes

• splenomegaly is increased more than in Faslpr homozygotes

MRL.Cg-Tnfrsf13cBcmd1 Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tnfrsf13cBcmd1 mutation (1 available); any Tnfrsf13c mutation (15 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• numbers are reduced

immune system
• numbers are reduced

MRL.Cg-Tnfrsf9tm1Byk Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tnfrsf9tm1Byk mutation (2 available); any Tnfrsf9 mutation (49 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• more apoptotic cells are detected relative to wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr controls

• by 5 months, 80% mortality is observed compared to 40% in Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice; by 4 months, mice become increasingly moribund and display reduced activity

hematopoietic system
• CD8beta+ T cells are not altered in number at any age
• significant enlargement of axillary lymph nodes is seen at 5 months compared to Tnfrsf9-wt, Fas-null mice
• in lacrimal glands, DN T cell percentages are about 2-fold greater than in wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr controls; similar increases are seen in spleen and salivary glands (J:126929)
• increased proportion seen in spleen compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice (J:127197)
• percentages of B-1 (B220+ CD5+) cells are increased significantly in peritoneums and slightly higher in spleens
• percentages of B-2( B220+ CD5-) cells are increased significantly in peritoneums and slightly higher in spleens
• 3- and 5-month old mice show elevated CD4+ T cell numbers in lacrimal glands (J:126929)
• mice display early increases in CD4+ T cells in spleen, and numbers keep rising (J:127197)
• greatly increased germinal center formation is observed compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice
• circulating titres are elevated compared with compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice

immune system
• extensive and early inflammation is observed compared with control wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr homozygotes
• by 3 months, extensive mononuclear cell infiltration is observed, becoming intense by 5 months while controls show no infiltrate at 1 month, mimimal inflammatory lesions at 3 months and extensive, although less severe than double mutants, infiltrates by 5 months of age
• significant enlargement of axillary lymph nodes is seen at 5 months compared to Tnfrsf9-wt, Fas-null mice
• in lacrimal glands, DN T cell percentages are about 2-fold greater than in wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr controls; similar increases are seen in spleen and salivary glands (J:126929)
• increased proportion seen in spleen compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice (J:127197)
• percentages of B-1 (B220+ CD5+) cells are increased significantly in peritoneums and slightly higher in spleens
• percentages of B-2( B220+ CD5-) cells are increased significantly in peritoneums and slightly higher in spleens
• 3- and 5-month old mice show elevated CD4+ T cell numbers in lacrimal glands (J:126929)
• mice display early increases in CD4+ T cells in spleen, and numbers keep rising (J:127197)
• greatly increased germinal center formation is observed compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice
• circulating titres are elevated compared with compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice
• significant enlargement at 5 months compared to Tnfrsf9-wt, Fas-null mice
• in lacrimal glands, increased levels of Il-4 are detected compared to controls
• phenotypic manifestations are increased relative to Faslpr homozygotes
• serum titres of anti-nuclear IgG1/2a are increased at 3 and 5 months
• anti-DNA antibody production is increased compared to Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice

renal/urinary system
• increased immunoglobulin deposits are detected in kidneys compared to controls
• mice show exacerbated renal injury, with increased glomerular infiltrates
• IgG and C3 depositions in kidneys are increased compared with Tnfrsf9-sufficient, Fas-null mice

• from 4 months of age, >60% of mice display progressive erosion of pinnae

• from 4 months of age, >60% of mice display progressive erosion of pinnae

endocrine/exocrine glands
• more apoptotic cells are detected relative to wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr controls
• increased deposits of IgG1, but not IgG2a are detected in lacrimal glands at 3 and 5 months
• extensive and early inflammation is observed compared with control wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr homozygotes
• by 3 months, extensive mononuclear cell infiltration is observed, becoming intense by 5 months while controls show no infiltrate at 1 month, mimimal inflammatory lesions at 3 months and extensive, although less severe than double mutants, infiltrates by 5 months of age

• more apoptotic cells are detected relative to wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr controls
• increased deposits of IgG1, but not IgG2a are detected in lacrimal glands at 3 and 5 months
• extensive and early inflammation is observed compared with control wild-type Tnfrsf9, Fas lpr homozygotes
• by 3 months, extensive mononuclear cell infiltration is observed, becoming intense by 5 months while controls show no infiltrate at 1 month, mimimal inflammatory lesions at 3 months and extensive, although less severe than double mutants, infiltrates by 5 months of age

• by 5 months, skin lesions around tip of nose and around ears are more pronounced than in Tnfrsf9-wt, Fas-null mice

• from 4 months of age, >60% of mice display progressive erosion of pinnae
• significant enlargement of axillary lymph nodes is seen at 5 months compared to Tnfrsf9-wt, Fas-null mice

MRL/Mp-Agtpbp1atms Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Agtpbp1atms mutation (0 available); any Agtpbp1 mutation (66 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

immune system
• spleen is enlarged but to a smaller extent than in single homozygous Faslpr mice
• mild lymphadenopathy that occurs late and slowly compared to homozygous Faslpr mice

hematopoietic system
• spleen is enlarged but to a smaller extent than in single homozygous Faslpr mice

• have a normal smooth fur appearance unlike single homozygous Faslpr mice

• spleen is enlarged but to a smaller extent than in single homozygous Faslpr mice

MRL/Mp-Agtpbp1atms Faslpr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Agtpbp1atms mutation (0 available); any Agtpbp1 mutation (66 available)
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• subtle but abnormal motion of the body swaying laterally is seen at about 21 days of age
• persistent mild to moderate ataxia is noticeable throughout life, however it does not worsen with age
• width of steps is narrower, but do not see widening of the distance between both feet
• cannot stay on the rotarod at all and fall down within the first 2-3 seconds

nervous system
• greater density of stellate neurons along with reactive glia
• low in 4.5 month old mice (389 mg vs. 503 mg in controls)
• incomplete foliation, particularly in the central lobules
• 50% loss of Purkinje cells at 3 weeks of age, with cell loss rapidly accelerating so that by 6 weeks of age, almost all are lost, however do not see any severe loss of neural cells in the cerebellum and brainstem
• thinning of the granular layer seems to be due to a decrease in the number of granule cells per unit area
• thinner at 4.5 months of age but not at 3 weeks of age, due to loss of Purkinje dendritic trees
• small in 4.5 month old mice

reproductive system
• mature sperm are seldom seen in the testis, however primary spermatocytes and spermatogonia are observed in the seminiferous tubules
• cessation of differentiation mainly at the spermatid stage and degeneration of cells
• although females are infertile, no pathological change in the ovaries is observed and ova can be fertilized in vitro

• mature sperm are seldom seen in the testis, however primary spermatocytes and spermatogonia are observed in the seminiferous tubules

MRL/Mp-Faslpr Sh2d1arpl
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Sh2d1arpl mutation (0 available); any Sh2d1a mutation (11 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• the hypergammaglobulinemia and autoantibody production normally associated with MRL mice are mostly absent in this strain
• levels are slightly elevated compared to wild-type mice

NOD.Cg-Faslpr Tg(Ins2-Fasl)24Ach
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(Ins2-Fasl)24Ach mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• when mice are injected with islet-specific CD8+ T cells, 0/5 transgenic Fas-deficient mice become diabetic whereas 5/5 transgenic Fas-sufficient mice develop diabetes 5 days after transfer

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
type 1 diabetes mellitus DOID:9744 OMIM:222100

NOD.Cg-Faslpr Tg(INS-Il10)#Sar
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Faslpr mutation (39 available); any Fas mutation (82 available)
Tg(INS-Il10)#Sar mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• islets of transgenic mice show extensive leukocytic infiltration compared to Fas-sufficient transgenic mice
• mice of the N3-4 and N8-9 NOD backcross develop accelerated diabetes with most developing diabetes by 10 weeks of age while lpr-deficient NOD mice are free from spontaneous insulitis and diabetes
• mice are considered diabetic after a blood glucose measure of >300 mg/dl

endocrine/exocrine glands
• islets of transgenic mice show extensive leukocytic infiltration compared to Fas-sufficient transgenic mice

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory