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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
Allele Name
Allele ID
Summary 12 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv B6CBA Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv MGI:3625524
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv B6CBACa Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv/J MGI:3581170
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv C57BL/6J-Kcnj6wv MGI:3625522
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv involves: C57BL/6 MGI:3625738
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/CaGnLe MGI:3625825
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv involves: C57BL/6J MGI:3625685
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6wv involves: C57BL/6J * CBA MGI:3625841
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6+ B6CBA Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv MGI:3625710
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6+ B6CBACa Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv/J MGI:3625520
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6+ involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/CaGnLe MGI:3625826
Kcnj6wv/Kcnj6+ involves: C57BL/6J MGI:3625840
Kcnj6tm1Stf/Kcnj6wv involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J MGI:3852163

B6CBA Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• in numerous cases, fragments of a few flagella are seen within the same cytoplasmic matrix
• in mutants, percentage of mobile sperm is 23.8% compared to 73% in wild-type
• in P21 mutants, there is a lack of patent lumina
• at P56 in mutants seminiferous epithelium displays progressive atrophic changes and many cellular aberrations
• at P21, mutants show Sertoli cells with slightly vacuolated cytoplasm
• at P56, defects in seminiferous tubule epithelium are often associated with shrinkage of the apical processes of Sertoli cells, their disconnection from the surface of germ cells and paucity of mature spermatids
• at P56, degenerating Sertoli cells of mutants are electron-dense, conspicuously shrunken, and have a foamy cytoplasmic appearance; many are round with small nuclei that have deeply folded surface configurations
• in seminiferous tubules at P21, mutants have less advanced spermatid maturation and there are numerous multinucleated spermatids
• cytoplasmic processes are observed which incorporate parallel membranous structures that show connections to the cisternae and vesicles of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
• sperm count in mutants is 7.1 x 105 compared to 202.5 x 105 in wild-type
• at P56, numerous round spermatids are swollen, multinucleated, show defects in acrosomal structures and are undergoing degeneration
• spermatid nuclei often show irregular chromosomal condensation
• numerous multinucleated spermatids are present at P21

• resting Ca2+ levels are elevated in mutant cerebellar granule neurons compared to wild-type; high potassium stimulation evokes less [Ca2+] change in mutant cerebellar granule neurons than in wild-type

endocrine/exocrine glands
• in P21 mutants, there is a lack of patent lumina
• at P56 in mutants seminiferous epithelium displays progressive atrophic changes and many cellular aberrations
• at P21, mutants show Sertoli cells with slightly vacuolated cytoplasm
• at P56, defects in seminiferous tubule epithelium are often associated with shrinkage of the apical processes of Sertoli cells, their disconnection from the surface of germ cells and paucity of mature spermatids
• at P56, degenerating Sertoli cells of mutants are electron-dense, conspicuously shrunken, and have a foamy cytoplasmic appearance; many are round with small nuclei that have deeply folded surface configurations

• in numerous cases, fragments of a few flagella are seen within the same cytoplasmic matrix
• sperm count in mutants is 7.1 x 105 compared to 202.5 x 105 in wild-type
• at P56, numerous round spermatids are swollen, multinucleated, show defects in acrosomal structures and are undergoing degeneration
• spermatid nuclei often show irregular chromosomal condensation
• numerous multinucleated spermatids are present at P21
• in mutants, percentage of mobile sperm is 23.8% compared to 73% in wild-type

B6CBACa Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes have decreased body weight compared to wild-type

• homozygotes are characterized by an ataxic gait
• when mutants are treated with direct dopamine agonists, they display a greater increase in locomotor activity than wild-type; amphetamine, which potentiates release of endogenous dopamine stores has less effect in mutants than in wild-type

nervous system
• in mutants the dopamine system fails to form
• in mutants the pars compacta of substantia nigra appears hypocellular compared to wild-type
• in homozygotes, Purkinje cell ectopia in the nodular zone is less pronounced but the Purkinje cell layer is several layers thick
• in homozygotes, normal lobation is disrupted
• in central zone, Purkinje cells have stunted and disorganized dendrites
• in the central zone of the cerebellar cortex, almost all Purkinje cells are clustered ectopically
• in mutants fewer large neurons are seen in the midbrain

• no aberrant bleeding time after tail vein nick
• dopamine levels are decreased by 27% in the olfactory tubercle, 77% lower in the frontal cortex and 75% lower in the striatum in 6 month-old mutants compared to wild-type

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• Background Sensitivity: majority die at about 3 weeks of age
• most homozygous mutants do not live to maturity (J:13422)
• almost all mutants die within a year, whereas normal littermates live considerably longer (J:30520)

• obvious 8 to 10 days after birth
• mutants weigh about 50 percent of control sibling weight until the second month when they reach control sibling weight

• mutants nurse poorly
• author states that behavior resembles that of Relnrl and Rorasg; no data is given
• a fine, rapid tremor is seen in the trunk and extremities
• the mouse moving accentuates the tremor
• coordination is better in the second week of life than in the third week
• adult mice are unable to stand or step forward without falling over
• unique to cerebellar mutants: mice may leap when excited or agitated despite being neurologically compromised

reproductive system

nervous system
• extensive degeneration of external granule cells prior to migration to form granule layer
• during greatest mitotic activity, some granule cells are degenerating
• relative to the volume of cerebellar cortical tissue
• almost complete absence of granule cells
• cells are restricted to the most lateral portions of the cerebellar hemisphere and paraflocculus
• granule cell neurons in the cerebellum have an unusually large number of coated vesicles throughout the length of the neurite in mutants
• microtubules in mutant granule cell neurites are less densely packed, curving and crossing along the neurite length and delimiting the neurite perimeter while in wild-type microtubules fill the internal dimensions of the neurite
• cytoskeletal organization of mutant granule cell neurons in mutants shows a denser cytoplasmic matrix, indistinct skeletal structure of the cytoplasm, and microtubules delineating the boundary of microspike-like projections and entering them
• during greatest mitotic activity, the majority of granule cells are degenerating
• abnormally small at 5 to 7 days and thereafter
• about one-fourth the size of normal in mature mice

involves: C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• loss of cartwheel cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus is modest
• less granule cell loss
• scattered Purkinje cells beneath a thin molecular layer
• in cultured cerebellar granule cells, very little inwardly rectifying K+ current can be evoked with somatostatin or by direct activation of G proteins, compared to wild-type cells
• weight is 56% of control weight at 7 days (80% of controls for heterozygotes)
• weight of cerebellum is normal at 3 days of age
• levels low at 7 and 21 days
• taurine levels are 64% of control levels at 7 days of age
• aspartate, glutamine, and serine levels low at 10 days

• taurine levels are 64% of control levels at 7 days of age

involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/CaGnLe
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at 7 days of age, homozygotes are distinguished by difficulty in righting themselves
• homozygous mutants are distinguished by tremors at 3 weeks of age
• homozygous mutants are distinguished by ataxia at 3 weeks of age (J:18348)
• at P10, homozygotes display ataxia, tremor and hindlimb weakness (J:46842)
• A 7 days of age, homozygotes display tendency to move backward

• homozygous mutants are distinguished by hypotonia at 3 weeks of age

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at P28, germ cells are underdeveloped or delayed; degeneration of germ cells in the semiferous epithelium is apparent and no tubules have late-step elongated spermatids and 6% of the tubules show degenerating seminiferous epithelia
• at P35, mutant males show only a small number of germ cells that have finished the first round of spermatogenesis
• in homozygotes, the testes have few seminiferous tubules containing elongated spermatids
• testes of homozygotes show degenerating tubules with degenerating germ cells (J:18348)
• at P35, degeneration is much more severe than that observed at P28; degenerating germ cells are present in all mutants examined (J:18348)
• homozygotes display variable germinal epithelial degeneration (J:46842)

nervous system
• numerous dying cells are seen compared to wild-type
• apoptotic cells lay mainly along the inner margin of the layer at P7 and 14; at P21 and 28, most apoptotic cells are confined to the thin external granule layer
• at P7, the normal organization of granule cells into a proliferative and a nonprolifeative zone is not maintained in homozygotes
• there is a marked depletion of granule cells in the internal granule cell layer
• there are ectopic granule cells found in the molecular layer
• homozygotes have and abnormally small and malformed cerebellum (J:18348)
• at P7, the cerebellum of homozygotes is one-fifth the size of wild-type with a pronounced midline sulcus (J:46842)
• cerebellum wet weight is 40% of controls (J:164122)

reproductive system
• no sperm are found in seminiferous tubules of male homozygotes
• at P28, germ cells are underdeveloped or delayed; degeneration of germ cells in the semiferous epithelium is apparent and no tubules have late-step elongated spermatids and 6% of the tubules show degenerating seminiferous epithelia
• at P35, mutant males show only a small number of germ cells that have finished the first round of spermatogenesis
• in homozygotes, the testes have few seminiferous tubules containing elongated spermatids
• testes of homozygotes show degenerating tubules with degenerating germ cells (J:18348)
• at P35, degeneration is much more severe than that observed at P28; degenerating germ cells are present in all mutants examined (J:18348)
• homozygotes display variable germinal epithelial degeneration (J:46842)
• lumens of epididymes of mutants are either empty or packed with degenerating germ cells with pyknotic nuclei and cellular debris; there are no long sickle-shaped nuclei indicative of mature sperm

• no sperm are found in seminiferous tubules of male homozygotes
• in homozygotes there are many more apoptotic germ cells than in wild-type
• at P7 and 14, there is much greater cell death in the cerebellum of homozygotes

• elevated noradrenaline in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and spinal cord

involves: C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• percentage of pyknotic nuclei in the granule layer in cerebella of homozygotes is dramatically increased compared to wild-type and heterozygotes; this is increased in the vermis relative to that of the cerebellar hemisphere
• prior to P4, granule cell migration is delayed

nervous system
• cytoarchitecture of cerebellum is completely disorganized (J:5315)
• there is no clear distinction between cortical layers (J:5315)
• at P8, the area of the cerebellar hemispheres is reduced by 23% compared to wild-type (J:16025)
• at P8 the width of the cerebellum is reduced by 10 and 13% compared to heterozygotes and wild-type respectively (J:16025)
• small caliber parallel fibers are virtually absent
• Purkinje cells display disordered arrangement
• Purkinje cells display disordered arrangement
• there is a severe paucity of granule cells in homozygotes (J:5315)
• by P2 there is a decrease in the number of cells in the vermal external granule layer in homozygotes; the difference is mor striking at P4 and unlike wild-type or heterozygous mice, no spindle-shaped cells are observed (J:16025)
• the molecular layer is thin and relatively acellular from P0 to P6 compared to wild-type
• area of the vermis in homozygotes at P2 is 46% that of wild-type and 69% that of heterozygous mice; at P4, the vermis is 48% the size of wild-type

involves: C57BL/6J * CBA
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• mossy fibers emanating from the hilus of the dentate gyrus are not confined to the layers flanking the pyramidal cell layer
• in homozygous mutants the pyramidal cell layer of area CA3 appears to be thicker than normal
• subdivision of the pyramidal layer into 2 and 3 layers is seen in area CA3
• ectopic pyramidal cells are seen in the stratum radiatum and/or in the stratum oriens: these appear as small clusters or single cells surrounded by neuropil

B6CBA Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• in numerous cases, fragments of a few flagella are seen within the same cytoplasmic matrix
• cellular abnormalities of the germinal epithelium are more apparent at P140 and P211; seminiferous epithelium has prominent extracellular spaces and local depletion of the epithelium
• sperm count in mutants is 7.1 x 105 compared to 127.7 x 105 in wild-type
• many step 2-3 spermatids often have 2 to 3 acrosomal vesicles associated with one nucleus
• mature spermatids are often absent in affected areas of the seminiferous tubules; multinucleated spermatids are common
• mature spermatids are deformed, maloriented and display irregular chromosomal condensation

endocrine/exocrine glands
• cellular abnormalities of the germinal epithelium are more apparent at P140 and P211; seminiferous epithelium has prominent extracellular spaces and local depletion of the epithelium

• in numerous cases, fragments of a few flagella are seen within the same cytoplasmic matrix
• sperm count in mutants is 7.1 x 105 compared to 127.7 x 105 in wild-type
• many step 2-3 spermatids often have 2 to 3 acrosomal vesicles associated with one nucleus
• mature spermatids are often absent in affected areas of the seminiferous tubules; multinucleated spermatids are common
• mature spermatids are deformed, maloriented and display irregular chromosomal condensation

B6CBACa Aw-J/A-Kcnj6wv/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• disruptions of Purkinje cell alignment are observed
• in more rostral regions of the central zone, Purkinje cells are ecctopic and have stunted and disorganized dendrites
• in the central zone, Purkinje cells located farther from the pial surface are clumped together in clusters
• in more rostral regions of the central zone, cells have stunted and have randomly organized dendrites
• Purkinje cell layer is irregular and several cell layers thick, especially in the anterior zone of the cerebellar cortex

involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/CaGnLe
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• in heterozygotes the cerebellum is slightly shrunken, and some folia is less well-developed than in wild-type
• heterozygotes display a disordered Purkinje cell layer
• there is moderated loss of granule cells
• cerebellum is slightly smaller in heterozygotes; it is misshapen and deflated

involves: C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• more pyknotic nuclei are observed in the external granule layer of heterozygotes at all times compared to wild-type
• prior to P4, granule cell migration is delayed

nervous system
• substantial cell loss in the substantia nigra pars compacta of the midbrain
• cerebellar hemispheres in heterozygotes are 37% smaller than wild-type
• at P8, total width of the cerebellum is decreased by 13%
• in heterozygotes the molecular layer is thin and relative acellular at P4; at P6 the molecular layer appears to be hypercellular compared to wild-type
• in the cerebellar hemispheres, 40% fewer pyknotic nuclei are observed than in the vermis
• from P2 to P4, area of the vermis is 33% smaller in heterozygotes than in wild-type; by P8, the vermal area of mutants is 57% of the area of wild-type


reproductive system

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Kcnj6tm1Stf mutation (0 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
Kcnj6wv mutation (2 available); any Kcnj6 mutation (26 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• Purkinje cell layer is disorganized in various locations and some of the Purkinje cells are found deep in the granule cell layer

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory