• at 14 days, mutants are smaller than wild-type littermates
• homozygotes can be identified at 14 days by mildly ataxic gait
• males are usually more severely affected than females
• mice show severe disturbances in righting reflex during swimming, with wild underwater tumbling motions
head tossing
• at 1 month of age, mice display abnormal head movements both at rest and during activity; frequency of movements increase progressively with age
• movement resembles choreiform head tossing; mice elevate heads vertically and maintain an upward gaze for several seconds
• males are usually more severely affected than females
• adults exhibit spontaneous spike-wave seizures; seizures do not appear to increase in mean duration or mean incidence with age
nervous system
• adults exhibit spontaneous spike-wave seizures; seizures do not appear to increase in mean duration or mean incidence with age
• sprouting of mossy fibers in inner molecular layer and granular cell layer of dentate gyrus increases in mutants compared to wild-type
• neuronal density of hilar neurons in hippocampus is reduced by 16% in adult mutants compared to wild-type; this difference only becomes apparent after onset of seizure activity (P17<)
• mutants show dense mossy fiber staining along the full extent of the dentate gyrus inner molecular layer whereas wild-type show no staining; this is consistently observed in mutants compared to wild-type
• a 48% increase in density of staining is seen within the inner molecular layer-granular cell layer of adult mutants
• no mossy fiber sprouting is observed prior to seizure onset (at P15), but progressively increasing staining specific for mossy fibers is observed from P30-6 months of age
• the ectopic terminals that are seen do not appear to form synapses with dendrites of basket or granule cells
• electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings from young adults display prolonged high-amplitue (500uV-1mV), bilaterally symmetrical discharges from neocortex, accompanied by behavioral immobility for the duration of the discharge
• paroxysmal spike bursts show 6-7 spikes/second frequencies, with discharge durations of 1-66 seconds; mean rate or discharge activity is 125/hr
• adults show highly reproducible pattern of spontaneous bilaterally symmetrical 6-7/second spike-wave discharges in cortical and hippocampal regions
• seizure rate ranges from 43-209 discharges/hour with durations ranging from 1-66 seconds with a mean of 4-6 seconds
• patterned spike-wave synchronous discharges represent ~20% of total EEG activity in adult mice
• no spike-wave discharges are recorded in P15 mice but are always present by P18; discharges in immature animals can display slightly slower spike frequency (4-5/sec) but are identical to those seen in adults
reproductive system
• males are infertile
• sprouting of mossy fibers in inner molecular layer and granular cell layer of dentate gyrus increases in mutants compared to wild-type