• the body mass of mutants is slightly less than that of wild-types
• the drop in body mass following onset of 2 gravities (2G) is significantly less for mutants than wild-types
• the drop in body mass for mutants following onset of 2G is transient and not significantly different from 1G controls while the drop in body mass for wild-types is sustained and significantly different from 1G controls
• the decrease in food intake following onset of 2G is smaller and delayed in mutants than in wildtypes
• under normal (1G) conditions food intake does not differ between mutants and wild-types
• young mutant pups (1 - 3 weeks old) had difficulty rolling over and righting when disturbed
• the mutants exhibit almost no or highly attenuated compensatory eye movements with significant phase errors in response to motions designed to stimulate both the otoliths and semicircular canals (vestibulo ocular reflex)
• the mutants exhibit highly attenuated compensatory eye movements with significant phase errors in response to motions designed to stimulate only the only semicircular canals
• in both cases the response of these mutants is less at lower rotational frequencies
• these results suggest these mutants lack canal mediated vestibulo ocular reflex and have deficient semicircular canal mediated vestibulo ocular reflex
• mutants are unable to swim or float
• increased rarity of circling behaviour in mutants from The Jackson Laboratory compared to those from Harwell possibly as a result of differences in background
• the amplitude of activity circadian rhythm was significantly larger in mutants
• the mutants exhibit almost no or highly attenuated compensatory eye movements with significant phase errors in response to motions designed to stimulate both the otoliths and semicircular canals (vestibulo ocular reflex)
• the mutants exhibit highly attenuated compensatory eye movements with significant phase errors in response to motions designed to stimulate only the only semicircular canals
• in both cases the response of these mutants is less at lower rotational frequencies
• these results suggest these mutants lack canal mediated vestibulo ocular reflex and have deficient semicircular canal mediated vestibulo ocular reflex
• the otoliths are bilaterally absent
• no other inner ear abnormalities were found
• mutants displayed normal response to auditory stimuli
• the otoliths are bilaterally absent
• mutants displayed normal response to auditory stimuli
• mutants have no measurable vestibular evoked potential in response to linear acceleration
• at the onset of 2G mutants do not have a large drop in body temperature unlike wild-types
• the amplitude of body temperature circadian rhythm was significantly larger in mutants
• this is largely attributable to lower mean resting body temperature in mutants
adipose tissue
• percent lean mass was significantly higher in mutants
• percent lean mass did not differ significantly between 1G and 2G mutants
• percent body fat was significantly lower in mutants
• percent body fat did not differ significantly between 1G and 2G mutants