• a test in which an auditory cue was coupled with a foot shock failed to elicit a startle response to the auditory cue after training in mutant mice
• the amplitude of the acoustic startle response was larger in mutant mice
limb grasping
• mice often hold their tails off the surface when walking and sometimes arch the tail over their backs
• females take poor care of offspring
• mice weigh approximately 25% less than littermate controls before weaning, mice weigh approximately 50% less than littermate controls throughout adulthood
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• mice exhibit normal auditory brainstem (ABR) responses indicating that mutant mice can hear normally
• elevated threshold
hematopoietic system
• slightly higher than controls, but within values expected for the background strain
reproductive system
• males rarely breed
nervous system
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• EEG patterns were similar to controls
• normal histopathology of the cerebrum, thalamus, brainstem, spinal cord was noted
• most lobules are shortened in length
• lobulation began between P2 and P4 instead of P0 as in controls
• lobulation continued to be delayed past the first postnatal week
• folia is reduced to 7 as contrasted with the wild-type folia count of 10; foliation pattern is also perturbed
• absence of intraculmenate fissure that divides the culmen into two lobules, 4 and 5
• absence of the declivis 6a and 6b
• absence of fissura seconda that separates the pyramis 8 from the uvula 9
• absence of uvula 9b and 9c
• the precentral fissure between lobules II and III is rudimentary
• at P0 and P2, cerebella lacked fissures unlike controls
• the prepyramidal fissure appeared at P8
• in the pyramidal cell layer, pyramidal cells were less densely packed compared to wild-type mice, and occasionally appears as isolated cells
• pyramidal cells of the CA1, CA2, and CA3 region were scattered into the external and deep plexiform layers of the hippocampus
• Purkinje cells were observed in the granule cell layer and in the white matter
• a failure of Purkinje cell migration during development results in widespread ectopia in the adult
• the cells are not arranged in the normal monolayer in the cerebellum and appear in the deep core of the cerebellum, the granular layer, and the intralobular white matter
• total numbers of Purkinje cells appeared similar in mutant mice and controls
• ectopic Purkinje cells were those primarily not expressing zebrin II
• at P0, Purkinje cells are scattered throughout the white matter
• at P4, some Purkinje cells had aligned in a single layer, but many remained at ectopic sites
• reduced number of granule cells were observed at 5 months of age
• mineral deposits seen in the ventral vermis of the midline
• vermis is reduced in rostro-caudal length by more than one third
• reduced in overall size compared to controls
• midsagittal area of the mutant cerebellum is ~60% that of control mice
• a weaker PPI was seen compared to controls