endocrine/exocrine glands
• dysmorphic pituitary at birth when the pituitary is still normal size, and at 11 days of age when the pituitary is hypomorphic
• evident by 11 days of age
• fewer granuolsa cells in primordial and primary ovarian follicles
reproductive system
• fewer granuolsa cells in primordial and primary ovarian follicles
nervous system
• dysmorphic pituitary at birth when the pituitary is still normal size, and at 11 days of age when the pituitary is hypomorphic
• evident by 11 days of age
• although homozygotes are the same size as control littermates at birth, they begin to be smaller at 2 weeks of age, are noticably smaller by 3 weeks of age, and are only one third to one quarter the size of normal littermates as adults