• mortality occurs at all stages with loss of 50-60% of mutants
• some mutants survive to maturity
• more females than males survive
• some survive to birth
• cranial-facial defects commonly seen may contribute to mortality
• on a non-agouti background hairs on the ears and genitalia normally yellow are white
• dilutes yellow pigment (phaeomelanin)
• agouti mice look like chinchilla (A/A;cch/cch)
• weight is 25% less than normal at birth and remains 10-20% below weight of normal littermates
• reduced body size
• 20-30% smaller than normal littermates at birth
• 10% smaller than normal littermates as adults
• weight data between 2 and 6 weeks of age show females are 75-80% of normal weight; males are 90-95% of normal weight
• commom among E16-18 fetuses; not seen among pups after birth
• most frequent abnormaity among E16-18 fetuses; not seen among pups after birth
• commom among E16-18 fetuses; not seen among pups after birth
• most frequent abnormaity among E16-18 fetuses; not seen among pups after birth
reproductive system
• although low compared to normal, ovulation rate is consistent with smaller size of mutant mice
kinked tail
• occasionally seen
• on a non-agouti background hairs on the ears and genitalia normally yellow are white
• dilutes yellow pigment (phaeomelanin)
• agouti mice look like chinchilla (A/A;cch/cch)