• posture of older mutants is different from controls, with the body low to the ground and hind limbs widely placed
abnormal gait
• very high stepping gait that is recognizable by 21 days of age
• during locomotion, the raised hind limb is drawn close to the body and the pelvis is rotated, so as to move the raised foot further from the ground, and the other hind limb is extended; this is reminiscent of the contralateral (or crossed) extension reflex
• neural retina is malformed
• by P18, observe obvious disruption of the inner retinal layers with reduced number of neurons in all three cellular layers of the retina
• rod photoreceptors develop only rudimentary outer segments and by 9 months of age, about 75% of photoreceptor cells are completely gone
• slow degeneration of photoreceptors
• inner nuclear layer boundary with the inner plexiform layer is scalloped rather than straight
• by birth, some retinal ganglion cells lie in abnormal positions in the inner plexiform and inner nuclear layers
• inner nuclear layer is less than half the normal width at P18
• by birth, some retinal ganglion cells lie in abnormal positions in the inner plexiform and inner nuclear layers
• ganglion cell axons form fascicles within the inner plexiform layer, rather than lying on the vitreal surface of the retina as in controls
• most ganglion cell bodies are displaced to the outer part of the inner plexiform layer
• photoreceptor cell nuclei in the outer nuclear layer are reduced from 11-12 rows to 3-4 rows
• the thickness of the retina is reduced to about 2/3 that of normal
reproductive system
• males and females occasionally breed
nervous system
• rod photoreceptors develop only rudimentary outer segments and by 9 months of age, about 75% of photoreceptor cells are completely gone
• slow degeneration of photoreceptors