• at E15 preaxial duplications are seen in alcian blue and alizarin stained skeletal preparations
• at E15 preaxial duplications are seen in alcian blue and alizarin stained skeletal preparations
nervous system
• most embryos have malformed, dorsally protruding but closed neural tube in varying trunk regions
• severe open neural tube malformations result in spina bifida
• 1.1 % of E10.5 - E12.5 embryos exhibit an open neural tube at the lumbosacral region; this will result in severe spina bifida
spina bifida
• at E15 several embryos exhibited spinal cords open dorsally without being covered by skin in the lumbosacral axial regions
• Background Sensitivity: 2.3% of mutant embryos on a C57BL/6 congenic background are exencephalic; all mutant embryos on a mixed C57BL/6 and NMRI have exencephaly
• at E15 the the spinal cord is open dorsally in the lumbo-sacral or thoracolumbar axial regions
• at E13.5 - E19.5 the neural arches are wide open dorsally in trunk regions compared with wild-type fetuses
• at E15 several embryos exhibited spinal cords open dorsally without being covered by skin in the lumbosacral axial regions
• detected at E15
• most embryos have malformed, dorsally protruding but closed neural tube in varying trunk regions
• severe open neural tube malformations result in spina bifida
• 1.1 % of E10.5 - E12.5 embryos exhibit an open neural tube at the lumbosacral region; this will result in severe spina bifida
spina bifida
• at E15 several embryos exhibited spinal cords open dorsally without being covered by skin in the lumbosacral axial regions
• at E15 the skin of the rostral body is detached dorsally