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Summary 1 genotype
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Afg3l2par/Afg3l2par Not Specified MGI:3775661

Not Specified
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Mouse lines carrying:
Afg3l2par mutation (0 available); any Afg3l2 mutation (69 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• animals rarely survive beyond 16 days of age

• animals are similar size to controls until postnatal day 8, after which they are smaller (J:13950)
• mutant mice are significantly smaller than controls at 1 week of age (J:132285)
• at P9, mutant mice weigh approximately 50% of controls (J:34237)
• mutant mice do not gain any additional body weight after P9, while control mice increase by 56% between P9 and P15 (J:34237)

• mice exhibit rigidity when touched
• at one week of age, mice exhibit an inability to turn over when placed on the back (J:34237)
• mice exhibit a marked intention tremor
• unccordinated movements are observed at 1 week of age (J:34237)
• animals are usually totally paralysed at postnatal day 16 (J:13950)
• at 2-3 weeks of age, muscles of mutant mice become increasingly paralyzed, especially in the pelvic girdle and hindlimb regions (J:34237)

• rarely, some muscle fibers show mitochondrial defects
• no signs of inflammation, degeneration or necrosis
• the number of muscle fibers is similar to controls, but all mutant muscle fibers are smaller than controls; the cross sectional area is reduced and muscle fibers are more tightly packed, leaving little intercellular space (J:106411)
• mutant skeletal muscle fibers appear smaller (J:132285)
• rarely, some muscle fibers show centrally positioned nuclei
• observed at 1 week of age (J:34237)
• individual muscles are atriophied compared to age-matched controls (J:106411)
• the total protein content of the mutant gastrocnemius and sternoclastoid muscles was less than half of controls at P6 (J:106411)
• total muscle protein content remains the same from P6 to P14 while content in controls increases further (J:106411)
• observed at 1 week of age
• starting around 8 days of age (J:13950)
• mice exhibit a rapid loss of motor function in all limbs by P12-14 (J:132285)
• mice lose the ability to support their own weight (J:132285)

nervous system
• multiple large vacuoles with clear content are present in neuronal cell bodies at P14; mitochondrial defects are seen including displacement of the inner membrane, cristae disruption and increased volume of the intermembrane space
• vacuoles are already present in 76% of the dorsal root ganglion neurons by P1
• no evidence of neuronal loss of spinal cord anterior horn motorneurons, sensory dorsal root ganglion neurons, and Purkinje cells is seen
• spinal motor neurons in mutant mice appear smaller than controls and show a decrease in both soma and nuclear area at P8-9 and at P14
• at P8-9, lumbar motorneurons from mutant mice appear similar to controls
• by P14, there is a 30-35% decrease in the number of spinal motorneurons in the lateral motor column compared to controls
• measurments of axon diameters within the sciatic nerve showed that mutant mice lacked large caliber axons (J:106411)
• large caliber axons are absent from the spinal cord and sciatic nerve (J:132285)
• some axonal damage is seen in sciatic nerve including Schwann cell infoldings into the axoplasm and disintegration of adaxonal myein lamellae (J:132285)
• sciatic nerve also contain damaged mitochondria with swollen cristae (J:132285)
• no evidence for axonal degeneration is seen; total number of axons is similar to controls (J:132285)
• in the sciatic nerve at P9-13, the nodes of Ranvier appear elongated in mutant mice, with occasional asymmetry in the myelin thickness on the two sides of the widened node
• in the sciatic nerve, a reduced frequency of lamellar fusion within the myelin of the paranodal region is seen, leaving long cytoplasmic extensions within the myelin
• in some internodal regions of the sciatic nerve, a few promyelinated axons are seen
• intramuscular axons are completely unmyelinated within the muscle
• synapses form normally but but show progressive atrophy and eventual loss of motor nerve terminals (J:13950)
• by postnatal day 16, every endplate in some muscles is totally denervated (J:13950)
• at P9-P13, junctional AChR clusters are 30% longer than in controls (J:106411)
• at P9, AChR receptor numbers are similar in mutant and control muscles (J:106411)
• at P7, the preterminal axons are thinner and more numerous than controls (J:106411)
• at P12, mutant terminals have thin axon terminal branches and the arborization is not complex; many terminals are multiply innervated (J:106411)
• at P14, some endplates are contacted by large numbers of small nerve terminals and many show regions of vacant postsynaptic membrane that are covered with collagen (J:106411)
• by P14, there is a 30-35% decrease in the number of spinal motorneurons in the lateral motor column compared to controls
• mutant spinal cord shows a reduction in myelinated fiber density with the remaining fibers exhibiting small diameters; no large caliber axons are seen
• mutant spinal cords exhibit a reduced diameter compared to controls
• intramuscular nerve fibers degenerate on rare occasions but nerve roots and anterior horn cells are normal
• at P1, the number of myelinated axons in the corticospinal tract is similar to controls
• by P7, only a few myelinated axons are present in the corticospinal tract of mutant mice
• at P14, most axons in the corticospinal tract are myelinated in control mice whereas in the mutant mice, only 60% of the axons are myelinated and many small unmyelinated axons are present
• at P5, myelination is also delayed in the sciatic nerve, which shows a reduced number of myelinated axons compared to controls
• myelination of the dorsal roots is delayed by P5 and in the ventral roots by P1
• neurofilament content of mutant axons shows a reduced density in mutant mice; it appears in dense clusters with uneven distribution compared to controls
• electrophysiology studies show abnormalities in spontaneous miniature endplate potentials and in their parameters after nerve stimulation

• no impairment in mitochondrial protein synthesis in different tissues is seen
• a decrease in complex activity I in brain or spinal cord-derived mitochondria from mutant mice is seen compared to controls, attributable to a reduced amount of assembles complex I
• a decrease in the amount of complex III is also seen in brain or spinal cord-derived mitochondria from mutant mice

liver/biliary system
• no evidence of abnormal mitochondria morphology in liver sections

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory