• mice die soon after birth
• at E14: the chondrocranium is severely foreshortened and the basal plate that will become the presphenoid is widened
• in newborns, there is a characteristic saddle-shaped enlargement in the fontanelle between the frontal bones
small mandible
small maxilla
• two vomer bones are widely separated
• evident at E14: abnormally small palatal shelves are prematurely closed
• palatal shelves are prematurely closed anteriorly, partially enclosing the tip of the tongue
• large median cleft palate
• at birth, palatal shelves remain in the original vertical position on either side of the tongue
• the tongue is narrower than normal
• the tongue is higher than normal
• palatal shelves enclose the tip of the tongue, wedging it close to the roof of the mouse
• evident at E14
• external nares are closed
shortened head
• there is disproportionate shortening of the head, evident at E14
• mutants can be reocognized at 12 days gestation by small size
• evident at E14: abnormally small palatal shelves are prematurely closed
• palatal shelves are prematurely closed anteriorly, partially enclosing the tip of the tongue
• large median cleft palate
• at birth, palatal shelves remain in the original vertical position on either side of the tongue
• the tongue is narrower than normal
• the tongue is higher than normal
• palatal shelves enclose the tip of the tongue, wedging it close to the roof of the mouse
• evident at E14
• external nares are closed
shortened head
• there is disproportionate shortening of the head, evident at E14
• mutants can be reocognized at 12 days gestation by small size
reproductive system
ectopic ovary
• one ovary may be located medial to the kidney on that side
• one may occur medially to kidney
endocrine/exocrine glands
small thymus
• in newborns, the thymus is small and triangular in shape
ectopic ovary
• one ovary may be located medial to the kidney on that side
• slightly shorter tail with a blunt tip
• at E14: the chondrocranium is severely foreshortened and the basal plate that will become the presphenoid is widened
• in newborns, there is a characteristic saddle-shaped enlargement in the fontanelle between the frontal bones
small mandible
small maxilla
• two vomer bones are widely separated
• forelimbs are more shortened than hindlimbs
• the humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia and fibula are all short
• fusions between sternebrae; the number of sternebrae affected is variable
• abnormally shaped and irregular projections occur on both sides
digestive/alimentary system
• evident at E14: abnormally small palatal shelves are prematurely closed
• palatal shelves are prematurely closed anteriorly, partially enclosing the tip of the tongue
• large median cleft palate
• at birth, palatal shelves remain in the original vertical position on either side of the tongue
• the tongue is narrower than normal
• the tongue is higher than normal
• palatal shelves enclose the tip of the tongue, wedging it close to the roof of the mouse
• evident at E14
• small intestine is half normal length
respiratory system
• external nares are closed
cardiovascular system
• in newborns, the heart size varies considerably from normal to either enlarged or reduced
hematopoietic system
small thymus
• in newborns, the thymus is small and triangular in shape
immune system
small thymus
• in newborns, the thymus is small and triangular in shape