immune system
• over 80% of the T cells from bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) exhibit an activated phenotype
• bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) die within 40-50 days of autoimmune disorders
• however, when bone marrow chimeras receive 105 CD25-positive CD4-positive wild-type T cells two weeks after reconstitution they live past six months of age without any symptoms of autoimmune disorder
• premature death can also be prevented by including 50% normal or Il2tm1Hor bone marrow during reconstitution
• some bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) have enlarged lymph nodes containing up to 3 x 108 lymphocytes
hematopoietic system
• bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) exhibit anemia
• over 80% of the T cells from bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) exhibit an activated phenotype
• bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) die within 40-50 days of autoimmune disorders
• however, when bone marrow chimeras receive 105 CD25-positive CD4-positive wild-type T cells two weeks after reconstitution they live past six months of age without any symptoms of autoimmune disorder
• premature death can also be prevented by including 50% normal or Il2tm1Hor bone marrow during reconstitution
• bone marrow chimeras (mutant bone marrow in Rag2-deficient hosts) exhibit decreased body weight due to an autoimmune disorder