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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Tak Mak
Summary 6 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Lcktm1Mak/Lcktm1Mak B6.129S2-Lcktm1Mak MGI:4834472
Lcktm1Mak/Lcktm1Mak involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:2181732
involves: 129 MGI:3798942
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:4360346
involves: 129S2/SvPas * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:4360345
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 MGI:4357681

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lcktm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Lck mutation (95 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) is impaired
• however, extrathymic development of iIELs is normal in reconstitution experiments
• in reconstitution experiments, intrathymic development of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) is impaired
• however, extrathymic development of iIELs is normal in reconstitution experiments
• at 10 weeks, the number of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) is increased 1.5- to 2-fold compared to in wild-type mice
• the number of iIELs decrease over time unlike in wild-type mice that exhibit an increase in these cells
• at 10 weeks, mice exhibit decreased gamma-delta intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, which continue to decrease in number with age, compared with wild-type mice
• intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes exhibit a slight reduction in cytolytic activities compared with wild-type cells

hematopoietic system
• intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) is impaired
• however, extrathymic development of iIELs is normal in reconstitution experiments
• in reconstitution experiments, intrathymic development of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) is impaired
• however, extrathymic development of iIELs is normal in reconstitution experiments
• at 10 weeks, the number of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) is increased 1.5- to 2-fold compared to in wild-type mice
• the number of iIELs decrease over time unlike in wild-type mice that exhibit an increase in these cells
• at 10 weeks, mice exhibit decreased gamma-delta intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, which continue to decrease in number with age, compared with wild-type mice
• intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes exhibit a slight reduction in cytolytic activities compared with wild-type cells

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lcktm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Lck mutation (95 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• the thymus is sparsely populated with lymphoid cells and has a very thin medulla
• thymic cellularity is 10-fold less than controls (J:37940)
• thymus cellularity is 10-20% of normal (J:37062)
• double positive thymocytes do not efficiently enter into the cell cycle
• although the overall numbers of cells in the lymph nodes and spleens are normal the B/T cells ratio is inverted with 90 to 95% B cells and 5 to 10% T cells
• double-positive thymocytes have a slightly lower expression of alpha-beta TCR
• there is a partial block in development in the DN3 stage that leads to a higher percentage of these thymocytes
• the number of peripheral T cells is reduced (J:1119)
• alpha-beta T cell numbers are reduced about 10-20 fold compared to controls (J:37062)
• 6x106 to 2x107 cells compared to 2x108 cells in a wild-type thymus
• 0.3x107 to 1.6x107 compared to 1.8x108 cells in wild-type mice (J:1119)
• only 12% of thymocytes are double-positive compared to 97% in controls (J:110847)
• CD4 T cell numbers are reduced in the periphery
• CD8 T cell numbers are reduced in the periphery
• gamma-delta T cell numbers are reduced about 2-fold compared to controls
• dendritic epithelial T cell numbers are reduced in the skin (J:37940)
• gamma-delta IEL are absent in these mice (J:112977)
• a CD3- IEL population believed to represent a precursor population is present in small intestine epithelium (J:112977)
• alpha-beta IEL are absent in these mice
• a CD3- IEL population believed to represent a precursor population is present in small intestine epithelium
• very few single-positive thymocytes are detected in these mice and even fewer express mature levels of TCR, CD5 and CD69
• marginal
• marginal

hematopoietic system
• the thymus is sparsely populated with lymphoid cells and has a very thin medulla
• thymic cellularity is 10-fold less than controls (J:37940)
• thymus cellularity is 10-20% of normal (J:37062)
• double positive thymocytes do not efficiently enter into the cell cycle
• although the overall numbers of cells in the lymph nodes and spleens are normal the B/T cells ratio is inverted with 90 to 95% B cells and 5 to 10% T cells
• double-positive thymocytes have a slightly lower expression of alpha-beta TCR
• there is a partial block in development in the DN3 stage that leads to a higher percentage of these thymocytes
• the number of peripheral T cells is reduced (J:1119)
• alpha-beta T cell numbers are reduced about 10-20 fold compared to controls (J:37062)
• 6x106 to 2x107 cells compared to 2x108 cells in a wild-type thymus
• 0.3x107 to 1.6x107 compared to 1.8x108 cells in wild-type mice (J:1119)
• only 12% of thymocytes are double-positive compared to 97% in controls (J:110847)
• CD4 T cell numbers are reduced in the periphery
• CD8 T cell numbers are reduced in the periphery
• gamma-delta T cell numbers are reduced about 2-fold compared to controls
• dendritic epithelial T cell numbers are reduced in the skin (J:37940)
• gamma-delta IEL are absent in these mice (J:112977)
• a CD3- IEL population believed to represent a precursor population is present in small intestine epithelium (J:112977)
• alpha-beta IEL are absent in these mice
• a CD3- IEL population believed to represent a precursor population is present in small intestine epithelium
• very few single-positive thymocytes are detected in these mice and even fewer express mature levels of TCR, CD5 and CD69
• marginal
• marginal

endocrine/exocrine glands
• the thymus is sparsely populated with lymphoid cells and has a very thin medulla
• thymic cellularity is 10-fold less than controls (J:37940)
• thymus cellularity is 10-20% of normal (J:37062)
• 6x106 to 2x107 cells compared to 2x108 cells in a wild-type thymus
• double positive thymocytes do not efficiently enter into the cell cycle

involves: 129
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Il2rbtm1Mak mutation (5 available); any Il2rb mutation (45 available)
Lcktm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Lck mutation (95 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• the decidual region is deficient in normal decidual cells and appears as a large area of adipose tissue
• uterine NK cells are virtually absent in the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation
• the metrial gland and uterine NK cells are absent from the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation
• the metrial gland is absent from the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation

immune system
• uterine NK cells are virtually absent in the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation

• the decidual region is deficient in normal decidual cells and appears as a large area of adipose tissue
• uterine NK cells are virtually absent in the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation

hematopoietic system
• uterine NK cells are virtually absent in the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation

endocrine/exocrine glands
• uterine NK cells are virtually absent in the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation
• the metrial gland is absent from the uteri of pregnant mice at day 14 of gestation

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Fyntm1Rmp mutation (1 available); any Fyn mutation (39 available)
Lcktm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Lck mutation (95 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• thymic cellularity is 50- to 100-fold less than controls (J:37940)
• thymus cellularity is 1-5% of normal (J:37062)
• double-positive thymocytes are virtually absent
• T cell development is arrested at the CD44-CD25+ stage with 85-92% of thymocytes being at this stage (J:37940)
• T cell development is blocked in the transition from double-negative to double-positive stage (J:37062)
• the thymocytes are predominately CD25+ and HAShi (J:37062)
• CD4 T cells are virtually absent from the periphery
• CD8 T cells are virtually absent from the periphery
• NK1.1+ alpha-beta T cells are virtually absent from the periphery
• dendritic epithelial T cell numbers are severely reduced in the skin (J:37940)
• CD8alpha-alpha gamma-delta IEL are present but in smaller numbers (J:112977)
• alpha-beta and gamma-delta T cells are absent in these mice
• alpha-beta IEL are absent in these mice
• gamma-delta IEL are still present

hematopoietic system
• thymic cellularity is 50- to 100-fold less than controls (J:37940)
• thymus cellularity is 1-5% of normal (J:37062)
• double-positive thymocytes are virtually absent
• T cell development is arrested at the CD44-CD25+ stage with 85-92% of thymocytes being at this stage (J:37940)
• T cell development is blocked in the transition from double-negative to double-positive stage (J:37062)
• the thymocytes are predominately CD25+ and HAShi (J:37062)
• CD4 T cells are virtually absent from the periphery
• CD8 T cells are virtually absent from the periphery
• NK1.1+ alpha-beta T cells are virtually absent from the periphery
• dendritic epithelial T cell numbers are severely reduced in the skin (J:37940)
• CD8alpha-alpha gamma-delta IEL are present but in smaller numbers (J:112977)
• alpha-beta and gamma-delta T cells are absent in these mice
• alpha-beta IEL are absent in these mice
• gamma-delta IEL are still present

endocrine/exocrine glands
• thymic cellularity is 50- to 100-fold less than controls (J:37940)
• thymus cellularity is 1-5% of normal (J:37062)

involves: 129S2/SvPas * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lcktm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Lck mutation (95 available)
Rag1tm1Mom mutation (49 available); any Rag1 mutation (123 available)
Tg(Lck-Fyn*Y528F)5525Cjg mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• the transgene partially rescues arrest of T cell development associated with Lck deficiency
• thymocyte numbers are normal
• splenic gamma-delta T cell numbers are normal
• expression of TCR and CD5 on transitional single-positive thymocytes is slightly lower than controls
• alpha beta T cell numbers are less than half of wild-type controls

immune system
• the transgene partially rescues arrest of T cell development associated with Lck deficiency
• thymocyte numbers are normal
• splenic gamma-delta T cell numbers are normal
• expression of TCR and CD5 on transitional single-positive thymocytes is slightly lower than controls
• alpha beta T cell numbers are less than half of wild-type controls

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd247tm1Mal mutation (1 available); any Cd247 mutation (11 available)
Lcktm1Mak mutation (1 available); any Lck mutation (95 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• minimal numbers of double positive thymocytes enter into the cell cycle during the double positive stage
• thymocytes fail to express an alphabeta TCR
• there is a partial block in development in the DN3 stage that is more severe in the double homozygote null mice than in the singly- homozygote null mice
• there is a partial block in development in the DN3 stage that leads to a higher percentage of these thymocytes
• double-positive thymocytes are almost absent from the thymus in 6 week old mice
• the double-positive thymocyte population is slightly larger by nine weeks of age

hematopoietic system
• minimal numbers of double positive thymocytes enter into the cell cycle during the double positive stage
• thymocytes fail to express an alphabeta TCR
• there is a partial block in development in the DN3 stage that is more severe in the double homozygote null mice than in the singly- homozygote null mice
• there is a partial block in development in the DN3 stage that leads to a higher percentage of these thymocytes
• double-positive thymocytes are almost absent from the thymus in 6 week old mice
• the double-positive thymocyte population is slightly larger by nine weeks of age

endocrine/exocrine glands
• minimal numbers of double positive thymocytes enter into the cell cycle during the double positive stage

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory