• less than 10% of mice survive to adulthood
• a majority of mice die during the neonatal period due to hemorrhage
• less than 10% of mice survive to adulthood
hematopoietic system
• megakaryocytes exhibit an increase in size compared to in wild-type mice, a paucity of granules, hyperlobulation of the nucleus, and striking emperipolesis
• 2- to 4-fold increase of megakaryocytes in the spleen and bone marrow compared to in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit decreased hemoglobin content that cannot be explained by blood loss or iron deficiency
• mice exhibit microcytosis that cannot be explained by blood loss or iron deficiency
• despite normal thrombopoeitin action, late megakaryocyte maturation is blocked
• megakaryocytes exhibit striking emperipolesis (nonphagocytic inclusion of other blood cells within the cytoplasm)
cardiovascular system
• after birth mice exhibit internal hemorrhages in the peritoneal cavity and the wall of the urinary bladder
• a majority of mice die during the neonatal period due to hemorrhage