cardiovascular system
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• unlike mice null for Nos3, ischemia induced retinal neovascularization is not significantly different from controls
• knockouts show a 58% decrease in neovascularization at sites of laser-induced Bruch's membrane rupture compared to heterozygous littermates
• kainic acid injection of hippocampi does not cause blood-brain barrier breakdown
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• Background Sensitivity: unlike mice on a mixed 129S4/SvJae and C57BL/6J background, congenic male mice do not display significantly increased aggression compared to wild-type controls
• lactating females display decreased aggression towards intruder males
• about a 90% decrease in the amount of time lactating females spend actively attacking or biting an intruder male
• increase in the number and duration of attacks and decrease in the latency to attack in a resident intruder assay
• treatment with a serotonin precursor dramatically reduces aggressive behavior
• significantly higher concentrations of serotonin receptor agonists are required to reduce aggressive behavior than in wild-type controls
• lactating females display decreased aggression towards intruder males
• about a 90% decrease in the amount of time lactating females spend actively attacking or biting an intruder male
• in contrast to the decrease in maternal aggression, no defect in pup retrieval is detected
• when exposed to hyperbaric oxygen (greater than 99% oxygen) at 5 ATA for 60 min the time to first seizure in freely moving mice is significantly longer compared to similarly treated wild-type mice
• kainic acid does not cause the hippocampal neurons to degenerate
• elevated plasma triglycerides
• total serotonin content is increased in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus, midbrain and cerebellum
• as no change is seen on the concentration of the serotonin metabolite, 5-HIAA, the 5-HIAA to serotonin (5-HT) ratio is reduced in the cortex, hypothalamus, midbrain, and cerebellum indicating a decrease in serotonin turnover
• functional deficits following middle cerebral artery obstruction are reduced compared to wild-type controls
• infarction sized induced by middle cerebral artery obstruction is reduced in males, but not in females, compared to wild-type controls
• however, infarct size is increased compared to mice hemizygous for Tg(SOD1)76Dpr
• knockouts show a 58% decrease in neovascularization at sites of laser-induced Bruch's membrane rupture compared to heterozygous littermates
nervous system
• in anesthetized mice the latency to hyperbaric oxygen (greater than 99% oxygen) at 5 ATA induced EEG seizure is increased compared to similarly treated wild-type mice
• striatal accumulation of 3-nitrotyrosine during hyperbaric oxygen exposure is decreased compared to similarly treated wild-type mice
• when exposed to hyperbaric oxygen (greater than 99% oxygen) at 5 ATA for 60 min the time to first seizure in freely moving mice is significantly longer compared to similarly treated wild-type mice
• kainic acid injection of hippocampi does not cause blood-brain barrier breakdown
• kainic acid does not cause the hippocampal neurons to degenerate
• functional deficits following middle cerebral artery obstruction are reduced compared to wild-type controls
• infarction sized induced by middle cerebral artery obstruction is reduced in males, but not in females, compared to wild-type controls
• however, infarct size is increased compared to mice hemizygous for Tg(SOD1)76Dpr
• kainic acid does not cause the hippocampal neurons to degenerate
• pups of homozygous females weigh more than pups of wild-type females