endocrine/exocrine glands
• at parturition, homozygous dams show normal alveolar density and mammary epithelial cell differentiation
• however, shortly after parturition, homozygous dams display partially involuted mammary tissue, despite suckling and the presence of systemic lactogenic hormones
• in addition, homozygous dams fail to exhibit post-partum DNA synthesis and proliferation of alveolar cells
• homozygous mice are grossly normal and fertile, carry normal-sized litters and produce milk, but fail to eject milk in response to suckling
• as a result, newborn pups fail to survive for >24 hrs, dying without milk in their stomachs, despite apparently normal suckling
• i.p. injection of oxytocin into homozygous mutant dams restores milk ejection in response to suckling
renal/urinary system
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• male homozygotes exhibit normal plasma osmolarities and are able to concentrate their urine after 24 hrs of water deprevation
• under baseline conditions, homozygous males show no significant differences in water consumption relative to wild-type mice
• however, mutant males initiate water intake 3 hrs earlier in the light/dark cycle relative to wild-type males
• under baseline conditions, homozygous males exhibit a 4-6-fold increase in salt licking activity (licks/24 hrs) and salt (2% NaCl) consumption relative to wild-type males
• salt licking activity is prominent during the dark period, as expected
• voluntary consumption of a hypertonic salt solution is not driven by plasma hyperosmolarity, as no changes in ionic concentrations are observed
• despite increased 2% NaCl consumption, homozygotes are able to maintain a balance of intake and excretion
• homozygotes display reduced aggression in agonistic bouts within a neutral arena, with significantly less time spent in aggressive encounters and significantly shorter aggressive attacks
• notably, homozygotes exhibit a greater reduction in agonistic interactions in the neutral arena than in the resident-intruder paradigm
• homozygotes exhibit neither significant differences in exploratory activity in the open field test nor sensorimotor deficits in olfaction, visual acuity, coordination or forearm strength tasks
• however, homozygotes spend significantly less time autogrooming in the open field than wild-type mice
• homozygous mice are grossly normal and fertile, carry normal-sized litters and produce milk, but fail to eject milk in response to suckling
• as a result, newborn pups fail to survive for >24 hrs, dying without milk in their stomachs, despite apparently normal suckling
• i.p. injection of oxytocin into homozygous mutant dams restores milk ejection in response to suckling
• under baseline conditions, homozygous males display an abnormal circadian rhythm of salt and water intake
cardiovascular system
• in response to depressor challenges, homozygotes show a significant reduction in maximal bradycardia and a potentiation of reflex tachycardia, in accordance with an increased sympathetic reserve to the heart
• after beta 1-adrenergic and cholinergic blockade, homozygotes show a normal magnitude of sympathetic and vagal tone to the heart and periphery; however, mutants exhibit an upward shift of sympathetic tone to higher heart rate values resulting in larger responses to cholinergic blockade
• homozygotes exhibit a mild but consistent hypotension (102 3 vs. 110 3 mmHg), with no significant changes in baseline heart rate relative to wild-type mice
nervous system
• homozygotes exhibit a >3-fold increase in the gain of reflex as well as a notable decrease in the operating pressure range of baroreceptor reflex function
• at parturition, homozygous dams show normal alveolar density and mammary epithelial cell differentiation
• however, shortly after parturition, homozygous dams display partially involuted mammary tissue, despite suckling and the presence of systemic lactogenic hormones
• in addition, homozygous dams fail to exhibit post-partum DNA synthesis and proliferation of alveolar cells
• homozygous mice are grossly normal and fertile, carry normal-sized litters and produce milk, but fail to eject milk in response to suckling
• as a result, newborn pups fail to survive for >24 hrs, dying without milk in their stomachs, despite apparently normal suckling
• i.p. injection of oxytocin into homozygous mutant dams restores milk ejection in response to suckling