• show a moderate increase in survival after primary tumor resection at day 10
• median survival is 6 months
reproductive system
• Background Sensitivity: exhibit more severe infertility than on a mixed 129P2/OlaHsd, Black Swiss, and C57BL/6J background, with fewer than 50% of females becoming pregnant
• second pregnancies are rare
• palpebral conjunctival alterations result in hypertrophied, everted eyelids with ulceration and hemorrhage
• formation of papillary or a retrocorneal membrane is seen in several mutants, consistent with chronic intraocular inflammation
• Background Sensitivity: 100% of older mutants develop conjunctival lesions (palpebral and bulbar conjunctivitis) that are much more severe than on a mixed 129P2/OlaHsd and Black Swiss background
• incidence of lesion development increases with age and lesions develop into extensive, pedunculated plaques over time
• lesions contain acellular material rich in fibrin and are accompanied by a whitish, irregular surface of the palpebral conjunctiva, an increase in vascularization of the lid, and external accumulations of mucus
• acute inflammatory infiltrates with a predominance of neutrophils frequently accompany conjunctival lesions and occasionally see CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in the infiltrates
• exhibit extensive disruption of the conjunctival epithelium in all lesions, associated with hypertrophy, disorganization, and reduplication consistent with chronic, recurrent ulceration and attempted re-epithelialization
• occasionally observe corneal defects such as stromal haze in mutants with early conjunctival lesions, however lesions always occur in the palperbral conjunctiva prior to corneal defects
• form extensive fibrin rich plaques overlying the cornea, with associated epithelium ulceration, hypertrophy, and disorganization
• stromal vascularization is frequently associated with corneal lesions
• corneal epithelium is frequently absent, necrotic, or hypertrophied
• ulceration or destruction of the stroma with extensive protruding plaques are seen overlying the cornea
• palpebral conjunctival alterations result in hypertrophied, everted eyelids with ulceration and hemorrhage
• homozygotes develop primary tumors with no difference in the rate of appearance or in lung metastasis when inoculated with a metastatic Lewis lung carcinoma expressing high levels of plasminogen activator, however the primary tumors are smaller, less hemorrhagic, display reduced skin ulceration, show delayed dissemination of the tumor to regional lymph nodes, and show a moderate increase in survival after primary tumor resection
digestive/alimentary system
• 71% developed rectal lesions
cardiovascular system
• palpebral conjunctival alterations result in hypertrophied, everted eyelids with ulceration and hemorrhage
• stromal vascularization is frequently associated with corneal lesions
liver/biliary system
• the number of proliferating hepatocyte is increased (126.6+/-3.9 compare to 95.2+/-3.7 in wild-type mice)
endocrine/exocrine glands
• Background Sensitivity: more than 75% of females are unable to sustain lactation for 10 days, much higher percentage than on a mixed 129P2/OlaHsd, Black Swiss, and C57BL/6J background
• weight at 60 days of age is lower
immune system
• formation of papillary or a retrocorneal membrane is seen in several mutants, consistent with chronic intraocular inflammation
• Background Sensitivity: 100% of older mutants develop conjunctival lesions (palpebral and bulbar conjunctivitis) that are much more severe than on a mixed 129P2/OlaHsd and Black Swiss background
• incidence of lesion development increases with age and lesions develop into extensive, pedunculated plaques over time
• lesions contain acellular material rich in fibrin and are accompanied by a whitish, irregular surface of the palpebral conjunctiva, an increase in vascularization of the lid, and external accumulations of mucus
• acute inflammatory infiltrates with a predominance of neutrophils frequently accompany conjunctival lesions and occasionally see CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in the infiltrates
• Background Sensitivity: more than 75% of females are unable to sustain lactation for 10 days, much higher percentage than on a mixed 129P2/OlaHsd, Black Swiss, and C57BL/6J background
• the number of proliferating hepatocyte is increased (126.6+/-3.9 compare to 95.2+/-3.7 in wild-type mice)