• serum phosphate is significantly reduced relative to wild-type but similarity in serum phosphate levels between heterozygotes, homozygotes and hemizygotes indicates that there is not a gene dose effect
• the overall length of the proximal caudal vertebrae is shorter, the growth plate is thicker than in wild-type controls, and there is accumulation of osteoid
• the overall length of the proximal caudal vertebrae is shorter, the growth plate is thicker than in wild-type controls, and there is accumulation of osteoid
• there is a significant increase in cancellous osteoid volume per bone volume, and cancellous, endocortical, and periosteal osteoid thickness
• heterozygous offspring from homozygous females have shorter caudal vertebrae and increased osteoid within cancellous bone than do heterozygotes derived from hemizygous males