• delayed migration at E10.5 and E11.5
• absence of enteric neural crest cells
• absence of cells expressing markers of early melanoblasts indicating a defect in melanocyte development at E10.5 and E11.
nervous system
• absence of enteric neural crest cells
• the most anterior sympathetic ganglion is small at E12.5
• satellite cells are absent in the superior cervical ganglion
• B-FABP-positive cells (peripheral glia) are not seen in the dorsal root ganglia or along the spinal nerves at E11.5 or E12.5
• differentiation of peripheral glial cells is arrested at a very early stage
• peripheral nerves lack Schwann cell nuclei at E12.5 and contain essentially only naked axons that are smaller in diameter than in controls
• Schwann cell precursors along the projections of sensory and motoneurons do not form
• degeneration of motoneurons; number of motoneurons are somewhat reduced on cervical, but not on thoracic or lumbar, axial levels at E15.5 and by E18.5, significant loss of notoneurons is seen on cervical and lumbar axial levels
• degeneration of sensory and sympathetic neurons
• only remnants of cranial ganglia and their projections are seen
• satellite cells are absent in the nodose ganglion
• dorsal root ganglia form broad fusions with the lateral neural tube, which contain, inappropriately, neurons
• severe degeneration of neurons in dorsal root ganglia that is detectable at E11.5 on lumbar axial levels and affects the majority of neurons at E12.5
• very few cells are seen in the remnants of lumbar dorsal root ganglia at E18.5
• in embryos
• marked reduction in size of the intercostal nerve at E12.5
• neuronal perikarya are seen in the ventral roots of spinal nerves
• absence of cells expressing markers of early melanoblasts indicating a defect in melanocyte development at E10.5 and E11.
• delayed migration at E10.5 and E11.5