nervous system
• axonal swelling and degeneration are seen but less frequently than in hemizygous males; however all optic nerve axons have normal myelin sheaths
Allele Symbol Allele Name Allele ID |
Plp1tm1Kan targeted mutation 1, Klaus-Armin Nave MGI:1857446 |
Summary |
13 genotypes
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• axonal swelling and degeneration are seen but less frequently than in hemizygous males; however all optic nerve axons have normal myelin sheaths
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• increased density of microglia in the hippocampal fimbria
• microglial cells appear to be phagocytic based on presence of inflated lysosomes
• infiltration of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages in the hippocampal fimbria
• severe reactive astrogliosis in the hippocampal fimbria
• enhanced compared to single mutants
• similar to what is seen in mice hemizygous for Plp1tm1Kan alone
• similar to what is seen in mice hemizygous for Plp1tm1Kan alone
• moderately dysmyelinated, similar to what is seen in mice hemizygous for Plp1tm1Kan alone
• at 40 weeks of age
• at 4 and 40 weeks of age
• similar to what is seen in mice hemizygous for Plp1tm1Kan alone
• increased density of microglia in the hippocampal fimbria
• microglial cells appear to be phagocytic based on presence of inflated lysosomes
• infiltration of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages in the hippocampal fimbria
• increased density of microglia in the hippocampal fimbria
• microglial cells appear to be phagocytic based on presence of inflated lysosomes
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• density of T-lymphocytes (CD3+ cells) in the fimbria is further increased at 26 weeks of age compared to single hemizygous Plp1 males
• microgliosis in the hippocampal fimbria is further increased at 26 weeks of age compared to single hemizygous Plp1 males
• density of T-lymphocytes (CD3+ cells) in the fimbria is further increased at 26 weeks of age compared to single hemizygous Plp1 males
• microgliosis in the hippocampal fimbria is further increased at 26 weeks of age compared to single hemizygous Plp1 males
• microgliosis in the hippocampal fimbria is further increased at 26 weeks of age compared to single hemizygous Plp1 males
• hippocampal fimbria exhibits APP+ axonal spheroids, microgliosis and astrogliosis, and increased density of T-lymphocytes
• moderate, but significant, astrogliosis in the hippocampal fimbria at 26 weeks of age
• APP+ axonal spheroids are present in the hippocampal fimbria and corpus callosum at 26 weeks of age at enhanced levels compared to single hemizygous Plp1 males
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• most die by 4 - 5 months of age with none living past 6 months of age
• unable to remain on a horizontal bar without support at all ages tested
• hunchback at 2 - 3 months of age
• fail to grasp objects with the forelimbs
• hindlimb spasticity is seen at 10 days of age
• at 2 - 3 months of age mice always have spastic hindlimbs
• apoptotic oligodendrocytes are seen in the CNS
• pathology is more severe in the white matter than in the gray matter
• thickness is reduced to 2/3 that of controls
• thickness is reduced to 2/3 that of controls
• reactive microgliosis accompanies neurodegeneration
• accompanies neurodegeneration
• processes are longer and thicker and are often seen engulfing axons with a noncompacted cellular process
• absence of proteolipids, decrease in cholesterol content
• intraperiod lines are partly condensed
• pathology is more severe in the white matter than in the gray matter
• degeneration is also seen in the retina and the PNS
• axonal swellings are seen earlier and more frequently than in Plp single null mice
• axonal degeneration in the optic nerve at 4.5 months of age
• at P14 the optic nerve lacks myelin and at 1 month of age myelination of the optic nerve and spinal cord are clearly delayed
• myelination in the striatal white matter and in spinal cord gray matter is 86% and 67% that of controls
• however, most large caliber axons are myelinated
• no reproducible responses are detected at 19 - 25 weeks of age
• distortion product otoacoustic emissions are present and major degeneration of the VIIIth cranial nerve is not seen
• waves II - V (reflecting CNS function) are significantly delayed in mice at 2.5 months of age
• the delay in waves II - V is less pronounced at 4.5 months of age
• at both 2.5 and 4.5 months of age wave III is most delayed
• moderate pantonal hearing loss across all frequencies
• apoptotic oligodendrocytes are seen in the CNS
• apoptotic cells are seen in the CNS, some of which are oligodendrocytes
• reactive microgliosis accompanies neurodegeneration
• reactive microgliosis accompanies neurodegeneration
• in myelin
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• die at 7 - 12 months of age later than males
• progressive motor impairments similar to males but milder at 4 - 6 weeks of age
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• die at 7 - 12 months of age later than males
• progressive motor impairments similar to males but milder at 4 - 6 weeks of age
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• double mutants live for more than 6 months unlike Mbpshi homozygotes that die around 3 months of age
• when present axon sheaths are thinner than normal, often decompacted, lack major dense lines, and have intraperiod lines that are denser than normal
• dysmyelination with many naked axons
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• axonal spheroids are seen unlike in Mbpshi homozygotes
• severe hypomyelination
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• low grade in the hippocampal fimbria
• mild astrogliosis in the hippocampal fimbria
• density of axons shows a striking reduction to fewer than half that of controls
• moderately dysmyelinated due to diminished myelination of axons with the smallest calibers, significant at 40 weeks of age
• at 40 weeks of age
• at 4 and 40 weeks of age
• low grade in the hippocampal fimbria
• low grade in the hippocampal fimbria
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• hypomyelination with split myelin lamellae
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• increased numbers of microglia accompany degenerative changes
• microgliosis in the hippocampal fimbria at 26 weeks of age
• hippocampal fimbria exhibits APP+ axonal spheroids, microgliosis and astrogliosis
• mild astrocytosis accompanies degenerative changes
• moderate, but significant, astrogliosis in the hippocampal fimbria at 26 weeks of age
• occasionally inner tongue processes of pligdendrocytes contain degenerated organelles
• primary glial cultures have increased numbers of oligodendrocytes starting at the second division and persisting through at least the fourteenth division; however no increase in oligodendrocyte proliferation is seen
• in primary glial cultures oligodendrocyte sheets appear larger, vacuolated, and broken suggesting decreased stability of the myelin sheet
• at 6 - 8 weeks, focal axonal swellings containing organelles are seen mostly in areas where small diameter axons predominate throughout the white and gray matter
• by 1 year, numerous large axonal swellings are seen in the optic nerve and spinal cord with some also seen in Purkinje cell axons
• after 1 year, axonal degeneration is seen in the optic nerve and fasciculus gracilis; however, no signs of peripheral neuropathy are seen
• in areas of axonal swelling the myelin sheath becomes attenuated and is eventually lost though slippage
• decrease in cholesterol content
• APP+ axonal spheroids are present in the hippocampal fimbria and corpus callosum at 26 weeks of age
• evidence of demyelination is seen at 22 months of age
• at 16 months of age impaired performance in a rotarod test is seen
• at 16 months of age impaired performance in a rotarod test is seen
• older mice develop a slow gait
• increased numbers of microglia accompany degenerative changes
• microgliosis in the hippocampal fimbria at 26 weeks of age
• increased numbers of microglia accompany degenerative changes
• microgliosis in the hippocampal fimbria at 26 weeks of age
• in myelin
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
hereditary spastic paraplegia 2 | DOID:0110773 |
OMIM:312920 |
J:48031 , J:245100 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• myelin is compacted but the distinction between major dense lines and intraperiod lines is less than in wild-type; however, the proportion of myelinated axons, myelin sheath thickness and size range of myelinated fibers are similar to wild-type
• in a few areas double intraperiod lines are seen and myelin sheaths are more susceptible to damage during the fixation process compared to wild-type
• in mice over 2 months of age, some axonal spheroids
• no signs of motor dysfunction or impaired coordination are detected
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• swollen axons are seen
• some attenuated myelin sheaths are seen around swollen axons
• however, in non swollen regions sheaths are of normal thickness
• at 8 months of age occasional degenerating fibers are seen in the cervical region of the fasciculus gracilis
• at 18 months of age pronounced axonal degeneration is seen in the cervical segments in the thoracic region but not in the lumbar dorsal columns
• weakness particularly of the hind limbs develops by 18 months of age
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease | DOID:3210 |
OMIM:312080 |
J:146665 |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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