• frequency of homozygous embryos normal up to E9.5
• no viable mutants by E10.5
• vitelline vein and artery are present but with little or no blood
• growth normal until E9.0
• growth retarded after E9.0
• development up to 14 somite stage (E9.0)
• never more than 20 somites formed
cardiovascular system
• less branching than normal
• cranial and caudal blood vessels are dilated
• vessels dorsal and rostral to the heart are narrow and sometimes discontinuous
• vitelline vein and artery are present but with little or no blood
• heart normal at E8.0-8.25 (linear heart tube)
• looping to the right did not occur
• sinus venosus frequently not present
• lumen of ventricle very narrow
• contractions initiated but slow and irregular (26 beats/minute as opposed to 58 beats)
• weak atrial chamber beating
• only vibrates in response to atrium, no independent contractions
hematopoietic system
• less blood than normal is present
• growth normal until E9.0
• growth retarded after E9.0
• lumen of ventricle very narrow
• contractions initiated but slow and irregular (26 beats/minute as opposed to 58 beats)
• weak atrial chamber beating
• only vibrates in response to atrium, no independent contractions