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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Tom Gridley
Summary 6 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Hoxa2tm1Grid/Hoxa2tm1Grid involves: 129S/SvEv * 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6 * DBA/2 MGI:3773305
Hoxa2tm1Grid/Hoxa2tm1Grid involves: 129S1/Sv MGI:3773318
Hoxa2tm1Grid/Hoxa2tm1Grid involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J MGI:3773317
Hoxa2tm1Grid/Hoxa2+ involves: 129S1/Sv MGI:3773522
Hoxa2tm1(tetO)Mllo/Hoxa2tm1Grid involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J MGI:3773521
involves: 129S1/Sv MGI:3696454

involves: 129S/SvEv * 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hoxa2tm1Grid mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice exhibit a duplication of the incus
• mice exhibit a duplication of the malleus
• the otic capsule contains a rod-like cartilaginous element instead of cartilage and may indicate a duplication in the tympanic bone

• mice exhibit a duplication of the incus
• mice exhibit a duplication of the malleus

• mice exhibit a duplication of the incus
• mice exhibit a duplication of the malleus

involves: 129S1/Sv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hoxa2tm1Grid mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice die within 24 hours of birth

• the stapedial artery is displaced rostrally compared to in wild-type mice
• duplication of the tympanic ring results in a duplication of the external acoustic meatus
• mice lack an external pinna
• duplication of the tympanic ring results in a duplication of the external acoustic meatus

• duplication of the tympanic ring results in a duplication of the external acoustic meatus
• mice lack an external pinna

nervous system
• r3 size is decreased compared to in wild-type mice
• the r1/r2 boundary is absent and the r2/r3 boundary is abnormal
• mice exhibit axons that emanate from more than just r3 contributing to the facial nerve

cardiovascular system
• the stapedial artery is displaced rostrally compared to in wild-type mice

• mice never feed


• r3 size is decreased compared to in wild-type mice
• the r1/r2 boundary is absent and the r2/r3 boundary is abnormal

• duplication of the tympanic ring results in a duplication of the external acoustic meatus
• mice lack an external pinna

involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hoxa2tm1Grid mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice die within 24 hours of birth

• mice exhibit a duplication of Meckel's cartilage
• mice exhibit additional areas undergoing intramembranous ossification that are connected o the squamosal bone
• at E13.5 to E15.5, mice lack the cartilaginous primordial of the styloid process
• at E13.5 to E15.5, mice lack the cartilaginous primordial of the lesser horns of the hyoid bone
• several ectopic cartilages are present in the middle ear unlike in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit increased ossification centers within the middle ear compared to in wild-type mice
• at E12.5-E14.5, palatal shelves exhibit significantly higher Six2 mRNA and protein levels than wild-type palatal shelves (J:316149)
• at E14.5-E15.5, the spatial domain of Six2 protein expression in the palatal mesenchyme is ectopically expanded to include the entire nasal half in addition to the oral half of the palatal shelf (J:316149)
• at E14.5, Six2 immunostaining is faintly visible in medial edge epithelium (MEE) cells located at the apical tips of palatal shelves (J:316149)
• at E13.5, palatal shelves show a higher density of proliferating Ki-67-positive palatal mesenchyme cells as well as a higher density of Six2/Ki-67 double-positive cells than wild-type palatal shelves (J:316149)
• in culture, mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal (MEPM) cells derived from E13.5 embryos show both increased proliferation and elevated Ccnd1 (cyclin D1) mRNA expression relative to wild-type cultures (J:316149)
• BrdU staining showed significantly higher cell proliferation rates in the anterior region of palatal shelves at E12.5, E14.5 and E15.5 and in the medial and posterior regions at E12.5 and E14.5 relative to wild-type shelves (J:151467)
• TUNEL analysis showed no differences in apoptosis at E12.5, E13.5 or E14.5 (J:151467)
• in vitro, when whole palate explants are cultured in the absence of the tongue, the frequency of fused palates is 44.4% versus 90.0% in wild-type embryos, while the frequency of contacted but not fused palates is 38.5% versus 10% in wild-type embryos
• however, when E14 palate shelves are excised, arranged in pairs with their medial edges in contact and cultured for 72 hr, the frequency of fused palates is ~86% similar to that in wild-type embryos
• when whole palate explants are cultured in the absence of the tongue, the frequency of non-contacted palates is 27.8% versus 0% in wild-type embryos
• palatal shelves fail to establish contact and do not form a midline epithelial seam (MES) at E14.5
• mice exhibit a cleft in the secondary palate
• palatal shelves fail to elevate and remain oriented vertically alongside the tongue at E15.5 (J:316149)
• palatal shelves fail to elevate; however, the hyoglossus is properly inserted into the hyoid in embryos with cleft palate suggesting that malpositioning of the tongue may not be the primary cause of cleft palate (J:151467)
• the dorsal aspect of the pinna is absent

• several ectopic cartilages are present in the middle ear unlike in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit increased ossification centers within the middle ear compared to in wild-type mice
• the dorsal aspect of the pinna is absent
• mice lack a distinct tubotympanic recess although the tissue does begin to form
• the dorsal and ventral distal tips of the tympanic rings are hyperplastic giving the ring a symmetric shape unlike in wild-type mice
• ossification centers of the tympanic ring do not join at the caudal extremity of the ring

nervous system
• mice exhibit normal hindbrain organization
• the positioning of the facial nerve is altered
• the proximal portion of the glossopharyngeal nerve is absent
• some mice exhibit a collapse or condensation of the vagus nerve
• the jugular (superior) ganglion of the vagus is decreased in size compared to in wild-type mice
• however, the nodose (inferior) ganglion of the vagus is normal

• mice exhibit a duplication of Meckel's cartilage
• mice exhibit additional areas undergoing intramembranous ossification that are connected o the squamosal bone
• at E13.5 to E15.5, mice lack the cartilaginous primordial of the styloid process
• at E13.5 to E15.5, mice lack the cartilaginous primordial of the lesser horns of the hyoid bone
• several ectopic cartilages are present in the middle ear unlike in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit increased ossification centers within the middle ear compared to in wild-type mice

digestive/alimentary system
• at E12.5-E14.5, palatal shelves exhibit significantly higher Six2 mRNA and protein levels than wild-type palatal shelves (J:316149)
• at E14.5-E15.5, the spatial domain of Six2 protein expression in the palatal mesenchyme is ectopically expanded to include the entire nasal half in addition to the oral half of the palatal shelf (J:316149)
• at E14.5, Six2 immunostaining is faintly visible in medial edge epithelium (MEE) cells located at the apical tips of palatal shelves (J:316149)
• at E13.5, palatal shelves show a higher density of proliferating Ki-67-positive palatal mesenchyme cells as well as a higher density of Six2/Ki-67 double-positive cells than wild-type palatal shelves (J:316149)
• in culture, mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal (MEPM) cells derived from E13.5 embryos show both increased proliferation and elevated Ccnd1 (cyclin D1) mRNA expression relative to wild-type cultures (J:316149)
• BrdU staining showed significantly higher cell proliferation rates in the anterior region of palatal shelves at E12.5, E14.5 and E15.5 and in the medial and posterior regions at E12.5 and E14.5 relative to wild-type shelves (J:151467)
• TUNEL analysis showed no differences in apoptosis at E12.5, E13.5 or E14.5 (J:151467)
• in vitro, when whole palate explants are cultured in the absence of the tongue, the frequency of fused palates is 44.4% versus 90.0% in wild-type embryos, while the frequency of contacted but not fused palates is 38.5% versus 10% in wild-type embryos
• however, when E14 palate shelves are excised, arranged in pairs with their medial edges in contact and cultured for 72 hr, the frequency of fused palates is ~86% similar to that in wild-type embryos
• when whole palate explants are cultured in the absence of the tongue, the frequency of non-contacted palates is 27.8% versus 0% in wild-type embryos
• palatal shelves fail to establish contact and do not form a midline epithelial seam (MES) at E14.5
• mice exhibit a cleft in the secondary palate
• palatal shelves fail to elevate and remain oriented vertically alongside the tongue at E15.5 (J:316149)
• palatal shelves fail to elevate; however, the hyoglossus is properly inserted into the hyoid in embryos with cleft palate suggesting that malpositioning of the tongue may not be the primary cause of cleft palate (J:151467)
• mice do not appear to feed after birth but examination of their stomach and intestinal content reveal air in the stomach and intestine, and small amounts of milk in their stomachs indicating that mice begin to feed but stop likely due to the air in their stomachs
• neonates have a lare amount of air in the stomach and intestines

• at E12.5-E14.5, palatal shelves exhibit significantly higher Six2 mRNA and protein levels than wild-type palatal shelves (J:316149)
• at E14.5-E15.5, the spatial domain of Six2 protein expression in the palatal mesenchyme is ectopically expanded to include the entire nasal half in addition to the oral half of the palatal shelf (J:316149)
• at E14.5, Six2 immunostaining is faintly visible in medial edge epithelium (MEE) cells located at the apical tips of palatal shelves (J:316149)
• at E13.5, palatal shelves show a higher density of proliferating Ki-67-positive palatal mesenchyme cells as well as a higher density of Six2/Ki-67 double-positive cells than wild-type palatal shelves (J:316149)
• in culture, mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal (MEPM) cells derived from E13.5 embryos show both increased proliferation and elevated Ccnd1 (cyclin D1) mRNA expression relative to wild-type cultures (J:316149)
• BrdU staining showed significantly higher cell proliferation rates in the anterior region of palatal shelves at E12.5, E14.5 and E15.5 and in the medial and posterior regions at E12.5 and E14.5 relative to wild-type shelves (J:151467)
• TUNEL analysis showed no differences in apoptosis at E12.5, E13.5 or E14.5 (J:151467)
• in vitro, when whole palate explants are cultured in the absence of the tongue, the frequency of fused palates is 44.4% versus 90.0% in wild-type embryos, while the frequency of contacted but not fused palates is 38.5% versus 10% in wild-type embryos
• however, when E14 palate shelves are excised, arranged in pairs with their medial edges in contact and cultured for 72 hr, the frequency of fused palates is ~86% similar to that in wild-type embryos
• when whole palate explants are cultured in the absence of the tongue, the frequency of non-contacted palates is 27.8% versus 0% in wild-type embryos
• palatal shelves fail to establish contact and do not form a midline epithelial seam (MES) at E14.5
• mice exhibit a cleft in the secondary palate
• palatal shelves fail to elevate and remain oriented vertically alongside the tongue at E15.5 (J:316149)
• palatal shelves fail to elevate; however, the hyoglossus is properly inserted into the hyoid in embryos with cleft palate suggesting that malpositioning of the tongue may not be the primary cause of cleft palate (J:151467)
• the dorsal aspect of the pinna is absent
• mice do not appear to feed after birth but examination of their stomach and intestinal content reveal air in the stomach and intestine, and small amounts of milk in their stomachs indicating that mice begin to feed but stop likely due to the air in their stomachs
• neonates have a lare amount of air in the stomach and intestines

involves: 129S1/Sv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hoxa2tm1Grid mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• while the shape of the malleus is normal it remains attached via a small bridge to the extra cartilage found in the middle ear

• some mice exhibit slightly larger than normal ossifications at the distal end of the retrotympanic process of the squamous bone
• while the shape of the malleus is normal it remains attached via a small bridge to the extra cartilage found in the middle ear

nervous system
• the r2/r3 area is slightly reduced in width compared to in wild-type mice

• some mice exhibit slightly larger than normal ossifications at the distal end of the retrotympanic process of the squamous bone
• while the shape of the malleus is normal it remains attached via a small bridge to the extra cartilage found in the middle ear

• the r2/r3 area is slightly reduced in width compared to in wild-type mice

involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hoxa2tm1Grid mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
Hoxa2tm1(tetO)Mllo mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the stapedial artery is displaced rostrally compared to in wild-type mice
• the oval window of the otic capsule is absent
• mice exhibit extra cartilage structures in the middle ear
• however, the gonial bone is normal
• while the shape of the malleus is normal it remains attached via a small bridge to the extra cartilage found in the middle ear
• the morphology of the tympanic ring is shorter than in wild-type mice and exhibits a small membranous element close to the distal end

• the oval window of the otic capsule is absent
• the lesser horn of the hyoid bone is smaller or absent compared to in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit extra cartilage structures in the middle ear
• however, the gonial bone is normal
• while the shape of the malleus is normal it remains attached via a small bridge to the extra cartilage found in the middle ear
• some mice exhibit a cleft palate
• tongue and hyoid musculature exhibit abnormal insertion

digestive/alimentary system
• some mice exhibit a cleft palate
• tongue and hyoid musculature exhibit abnormal insertion

cardiovascular system
• the stapedial artery is displaced rostrally compared to in wild-type mice

• tongue and hyoid musculature exhibit abnormal insertion

nervous system
• mice exhibit normal hindbrain organization
• only one mouse exhibited abnormal contributions of r4 neurons to the facial nerve

• the oval window of the otic capsule is absent
• the lesser horn of the hyoid bone is smaller or absent compared to in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit extra cartilage structures in the middle ear
• however, the gonial bone is normal
• while the shape of the malleus is normal it remains attached via a small bridge to the extra cartilage found in the middle ear

• some mice exhibit a cleft palate
• tongue and hyoid musculature exhibit abnormal insertion

involves: 129S1/Sv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hoxa2tm1Grid mutation (0 available); any Hoxa2 mutation (21 available)
Satb2tm1Rug mutation (0 available); any Satb2 mutation (43 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the delay in bone formation seen in single Satb2 homozygotes is largely rescued

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory