• Background Sensitivity: about 50% die between E9.5 and E12.5, with the proportion of dead mutants increasing from E12.5 onward, especially on the 129/Sv background, while some survive longer (to E17.5) on the C57BL/6 background
• small placenta, with little blood supply
cardiovascular system
• at E12.5, hearts show reduced number of desmosomes, less dense plaques, and atypical appearance of desmogleas
• heart wall is thin and weak
• heart is structurally less well developed by E10.5 and E112.5
• poorly developed endocardial cushion
• poorly developed atrial trabeculae
• coagulated blood is found in ventricles, atria, and pericardium
• coagulated blood is found in the pericardium
liver/biliary system
small liver
• small liver with a thin liver capsule and little blood supply
• at E12.5, hearts show reduced number of desmosomes, less dense plaques, and atypical appearance of desmogleas
• heart wall is thin and weak
• coagulated blood is found in the pericardium