• 1 of 42 tumors is a rhabdomyosarcoma
• by day 7 after myocardial infarction, homozygotes have significantly better survival rate than wild-type
• 50% of mice are dead by 21-22 weeks
• associated with tumor formation
• develop fatal spontaneous tumors by 10 months of age
• about 80% of mice succumb to malignant lymphomas, chiefly thymic in origin
• 3 of 42 tumors are carcinomas
• 9% of all tumors seen in mice are sarcomas
• 1 of 42 tumors is an undifferentiated sarcoma
• 1 of 42 tumors is a rhabdomyosarcoma
• 2 of 42 tumors are osteosarcomas
• 2 of 42 tumors are osteosarcomas
• after 14 weeks of selection with L-aspartic acid, N-(phosphonoacetyl) (PALA, an assay for gene amplification) homozygous MEFs develop resistance to up to 500uM PALA unlike wild-type cells which do not develop resistance
• retroviral transfection of homozygous MEFs with an activated ras allele produces obvious transformed cells that are able to form colonies in soft agar, unlike wild-type MEFs where the introduction of 2 activated oncogenes is needed for transformation
• the number of colonies produced in the soft agar assay is greater than in transfected homozygous Gadd45a null MEFs
• confluent 2nd passage renal medullary cells show reduced viability 16 hours after osmolality is increased above 640 mosmol/kg water by addition of urea of NaCl
• survival is less than wild-type when NaCl is added at 1040 or 1240 mosmol/kg water
• survival is less than wild-type when urea is added at 840 mosmol/kg water or above
• enhanced glycolysis in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
• MEFs fail to arrest after exposure to 6 Gy or 12 Gy irradiation
• more mouse embryonic fibroblasts are in the S-phase compared with wild-type cells
• mouse embryonic cells (MEFs) fail to arrest at G1 upon exposure to gamma radiation and the G1/S-phase checkpoint is defective in gamma-irradiated thymic cells
• mouse embryonic fibroblast cells fail to arrest in G1 following exposure to ionizing radiation as do wild-type cells
• following ionizing radiation no apoptosis is seen in homozygous MEFs unlike wild-type cells
• adriamycin-induced apoptosis is significantly reduced or absent at both low and high concentrations of adriamycin compared to wild-type cells
• mouse embryonic fibroblast cells fail to undergo apoptosis following exposure to ionizing radiation as do wild-type cells
• after exposure to 10-Gy ionizing radiation, 78.5% of CD4/CD8 double positive T cells survive compared to 45.5% in wild-type
• irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts exhibit fail to exhibit a reduction in S-phase populations compared with similarly treated wild-type cells
• unlike wild-type epidermal cells that show a reduction in proliferation 24 hours post ionizing radiation, mutant epidermal cells exhibit no reduction in proliferation
• mouse embryonic fibroblast cells fail to arrest in G1 or undergo apoptosis following exposure to ionizing radiation as do wild-type cells
• MEFs transfected with retrovirus encoding a puromycin resistance gene are resistant to adriamycin-induced apoptosis compared to transfected wild-type cells
• gamma-irradiation-induced apoptosis is virtually abrogated
• proliferation in the outer medullas of triple knockouts
• primary fibroblasts proliferated faster than wild-type or Ing1-null cells in culture
• low passage MEFs have a plating efficiency of about 1.6% compared to 0.005% in wild-type cells, 0.025% in Gadd45a null cells, 1.2% in Cdkn1a null cells, and up to 1.4% in Gadd45a Cdkn1a double null cells
• in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
• in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
• in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
• Ras-transfected mouse embryonic fibroblasts fail to exhibit senescence unlike similarly treated wild-type cells
• in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
• increased reactive oxygen species in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
cardiovascular system
• homozygotes exhibit a better survival rate than wild-type and have a lower incidence of left ventricular rupture despite comparable infarct size, heart rate, and mean arterial blood pressure
• exhibit a thicker infarct wall and show fewer numbers of apoptotic cells in the infarct area than in wild-type after myocardial infarction
• homozygotes exhibit a better survival rate than wild-type and have a lower incidence of left ventricular rupture despite comparable infarct size, heart rate, and mean arterial blood pressure
• exhibit a thicker infarct wall and show fewer numbers of apoptotic cells in the infarct area than in wild-type after myocardial infarction
hematopoietic system
• CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes are resistant to Trp53-mediated death unlike wild-type cells
• gamma-irradiation-induced apoptosis is virtually abrogated
immune system
• CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes are resistant to Trp53-mediated death unlike wild-type cells
• gamma-irradiation-induced apoptosis is virtually abrogated
endocrine/exocrine glands
• CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes are resistant to Trp53-mediated death unlike wild-type cells
• gamma-irradiation-induced apoptosis is virtually abrogated