• 3% survived to 1 to 2 months of age
• progressive decline in numbers
• 60% were cannibalized within the first day of birth
• in 4 of 21 mice
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• 9 of 14 homozygotes show ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• dyssymphysis of cervical neural arches in 3 of 12 mice
• in 3 of 21 mice
• fusion of neural arches in 1 of 21 mice
• C2 to C1 anterior transformation in 1 of 21 mice
endocrine/exocrine glands
• degeneration of the germinal epithelium
• slower growth rate after 1 to weeks of age
reproductive system
• degeneration of the germinal epithelium
• reduced presence of spermatozoa in the epididymis
• males that survived past 2 months of age were incapable of siring offspring
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
respiratory system
• 9 of 14 homozygotes show ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• reduced presence of spermatozoa in the epididymis