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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
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targeted mutation 1, Pierre Chambon
Summary 14 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Raratm1Ipc/Raratm1Ipc involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:2665553
Raratm1Ipc/Raratm1Ipc involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 MGI:3766011
Raratm1Ipc/Rara+ involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:3053380
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:3033851
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:3033885
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:3758080
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:6382285
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:2449447
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:3033848
involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:6382193
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 MGI:3766017
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 MGI:3766018
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 MGI:3766015
involves: 129/Sv * 129S2/SvPas MGI:3758079

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Degenerative lesions in testes of 4 to 5 month old Raratm1Ipc/Raratm1Ipc mice

• 3% survived to 1 to 2 months of age
• progressive decline in numbers
• 60% were cannibalized within the first day of birth

• in 4 of 21 mice
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• 9 of 14 homozygotes show ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• dyssymphysis of cervical neural arches in 3 of 12 mice
• fusion of neural arches in 1 of 21 mice
• C2 to C1 anterior transformation in 1 of 21 mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• degeneration of the germinal epithelium

• slower growth rate after 1 to weeks of age


reproductive system
• degeneration of the germinal epithelium
• reduced presence of spermatozoa in the epididymis
• males that survived past 2 months of age were incapable of siring offspring

• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)

• low penentrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)

respiratory system
• 9 of 14 homozygotes show ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone

• reduced presence of spermatozoa in the epididymis

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 73% of mutants exhibit malformed skeletons
• 4 of 15 mutants exhibit a malformed squamosal bone
• 1 of 15 mutants show a thyroid cartilage fused to hyoid bone
• 1 of 15 mutants show tracheal cartilage abnormalities
• 6 of 15 (40%) mutants show fusion of C1-AA with C2 dens
• 1 of 15 mutants show fusions of neural arches of C2 and C3
• 3 of 15 (20%) mutants show anterior transformation of T8 to T7
• 1 of 15 mutants show anterior transformation of C2 to C1
• 3 of 15 mutants show posterior transformation of C7 to T1
• 2 of 15 mutants show anterior transformation of L1 to T14

• display a mild reduction of the palpebral aperture at E14.5

• 4 of 15 mutants exhibit a malformed squamosal bone

respiratory system
• 1 of 15 mutants show a thyroid cartilage fused to hyoid bone
• 1 of 15 mutants show tracheal cartilage abnormalities

reproductive system
• young adult male homozygotes show a striking decrease in the number of epididymal spermatozoa relative to wild-type controls
• most of the remaining mutant epididymal spermatozoa appear defective relative to those of wild-type controls
• ~77% of mutant step 8-9 spermatids are randomly oriented with regard to the basal aspect of Sertoli cells in putative stage VIII-IX tubules relative to ~4% of controls
• four (instead of expected three) layers of germ cells are detected in putative stage IX, where late spermatids are retained in the epithelia
• at putative stage VIII, no alignment of mature spermatids at the surface of tubular lumen is observed
• no entrenchment of spermatids within more basal aspects of Sertoli cells is observed in putative stage IV
• at 6 weeks of age, TUNEL-positive, peripherally-located elongated spermatids at steps 10-11 of spermiogenesis are noted in mutant testes but never in wild-type testes; the frequency of TUNEL-positive elongated spermatids decreases by 8 and 9 weeks of age
• at 6 weeks of age, TUNEL-positive apoptotic elongated spermatids are detected when deeply embedded in the seminiferous epithelium
• apoptosis of elongating spermatids does not appear to involve pathways mediated by activated caspase-3
• similar to wild-type testes, mutant testes show the highest number of TUNEL-positive germ cells (not including elongated spermatids) at 3-weeks of age; however, mutant testes show a second peak of apoptosis at ~6 weeks, which then drops at 7, 8 and 9 weeks
• young adult male homozygotes show specific defects in spermiogenesis, which may correlate with a failure in both spermatid release and spermatid orientation to the basal aspect of Sertoli cells at putative stage VIII

• young adult male homozygotes show a striking decrease in the number of epididymal spermatozoa relative to wild-type controls
• most of the remaining mutant epididymal spermatozoa appear defective relative to those of wild-type controls
• ~77% of mutant step 8-9 spermatids are randomly oriented with regard to the basal aspect of Sertoli cells in putative stage VIII-IX tubules relative to ~4% of controls
• four (instead of expected three) layers of germ cells are detected in putative stage IX, where late spermatids are retained in the epithelia
• at putative stage VIII, no alignment of mature spermatids at the surface of tubular lumen is observed
• no entrenchment of spermatids within more basal aspects of Sertoli cells is observed in putative stage IV
• at 6 weeks of age, TUNEL-positive, peripherally-located elongated spermatids at steps 10-11 of spermiogenesis are noted in mutant testes but never in wild-type testes; the frequency of TUNEL-positive elongated spermatids decreases by 8 and 9 weeks of age
• at 6 weeks of age, TUNEL-positive apoptotic elongated spermatids are detected when deeply embedded in the seminiferous epithelium
• apoptosis of elongating spermatids does not appear to involve pathways mediated by activated caspase-3
• similar to wild-type testes, mutant testes show the highest number of TUNEL-positive germ cells (not including elongated spermatids) at 3-weeks of age; however, mutant testes show a second peak of apoptosis at ~6 weeks, which then drops at 7, 8 and 9 weeks

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
respiratory system
• 3 of 8 heterozygotes show ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage

• 3 of 8 heterozygotes show ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rarbtm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rarb mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
cardiovascular system
• at E18.5 the right dorsal aortic root which is normally lost persists (2 out of 3)
• the normal fetal connection between the aorta and the main pulmonary artery (ductus arteriosus) is also absent in mice with persistent truncus arteriosus and is thought to be secondary to this condition
• this defect was detected in 2 of 4 mutants at E18.5
• in mice with persistent truncus arteriosus defects are also found in the membranous portion of the ventricular septum but not in the muscular portion of the septum at E18.5 (3 out of 4)

renal/urinary system
• abnormally large glomeruli are found in the cortical region of hypoplastic kidneys
• the nephrogenic zone of the cortex is absent in hypoplastic kidneys
• kidneys are smaller than normal due to bilateral hypoplasia; however, division of the kidney into cortical and medullary regions is still present at E18.5 (3 out of 4)
• kidney hypoplasia is less severe than in double homozygous mice
• abnormally convoluted tubules are found in the cortical region of hypoplastic kidneys
• hypoplastic kidneys are often ectopic being located in the lower lumbar or sacral regions rather than in the normal upper lumbar site

respiratory system
• multiple defects in tissues derived from the primitive thoracic foregut and associated later mesoderm including the lung parenchyma, tracheobronchial tree, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus were found at E18.5.
• the morphology of the cartilages that make up the larynx and trachea were not examined in these mice
• the right and left lungs are hypoplastic (2 out of 4)
• unlike in double homozygous mice the left lung is present but hypoplastic

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Raratm2Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rargtm1Ipc mutation (1 available); any Rarg mutation (151 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

cardiovascular system
• abnormalities of the heart and abnormalities of the great vessels related to aortic arch patterning defects similar to those seen in offspring of vitamin A deficient rats were seen in these mice at E18.5
• the right dorsal aortic root that is normally lost persists (2 out of 5)
• the right 4th aortic arch that normally persists is lost (2 out of 5)
• dextroposed ascending aorta - the aorta originates from the right ventricle (2 out of 5)
• associated with dextroposition of the aorta, defects are also found in the membranous portion of the ventricular septum but not in the muscular portion of the septum (3 out of 5)
• associated with the defect in aortic morphology the aortic valve has 4 cusps

endocrine/exocrine glands
• the parathyroid glands were rostrally displaced and not associated with the thyroid gland

renal/urinary system
• the kidneys are smaller than normal due to bilateral hypoplasia however division of the kidney into cortical and medullary regions is still present (2 out of 5)

respiratory system
• multiple defects in the cartilages that make up the skeleton of, the trachea, the extrapulmonary bronchi, and the larynx were found at E18.5
• the arytenoid cartilage is smaller than normal (11 out of 11)
• the shape of the cricoid cartilage is abnormal (11 out of 11)
• the cricoid cartilage is abnormally fused to the tracheal rings (11 out of 11)
• the thyroid cartilage is smaller than normal (11 out of 11)
• detailed examination revealed that the cartilages in the caudal portion of the stem bronchi are fused (11 out of 11)
• the tracheal cartilage rings are absent and are replaced by ventral cartilage and cartilaginous nodules (11 out of 11)

• the arytenoid cartilage is smaller than normal (11 out of 11)
• the shape of the cricoid cartilage is abnormal (11 out of 11)
• the cricoid cartilage is abnormally fused to the tracheal rings (11 out of 11)
• the thyroid cartilage is smaller than normal (11 out of 11)
• the tracheal cartilage rings are absent and are replaced by ventral cartilage and cartilaginous nodules (11 out of 11)

• the right 4th aortic arch that normally persists is lost (2 out of 5)

• the right 4th aortic arch that normally persists is lost (2 out of 5)

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rargtm2Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rarg mutation (151 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• normal numbers are seen at E18.5, however only 3 survive the perinatal period and reach adulthood, indicating that a majority die around birth

renal/urinary system
• 2/3 of mutants exhibit kidney hypoplasia

• double mutants exhibit an increase in the frequency and severity of axial skeletal malformations compared to the single mutants
• 80% exhibit a bilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• 3 of 4 show bilateral agenesis of the zygomatic process of the squamosal bone
• 80% exhibit a bilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage; severity is not increased in the double mutant compared to single mutant
• abnormal extensions of both anterior horns of the thyroid cartilage which are fused to the hyoid bone in all mutants
• 100% penetrance of cervical vertebrae defects
• 3 of 5 show C2-C3 fusion

cardiovascular system
• low penetrance (1 of 6 mutants)
• low penetrance of agenesis of the stapedial artery (2 of 6 mutants)

• 80% exhibit a bilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)
• 3 of 4 show bilateral agenesis of the zygomatic process of the squamosal bone
• 80% exhibit a bilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)

endocrine/exocrine glands
• low penetrance of the presence of a cervical thymus (1 of 6 mutants)
• low penetrance of bilateral Harderian gland agenesis (1 of 6 mutants)

• low penetrance of agenesis of the stapedial artery (2 of 6 mutants)
• 80% exhibit a bilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone)

hematopoietic system
• low penetrance of the presence of a cervical thymus (1 of 6 mutants)

immune system
• low penetrance of the presence of a cervical thymus (1 of 6 mutants)

respiratory system
• ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage; severity is not increased in the double mutant compared to single mutant
• abnormal extensions of both anterior horns of the thyroid cartilage which are fused to the hyoid bone in all mutants

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Raratm2Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rargtm1Ipc mutation (1 available); any Rarg mutation (151 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• a third cartilaginous pillar is fused ventrally to the basisphenoid bone to form a cartilaginous medial wall to the cavum epiptericum unlike in wild-type mice
• shortened braincase and compression by intracranial ectopic cartilaginous and bony nodules in non-exencephalic mice at E18.5
• never closes
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• dysplasia in some mice
• in some mice
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• duplication of cartilaginous nasal septum
• in 3 of 11 mice
• in 2 of 11 mice
• fusion of cervical neural arches in all mice
• dyssymphysis of cervical neural arches in 10 of 11 mice
• C2 to C1 in 7 of 11 mice
• C6 to C5 in 8 of 11 mice
• C7 to C6 in 8 of 11 mice
• C7 to T1 of T2 in 3 of 11 mice

• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice

nervous system
• in two exencephalic mice at E18.5
• secondary to increased intracranial pressure caused by shortened braincase and compression by intracranial ectopic cartilaginous and bony nodules in 2 of 5 mice at E18.5
• failure of the rostral interhemispheric commissures (corpus callosum, hippocampal commissure and anterior commissure) in 2 of 5 mice at E18.5
• small in two exencephalic mice at E18.5
• in two exencephalic mice at E18.5
• in two exencephalic mice at E18.5
• ectopic cartilaginous and bony nodules at E18.5

• in 4 of 12 mice
• in 4 of 12 mice
• in all mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• bilateral (1 of 5 mice) or unilateral (3 of 5 mice) cystic epithelial formations within the parenchyma
• bilateral in 1 of 5 mice, unilateral in 3 of 5 mice
• bilateral in 1 of 5 mice, unilateral in 3 of 5 mice
• bilateral in 1 of 5 mice, unilateral in 3 of 5 mice
• bilateral cystic dysplasia in 2 of 5 mice
• shortened in all mice
• in all mice

cardiovascular system
• in two exencephalic mice at E18.5

• a third cartilaginous pillar is fused ventrally to the basisphenoid bone to form a cartilaginous medial wall to the cavum epiptericum unlike in wild-type mice
• shortened braincase and compression by intracranial ectopic cartilaginous and bony nodules in non-exencephalic mice at E18.5
• never closes
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• dysplasia in some mice
• in some mice
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• cleft of the median upper lip in some mice
• duplication of cartilaginous nasal septum

digestive/alimentary system
• bilateral (1 of 5 mice) or unilateral (3 of 5 mice) cystic epithelial formations within the parenchyma
• bilateral in 1 of 5 mice, unilateral in 3 of 5 mice
• bilateral in 1 of 5 mice, unilateral in 3 of 5 mice
• bilateral in 1 of 5 mice, unilateral in 3 of 5 mice
• bilateral cystic dysplasia in 2 of 5 mice
• shortened in all mice

• dysplasia in some mice
• in some mice
• cleft of the median upper lip in some mice
• duplication of cartilaginous nasal septum

respiratory system
• duplication of cartilaginous nasal septum

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rarbtm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rarb mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• these double homozygous mutants exhibit many of the defects characteristic of fetal vitamin A deficiency (J:21034)
• mice delivered by Cesarean survive less than an hour (J:21009)

reproductive system
• at E18.5 the uterine tubes, uterus and the cranial vagina that are all derived from the paramesonephric ducts are absent due to the absence of these ducts (6 out of 6)
• absent uterine tubes at E18.5
• at E18.5

• basioccipital exoccipital fusion in 7 of 10 mice
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• the shape of the cricoid cartilage is unrecognizable (10 out of 10)
• the cricoid cartilage is abnormally fused to the tracheal rings (10 out of 10)
• the rostral horn of the thyroid cartilage is fused to the greater horn of the hyoid bone (10 out of 10)
• the bifurcation of the tracheal cartilage is premature in these mice (10 out of 10)
• fusion of cervical neural arches in 4 of 10 mice
• dyssymphysis of cervical neural arches in 4 of 10 mice
• C2 to C1 in 2 of 10 mice
• C6 to C5 in 8 of 10 mice
• C7 to C6 in 8 of 10 mice

cardiovascular system
• at E18.5 the right dorsal aortic root which is normally lost persists (6 out of 7)
• the distal portions of the right and left 6th aortic arches are unidentifiable (7 out of 7)
• at E18.5, the left pulmonary artery is absent; this defect is associated with the absence of the left lung (6 out of 7)
• the normal fetal connection between the aorta and the main pulmonary artery (ductus arteriosus) is also absent in mice with persistent truncus arteriosus and is thought to be secondary to this condition
• this defect is detected at E18.5 in 100% of double mutants
• in mice with persistent truncus arteriosus defects are also found in the membranous portion of the ventricular septum but not in the muscular portion of the septum (7 out of 7)
• associated with the defect in aortic morphology the aortic valve has 4 cusps (7 out of 7)

• fibrous retrolenticular membrane in 14 of 14 mice

digestive/alimentary system
• agenesis of the anal canal with the rectum being separated from the skin by a thick layer of mesenchyme was seen at E18.5 (5 out of 7)
• at E11.5 and E18.5 the epithelium of the esophagotracheal tube and the caudal esophagus is of the columnar ciliated type (7 out of 7)
• at E11.5 the tube that will become the esophagus and trachea fails to divide resulting in the absence of the esophagotracheal septum (7 out of 7)
• the epithelium of the esophagotracheal tube is columnar ciliated cells like those normally found in the trachea (7 out of 7)
• at E18.5 the epithelium of the cardiac and preventricular portions of the stomach is of the columnar ciliated type (7 out of 7)

• the distal portions of the right and left 6th aortic arches are unidentifiable (7 out of 7)
• the paramesonephric ducts are absent despite the presence of normal Wolffian ducts resulting in the loss of the uterine tubes, uterus and the cranial vagina which are all derived from the paramesonephric ducts

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at E18.5 the parathyroid glands were rostrally displaced and not associated with the thyroid gland
• at E18.5 accessory (cervical) thymus bodies are found in the larynx of these mutants (5 out of 7)

immune system
• at E18.5 accessory (cervical) thymus bodies are found in the larynx of these mutants (5 out of 7)

renal/urinary system
• abnormally large glomeruli are found in the cortical region of hypoplastic kidneys
• at E14, the subcapsular region appears histologically abnormal, as a dense ring of mesenchymal cells lacking ureteric bud ends
• at E12, the distribution of stromal cells in the subcapsular region is abnormal forming a thick peripheral layer devoid of ureteric bud ends
• however, metanephric mesenchymal cell survival and differentiation appear normal
• nephrogenic mesenchymal cells and ureteric bud ends are localized inside the peripheral layer of putative stromal cells, rather than in their normal position below the renal capsule
• the nephrogenic zone of the cortex is absent
• at E18.5 despite the decrease in kidney size hydronephrosis and hydroureter are seen indicating some renal excretory function occurred (7 out of 10)
• at E14, mutant embryonic kidneys are much smaller than wild-type
• at E18.5 the kidneys are smaller than normal due to bilateral hypoplasia; however, division of the kidney into cortical and medullary regions is still present (10 out of 10)
• nephron formation is reduced
• abnormally convoluted tubules are found in the cortical region of hypoplastic kidneys
• hypoplastic kidneys are often ectopic being located in the lower lumbar or sacral regions rather than in the normal upper lumbar site
• all mice exhibiting hydronephrosis and hydroureter had either ectopically terminating ureters that opened into the urethra (5 out of 10) or agenesis of the caudal ureter such that the ureter failed to join any part of the lower genitor-urinary tract (6 out of 10)
• 5 of 10 mice exhibiting hydronephrosis and hydroureter showed ectopically terminating ureters that opened into the urethra
• at E18.5 despite the decrease in kidney size hydronephrosis and hydroureter are seen indicating some renal excretory function occurred (7 out of 10)
• at E14, the number of ureteric bud tips is reduced ~4-fold relative to that in wild-type embryos; only 4-5 generations of branches are observed versus 8-9 in wild-type embryos
• impaired ureteric bud branching is likely due to loss of Ret (c-ret) expression in the ureteric bud tips, evident by E12
• at E14, ureteric bud ends are abnormally located in a recessed position away from the subcapsular region

• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice

respiratory system
• multiple defects in tissues derived from the primitive thoracic foregut and associated later mesoderm including the lung parenchyma, tracheobronchial tree, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus were found at E18.5
• at E11.5 the tube that will become the esophagus and trachea fails to divide resulting in the absence of the esophagotracheal septum (7 out of 7)
• the epithelium of the esophagotracheal tube is columnar ciliated cells like those normally found in the trachea (7 out of 7)
• the shape of the cricoid cartilage is unrecognizable (10 out of 10)
• the rostral horn of the thyroid cartilage is fused to the greater horn of the hyoid bone (10 out of 10)
• the left lung is absent (6 out of 7) or hypoplastic (1 out of 7)
• examination at E11.5 revealed that the left lung bud is also absent
• the left stem bronchus is nearly absent at E11.5
• at E11.5 and E12.5 branching of the right stem bronchus is delayed approximately 24 hours and appears to be the cause the hypoplasia of the right lung
• the right lung is hypoplastic (7 out of 7)
• the right lung fails to cross the midline because of hypoplasia in the accessory lobe of the right lung
• the bifurcation of the tracheal cartilage is premature in these mice (10 out of 10)
• the cricoid cartilage is abnormally fused to the tracheal rings (10 out of 10)

hematopoietic system
• at E18.5 accessory (cervical) thymus bodies are found in the larynx of these mutants (5 out of 7)

• mice exhibit normal craniofacial skeleton at E18.5
• the distal portions of the right and left 6th aortic arches are unidentifiable (7 out of 7)
• basioccipital exoccipital fusion in 7 of 10 mice
• C2 to C1 in 2 of 10 mice
• C6 to C5 in 8 of 10 mice
• C7 to C6 in 8 of 10 mice
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rargtm1Ipc mutation (1 available); any Rarg mutation (151 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice delivered by Cesarean survive less than an hour
• these double homozygous mutants exhibit many of the defects characteristic of fetal vitamin A deficiency
• fewer than expected mice are present at E18.5

reproductive system
• these defects, in the vas deferens and seminal gland, are associated with the absence of the caudal-most Wolffian duct
• at E18.5 agenesis of the seminal vesicles is also found in these male mice (2 out of 2)
• at E18.5 the body of the uterus is absent due to the absence of the caudal paramesonephric ducts (3 out of 3)
• the body of the uterus is absent, however the uterine horns were uni- or bilaterally present
• at E18.5 the cranial vagina is absent due to the absence of the caudal paramesonephric ducts (3 out of 3)
• at E 18.5 agenesis or dysplasia of the vas deferens is seen in these mice (2 out of 2)
• agenesis is associated with bilateral agenesis of the kidney

• in all mice (J:21009)
• the shape of the hyoid bone is abnormal, with the greater horns, body and lesser horns being unrecognizable (6 out of 6) (J:21034)
• underossified when present
• never closes
• absent medial portions
• basioccipital exoccipital fusion in 1 of 6 mice
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• in mice with exencephaly
• absent lamina cribiform, replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• further apart than in wild-type mice and fused with paramedian swellings most likely nasomedial processes
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• absent medial portions
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• reduced to laterocaudal rudiments, replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• unilateral ectopic distal carpal bone in 1 of 6 mice
• unilateral agenesis of D1 carpal bone in 3 (left) and 2 (right) mice
• bilateral agenesis in the central carpal bone in 5 of 6 mice and unilateral in the remaining mouse
• delayed ossification of the metacarpals and/or phalanges bulbous with outline of the synovial joints between phalanges difficult to discern
• unilateral in 2 of 5 mice
• with increased diameter of ossification
• delayed ossification of the metacarpals and/or phalanges
• the shape of the arytenoid cartilage is unrecognizable (6 out of 6)
• the shape of the cricoid cartilage is unrecognizable (6 out of 6)
• the cricoid cartilage is abnormally fused to the tracheal rings (6 out of 6)
• the shape of the thyroid cartilage was unrecognizable (6 out of 6)
• the bifurcation of the tracheal cartilage that gives rise to the bronchi occurs prematurely (6 out of 6)
• the tracheal cartilage rings are absent and are replaced by ventral cartilage and cartilaginous nodules (6 out of 6)
• malformation or partial agenesis of scapula in 5 of 6 mice
• in 2 of 6 mice
• in some mice
• fusion of cervical neural arches in all mice
• dyssymphysis of cervical neural arches in all mice
• ectopic bone in cervical region in 2 of 6 mice
• C7 to T1 of T2 in 4 of 6 mice
• ectopic cartilage is found at either the base of the heart semilunar cusps, in the diaphragm, or in the peritoneum (2 out of 5)

nervous system
• open rhombencephalic neural tube at E10.5 and E11.5
• secondary to increased intracranial pressure caused by shortened braincase and compression by intracranial ectopic cartilaginous and bony nodules in non-exencephalic mice at E18.5
• the pituitary gland remains in contact with the pharynx
• failure of the rostral interhemispheric commissures (corpus callosum, hippocampal commissure and anterior commissure)
• underdeveloped telencephalic hemispheres
• absence of the motor nucleus
• in all mice

• bilateral malformation of the scapholunatum in all mice
• unilateral ectopic distal carpal bone in 1 of 6 mice
• unilateral agenesis of D1 carpal bone in 3 (left) and 2 (right) mice
• bilateral agenesis in the central carpal bone in 5 of 6 mice and unilateral in the remaining mouse
• delayed ossification of the metacarpals and/or phalanges bulbous with outline of the synovial joints between phalanges difficult to discern
• bilateral prepollex agenic or rudimentary in 3 of 6 mice, unilateral in remaining mice
• hypoplastic in 1 of 6 mice
• in some mice
• in 1 of 6 mice
• twisted hindfoot such that the footplate faces the lateral abdominal wall without syndactyly or other digit malformations
• unilateral in 2 of 5 mice
• with increased diameter of ossification
• delayed ossification of the metacarpals and/or phalanges

• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• bilateral agenesis of the auricle
• at E10.5
• cartilaginous otic capsule is small and incomplete resulting in the cystic protrusion of the epithelial inner ear within the braincase

digestive/alimentary system
• further apart than in wild-type mice and fused with paramedian swellings most likely nasomedial processes
• in all mice

• further apart than in wild-type mice and fused with paramedian swellings most likely nasomedial processes
• absent medial portions
• reduced to laterocaudal rudiments, replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• absent prolabium (median third of the upper lip)
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• sagittal median cleft
• bilateral agenesis of the auricle
• at E18.5

• in all mice
• absent in 4 of 12 mice
• in 4 of 12 mice
• in 4 of 12 mice
• in 4 of 12 mice
• in 2 of 12 mice at E12.5
• in all mice
• in all mice
• small or absent eyes in some mice at E18.5
• unilateral in 2 of 3 mice, bilateral in 1 of 3 mice
• small or absent eyes in some mice at E18.5

• the ventricular myocardium is abnormally thin (2 out of 5)

cardiovascular system
• abnormalities of the heart and abnormalities of the great vessels related to aortic arch patterning defects similar to those seen in offspring of vitamin A deficient rats were seen in these mice at E18.5
• the right dorsal aortic root which is normally lost persists (5 out of 5)
• the distal portions of the right and left 6th aortic arches are unidentifiable (3 out of 5)
• the normal fetal connection between the aorta and the main pulmonary artery (ductus arteriosus) is also absent in mice with persistent truncus arteriosus and is thought to be secondary to this condition
• the ventricular myocardium is abnormally thin (2 out of 5)
• this defect is detected at E18.5 in 100% of double mutants
• in mice with persistent truncus arteriosus defects are also found in the membranous portion of the ventricular septum but not in the muscular portion of the septum (5 out of 5)
• associated with the defect in aortic morphology the aortic valve has 4 cusps

endocrine/exocrine glands
• in all mice
• the pituitary gland remains in contact with the pharynx
• at E18.5 the parathyroid glands were rostrally displaced and not associated with the thyroid gland
• at E 18.5 persistent cervical thymus occurs in which the thymus is found in the neck with no trace of thymic tissue in its normal location (5 out of 5)
• at E18.5 the thyroid glands were located either rostral to their normal location in contact with the hyoid bone or caudal to their normal location within the anterior mediastinum (3 out of 5)
• these defects, in the vas deferens and seminal gland, are associated with the absence of the caudal-most Wolffian duct
• at E18.5 agenesis of the seminal vesicles is also found in these male mice (2 out of 2)
• in all mice

immune system
• at E 18.5 persistent cervical thymus occurs in which the thymus is found in the neck with no trace of thymic tissue in its normal location (5 out of 5)

renal/urinary system
• at E12.5 the nephric mesenchyme is present but fails to differentiate (N = 1)
• the renal pelvis was always absent in these mice (5 out of 5)
• at E18.5 renal agenesis in which no kidney tissue could be found and/or renal aplasia in which a small retroperitoneal mass with randomly dispersed tubules and glomeruli is found caudal to the normal location is seen; these conditions can exist in the same mouse (3 out of 5 for both)
• associated with kidney agenesis the ureter on the same side as the agenic kidney is also absent (5 out of 5)
• when present, the ureteric bud failed to reach the metanephric blastema (N = 2)
• at E11.5 the ureteric bud was absent on one or both sides

respiratory system
• at E18.5 multiple defects in the cartilages that make up the skeleton of, the trachea, the extrapulmonary bronchi, and the larynx were found, including a decrease in alcian blue staining suggesting deficient cartilage formation
• absent medial portions
• reduced to laterocaudal rudiments, replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• the shape of the arytenoid cartilage is unrecognizable (6 out of 6)
• the shape of the cricoid cartilage is unrecognizable (6 out of 6)
• the shape of the thyroid cartilage was unrecognizable (6 out of 6)
• detailed examination revealed that the cartilages in the caudal portion of the stem bronchi are fused
• the bifurcation of the tracheal cartilage that gives rise to the bronchi occurs prematurely (6 out of 6)
• the cricoid cartilage is abnormally fused to the tracheal rings (6 out of 6)
• the tracheal cartilage rings are absent and are replaced by ventral cartilage and cartilaginous nodules (6 out of 6)
• the trachea is shorter than normal

hematopoietic system
• at E 18.5 persistent cervical thymus occurs in which the thymus is found in the neck with no trace of thymic tissue in its normal location (5 out of 5)

• the distal portions of the right and left 6th aortic arches are unidentifiable (3 out of 5)
• the caudal paramesonephric ducts are absent in females resulting in the loss of the body of the uterus and the cranial vagina, at E18.5 which are derived from these ducts
• the caudal most Wolffian duct is absent in males at E11.5 (2 out of 2)
• open rhombencephalic neural tube at E10.5 and E11.5

• the distal portions of the right and left 6th aortic arches are unidentifiable (3 out of 5)
• underossified when present
• never closes
• absent medial portions
• basioccipital exoccipital fusion in 1 of 6 mice
• C7 to T1 of T2 in 4 of 6 mice
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• in mice with exencephaly
• absent lamina cribiform, replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• further apart than in wild-type mice and fused with paramedian swellings most likely nasomedial processes
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• absent medial portions
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• reduced to laterocaudal rudiments, replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• absent prolabium (median third of the upper lip)
• replaced with aggregates of cartilaginous and bony nodules or rods
• sagittal median cleft
• bilateral agenesis of the auricle

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rarbtm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rarb mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• bilateral absence of the epithelial rudiments of all intraorbital glands (including lachrymal and Harderian glands) in all mice at E18.5
• however, the stroma is present

• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice

• severe in one mouse, milder in two mice

• frequently fused to the incus, which is continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod
• continuous with a rostrally oriented cartilaginous or osseous rod, which is frequently fused with the alisphenoid bone
• larger than in wild-type mice
• severe in one mouse, milder in two mice

• in all mice

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rarbtm1Mma mutation (0 available); any Rarb mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 9 of 15 (60%) of mutants exhibit skeletal abnormalities
• 1 of 15 (7%) mutants show sternum malformations
• 8 of 15 (53%) mutants show fusion of C1-AA with C2 dens
• 2 of 15 (13%) mutants show a bifid C2
• 1 of 15 (7%) mutants show posterior transformation of C7 to T1

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rarbtm1Mma mutation (0 available); any Rarb mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• die within at most 12 hours following cesarian delivery at E18.5

• 100% penetrance of agenesis of the Mullerian duct

cardiovascular system
• aberrant origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ipsilateral arch of the aorta in 1 of 9 mutants and aberrant origin of the right pulmonary artery from ipsilateral common carotid in 1 of 9 mutants
• seen in many mutants
• unilateral and bilateral agenesis of the stapedial artery is seen in some fetuses
• 2 of 6 mutants show a double inferior vena cava and 1 of 6 mutants exhibit absence of the inferior vena cava
• 100% penetrance at E14.5 and E18.5
• cono-truncal septum is absent in 100% of mutants
• 100% penetrance of high ventricular septal defect

• 8 of 8 (100%) mutants show a basioccipital without a hypoglossal nerve foramen
• 1 of 8 (13%) mutants show fusion of the basioccipital with C1-AA
• 4 of 6 mutants exhibit a pterygoquadrate element
• 3 of 6 mutants exhibit an abnormal gonial bone
• 2 of 6 mutants exhibit imperforated stapes
• absence of the intercrural foramen of the stapes

digestive/alimentary system
• agenesis of the anal canal; 100% penentrance
• 100% of mutants lack the esophagotracheal septum
• 2 of 6 mutants at E18.5 show shortening of the sublingual duct

endocrine/exocrine glands
• 2 of 6 mutants at E18.5 show shortening of the sublingual duct
• mutants exhibit a persistent cervical thymus (a complete thymic lobe in the neck region) and/or the absence of one or both thymic lobes

• unilateral and bilateral agenesis of the stapedial artery is seen in some fetuses
• 4 of 6 mutants exhibit a pterygoquadrate element
• 3 of 6 mutants exhibit an abnormal gonial bone
• 2 of 6 mutants exhibit imperforated stapes
• absence of the intercrural foramen of the stapes

hematopoietic system
• mutants exhibit a persistent cervical thymus (a complete thymic lobe in the neck region) and/or the absence of one or both thymic lobes

immune system
• mutants exhibit a persistent cervical thymus (a complete thymic lobe in the neck region) and/or the absence of one or both thymic lobes

• 3 of 6 mutants at E18.5 exhibit diaphragmatic hernia

nervous system
• lack the foramen of the hypoglossal nerve

renal/urinary system
• 5 of 6 mutants exhibit hydronephrosis, probably secondary to ectopic ureteral openings or involution of the caudal ureter
• 100% penetrance
• 3 of 6 mutants exhibit agenesis of the caudal ureter at E18.5
• all mutants at E14.5 and 4 of 6 mutants at E18.5 exhibit ectopic ureteral openings

reproductive system
• agenesis of the oviduct
• agenesis of the uterus
• agenesis of the cranial vagina

respiratory system
• 100% of mutants lack the esophagotracheal septum
• 100% of mutants have a misshapen arytenoid cartilage
• 100% of mutants have a misshapen cricoid cartilage
• 7 of 8 (88%) mutants show a thyroid cartilage fused to hyoid bone
• 100% of mutants have a misshapen thyroid cartilage
• lung agenesis or hypoplasia
• 100% of mutants have tracheal cartilage malformations

• 100% of mutants show skeletal malformations
• 8 of 8 (100%) mutants show a basioccipital without a hypoglossal nerve foramen
• 4 of 6 mutants exhibit a pterygoquadrate element
• 3 of 6 mutants exhibit an abnormal gonial bone
• 2 of 6 mutants exhibit imperforated stapes
• absence of the intercrural foramen of the stapes
• 100% of mutants show a xiphoid process malformation; xiphoid process shows delayed ossification
• 1 of 8 (13%) mutants show fusion of the basioccipital with C1-AA
• 5 of 8 (63%) mutants show fusion of C1-AA with C2 dens
• 1 of 8 (13%) mutants show a bifid C1
• 2 of 8 (25%) mutants show a bifid C2
• 7 of 8 (88%) mutants show dyssymphysis of C1 neural arch
• 4 of 8 (50%) mutants show fusions of neural arches of C2 and C3
• 3 of 8 (38%) mutants show anterior transformation of C2 to C1
• 6 of 8 (76%) mutants show anterior transformation of C6 to C5
• 5 of 8 (63%) mutants show anterior transformation of L1 to T14
• 100% of mutants have a misshapen arytenoid cartilage
• 100% of mutants have a misshapen cricoid cartilage
• 100% of mutants have a misshapen thyroid cartilage
• 7 of 8 (88%) mutants show a thyroid cartilage fused to hyoid bone
• 100% of mutants have tracheal cartilage malformations

• complete penetrance of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rarbtm1Mma mutation (0 available); any Rarb mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 100% of mutants show skeletal malformations
• 11 of 14 mutants exhibit malformed squamosal bone
• 7 of 14 mutants exhibit a pterygoquadrate element
• 1 of 15 (7%) mutants shows thyroid cartilage fused to hyoid bone
• 3 of 15 (20%) mutants show tracheal cartilage malformations
• 8 of 15 (53%) mutants show fusion of C1-AA with C2 dens
• 3 of 15 (20%) mutants show a bifid C1
• 5 of 15 (33%) mutants show a bifid C2
• 2 of 15 (13%) mutants show fusions of neural arches of C2 and C3
• 6 of 15 (40%) mutants show anterior transformation of L1 to T14
• 3 of 15 (20%) mutants show anterior transformation of C2 to C1

• 7 of 14 mutants exhibit a pterygoquadrate element

• 11 of 14 mutants exhibit malformed squamosal bone
• 7 of 14 mutants exhibit a pterygoquadrate element

respiratory system
• 1 of 15 (7%) mutants shows thyroid cartilage fused to hyoid bone
• 3 of 15 (20%) mutants show tracheal cartilage malformations

involves: 129/Sv * 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Raratm1Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rara mutation (79 available)
Rargtm4Ipc mutation (0 available); any Rarg mutation (151 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

renal/urinary system
• 5 of 6 show bilateral kidney hypoplasia
• 1 of 6 shows kidney agenesis

• double mutants exhibit an increase in the frequency and severity of axial skeletal malformations compared to the single mutants
• penetrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone) is similar to that seen in single homozygous Rara mutants (3 of 16 mutants)
• 6 of 10 show bilateral agenesis of the zygomatic process of the squamosal bone
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone (1 of 6)
• penetrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone) is similar to that seen in single homozygous Rara mutants (3 of 16 mutants)
• the ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage is markedly longer in the double mutant than in either single mutant
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone (1 of 6)
• 100% penetrance of cervical vertebrae defects
• 7 of 9 show C2-C3 fusion
• 5 of 9 show C1-C2 fusion

cardiovascular system
• low penetrance (1 of 6 mutants)
• low penetrance (1 of 6 mutants)

• penetrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone) is similar to that seen in single homozygous Rara mutants (3 of 16 mutants)
• 6 of 10 show bilateral agenesis of the zygomatic process of the squamosal bone
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone (1 of 6)
• penetrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone) is similar to that seen in single homozygous Rara mutants (3 of 16 mutants)

• penetrance of a unilateral pterygoquadrate element (a cartilaginous or osseous extension fusing the incus to the alisphenoid bone) is similar to that seen in single homozygous Rara mutants (3 of 16 mutants)

respiratory system
• the ventral extension of the cricoid cartilage is markedly longer in the double mutant than in either single mutant
• low penetrance of fusion between the greater horns of thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone (1 of 6)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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