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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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Summary 3 genotypes
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Dbf/Dbf involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH MGI:2167919
Dbf/Dbf+ involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH MGI:2170796
Dbf/Dbf+ involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH * M. spretus MGI:3623001

involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dbf mutation (2 available); any Dbf mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• die around E13.5 to E14.5 (J:39106)
• homozygotes do not survive beyond day 15 (J:50164)

• abnormally wide by E11.5

• at E12.5 and E13.5, the maxillae fail to grow forward to meet at the midline resulting in a 'split face' (J:39106)

• seen at E14.5


• abnormally wide by E11.5

• the head tends to bulge in the frontal region and a bleb of clear fluid is seen in the midline
• at E12.5 and E13.5, the maxillae fail to grow forward to meet at the midline resulting in a 'split face' (J:39106)

involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dbf mutation (2 available); any Dbf mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• reduced viability (J:14233)
• heterozygotes that develop hydroencephaly rapidly die (J:39106)
• fewer than expected heterozygotes at birth

• some males have reduced sperm counts: however, this does not correlate with infertility
• mean sperm counts are about half of normal but sperm counts vary widely between individuals

• limbs are thicker dorsoventrally, this appears to be secondary to formation of extra digits
• limb mesenchyme is disorganized with a larger extracellular matrix volume compared to wild-type
• abnormally wide by E11.5 (J:39106)
• by late E10 limbs appear slightly enlarged along the anterior posterior axis; however, at E13 limb length appears normal (J:50164)
• abnormally broad at E12.5 (J:39106)
• the feet are abnormally broad and the soles appear swollen and abnormally smooth (J:39106)
• by E12 the hand and foot plates are greatly enlarged along the anterior posterior axis exclusively on the preaxial aspect of the limb (J:50164)
• duplication of carpal bones to the same extent as the increase in digit number
• at E15 the carpus and tarsus consist of 2 rows of indistinct, contiguous elements unlike in wild-type where these elements are discrete and readily identifiable
• digits are in a fan-shaped array
• all digits are the same length, lack anteroposterior polarity, and show greater separation than wild-type
• 1 in 4 digits are bifurcated and 1 in 8 mice have an interdigital digit
• fore feet have 6 to 9 toes and hind feet have 5 to 8 toes, mostly arranged in a single group although a few mice have toes arranged in 2 groups (J:39106)
• in some cases 2 or more toes have interdigital webbing (J:39106)
• by E13 condensing models for more than 5 digits are seen on the fore and hind limbs and at E14 interdigital webbing persists (J:50164)
• this webbing persists in some heterozygotes through E17 (J:50164)
• enlarged ventral footpad
• duplication of tarsal bones to the same extent as the increase in digit number
• at E15 the carpus and tarsus consist of 2 rows of indistinct, contiguous elements unlike in wild-type where these elements are discrete and readily identifiable
• deformities in the tibia and fibula result in dislocation of the ankle joint such that the ankle bone rather than the toes rest on the ground (J:39106)
• in some cases deformities in the radius and ulna result in dislocation of the wrist joint such that the wrist rests on the ground (J:39106)
• seen mainly in the hind feet in extreme cases heterozygotes walk on the outer border of the ankle (J:50164)
• a few adults also show a slight rotational defect in the forefeet (J:50164)
• in some cases the radius is bent
• in some cases the ulna is bent
• appear twisted
• the tibia and fibula fail to fuse
• bowed, probably the result of shortening of the tibia (J:50164)
• the tibia and fibula fail to fuse (J:39106)
• the tibia has separate proximal and distal sites of chondrogenesis that fuse by E15 but are poorly aligned (J:50164)
• the tibia curves helically around the longitudinal axis and the distal end makes an incomplete, medially situated articulation (J:50164)
• however, the radius and ulna and the rest of the cartilaginous skeleton are normal (J:50164)
• in most cases kinks are the result of soft tissue abnormalities although in a few mice bony kinks are also present (J:39106)

• at E13 the cranifacial region appears more bulbous than in wild-type mice
• a supernumerary element (Wormian bone) is found in the anterior fontanelle
• a supernumerary element (Wormian bone) is found in the anterior fontanelle
• wider than normal
• wider than normal
• broader in the frontal region (J:39106)
• skull is broader and more bulbous (J:50164)
• a small gap between the frontal bones filled with an interfrontal bone is commonly seen
• broad snout

• broad snout
• seen at E13
• weight is similar at birth but by 18 days of age heterozygotes weigh about 25% less than wild-type littermates

nervous system
• seen in some but not all heterozygotes (J:14233)
• some heterozygotes develop hydroencephaly at any age between 2-3 weeks and a few months (J:39106)
• at E10 a midline bulge is visible in the roof of the diencephalon

reproductive system
• some males have reduced sperm counts: however, this does not correlate with infertility
• mean sperm counts are about half of normal but sperm counts vary widely between individuals
• vaginal opening occurs at 7 - 8 weeks of age (J:39106)
• no normal cycles are detected
• females are usually fertile but have smaller litters when crossed to wild-type mice
• some, but not all, heterozygotes are sterile
• only 18 of 46 females became pregnant in crosses with heterozygous males previously determined to be fertile
• 78 of 152 males are sterile and 29 of the remaining 74 are only fertile for a short time

• sometime mice display a hunched posture without any underlying bony abnormalities of the vertebra or ribs

• eyes are generally half-closed

• occasionally the cervical-cranial angle is reduced
• a supernumerary element (Wormian bone) is found in the anterior fontanelle
• a supernumerary element (Wormian bone) is found in the anterior fontanelle
• wider than normal
• wider than normal
• broader in the frontal region (J:39106)
• skull is broader and more bulbous (J:50164)
• a small gap between the frontal bones filled with an interfrontal bone is commonly seen
• duplication of carpal bones to the same extent as the increase in digit number
• at E15 the carpus and tarsus consist of 2 rows of indistinct, contiguous elements unlike in wild-type where these elements are discrete and readily identifiable
• duplication of tarsal bones to the same extent as the increase in digit number
• at E15 the carpus and tarsus consist of 2 rows of indistinct, contiguous elements unlike in wild-type where these elements are discrete and readily identifiable
• in some cases the radius is bent
• in some cases the ulna is bent
• the tibia and fibula fail to fuse
• bowed, probably the result of shortening of the tibia (J:50164)
• the tibia and fibula fail to fuse (J:39106)
• the tibia has separate proximal and distal sites of chondrogenesis that fuse by E15 but are poorly aligned (J:50164)
• the tibia curves helically around the longitudinal axis and the distal end makes an incomplete, medially situated articulation (J:50164)
• however, the radius and ulna and the rest of the cartilaginous skeleton are normal (J:50164)
• long bone are shortened and reduced (J:14233)
• long bones are shortened (J:39106)
• occasionally a hole is seen in the scapula (J:39106)
• at E17, a hole is sometimes seen in the scapula; however, no hole is seen in mice older then E17 (J:50164)
• occasionally the ribcage is slightly compressed
• occasionally 7 rather than 6 lumber vertebrae are present

endocrine/exocrine glands

• seen at E13
• abnormally wide by E11.5 (J:39106)
• by late E10 limbs appear slightly enlarged along the anterior posterior axis; however, at E13 limb length appears normal (J:50164)

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
clubfoot DOID:11836 OMIM:119800

involves: 101/H * C3H/HeH * M. spretus
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dbf mutation (2 available); any Dbf mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• Background Sensitivity: unlike heterozygotes on a mixed 101/H and C3H/HeH background skull morphology is normal

• Background Sensitivity: unlike heterozygotes on a mixed 101/H and C3H/HeH background tail morphology is normal
• similar to heterozygotes on a mixed 101/H and C3H/HeH background

• limb defects are similar to heterozygotes on a mixed 101/H and C3H/HeH background

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory