• Background Sensitivity: survival to as long as 7 months of age, but less as the B6 component of the background increases
cardiovascular system
• grossly dilated hearts with one or more thrombi
• prolonged P-R interval
• sometimes split
nervous system
• fewer dying neurons
• modest reduction in lumbar ventral root diameter
• 26% of L4 motor axons lost
• occasional dystrophic axons in ventral roots
• 25% loss of small caliber axons
• shorter latence to fall when suspended from a wire cage top
• grossly dilated hearts with one or more thrombi
• moderate myopathic changes
• milder muscle atrophy
respiratory system
• consolidation of lungs
• reduced breathing rate (bradypnea)
weight loss
• 3-7 days prior to clearly evident clinical signs of heart disease, total plasma CK and cardiac-specific CK-MB levels in 5- to 9-week-old mice become significantly elevated
• consolidation of lungs