• live embryos can be detected at E13.5 but not at E16.5
nervous system
• in E13.5 embyros, regions of the central nervous system show extensive apoptotic cell death
• apoptosis is marked in the midbrain, around the pons and medulla, and in the thalamus, hypothalamus and striatum
• there is extensive apoptosis in the mantle layer of the spinal cord with less in the ependymal and marginal layers
• deficient embryos display high levels of apoptosis early in neurogenesis from E11 on localized to cells of the postmitotic premigratory populations in the CNS mainly in the intermediate zone
• no increased apoptosis above control levels is seen before E12; at E13.5, abundant apoptosis is seen throughout the cortex
• in E13.5 embyros, regions of the central nervous system show extensive apoptotic cell death
• apoptosis is marked in the midbrain, around the pons and medulla, and in the thalamus, hypothalamus and striatum
• there is extensive apoptosis in the mantle layer of the spinal cord with less in the ependymal and marginal layers
• deficient embryos display high levels of apoptosis early in neurogenesis from E11 on localized to cells of the postmitotic premigratory populations in the CNS mainly in the intermediate zone
• no increased apoptosis above control levels is seen before E12; at E13.5, abundant apoptosis is seen throughout the cortex