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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, John L R Rubenstein
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Dlx5tm1Jlr/Dlx5tm1Jlr B6.129X1-Dlx5tm1Jlr MGI:3702621
Dlx5tm1Jlr/Dlx5tm1Jlr involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J MGI:2169722
Dlx5tm1Jlr/Dlx5+ involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J MGI:2169723

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• at E12.5 or later, the vomeronasal organ is greatly reduced in size
• at E14.5 or later, the olfactory bulb (OB) displays altered lamination and lacks distinct neuronal layers
• at E18.5, homozygotes lack an outer nerve layer (ONL), have a thicker mitral cell layer (MC), and appear to have a defect in the migration of subventricular zone (SVZ) cells born at E14.5
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit virtual loss of glia in the ONL
• at E18.5, the size of the SVZ appears to be increased relative to the rest of the OB
• at E18.5, homozygotes show a severe reduction of olfactory bulb (OB) local circuit neurons, with granule cells more severely affected than periglomerular cells
• however, no gross abnormalities in the proliferation of OB local circuit neuron progenitors are detected
• at E18.5, homozygotes display reduced (tangential) migration along the RMS
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit decreased numbers and altered processes of granule cells
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit decreased numbers and altered processes of periglomerular cells
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit abnormal MCs with a disrupted radial orientation and hypoplastic dendritic trees
• at E14.5, the olfactory ventricle is smaller than normal
• reduction of olfactory bulb size is more prominent at E18.5
• although some olfactory neurons are formed, they fail to generate olfactory axons that innervate the olfactory bulb
• at E14.5 or later, homozygotes display reduced GABAergic neuron production in the olfactory bulb
• at E12.5, only a few, if any, olfactory epithelium axons pass through the cribiform plate or even contact the OB
• at E18.5, homozygotes display deficits in olfactory ensheathing glia in the OB nerve layer
• loss of ONL glia is associated with a dramatic reduction of proliferating cells in the most superficial layer of the OB at E16.5 and E18.5

• as early as E10.5, homozygotes display reduced olfactory neuroepithelial structures
• at E12.5, the olfactory epithelium (OE) is hypoplastic and fails to form normal axonal connections with the olfactory bulb
• by E18.5, the OE is significantly reduced in size, with only a few, if any, foramina in the cribiform plate
• at E14.5, 25% of homozygotes lack an OE altogether

respiratory system
• at E10.5, the olfactory pit (an olfactory placode derivative) is small and lacks thickening of the medial epithelium
• at E12.5 or later, the vomeronasal organ is greatly reduced in size
• as early as E10.5, homozygotes display reduced olfactory neuroepithelial structures
• at E12.5, the olfactory epithelium (OE) is hypoplastic and fails to form normal axonal connections with the olfactory bulb
• by E18.5, the OE is significantly reduced in size, with only a few, if any, foramina in the cribiform plate
• at E14.5, 25% of homozygotes lack an OE altogether

• in addition, the size of the lateral frontonasal process and medial frontonasal process are reduced
• at E10.5, the olfactory pit (an olfactory placode derivative) is small and lacks thickening of the medial epithelium
• at E12.5 or later, the vomeronasal organ is greatly reduced in size
• as early as E10.5, homozygotes display reduced olfactory neuroepithelial structures
• at E12.5, the olfactory epithelium (OE) is hypoplastic and fails to form normal axonal connections with the olfactory bulb
• by E18.5, the OE is significantly reduced in size, with only a few, if any, foramina in the cribiform plate
• at E14.5, 25% of homozygotes lack an OE altogether

• at E12.5 or later, the vomeronasal organ is greatly reduced in size
• as early as E10.5, homozygotes display reduced olfactory neuroepithelial structures
• at E12.5, the olfactory epithelium (OE) is hypoplastic and fails to form normal axonal connections with the olfactory bulb
• by E18.5, the OE is significantly reduced in size, with only a few, if any, foramina in the cribiform plate
• at E14.5, 25% of homozygotes lack an OE altogether

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• all homozygotes die shortly after birth
• at birth, homozygotes are obtained at non-Mendelian ratios, suggesting embryonic lethality

• newborn homozygotes lack milk in their stomachs

• extensive chondroid bone develops along the incisive alveolar bone at the tips of the dentary
• the incisivium is broader and shorter than normal
• both sets of incisors are shorter and malformed
• the molar alveolae are shorter, broader and deeper
• the alveolar openings are constricted distally and broadened proximally
• the buccal molar walls are weaker and ventrally reflected
• the mandicular and maxillary molars display malformed and poorly mineralized crowns
• the mandicular and maxillary molars display malformed and poorly mineralized crowns
• in most cases, nasal bones are dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases, the tectum nasi, solum and paries nasi prominences and associated turbinates are hypoplastic
• newborns display reduced nasal capsular breadth, with chondrocranial and dermatocranial defects in and around the nasal capsule and mesethmoid
• in severe cases, newborns show a symmetric near aplasia of the capsule and mesethmoid
• small, cartilaginous spicules are the only remnants of the side walls of the nasal capsule
• in less severe cases, cartilages in the floor of the nasal capsule are hypoplastic and often associated with a rudimentary vomeronasal organ
• the medial pterygoid is hypertrophic; its insertion groove is occluded by a broad origin for an abnormal mylohyoid
• 88% of newborns exhibit primary and secondary palates with variable degrees of clefting
• 88% of newborns exhibit primary and secondary palates with variable degrees of clefting
• the right side of the rostral tongue is hypertrophied ventrally
• the course of the lingual duct and the fascicle pattern of the intrinsic tongue musculature is variably affected
• in severe cases, the posterior nasal capsule and mesethmoid are reduced, with no evidence of a developing nasal epithelium, true tectum or solum
• in less severe cases, rudimentary branches of the nasal epithelium are present
• in severe cases, paraseptal cartilages and the vomeronasal organ fail to deveop
• in most cases (intermediate severity), the trabecular plate-nasal septum deviates to the right; no foramina cribrosa are found on the right and very few on the left
• in severe cases, a dorsoventrally expanded nasal septum fails to develop (i.e. shortened dorsoventrally)
• newborns exhibit malformed auditory pinnae
• the external acoustic meatus is shorter and the tubal cartilage develops in nodules
• tubal cartilage develops in nodules
• newborn homozygotes are slightly smaller than wild-type littermates

• newborns exhibit variable abnormalities in all cranial bones
• only a few abnormalities are detected in post-cranial axial and appendicular skeleton
• at E13.5 and E15.5, Meckel's cartilage is shorter and its proximal shaft is severely dysmorphic; the MC orientation deviates twice
• at E13.5 and E15.5, Meckel's cartilage is shorter than normal
• all non-exencephalic newborns have calvarial roofs (calottes) with small, hypomineralized parietal and interparietal bones
• in contrast, frontals appear to exhibit normal mineralization
• all non-exencephalic newborns display small, hypomineralized interparietal bones
• all non-exencephalic newborns display thicker occipital arch cartilages that expand rostrocaudally
• all non-exencephalic newborns display small supraoccipital bones with a reduced degree of hypomineralization
• all non-exencephalic newborns display small, hypomineralized parietal bones
• alisphenoid bones are slightly dysmorphic
• the pterygoids have an abnormal amount of chondroid bone and secondary cartilage
• squamosal bones are slightly dysmorphic
• extensive chondroid bone develops along the incisive alveolar bone at the tips of the dentary
• the incisivium is broader and shorter than normal
• both sets of incisors are shorter and malformed
• the molar alveolae are shorter, broader and deeper
• the alveolar openings are constricted distally and broadened proximally
• the buccal molar walls are weaker and ventrally reflected
• the mandicular and maxillary molars display malformed and poorly mineralized crowns
• the mandicular and maxillary molars display malformed and poorly mineralized crowns
• a short and abnormal dentary develops around Meckel's cartilage
• the condylar and angular processes are shorterned, malformed and juxtaposed
• the condylar and angular processes are shorterned, malformed and juxtaposed
• the proximal lamina of the coronoid is absent
• in most cases, the maxillae are dysmorphic
• in most cases, the premaxillae are dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases
• newborns exhibit micrognathia
• in most cases, lacrimal bones are small and dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases, nasal bones are dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases, the tectum nasi, solum and paries nasi prominences and associated turbinates are hypoplastic
• in most cases, the vomer bones are small and dysmorphic
• in 88% of homozygotes, ectopic membrane bones (parapalatines) develop caudal to the palatine shelves and rostral to the dysmorphic pterygoids
• the malleus is caudally extended and thickened at the level of the manumbrium
• the malleus has a smaller than normal processus brevis
• at E10.5, frontonasal prominences are hypoplastic
• at E12.5, the lateral frontonasal prominence is severely reduced
• newborns display reduced nasal capsular breadth, with chondrocranial and dermatocranial defects in and around the nasal capsule and mesethmoid
• in severe cases, newborns show a symmetric near aplasia of the capsule and mesethmoid
• small, cartilaginous spicules are the only remnants of the side walls of the nasal capsule
• in less severe cases, cartilages in the floor of the nasal capsule are hypoplastic and often associated with a rudimentary vomeronasal organ
• the medial pterygoid is hypertrophic; its insertion groove is occluded by a broad origin for an abnormal mylohyoid
• 88% of newborns exhibit primary and secondary palates with variable degrees of clefting
• 88% of newborns exhibit primary and secondary palates with variable degrees of clefting
• the right side of the rostral tongue is hypertrophied ventrally
• the course of the lingual duct and the fascicle pattern of the intrinsic tongue musculature is variably affected
• in severe cases, the posterior nasal capsule and mesethmoid are reduced, with no evidence of a developing nasal epithelium, true tectum or solum
• in less severe cases, rudimentary branches of the nasal epithelium are present
• in severe cases, paraseptal cartilages and the vomeronasal organ fail to deveop
• in most cases (intermediate severity), the trabecular plate-nasal septum deviates to the right; no foramina cribrosa are found on the right and very few on the left
• in severe cases, a dorsoventrally expanded nasal septum fails to develop (i.e. shortened dorsoventrally)
• newborns exhibit malformed auditory pinnae
• the external acoustic meatus is shorter and the tubal cartilage develops in nodules
• tubal cartilage develops in nodules

• newborns exhibit malformed auditory pinnae
• the external acoustic meatus is shorter and the tubal cartilage develops in nodules
• tubal cartilage develops in nodules
• the cochlea is reduced and the cochlea fenestra is abnormal in size and orientation
• at E16.5, the perilyphatic spaces have expanded and spiral laminae are abnormal
• a cartilaginous shelf separates the cochlea from the scala vestibuli
• the cochlea completes roughly only one coil instead of one and a half
• at E16.5, the lateral SCC has a complete but shorter cartilaginous canal
• at E16.5, the pars canicularis is malformed and hypoplastic, as the anterior and posterior SCCs do not form, while the pars cochlearis is smaller
• the course of stapedial artery is variably affected
• the malleus is caudally extended and thickened at the level of the manumbrium
• the malleus has a smaller than normal processus brevis
• at P0, the epitympanic recess is expanded
• at P0, the tegmen tympani (TT) is hypertrophic
• the TT maintains a prolonged synovial contact with the malleus and incus, and it shares origins for the tensor tympani with a novel structure ("os paradoxicum") and the gonial
• notably, the stapes, styloid process and incus are all present
• the tympanic is slightly smaller and thicker

nervous system
• at E10.5, axonal defects are noted in the trigeminall ganglion, the processes of the hypoglossal nerve, the autonomic ganglion chain, and the dorsal root ganglion
• at later stages, trigeminal nerve axons extend further into the branchial arches, albeit with abnormal orientations
• in severe cases, paraseptal cartilages and the vomeronasal organ fail to deveop
• at E9.0-E13.5, homozygotes display an open neural tube; the defect is generally centered around the midbrain but can extend rostrally and caudally in severe cases
• 28% of newborns display exencephaly
• at E10.5, the trigeminal ganglion is smaller than normal, its root is malformed, and it has reduced axonal projections into the mesenchyme

respiratory system
• in most cases, nasal bones are dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases, the tectum nasi, solum and paries nasi prominences and associated turbinates are hypoplastic
• newborns display reduced nasal capsular breadth, with chondrocranial and dermatocranial defects in and around the nasal capsule and mesethmoid
• in severe cases, newborns show a symmetric near aplasia of the capsule and mesethmoid
• small, cartilaginous spicules are the only remnants of the side walls of the nasal capsule
• in less severe cases, cartilages in the floor of the nasal capsule are hypoplastic and often associated with a rudimentary vomeronasal organ
• in severe cases, the posterior nasal capsule and mesethmoid are reduced, with no evidence of a developing nasal epithelium, true tectum or solum
• in less severe cases, rudimentary branches of the nasal epithelium are present
• in severe cases, paraseptal cartilages and the vomeronasal organ fail to deveop
• in most cases (intermediate severity), the trabecular plate-nasal septum deviates to the right; no foramina cribrosa are found on the right and very few on the left
• in severe cases, a dorsoventrally expanded nasal septum fails to develop (i.e. shortened dorsoventrally)
• the larynx is displaced caudally, well back from the pterygoids and tympanic cavity
• the superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage (derived from the fourth branchial arch) fails to form

• newborns exhibit variable abnormalities in all cranial bones
• only a few abnormalities are detected in post-cranial axial and appendicular skeleton
• at E13.5 and E15.5, Meckel's cartilage is shorter and its proximal shaft is severely dysmorphic; the MC orientation deviates twice
• at E13.5 and E15.5, Meckel's cartilage is shorter than normal
• all non-exencephalic newborns have calvarial roofs (calottes) with small, hypomineralized parietal and interparietal bones
• in contrast, frontals appear to exhibit normal mineralization
• all non-exencephalic newborns display small, hypomineralized interparietal bones
• all non-exencephalic newborns display thicker occipital arch cartilages that expand rostrocaudally
• all non-exencephalic newborns display small supraoccipital bones with a reduced degree of hypomineralization
• all non-exencephalic newborns display small, hypomineralized parietal bones
• alisphenoid bones are slightly dysmorphic
• the pterygoids have an abnormal amount of chondroid bone and secondary cartilage
• squamosal bones are slightly dysmorphic
• extensive chondroid bone develops along the incisive alveolar bone at the tips of the dentary
• the incisivium is broader and shorter than normal
• both sets of incisors are shorter and malformed
• the molar alveolae are shorter, broader and deeper
• the alveolar openings are constricted distally and broadened proximally
• the buccal molar walls are weaker and ventrally reflected
• the mandicular and maxillary molars display malformed and poorly mineralized crowns
• the mandicular and maxillary molars display malformed and poorly mineralized crowns
• a short and abnormal dentary develops around Meckel's cartilage
• the condylar and angular processes are shorterned, malformed and juxtaposed
• the condylar and angular processes are shorterned, malformed and juxtaposed
• the proximal lamina of the coronoid is absent
• in most cases, the maxillae are dysmorphic
• in most cases, the premaxillae are dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases
• newborns exhibit micrognathia
• in most cases, lacrimal bones are small and dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases, nasal bones are dysmorphic
• in most cases
• in most cases, the tectum nasi, solum and paries nasi prominences and associated turbinates are hypoplastic
• in most cases, the vomer bones are small and dysmorphic
• in 88% of homozygotes, ectopic membrane bones (parapalatines) develop caudal to the palatine shelves and rostral to the dysmorphic pterygoids
• the malleus is caudally extended and thickened at the level of the manumbrium
• the malleus has a smaller than normal processus brevis
• newborns display reduced nasal capsular breadth, with chondrocranial and dermatocranial defects in and around the nasal capsule and mesethmoid
• in severe cases, newborns show a symmetric near aplasia of the capsule and mesethmoid
• small, cartilaginous spicules are the only remnants of the side walls of the nasal capsule
• in less severe cases, cartilages in the floor of the nasal capsule are hypoplastic and often associated with a rudimentary vomeronasal organ
• tubal cartilage develops in nodules
• the superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage (derived from the fourth branchial arch) fails to form
• 27% of newborns display a sinusoidal rib angle
• all newborns display hypomineralized calottes (calvarial roofs)

• the medial pterygoid is hypertrophic; its insertion groove is occluded by a broad origin for an abnormal mylohyoid
• the right side of the rostral tongue is hypertrophied ventrally
• the course of the lingual duct and the fascicle pattern of the intrinsic tongue musculature is variably affected

cardiovascular system
• the course of stapedial artery is variably affected

digestive/alimentary system
• 88% of newborns exhibit primary and secondary palates with variable degrees of clefting
• 88% of newborns exhibit primary and secondary palates with variable degrees of clefting
• the right side of the rostral tongue is hypertrophied ventrally
• the course of the lingual duct and the fascicle pattern of the intrinsic tongue musculature is variably affected

• at E9.0-E13.5, homozygotes display an open neural tube; the defect is generally centered around the midbrain but can extend rostrally and caudally in severe cases

• at E10.5, axonal defects are noted in the trigeminall ganglion, the processes of the hypoglossal nerve, the autonomic ganglion chain, and the dorsal root ganglion
• at later stages, trigeminal nerve axons extend further into the branchial arches, albeit with abnormal orientations

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• heterozygotes do not breed readily

nervous system
• ~3% of newborn heterozygotes display exencephaly
• Background Sensitivity: the frequency of exencephalic heterozygotes (~3%) is significantly reduced with further outbreeding to C57BL/6J

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