• average lifespan is 4.48 days (all survive past the first day), however those that survive past 5 days, die at an average age of 15.5 days and the maximum life span is 21 days
nervous system
• defects in cerebellar development, with the intercrural, prepyramidal, and uvular fissures shallower at P12
• delay in barrel formation through P6, but the deficiency disappears by P8
• dendritic trees of Purkinje cells are reduced by 22% in length
• innervation into layer IV of the cortex by thalamic axons is uniform (rather than segregated into individual barrels) and exhibits a reduced branching within this layer compared to controls at P6, but becomes less apparent by P8
• severe loss of radial fibers in the apical region of the cochlea that becomes less severe toward the base
• 13% reduction of neuron number in cochlear ganglia
• 95% reduction of neuron number in geniculate ganglia
• 66% reduction of neuron number in nodose/petrosal ganglia
• 27% reduction of neuron number in trigeminal ganglia
• 87% of nodose neurons are lost by P0
• 66% reduction of neuron number in nodose/petrosal ganglia
• 60% of vestibular neurons are lost by birth
• 83% reduction of neuron number in vestibular ganglia
• 27% reduction of neuron number in L4 dorsal root ganglia