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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, John L R Rubenstein
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Dlx2tm1Jlr/Dlx2tm1Jlr either: (involves: 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129X1/SvJ * CD-1) MGI:3607398
Dlx2tm1Jlr/Dlx2tm1Jlr involves: 129X1/SvJ MGI:3607400
involves: 129X1/SvJ MGI:3809894

either: (involves: 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129X1/SvJ * CD-1)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx2tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx2 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

• homozygotes do not nurse
• decreased spontaneous movement

• the lateral aspects of the basisphenoid bone are abnormal
• an ectopic cartilaginous structure connects to the basisphenoid bone via an osseous process extending laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process in about 80% of homozygotes
• cartilaginous components of the alisphenoid bone are absent and the lateral wing is malformed
• the pterygoids are rostrally displaced, smaller than normal and contact the basitrabecular process and the osseous process that extend laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the medial portion of the maxilla is reduced in size
• the caudal aspects of the palatine bone are reduced in size
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in about 50% of mice the incus is fused at the position of the short process to a new elongated cartilage lateral to the basisphenoid bone
• the stapes lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the otic capsule
• a new cartilage is seen that may be continuous or discontinuous and articulates with the maxillary bone, contacts the dermal bones in the temporal wall, and is fused to the incus
• the position and shape of this cartilage suggest it is homologous to the pterygoquadrate, part of the maxillary arch seen in non-mammalian vertebrates
• the incus does not articulate with the stapes

nervous system
• changes in expression of tyrosine hydroxylase but not Dxl1 suggest that while periglomerular cells are present they are in a different state of differentiation or have lost their identity
• ectopic fiber growth is seen
• as the nerve enters the mandibular arch some fascicles appear to grow toward the lateral surface of the proximal mandibular arch

• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes
• homozygotes accumulate air in the stomach and intestines and display massive distention of the proximal gastrointestinal tract


digestive/alimentary system
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes
• seen in the small intestine
• homozygotes accumulate air in the stomach and intestines and display massive distention of the proximal gastrointestinal tract

respiratory system

• the lateral aspects of the basisphenoid bone are abnormal
• an ectopic cartilaginous structure connects to the basisphenoid bone via an osseous process extending laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process in about 80% of homozygotes
• cartilaginous components of the alisphenoid bone are absent and the lateral wing is malformed
• the pterygoids are rostrally displaced, smaller than normal and contact the basitrabecular process and the osseous process that extend laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the medial portion of the maxilla is reduced in size
• the caudal aspects of the palatine bone are reduced in size
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in about 50% of mice the incus is fused at the position of the short process to a new elongated cartilage lateral to the basisphenoid bone
• the stapes lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the otic capsule
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes

• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in about 50% of mice the incus is fused at the position of the short process to a new elongated cartilage lateral to the basisphenoid bone
• the stapes lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the otic capsule

• seen in the small intestine

involves: 129X1/SvJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx2tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx2 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

• the alicochlear commissure is smaller than normal
• the lateral aspects of the basisphenoid bone are abnormal
• an osseous process extending laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process is seen in about 30% of double homozygotes, in those without this osseous process fibrous tissue is seen in the same location
• the proximal part of the ala temporalis is largely absent in all homozygotes at E16.5 and P0 and the lateral wing is malformed
• the pterygoids are rostrally displaced and smaller than normal
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop from independent ossification centers
• the palatal processes are absent and the palatine bone is flattened and displaced rostrally
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop from independent ossification centers
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in all homozygotes the stapes is smaller and lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the crista parotica of the otic capsule
• the stapes iacks a central hole
• in all homozygotes the stapes is smaller than normal
• an extensive new area of cartilage is seen lateral to the basisphenoid
• the position and shape of this cartilage suggest it is homologous to the palatopterygoquadrate, part of the maxillary arch seen in non-mammalian vertebrates
• the incus does not articulate with the stapes

nervous system
• the proximal parasympathetic branch to the maxillary region runs medially over the dorsum of the cochlear promontory leaving the cranial cavity via the carotid foramen rather than being entirely extracranial

cardiovascular system
• the stapedial artery is absent

• cranial origins of the proximal jaw adductor musculature are abnormal with some having intracranial insertions and many more muscle bellies than normal
• other intracranial muscle fascicles originate from one part and reinsert in another part of the ectopic palatopterygoquadrate cartilage and do not reach the mandible

• the alicochlear commissure is smaller than normal
• the lateral aspects of the basisphenoid bone are abnormal
• an osseous process extending laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process is seen in about 30% of double homozygotes, in those without this osseous process fibrous tissue is seen in the same location
• the proximal part of the ala temporalis is largely absent in all homozygotes at E16.5 and P0 and the lateral wing is malformed
• the pterygoids are rostrally displaced and smaller than normal
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop from independent ossification centers
• the palatal processes are absent and the palatine bone is flattened and displaced rostrally
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop from independent ossification centers
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in all homozygotes the stapes is smaller and lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the crista parotica of the otic capsule
• the stapes iacks a central hole
• in all homozygotes the stapes is smaller than normal
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes

• the stapedial artery is absent
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in all homozygotes the stapes is smaller and lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the crista parotica of the otic capsule
• the stapes iacks a central hole
• in all homozygotes the stapes is smaller than normal

digestive/alimentary system
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes

• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes

involves: 129X1/SvJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx2tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx2 mutation (25 available)
Dlx6tm1Jlr mutation (1 available); any Dlx6 mutation (29 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the ventrolateral side of the skull exhibits a duplicate lamina obturans beside the endogenous one
• unlike in wild-type mice, dentaries are shortened, fragmented and bifurcated to become bones resembling the maxilla, jugal and pterygoid
• mice exhibit an abnormal basihyoid and lesser horn or the hyoid
• unlike in wild-type mice, dentaries are shortened, fragmented and bifurcated to become bones resembling the maxilla, jugal and pterygoid
• unlike in wild-type mice, dentaries are shortened, fragmented and bifurcated to become bones resembling the maxilla, jugal and pterygoid

• the ectotympanic is reduced or lost
• the ectotympanic is reduced or lost

• the ventrolateral side of the skull exhibits a duplicate lamina obturans beside the endogenous one
• unlike in wild-type mice, dentaries are shortened, fragmented and bifurcated to become bones resembling the maxilla, jugal and pterygoid
• mice exhibit an abnormal basihyoid and lesser horn or the hyoid
• unlike in wild-type mice, dentaries are shortened, fragmented and bifurcated to become bones resembling the maxilla, jugal and pterygoid
• unlike in wild-type mice, dentaries are shortened, fragmented and bifurcated to become bones resembling the maxilla, jugal and pterygoid

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory