• homozygotes do not nurse
• decreased spontaneous movement
• the lateral aspects of the basisphenoid bone are abnormal
• an ectopic cartilaginous structure connects to the basisphenoid bone via an osseous process extending laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process in about 80% of homozygotes
• cartilaginous components of the alisphenoid bone are absent and the lateral wing is malformed
• the pterygoids are rostrally displaced, smaller than normal and contact the basitrabecular process and the osseous process that extend laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the medial portion of the maxilla is reduced in size
• the caudal aspects of the palatine bone are reduced in size
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in about 50% of mice the incus is fused at the position of the short process to a new elongated cartilage lateral to the basisphenoid bone
• the stapes lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the otic capsule
• a new cartilage is seen that may be continuous or discontinuous and articulates with the maxillary bone, contacts the dermal bones in the temporal wall, and is fused to the incus
• the position and shape of this cartilage suggest it is homologous to the pterygoquadrate, part of the maxillary arch seen in non-mammalian vertebrates
• the incus does not articulate with the stapes
nervous system
• changes in expression of tyrosine hydroxylase but not Dxl1 suggest that while periglomerular cells are present they are in a different state of differentiation or have lost their identity
• ectopic fiber growth is seen
• as the nerve enters the mandibular arch some fascicles appear to grow toward the lateral surface of the proximal mandibular arch
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes
• homozygotes accumulate air in the stomach and intestines and display massive distention of the proximal gastrointestinal tract
digestive/alimentary system
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes
• seen in the small intestine
• homozygotes accumulate air in the stomach and intestines and display massive distention of the proximal gastrointestinal tract
respiratory system
• the lateral aspects of the basisphenoid bone are abnormal
• an ectopic cartilaginous structure connects to the basisphenoid bone via an osseous process extending laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process in about 80% of homozygotes
• cartilaginous components of the alisphenoid bone are absent and the lateral wing is malformed
• the pterygoids are rostrally displaced, smaller than normal and contact the basitrabecular process and the osseous process that extend laterocaudally from the basitrabecular process
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the medial portion of the maxilla is reduced in size
• the caudal aspects of the palatine bone are reduced in size
• the zygomatic and temporal bones are replaced with 4 bones that develop at different times (between E15.5 and E16.5) from independent ossification centers
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in about 50% of mice the incus is fused at the position of the short process to a new elongated cartilage lateral to the basisphenoid bone
• the stapes lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the otic capsule
• cleft secondary palate is seen in about 80% of homozygotes
• the short process is absent and the incus does not articulate with the stapes
• in about 50% of mice the incus is fused at the position of the short process to a new elongated cartilage lateral to the basisphenoid bone
• the stapes lacks a central hole and the styloids lack a connection with the otic capsule
• seen in the small intestine