reproductive system
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment and mechanical stimulation of the left uterine horn, female homozygotes fail to elicit a typical decidual response, whereas similarly-treated age-matched wild-type females show a >20-fold increase in weight and extensive vascularization of the stimulated horn
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG-treated female homozygotes show absence of functional corpora lutea at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG -treated female homozygotes display an unexpectedly large number of intact mature preovulatory follicles (unruptured follicles) even at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• notably, these follicles are able to undergo strong cumulus cell expansion and dispersion
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display abnormal thickening of the uterine wall by extracellular edema, acute inflammatory cells, and proliferation of mucosal and glandular epithelia
• inflammatory changes are restricted to the mucosa, submucosa, and stromal components of the endometrium
• a moderate PMN leukocyte infiltration is noted in both endometrial stroma and the overlying luminal epithelium, which appears hyperplastic and disorganized
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display an abnormal uterine structure, including hyperplastic luminal and hypertrophic grandular epithelia, loosely arranged stromal layer, and presence of PMN leukocytes
• in contrast, uteri isolated from intact untreated female homozygotes show a normal myometrial and endometrial compartment relative to wild-type females
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized female homozygotes display greatly enlarged endometrial glands lined by hypertrophied epithelia
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, 6-wk-old ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display hyperplastic luminal and hypertrophic glandular epithelia
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, 6-wk-old ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display an abnormally distended fluid-filled uterus relative to age-matched, similarly-treated wild-type females
• unlike wild-type mice, female homozygotes fail to undergo superovulation and produce no oocytes following treatment with exogenous gonadotropins (PMSG and hCG)
• granulosa cells located near the oocyte or positioned near the intact basal lamina of unruptured follicles from PMSG- and hCG -treated female homozygotes display no signs of luteinization
• adult female homozygotes are infertile when mated with wild-type male mice
• in contrast, male homozygotes are fully fertile
• following progesterone treatment, 60-day-old estrogen-primed ovariectomized female homozygotes fail to exhibit a significant lordosis response, whereas similarly-primed wild-type females show a significant increase in the lordosis quotient
immune system
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display abnormal thickening of the uterine wall by extracellular edema, acute inflammatory cells, and proliferation of mucosal and glandular epithelia
• inflammatory changes are restricted to the mucosa, submucosa, and stromal components of the endometrium
• a moderate PMN leukocyte infiltration is noted in both endometrial stroma and the overlying luminal epithelium, which appears hyperplastic and disorganized
endocrine/exocrine glands
• following treatment with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone, ovariectomized female homozygotes show a severely reduced mammary gland development relative to similarly-treated wild-type females
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, inguinal mammary glands of ovariectomized female homozygotes exhibit a striking absence of lobuloalveolar development in terminal end buds and a less complex ductal structure with fewer dichotomous and lateral side branches than wild-type mammary glands
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized female homozygotes display greatly enlarged endometrial glands lined by hypertrophied epithelia
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG-treated female homozygotes show absence of functional corpora lutea at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG -treated female homozygotes display an unexpectedly large number of intact mature preovulatory follicles (unruptured follicles) even at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• notably, these follicles are able to undergo strong cumulus cell expansion and dispersion
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment and mechanical stimulation of the left uterine horn, female homozygotes fail to elicit a typical decidual response, whereas similarly-treated age-matched wild-type females show a >20-fold increase in weight and extensive vascularization of the stimulated horn
• following treatment with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone, ovariectomized female homozygotes show a severely reduced mammary gland development relative to similarly-treated wild-type females
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, inguinal mammary glands of ovariectomized female homozygotes exhibit a striking absence of lobuloalveolar development in terminal end buds and a less complex ductal structure with fewer dichotomous and lateral side branches than wild-type mammary glands