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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Bert W O'Malley
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Pgrtm1Bwo/Pgrtm1Bwo either: (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd) or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6) MGI:2665488
Pgrtm1Bwo/Pgrtm1Bwo involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd MGI:4422197
Pgrtm1Bwo/Pgrtm1Bwo involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:4820536
Pgrtm1Bwo/Pgrtm1Bwo involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J MGI:4820562

either: (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd) or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Pgrtm1Bwo mutation (2 available); any Pgr mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment and mechanical stimulation of the left uterine horn, female homozygotes fail to elicit a typical decidual response, whereas similarly-treated age-matched wild-type females show a >20-fold increase in weight and extensive vascularization of the stimulated horn
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG-treated female homozygotes show absence of functional corpora lutea at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG -treated female homozygotes display an unexpectedly large number of intact mature preovulatory follicles (unruptured follicles) even at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• notably, these follicles are able to undergo strong cumulus cell expansion and dispersion
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display abnormal thickening of the uterine wall by extracellular edema, acute inflammatory cells, and proliferation of mucosal and glandular epithelia
• inflammatory changes are restricted to the mucosa, submucosa, and stromal components of the endometrium
• a moderate PMN leukocyte infiltration is noted in both endometrial stroma and the overlying luminal epithelium, which appears hyperplastic and disorganized
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display an abnormal uterine structure, including hyperplastic luminal and hypertrophic grandular epithelia, loosely arranged stromal layer, and presence of PMN leukocytes
• in contrast, uteri isolated from intact untreated female homozygotes show a normal myometrial and endometrial compartment relative to wild-type females
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized female homozygotes display greatly enlarged endometrial glands lined by hypertrophied epithelia
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, 6-wk-old ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display hyperplastic luminal and hypertrophic glandular epithelia
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, 6-wk-old ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display an abnormally distended fluid-filled uterus relative to age-matched, similarly-treated wild-type females
• unlike wild-type mice, female homozygotes fail to undergo superovulation and produce no oocytes following treatment with exogenous gonadotropins (PMSG and hCG)
• granulosa cells located near the oocyte or positioned near the intact basal lamina of unruptured follicles from PMSG- and hCG -treated female homozygotes display no signs of luteinization
• adult female homozygotes are infertile when mated with wild-type male mice
• in contrast, male homozygotes are fully fertile

• following progesterone treatment, 60-day-old estrogen-primed ovariectomized female homozygotes fail to exhibit a significant lordosis response, whereas similarly-primed wild-type females show a significant increase in the lordosis quotient

immune system
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized virgin female homozygotes display abnormal thickening of the uterine wall by extracellular edema, acute inflammatory cells, and proliferation of mucosal and glandular epithelia
• inflammatory changes are restricted to the mucosa, submucosa, and stromal components of the endometrium
• a moderate PMN leukocyte infiltration is noted in both endometrial stroma and the overlying luminal epithelium, which appears hyperplastic and disorganized

endocrine/exocrine glands
• following treatment with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone, ovariectomized female homozygotes show a severely reduced mammary gland development relative to similarly-treated wild-type females
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, inguinal mammary glands of ovariectomized female homozygotes exhibit a striking absence of lobuloalveolar development in terminal end buds and a less complex ductal structure with fewer dichotomous and lateral side branches than wild-type mammary glands
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, ovariectomized female homozygotes display greatly enlarged endometrial glands lined by hypertrophied epithelia
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG-treated female homozygotes show absence of functional corpora lutea at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• unlike wild-type mice, PMSG- and hCG -treated female homozygotes display an unexpectedly large number of intact mature preovulatory follicles (unruptured follicles) even at 24 hrs after hCG administration
• notably, these follicles are able to undergo strong cumulus cell expansion and dispersion

• following estrogen and progesterone treatment and mechanical stimulation of the left uterine horn, female homozygotes fail to elicit a typical decidual response, whereas similarly-treated age-matched wild-type females show a >20-fold increase in weight and extensive vascularization of the stimulated horn

• following treatment with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone, ovariectomized female homozygotes show a severely reduced mammary gland development relative to similarly-treated wild-type females
• following estrogen and progesterone treatment, inguinal mammary glands of ovariectomized female homozygotes exhibit a striking absence of lobuloalveolar development in terminal end buds and a less complex ductal structure with fewer dichotomous and lateral side branches than wild-type mammary glands

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Pgrtm1Bwo mutation (2 available); any Pgr mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Uterine defects in Pgrtm4.2Lyd/Pgrtm4.2Lyd and Pgrtm1Bwo/Pgrtm1Bwo mice

• at 26 weeks, mice exhibit a tendency towards reduced osteoclast perimeter/bone perimeter and osteoclast perimeter/tissue area compared with wild-type mice
• at 12 weeks, total humoral volume is increased compared to in wild-type mice
• the humorus exhibit a tendency for increased cross-sectional volume compared to in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit an increase in total, cancellous, and cortical bone mass compared with wild-type mice
• between 6 weeks and 26 weeks, mice exhibit an increase in tibia cross-section area unlike in wild-type mice
• at the midshaft of the humorus
• at 6 weeks, mice exhibit less trabecular separation than in wild-type mice
• mice fail to exhibit a difference in trabecular separation between week 6 and week 12 unlike wild-type mice
• at 26 weeks, mice exhibit an increase in trabecular number and a decrease in trabecular separation unlike in wild-type mice
• cancellous bone volume at the epiphysis of the humerus is increased due to increased trabecular thickness compared to in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit an increase in total, cancellous, and cortical bone mass compared with wild-type mice
• however, cortical and cancellous bone mass in the tibia is normal at 12 weeks
• at 26, mice exhibit increased mineralizing perimeter/bone perimeter and bone formation rate/tissue area compared with wild-type mice

reproductive system
• anovulation following gonadotropin hormone treatment
• hormone-treatment fails to induce a decidual reaction as in similarly treated wild-type mice
• uterus fail to exhibit P4-induced repression of E2-induced luminal epithelial proliferation when exposed to E2P4 unlike wild-type uterus
• P4-directed stromal proliferation is absent unlike in wild-type mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• mammary epithelial cells transplanted into cycling virgins hosts or in response to the full spectrum of pregnancy hormones fail to develop incipient ductal side branches and lateral alveolar bus unlike transplanted wild-type cells
• marker analysis indicates absence of alveolar differentiation
• E2P4-treatment fails to induce ductal side branching and alveologenesis unlike similarly treated wild-type tissue
• however, ductal elongation and branching during puberty are normal
• mammary glands supplemented for 21 days with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone exhibit a 50% decrease in proliferation in the ductal epithelium

• mice exhibit vascular injury response with increased vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and medial area compared with similarly treated wild-type mice
• treatment with progesterone does not enhance vascular injury unlike in similarly treated wild-type mice
• serum prolactin levels are moderately elevated in virgin females but are normal in pregnant females
• progesterone-treated-vascular smooth muscle cells fail to exhibit a decrease in proliferation unlike similarly treated wild-type cells

cardiovascular system
• cultured vascular smooth muscle cells are hyperproliferative compared with wild-type cells
• mice exhibit vascular injury response with increased vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and medial area compared with similarly treated wild-type mice
• treatment with progesterone does not enhance vascular injury unlike in similarly treated wild-type mice

• carcinogen-treated pituitary-isografted mice exhibit fewer mammary tumors compared to in similarly treated wild-type mice

• cultured vascular smooth muscle cells are hyperproliferative compared with wild-type cells

hematopoietic system
• at 26 weeks, mice exhibit a tendency towards reduced osteoclast perimeter/bone perimeter and osteoclast perimeter/tissue area compared with wild-type mice

immune system
• at 26 weeks, mice exhibit a tendency towards reduced osteoclast perimeter/bone perimeter and osteoclast perimeter/tissue area compared with wild-type mice

• at 12 weeks, total humoral volume is increased compared to in wild-type mice
• the humorus exhibit a tendency for increased cross-sectional volume compared to in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit an increase in total, cancellous, and cortical bone mass compared with wild-type mice
• between 6 weeks and 26 weeks, mice exhibit an increase in tibia cross-section area unlike in wild-type mice

• mammary epithelial cells transplanted into cycling virgins hosts or in response to the full spectrum of pregnancy hormones fail to develop incipient ductal side branches and lateral alveolar bus unlike transplanted wild-type cells
• marker analysis indicates absence of alveolar differentiation
• E2P4-treatment fails to induce ductal side branching and alveologenesis unlike similarly treated wild-type tissue
• however, ductal elongation and branching during puberty are normal
• mammary glands supplemented for 21 days with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone exhibit a 50% decrease in proliferation in the ductal epithelium

• mammary glands supplemented for 21 days with pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone exhibit a 50% decrease in proliferation in the ductal epithelium

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Pgrtm1Bwo mutation (2 available); any Pgr mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• ovariectomized-mice treated with E2 exhibit a decrease in luteinizing hormone unlike similarly treated wild-type mice that exhibit an increase
• ovariectomized-mice treated with E2 and pulsed twice with gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) fail to exhibit an increase in luteinizing hormone unlike similarly treated wild-type mice
• however, lutenizing hormone levels in ovariectomized mice treated with E2 are increased by one pulsed of GnRH
• ovariectomized-mice treated with E2 fail to exhibit a change in follicle stimulating hormone levels unlike in similarly treated wild-type mice

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Pgrtm1Bwo mutation (2 available); any Pgr mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
endocrine/exocrine glands
• female mice exhibit increased beta cell proliferation compared to in wild-type mice
• in female mice
• pancreatic islets from female mice secrete more insulin than wild-type cells
• glucose or arginine stimulated pancreatic islets from female mice secrete more insulin than wild-type cells

• pancreatic islets from female mice secrete more insulin than wild-type cells
• glucose or arginine stimulated pancreatic islets from female mice secrete more insulin than wild-type cells
• in fasting female, but not male, mice
• in a glucose tolerance test in female mice
• in a glucose tolerance test
• in a glucose tolerance test, female mice exhibit increased glucose clearance and insulin levels compared with similarly treated wild-type mice

• female mice exhibit increased beta cell proliferation compared to in wild-type mice

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory