• a small subset of homozygotes die at E8.5
• at E9.5 and thereafter, homozygotes show a significant increase in resorption
cardiovascular system
• at E10.5, homozygotes show severe heart failure typified by cardiac and large vessel enlargement; no placental defects are observed
• at E10.5, the vena cava of homozygous embryos becomes significantly enlarged as a result of severe heart failure
• at E10.5, formation of the trabecular layer is severely perturbed
• at E10.5, the thickness of the subepicardial layer is significantly reduced
• at E10.5, the heart of homozygous embryos becomes significantly enlarged as a result of severe heart failure
• after E9.5, most homozygous mutants exhibit severely impaired circulation due to heart hypoplasia
• at E9.5, homozygotes display significant hypoplasia of ventricular trabeculae in spite of a grossly normal compact layer
• by E10.5, mutant embryos display poor trabeculation relative to wild-type
• at E10.5, homozygotes display thin and dilated ventricular walls that presumably arise from effects secondary to severe heart failure
• at E10.5, hypoplastic mutant hearts display a pumping failure as fetal circulation becomes enlarged; as a result, severe heart failure ensues
• at E10.5, the heart of homozygous embryos becomes significantly enlarged as a result of severe heart failure
• at E10.5, homozygous mutant embryos are significantly smaller than wild-type
• by E9.5, mutant embryos exhibit disproportionally smaller heads than wild-type embryos
nervous system
• at E10.5, mutant embryos exhibit neuronal apoptosis in the cortical plate of neural tubes
• at E9.5, homozygotes display an underdeveloped central nervous system relative to wild-type
• at E9.5, the neuroepithelial layer of cortical neurons is severely reduced
• at E9.5, homozygous embryos show abnormal forebrain development
• at E9.5, homozygotes display an underdeveloped telencephalon
• at E10.5, some cells of the superficial postmitotic telencephalic layer are differentiated into neurons, although their number is significantly reduced
• at E10.5, homozygous mutant embryos are significantly smaller than wild-type
• at E9.5, the neuroepithelial layer of cortical neurons is severely reduced
• at E10.5, formation of the trabecular layer is severely perturbed
• by E10.5, mutant embryos display poor trabeculation relative to wild-type
• at E9.5, homozygotes display significant hypoplasia of ventricular trabeculae in spite of a grossly normal compact layer
• at E10.5, the thickness of the subepicardial layer is significantly reduced
• homozygous mutant MEFs show defective cell cycle regulation with an impaired entrance into S phase
• at E10.5, mutant embryos exhibit neuronal apoptosis in the cortical plate of neural tubes
• homozygous mutant MEFs grow slower than wild-type or heterozygous mutant MEFs
liver/biliary system
• at E10.5, homozygotes display a somewhat reduced liver primordium
respiratory system
• at E10.5, mutant lungs display a grossly normal architecture, albeit with slightly reduced main bronchi