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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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Summary 9 genotypes
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Zeb1Tw/Zeb1Tw B6.Cg-Zeb1Tw MGI:5295194
Zeb1Tw/Zeb1Tw involves: C57BL/6J MGI:2654857
Zeb1Tw/Zeb1Tw Not Specified MGI:2654876
Zeb1Tw/Zeb1Tw STOCK PCS MGI:2654855
Zeb1Tw/Zeb1+ B6.Cg-Zeb1Tw MGI:5295198
Zeb1Tw/Zeb1+ involves: C57BL/6J MGI:2654860
Zeb1Tw/Zeb1+ STOCK PCS MGI:2654856
Zeb1tm1.1Ajg/Zeb1Tw B6.Cg-Zeb1tm1.1Ajg/Zeb1Tw MGI:5295203
Zeb1tm2Yhi/Zeb1Tw B6.Cg-Zeb1tm2Yhi/Zeb1Tw MGI:5295200

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Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Inner ear morphology, hearing thresholds, and otoconia of Zeb1Tw/Zeb1+ and Zeb1Tw/Zeb1Tw mice

• shortening of the cochlear duct


digestive/alimentary system


involves: C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes are born alive but die within 24 hrs of birth

• homozygotes show absence of fusion of the premaxillary and lateral walls of the lips
• in mice with bilateral cleft lips, the premaxillary or prolabium region is protruded with absent hair follicles
• all homozygotes display malformed nasal turbinates
• the nasal turbinates are reduced in size and number
• the epithelial layer of the palatal shelves is lined with ciliated columnar epithelium on the nasal side and keratinized epithelium on the oral side
• in homozygotes, the shelves of the secondary palate are significantly shorter and smaller than normal, thus exposing the nasal septum
• homozygotes exhibit either incomplete cleft lips (where the facial processes destined to form the upper lip, medial and lateral nasal prominences appear nearly fused), or complete cleft lips (with visible separation of the facial processes)
• cleft lips are either unilateral or bilateral; complete unilateral clefts are frequently associated with partial cleft lips on the other side
• 11 of 16 homozygotets displayed bilateral cleft lips; 6 of these bilateral cleft lips were complete on one side and partial on the other, 4 were complete, and 1 was partial
• the remaining 5 of 11 homozygotes showed unilateral cleft lips, 3 complete and 2 partial
• 11 of 16 homozygotets displayed bilateral cleft lips; 6 of these bilateral cleft lips were complete on one side and partial on the other, 4 were complete, and 1 was partial
• complete unilateral clefts are frequently associated with partial cleft lips on the other side; 5 of 11 homozygotes showed unilateral cleft lips, 3 complete and 2 partial
• in some homozygotes with incomplete cleft lips the premaxilla is normal but the hard palate is completely clefted and the nasal septum is exposed
• in others, the unilateral or bilateral clefts of the lip are complete and extend into the premaxillary region and hard palate
• all homozygotes display a secondary cleft palate, regardless of whether the primary palate is intact or not
• homozygotes exhibit a disrupted nasal cavity
• however, the nasal septum remains unaffected and is straight with a midline cartilage
• all homozygotes display clefts of the midfacial region, including clefts of the palate combined with either unilateral or bilateral clefts of the lip

• all homozygotes display malformed nasal turbinates
• the nasal turbinates are reduced in size and number
• the epithelial layer of the palatal shelves is lined with ciliated columnar epithelium on the nasal side and keratinized epithelium on the oral side
• in homozygotes, the shelves of the secondary palate are significantly shorter and smaller than normal, thus exposing the nasal septum
• homozygotes exhibit either incomplete cleft lips (where the facial processes destined to form the upper lip, medial and lateral nasal prominences appear nearly fused), or complete cleft lips (with visible separation of the facial processes)
• cleft lips are either unilateral or bilateral; complete unilateral clefts are frequently associated with partial cleft lips on the other side
• 11 of 16 homozygotets displayed bilateral cleft lips; 6 of these bilateral cleft lips were complete on one side and partial on the other, 4 were complete, and 1 was partial
• the remaining 5 of 11 homozygotes showed unilateral cleft lips, 3 complete and 2 partial
• 11 of 16 homozygotets displayed bilateral cleft lips; 6 of these bilateral cleft lips were complete on one side and partial on the other, 4 were complete, and 1 was partial
• complete unilateral clefts are frequently associated with partial cleft lips on the other side; 5 of 11 homozygotes showed unilateral cleft lips, 3 complete and 2 partial
• in some homozygotes with incomplete cleft lips the premaxilla is normal but the hard palate is completely clefted and the nasal septum is exposed
• in others, the unilateral or bilateral clefts of the lip are complete and extend into the premaxillary region and hard palate
• all homozygotes display a secondary cleft palate, regardless of whether the primary palate is intact or not
• homozygotes exhibit a disrupted nasal cavity
• however, the nasal septum remains unaffected and is straight with a midline cartilage
• all homozygotes display clefts of the midfacial region, including clefts of the palate combined with either unilateral or bilateral clefts of the lip
• many newborn homozygotes display a bloated abdominal region

respiratory system
• all homozygotes display malformed nasal turbinates
• the nasal turbinates are reduced in size and number
• homozygotes exhibit a disrupted nasal cavity
• however, the nasal septum remains unaffected and is straight with a midline cartilage

digestive/alimentary system
• the epithelial layer of the palatal shelves is lined with ciliated columnar epithelium on the nasal side and keratinized epithelium on the oral side
• in homozygotes, the shelves of the secondary palate are significantly shorter and smaller than normal, thus exposing the nasal septum
• in some homozygotes with incomplete cleft lips the premaxilla is normal but the hard palate is completely clefted and the nasal septum is exposed
• in others, the unilateral or bilateral clefts of the lip are complete and extend into the premaxillary region and hard palate
• all homozygotes display a secondary cleft palate, regardless of whether the primary palate is intact or not

• homozygotes show absence of fusion of the premaxillary and lateral walls of the lips
• in mice with bilateral cleft lips, the premaxillary or prolabium region is protruded with absent hair follicles
• all homozygotes display malformed nasal turbinates
• the nasal turbinates are reduced in size and number

• homozygotes exhibit inner ear defects (not shown)

Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• the olfactory receptor neuron in the epithelium is less differentiated at E16.5 and at birth than in wild-type mice, and remains rounded in shape and euchromatic
• at E14.5, many mature olfactory receptor neurons are randomly found all over the mesenchyme
• abnormally shaped olfactory bulb in newborn pups; instead of ending in a triangular cone at the rostral end of the cerebellar lobes, one or sometimes both bulbs extend into elongated tips
• the olfactory bulb often protrudes into the nasal cavity through the ethmoid bone
• the distinct layers of the olfactory bulb are not apparent in mutants
• the glomerular layer is virtually nonexistant
• mitral cells are scattered over the entire surface of the olfactory bulb
• olfactory innervation is altered with reduced number of connections in the olfactory bulb
• the olfactory nerves are not organized into distinct tracts, instead, they are loosely packed and scattered in the mesenchyme of the nasal cavity or present as clumps of fibers
• very few olfactory nerves reach the olfactory bulb

respiratory system
• the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates are not clearly defined
• present as masses of tissues
• severe alterations in the morphology of the nasal cavity
• the nasal septum appears more bulbous
• the olfactory epithelium is thinner at E14.5 and at birth
• the olfactory receptor neuron in the epithelium is less differentiated at E16.5 and at birth than in wild-type mice, and remains rounded in shape and euchromatic
• at E14.5, many mature olfactory receptor neurons are randomly found all over the mesenchyme

• protrusion of the olfactory bulb into the nasal cavity through the ethmoid bone is accompanied by breakage of the cribriform plate
• breakage of the cribriform plate
• the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates are not clearly defined
• present as masses of tissues
• unilateral cleft of the lip
• observed in all mutants
• severe alterations in the morphology of the nasal cavity
• the nasal septum appears more bulbous
• the olfactory epithelium is thinner at E14.5 and at birth
• the olfactory receptor neuron in the epithelium is less differentiated at E16.5 and at birth than in wild-type mice, and remains rounded in shape and euchromatic
• at E14.5, many mature olfactory receptor neurons are randomly found all over the mesenchyme

• protrusion of the olfactory bulb into the nasal cavity through the ethmoid bone is accompanied by breakage of the cribriform plate
• breakage of the cribriform plate
• the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates are not clearly defined
• present as masses of tissues

• the olfactory epithelium is thinner at E14.5 and at birth
• the olfactory receptor neuron in the epithelium is less differentiated at E16.5 and at birth than in wild-type mice, and remains rounded in shape and euchromatic
• at E14.5, many mature olfactory receptor neurons are randomly found all over the mesenchyme

digestive/alimentary system
• observed in all mutants

• the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates are not clearly defined
• present as masses of tissues
• unilateral cleft of the lip
• observed in all mutants
• severe alterations in the morphology of the nasal cavity
• the nasal septum appears more bulbous
• the olfactory epithelium is thinner at E14.5 and at birth
• the olfactory receptor neuron in the epithelium is less differentiated at E16.5 and at birth than in wild-type mice, and remains rounded in shape and euchromatic
• at E14.5, many mature olfactory receptor neurons are randomly found all over the mesenchyme

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• all homozygotes die within 24 hours of birth due to respiratory difficulty

respiratory system
• severely affected homozygotes die of respiratory distress
• when recovered by C-section, homozygotes with cleft palate and cleft lip can be stimulated to breathe regularly by mechanical stimulation; however, when stimulation is terminated, homozygotes become gradually cyanotic and die within a few hours
• homozygotes without cleft lip and a relatively narrow cleft palate are able to breathe normally, but if placed with a foster mother they die within 24 hrs from starvation

• either one or both maxillary processes fail to grow to the midline, leaving the medial nasal processes exposed
• at birth, 13 of 30 homozygotes show cleft lip and palate
• 7 of these 13 homozygotes display bilateral cleft lip, 2 show left-sided cleft lip, and 2 show right-sided cleft lip; the side affected was not noted in the remaining 2 cases
• 7 of 13 homozygotes display bilateral cleft lip
• 2 show left-sided cleft lip and 2 show right-sided cleft lip
• at birth, 13 of 30 homozygotes show cleft lip and palate; the remaining 17 show normal lips with cleft palate
• cleft palate is usually median or bilateral, although 2 left-sided and 2 right-sided clefts were also observed
• one of the left-sided clefts occurred with a left-sided cleft lip; in other unilateral cases, no cleft lip was observed

• either one or both maxillary processes fail to grow to the midline, leaving the medial nasal processes exposed

• homozygotes without cleft lip and a relatively narrow cleft palate are able to breathe normally, but if placed with a foster mother they die within 24 hrs from starvation
• in contrast, unaffected siblings recovered by C-section and placed with foster mothers feed and grow normally

digestive/alimentary system
• either one or both maxillary processes fail to grow to the midline, leaving the medial nasal processes exposed
• at birth, 13 of 30 homozygotes show cleft lip and palate; the remaining 17 show normal lips with cleft palate
• cleft palate is usually median or bilateral, although 2 left-sided and 2 right-sided clefts were also observed
• one of the left-sided clefts occurred with a left-sided cleft lip; in other unilateral cases, no cleft lip was observed
• some homozygotes with cleft lip and palate swallow large amounts of air in the stomach and intestines

• either one or both maxillary processes fail to grow to the midline, leaving the medial nasal processes exposed
• at birth, 13 of 30 homozygotes show cleft lip and palate
• 7 of these 13 homozygotes display bilateral cleft lip, 2 show left-sided cleft lip, and 2 show right-sided cleft lip; the side affected was not noted in the remaining 2 cases
• 7 of 13 homozygotes display bilateral cleft lip
• 2 show left-sided cleft lip and 2 show right-sided cleft lip
• at birth, 13 of 30 homozygotes show cleft lip and palate; the remaining 17 show normal lips with cleft palate
• cleft palate is usually median or bilateral, although 2 left-sided and 2 right-sided clefts were also observed
• one of the left-sided clefts occurred with a left-sided cleft lip; in other unilateral cases, no cleft lip was observed
• some homozygotes with cleft lip and palate swallow large amounts of air in the stomach and intestines

• homozygotes exhibit abnormal inner ears

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Inner ear morphology, hearing thresholds, and otoconia of Zeb1Tw/Zeb1+ and Zeb1Tw/Zeb1Tw mice

• starting at 7 weeks of age mice consume 15 - 20% more food

• in adults

adipose tissue

• slight glucose intolerance in females at 15 weeks of age
• in females at 15 weeks of age
• elevated in the serum

• average length of the cochlear duct is 91% that of wild-type controls
• the contours of the canals are irregular due to small bulges and projections
• the non-ampullated ends are irregular or constricted
• utricles have giant otoconia visible by scanning electron microscopy
• increase in the binaural average ABR thresholds at 1 month of age

hematopoietic system
• in adults
• decrease in the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in adults
• in adults

immune system
• in adults
• decrease in the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in adults
• in adults

endocrine/exocrine glands
• in adults

involves: C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• heterozygotes display hyperactivity, twirling around the cage in periodic spurts
• heterozygotes exhibit bidirectional "twirling" or circling behavior

• most male and female heterozygotes become obese as they reach maturity
• onset of obesity varies from 2 months to 3 months of age in some heterozygotes
• young heterozygotes remain smaller than wild-type, despite normal feeding

reproductive system
• a less than 1:1 ratio of heterozygous (43.6%) to wild-type (56.4%) pups is obtained from matings of heterozygous males with wild-type females, suggesting increased lethality either in utero or prior to genotyping at 10 days after birth
• obese female heterozygotes tend to become sterile
• obese male heterozygotes breed at a reduced rate

• heterozygotes display inner ear defects (not shown)

• most heterozygotes display a lighter coat color than wild-type mice

• most heterozygotes display a lighter coat color than wild-type mice
• most heterozygotes have sparse hair

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• when allowed to grow up together, 2-month old male heterozygotes often begin to fight to such an extent that they must be either separated or sacrificed
• when lifted by the tail, heterozygotes flex their back, tuck their head under, and draw their limbs backwards
• in response to a downward falling movement, heterozygotes fail to thrust their forelimbs forward, indicating absence of a landing reaction
• heterozygotes display vertical head shaking less often than horizontal head shaking
• heterozygotes display head shaking in a horizontal plane, often combined with circling
• heterozygotes often exhibit circling combined with horizontal head shaking
• some heterozygous parents of both sexes are prone to attacking and killing their young during the first week of life, esp. after being stressed in some way

• heterozygotes are not deaf and generally display a normal cochlea
• 2 of 9 heterozygotes displayed abnormal cochlear duct morphology
• in one of these 2 heterozygotes, the left cochlear duct was normal but the right was hydropic, the organ of Corti was disorganized, and the stria vascularis was missing
• in the other, both cochlear ducts were affected, the apical region was hydropic, the organ of Corti was abnormal, and the stria vascularis was missing form the right ear
• heterozygotes show a highly variable reduction or absence of the horizontal canal along with absence of otoliths and uneven contours of the vertical canals
• at the very least, the horizontal canal is present and only slightly decreased in length, while the otolith number is sometimes reduced
• however, the horizontal canal and ampulla are never entirely absent
• at the very least, the posterior vertical canal displays an abnormal contour
• the uneveness of outline progresses to formation of projections from the walls of the canal
• in severe cases, these projections form branches or duplications running from the canal to the utriculus or the common crus
• the horizontal ampulla is located more posteriorly than in normal mice
• the horizontal crista is always abnormal in shape and lies lateral to rather than anterior to the utricle macula
• in contrast, the ampullae and cristae of the vertical canals are normal
• the epithelium forming the horizontal crista is folded inwards rather than upwards, forming a pit instead of a ridge in the ventromedial part of the ampulla
• at the very least, the anterior vertical canal displays an abnormal contour
• the uneveness of outline progresses to formation of projections from the walls of the canal
• in severe cases, these projections form branches or duplications running from the canal to the utriculus or the common crus
• the arcuate fossa may be variably obliterated by branches from the anterior vertical canal
• in some ears, the lumen of the endolymphatic ducts is sligtly dilated, suggesting some excess of endolymphatic fluid
• when present, otoliths are often thinner than normal
• a reduction in otolith number is sometimes observed along with a slightly reduced lateral canal
• complete loss of otoliths is associated with severe reduction of the lateral canal and increasingly shortened and branched vertical canals
• 9 of 18 heterozygous ears lack both saccular and utricular otoliths, 7 show a normal saccular otolith with a thin utricular otolith in 3 cases, and the remaining 2 ears show a thin saccular otolith only

• starting at 3 months of age, adult heterozygotes display a tendency to become obese
• however, some heterozygotes exhibit a normal breeding life and remain slim
• a few heterozygotes lag behind their wild-type littermates in growth
• however, the growth of young heterozygotes is usually normal

adipose tissue
• obese heterozygotes display increased deposition of subcutaneous fat in the inguinal and neck regions and between the shoulder blades
• obese heterozygotes display increased abdominal fat deposition in the mesentery and around the kidneys, ovaries, and testes
• obese heterozygotes display increased deposition of subcutaneous fat in the inguinal region

reproductive system
• both sexes are fertile but become sterile if obesity sets in

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1tm1.1Ajg mutation (0 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Inner ear abnormalities in Zeb1tm1.1Ajg/Zeb1Tw mice

• shortening of the cochlear duct
• discontinuous or ruptured semicircular canals

• in 90% of mice

digestive/alimentary system
• in 90% of mice

• in 90% of mice

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Zeb1tm2Yhi mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
Zeb1Tw mutation (1 available); any Zeb1 mutation (65 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Inner ear abnormality in Zeb1tm2Yhi/Zeb1tm2Yhi and Zeb1tm2Yhi/Zeb1Tw mice

• the non-ampullated ends are irregular or constricted


Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory