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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
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targeted mutation 1, Frederik P Lindberg
Summary 7 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Cd47tm1Fpl/Cd47tm1Fpl B6.129S7-Cd47tm1Fpl MGI:4430388
Cd47tm1Fpl/Cd47tm1Fpl C.129S7-Cd47tm1Fpl MGI:4939896
Cd47tm1Fpl/Cd47tm1Fpl involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd MGI:2180896
Cd47tm1Fpl/Cd47tm1Fpl involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:4939899
Cd47tm1Fpl/Cd47tm1Fpl NOD.129S7-Cd47tm1Fpl MGI:4939898
Cd47tm1Fpl/Cd47+ B6.129S7-Cd47tm1Fpl MGI:2180897
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S/SvEv * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:5538575

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• following i.p. injection of 5 x 104 virulent E.coli (018:K1:H7), all 8-week-old homozygotes die at 2 days after challenge, whereas all heterozygous littermates survive the infection

immune system
• reduced formation of tartrate resistant alkaline phosphatase + (TRAP+) osteoclasts after stimulation with M-CSF/RANKL
• reduced number of TRAP+ ostoclasts in femoral bones of 18 week old mice, by 29%
• 37% reduction in osteoclast surface in the distal femoral metaphysis
• in vitro, bone marrow-derived homozygous mutant PMNs do not bind particles coated with the PMN beta3 integrin ligand peptide KGAGDVA (K,Lys; G, Gly; A, Ala; D, Asp; V, Val) and fail to generate an oxidative burst in response to surface-bound peptide
• in contrast, binding of C3bi-opsonized particles by homozygous mutant PMNs is normal
• the effector response of homozygous mutant PMNs to control stimuli phorbol dibutyrate and fMLP is also normal
• at 4 hrs after i.p. challenge with 3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), homozygotes display a reduced influx of both PMNs and other cells (mainly mononuclear leukocytes) relative to heterozygous littermates
• at 24 hrs after i.p. challenge with 4.3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), the % of PMNs in peritoneal lavages of homozygous mutant mice is reduced relative to that in heterozygous controls
• upon stimulation with eight-KGAGDVA-valent peptide (AGD, 20 ug/ml), bone marrow-derived homozygous mutant PMNs exhibit a significant reduction in IgG Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis relative to wild-type or heterozygous PMNs
• higher AGD concentrations (30-40 ug/ml) not only fail to activate but actually inhibit IgG Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis by homozygous mutant PMNs
• in vitro, purified PMNs from homozygous mutant mice display significant defects in several aspects of the antibacterial neutrophil activation process that lead to E. coli killing and effective host defense
• at 24 hrs after i.p. challenge with 4.3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), >100-fold more E. coli are recovered from the peritoneal cavities and spleens of homozygous mutant mice than from heterozygote controls, suggesting a reduced ability to control infection
• at 24 hrs after E. coli challenge, all homozygotes display more signs of severe infection than control littermates, including hunched posture, ruffled fur, hypothermia, impaired ambulation, and lethargy
• following i.p. injection of 5 x 104 virulent E.coli (018:K1:H7), all 8-week-old homozygotes die at 2 days after challenge, whereas all heterozygous littermates survive the infection

hematopoietic system
• mild thrombocytopenia
• reduced formation of tartrate resistant alkaline phosphatase + (TRAP+) osteoclasts after stimulation with M-CSF/RANKL
• reduced number of TRAP+ ostoclasts in femoral bones of 18 week old mice, by 29%
• 37% reduction in osteoclast surface in the distal femoral metaphysis
• in vitro, bone marrow-derived homozygous mutant PMNs do not bind particles coated with the PMN beta3 integrin ligand peptide KGAGDVA (K,Lys; G, Gly; A, Ala; D, Asp; V, Val) and fail to generate an oxidative burst in response to surface-bound peptide
• in contrast, binding of C3bi-opsonized particles by homozygous mutant PMNs is normal
• the effector response of homozygous mutant PMNs to control stimuli phorbol dibutyrate and fMLP is also normal
• at 4 hrs after i.p. challenge with 3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), homozygotes display a reduced influx of both PMNs and other cells (mainly mononuclear leukocytes) relative to heterozygous littermates
• at 24 hrs after i.p. challenge with 4.3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), the % of PMNs in peritoneal lavages of homozygous mutant mice is reduced relative to that in heterozygous controls
• upon stimulation with eight-KGAGDVA-valent peptide (AGD, 20 ug/ml), bone marrow-derived homozygous mutant PMNs exhibit a significant reduction in IgG Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis relative to wild-type or heterozygous PMNs
• higher AGD concentrations (30-40 ug/ml) not only fail to activate but actually inhibit IgG Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis by homozygous mutant PMNs
• in vitro, purified PMNs from homozygous mutant mice display significant defects in several aspects of the antibacterial neutrophil activation process that lead to E. coli killing and effective host defense
• platelets show a considerably shorter half life when injected in wild-type recipients

• reduced formation of tartrate resistant alkaline phosphatase + (TRAP+) osteoclasts after stimulation with M-CSF/RANKL
• reduced number of TRAP+ ostoclasts in femoral bones of 18 week old mice, by 29%
• 37% reduction in osteoclast surface in the distal femoral metaphysis

• platelets show a considerably shorter half life when injected in wild-type recipients

• increased immobility times on second day of forced swimming test

• at 4 hrs after i.p. challenge with 3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), homozygotes display a reduced influx of both PMNs and other cells (mainly mononuclear leukocytes) relative to heterozygous littermates
• at 24 hrs after i.p. challenge with 4.3 x 104 virulent E. coli (018:K1:H7), the % of PMNs in peritoneal lavages of homozygous mutant mice is reduced relative to that in heterozygous controls
• upon stimulation with eight-KGAGDVA-valent peptide (AGD, 20 ug/ml), bone marrow-derived homozygous mutant PMNs exhibit a significant reduction in IgG Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis relative to wild-type or heterozygous PMNs
• higher AGD concentrations (30-40 ug/ml) not only fail to activate but actually inhibit IgG Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis by homozygous mutant PMNs

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• reduced retention 3 hours after inhibitory avoidance training

nervous system
• significantly reduced slope of population excitatory postsynaptic potential upon tetanic stimulation
• population spike amplitudes are lower

hematopoietic system
• mild thrombocytopenia
• reduced formation of tartrate resistant alkaline phosphatase + (TRAP+) osteoclasts after stimulation with M-CSF/RANKL
• reduced number of TRAP+ ostoclasts in femoral bones of 18 week old mice, by 29%
• 37% reduction in osteoclast surface in the distal femoral metaphysis
• platelets show a considerably shorter half life when injected in wild-type recipients

• reduced formation of tartrate resistant alkaline phosphatase + (TRAP+) osteoclasts after stimulation with M-CSF/RANKL
• reduced number of TRAP+ ostoclasts in femoral bones of 18 week old mice, by 29%
• 37% reduction in osteoclast surface in the distal femoral metaphysis

• electroretinograms are normal

• platelets show a considerably shorter half life when injected in wild-type recipients

immune system
• reduced formation of tartrate resistant alkaline phosphatase + (TRAP+) osteoclasts after stimulation with M-CSF/RANKL
• reduced number of TRAP+ ostoclasts in femoral bones of 18 week old mice, by 29%
• 37% reduction in osteoclast surface in the distal femoral metaphysis

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• homozygotes display a reduction in the CD3+ fraction of peripheral lymphocytes relative to control littermates
• however, no significant differences in platelet, PMN or WBC count are observed relative to wild-type or heterozygous controls at all ages tested
• neutrophil infiltration into ischemic regions is considerably reduced

nervous system
• fewer hippocampal neurons with an enlarged growth cone at the end of the primary axon
• hippocampal neurons in culture develop fewer dendrites than do controls after 3-7 days
• reduced branching of dendrites at 3-7 but not at 14-21 days
• total length of dendrites is markedly reduced at 3 and 7 days in culture
• ischemic swelling after occlusion/reperfusion in the brain is similar to controls at 24 hours but does not undergo further development as it does in controls
• infarct volume, corrected for hemispheric swelling is considerably smaller than in controls at both 24 and 72 hours
• neutrophil infiltration into ischemic regions is considerably reduced

• normal cutaneous architecture is maintained in myocutaneous skin flap preparations
• improved myocutaneous skin flap survival 7 days after the surgery as compared to controls
• reduced necrosis

• better tissue survival after proximal ligation of the external iliac and common femoral
• minimal or no clinical evidence of tissue necrosis
• increased vascular remodeling and vascular perfusion by 1 week after the operation

cardiovascular system
• increased vascular remodeling and vascular perfusion by proximal ligation of the external iliac and common femoral

• mitochondrial function is maintained better 1 week after proximal ligation of the external iliac and common femoral artery than in controls

immune system
• homozygotes display a reduction in the CD3+ fraction of peripheral lymphocytes relative to control littermates
• however, no significant differences in platelet, PMN or WBC count are observed relative to wild-type or heterozygous controls at all ages tested
• neutrophil infiltration into ischemic regions is considerably reduced

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
respiratory system
• accumulation of excess fluid in the lungs 24 hours after intratracheal instillation with LPS or after lung infection with E. coli is reduced
• bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentrations reduced

hematopoietic system
• macrophage differentiation into osteoclasts is severely reduced in culture
• increased doses of RANKL increases osteoclast formation
• relative to controls after intratracheal instillation with LPS or after lung infection with E. coli
• relative to controls after intratracheal instillation with LPS or after lung infection with E. coli
• significantly reduced relative to controls in both blood and bronchoalveolar lavage after intratracheal instillation with LPS
• significantly reduced relative to controls in both blood and bronchoalveolar lavage after intratracheal instillation with LPS or after lung infection with E. coli

• macrophage differentiation into osteoclasts is severely reduced in culture
• increased doses of RANKL increases osteoclast formation
• by microCT analysis
• thickness but not number is increased in tibias
• reduced cleavage of type I collagen
• osteoclast bone resorption is reduced unless RANKL concentration is elevated

cardiovascular system
• in active light cycle
• increased 15% relative to controls under isofluorane anaesthesia
• in active light cycle
• peripheral diastolic pressure is significantly increased
• peripheral systolic blood pressure is significantly increased

• hair is preserved after 25 Gy irradiation
• minimal or no skin ulceration 8 weeks after irradiation
• hair follicles and skin architecture are better preserved than in controls

• no leg muscle atrophy after irradiation
• limb flexibility maintained
• less loss of muscle fibers and nuclei after irradiation

• accumulation of excess fluid in the lungs 24 hours after intratracheal instillation with LPS or after lung infection with E. coli is reduced
• bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentrations reduced
• MIP-2 levels in bronchoalveolar fluid are reduced 4 hours after LPS challenge but not after 24 hours
• levels in bronchoalveolar fluid are reduced 4 hours after LPS challenge but not after 24 hours

immune system
• macrophage differentiation into osteoclasts is severely reduced in culture
• increased doses of RANKL increases osteoclast formation
• significantly reduced relative to controls in both blood and bronchoalveolar lavage after intratracheal instillation with LPS
• significantly reduced relative to controls in both blood and bronchoalveolar lavage after intratracheal instillation with LPS or after lung infection with E. coli
• MIP-2 levels in bronchoalveolar fluid are reduced 4 hours after LPS challenge but not after 24 hours
• levels in bronchoalveolar fluid are reduced 4 hours after LPS challenge but not after 24 hours
• enhanced survival 72 hours after E. coli infection with 5 x 10 6 CFU
• after E coli infection of the lungs, bacterial levels remain high in the lungs but are reduced in the blood

• fewer tumors develop in femur, tibia and mandible from B16-F10 melanoma cell injection

• enhanced survival 72 hours after E. coli infection with 5 x 10 6 CFU

• macrophage differentiation into osteoclasts is severely reduced in culture
• increased doses of RANKL increases osteoclast formation

nervous system
• exhibit normal neurite differentiation

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• death between 300 and 550 days from severe hemolytic anemia

hematopoietic system
• expanded erythroid cell numbers in vertebrae, sternum, rib tips and long bone marrow cavities
• severe and rapidly fatal hemolytic anemia develops between 180 and 280 days of age whereas NOD controls develop only a mildly hemolytic anemia at 300-550 days
• anemia is secondary to rapid destruction of RBC
• high levels of IgG and IgM on RBC of anemic mice
• expanded erythroid cell numbers in long bone marrow cavities
• hematocrit at 194 days is 33% of controls
• at 194 days
• massively enlarged spleen at death, 10X normal size
• majority of spleen cels are erythropoietic

immune system
• massively enlarged spleen at death, 10X normal size
• majority of spleen cels are erythropoietic

• massively enlarged spleen at death, 10X normal size

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• whereas all 8-week-old heterozygotes survive after i.p. injection of 5 x 104 virulent E.coli (018:K1:H7), some heterozygotes succumb to infection when a 10-fold higher inoculum is used

immune system
• whereas all 8-week-old heterozygotes survive after i.p. injection of 5 x 104 virulent E.coli (018:K1:H7), some heterozygotes succumb to infection when a 10-fold higher inoculum is used

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S/SvEv * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Cd47tm1Fpl mutation (4 available); any Cd47 mutation (48 available)
Il2rgtm1Cgn mutation (4 available); any Il2rg mutation (178 available)
Rag2tm1Fwa mutation (45 available); any Rag2 mutation (119 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice exhibit a loss of CD4+ T cells and an increase in CD8+ T cells
• a high proportion of CD38+ CD8+ T cells appear activated in HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice
• spleen and lymph nodes lack lymphocytes
• HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice exhibit a loss of CD4+ T cells and an increase in CD8+ T cells
• mice fail to develop peripheral lymph nodes
• 54% of BLT transplanted mice inoculated intrarectally with HIV become infected with plasma viral titers peaking between 2 and 4 weeks
• 100% of transplanted mice inoculated intraperitoneally with HIV become infected
• HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice exhibit a loss of CD4+ T cells and an increase in CD8+ T cells
• a high proportion of CD8+ T cells appear activated in HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice
• infected mice produce HIV-specific antibodies and can mount HIV-specific T cell responses
• mice are tolerized to xenotransplantation with human bone marrow, liver, thymus (BLT)
• mice average 1x106 human leukocytes/mL blood 12 weeks after transplantation and levels remain stable or improve through 21 weeks
• >80% of leukocytes in peripheral circulation are human
• transplanted mice have higher levels of multipotent bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cells than mice heterozygous for the Cd47tm1Fpl allele
• GVHD is not evident in mice 25 weeks post-transplantation
• human thymic organoids are highly vascularized
• large and small intestines of transplanted mice contain CD4+ and CD8+ human T cells

hematopoietic system
• HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice exhibit a loss of CD4+ T cells and an increase in CD8+ T cells
• a high proportion of CD38+ CD8+ T cells appear activated in HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice
• spleen and lymph nodes lack lymphocytes
• HIV-infected BLT transplanted mice exhibit a loss of CD4+ T cells and an increase in CD8+ T cells

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory