• die between E9.5 and E12.5
• accumulation of cells at the G0 - G1 phase
• reduced proliferation in the embryo as a whole and particularly in the liver at E12
• dramatic reduction in proliferation rate of MEFs from E10.5 embryos and proliferation potential is reduced with cell showing signs of premature senescence as early as after 2 passages in culture
• by E9.5 - E10.5, most or all mice display variable overall growth deficiency without signs of developmental arrest
• at E10.5, improper neural tube closure is seen
nervous system
• at E10.5, most likely the result of increased apoptosis
• apoptosis results in thinning of the telencephalic wall
• at E9.5 - E11.5, extensive cell death is seen specifically in the developing CNS with apoptosis predominantly occurring in the mantle zone of the hindbrain and spinal cord neuroepithelium
• at E10.5, improper neural tube closure is seen
• by E9.5 - E10.5, most or all mice display variable overall growth deficiency without signs of developmental arrest