• homozygotes die perinatally, as a result of craniorachischisis
nervous system
• in the apex at E16.5, the kinocilium is found in abnormal positions
• at E8.5 (~10 somite stage), homozygotes fail to initiate neural tube closure in the prospective cervical region (closure-1)
• however, neural tube closure in the forebrain and rostral midbrain occurs normally
• at E12.5, the neural tube is open from the midbrain/hindbrain boundary throughout the spine
• at E18.5, homozygotes display extensive rotation of OHC stereociliary bundles along the entire length of the cochlear duct
• orientation of OHC bundles is random, including some bundles with a rotation of ~180 relative to the normal plane of orientation
• in the apex, OHC bundle misorientation is noted as early as E16.5
• in contrast, IHC stereociliary bundle orientation remains unaffected
• homozygotes exhibit severe defects in planar cell polarity of the sensory epithelium
• in the apex at E16.5, the kinocilium is found in abnormal positions
• at E18.5, homozygotes display extensive rotation of OHC stereociliary bundles along the entire length of the cochlear duct
• orientation of OHC bundles is random, including some bundles with a rotation of ~180 relative to the normal plane of orientation
• in the apex, OHC bundle misorientation is noted as early as E16.5
• in contrast, IHC stereociliary bundle orientation remains unaffected
• homozygous fetuses often exhibit a delay or failure of eyelid closure
• at E17.5, homozygotes exhibit absence of eyelids
• at E8.5 (~10 somite stage), homozygotes fail to initiate neural tube closure in the prospective cervical region (closure-1)
• however, neural tube closure in the forebrain and rostral midbrain occurs normally
• at E12.5, the neural tube is open from the midbrain/hindbrain boundary throughout the spine
• in the apex at E16.5, the kinocilium is found in abnormal positions