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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Joseph R Nevins
Summary 2 genotypes
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E2f4tm1Jrn/E2f4tm1Jrn involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3722645
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S1/Sv * BALB/c * C57BL/6 MGI:3722671

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
E2f4tm1Jrn mutation (0 available); any E2f4 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• a few older homozygotes died unexpectedly with signs of hemorrhaging
• most homozygotes die during the first weeks of life, although some can survive to adulthood, especially if they are from smaller litters

• heads are somewhat wider
• body weight of 3-6 month old homozygotes is about 50% that of wild-type

• mutants are more sensitive to handling
• mutants frequently chirp or chatter

• heads are somewhat wider

cardiovascular system
• seen in a few of the surviving older mice

reproductive system

digestive/alimentary system
• reduction in the thickness of the gut epithelium that normally gives rise to crypts
• in some cases, an increase in the numbers of mucin-secreting cells is seen in the distal-most part of the small intestine
• at P18, the crypts are reduced in depth and less developed
• the colon exhibits an increase in the number of goblet cells on the intestinal luminal surface and an increase in size and number of mucin vacuoles within the goblet cells
• lamina propria underlying the villi is reduced in thickness
• the distal small intestine exhibits numerous and aberrantly distributed cells with prominent vacuoles
• the lining of the intestine is composed of shorter, slimmer and less tightly packed villi
• in some cases, an increase in the numbers of goblet cells is seen in the distal-most part of the small intestine
• villi are shorter and slimmer

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at P18, the crypts are reduced in depth and less developed
• the colon exhibits an increase in the number of goblet cells on the intestinal luminal surface and an increase in size and number of mucin vacuoles within the goblet cells
• thymic cellularity is reduced, with a 10-fold reduction in thymocytes
• thymus shows a 10-fold reduction in thymocytes

hematopoietic system
• thymic cellularity is reduced, with a 10-fold reduction in thymocytes
• thymus shows a 10-fold reduction in thymocytes
• reduced numbers of mature cells in the various compartments of the hematopoietic lineage with increased proportions of more immature cells
• thymus has increased numbers of double-negative cells (12.4% vs 7.6% in controls)
• thymus is deficient in double-positive cells (56.5% vs. 78.8% in controls)
• mutants surviving to adulthood are mildly anemic
• decrease in Ter119+ cells in the bone marrow suggesting that the anemia is due to a reduction of red blood cell precursors in the marrow
• mutants surviving to adulthood have modestly reduced hematocrits (39.1% vs 45% for controls)
• newborns and mutants surviving to adulthood have a high number of erythrocytes containing nuclear fragments termed Howell-Jolly bodies
• red blood cells are more severely macrocytic and polychromatic in newborns and mutants surviving to adulthood show an increase in mean erythrocyte volume
• a higher proportion of granulocyte precursors (blasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes) are seen in the marrow compared to wild-type
• several mutants have a paucity of mature granulocytes in the peripheral blood
• greater proportion of natural killer cells in the bone marrow of pups (5.2% vs. 2.3% in controls)
• newborns show a prevalence of nucleated red blood cells, reticulocytes and cells containing Howell-Jolly bodies
• bone marrow of P3 mice shows a reduction in erythroid precursors and a predominance of early myeloid elements, many of which are dysplastic

immune system
• thymic cellularity is reduced, with a 10-fold reduction in thymocytes
• thymus shows a 10-fold reduction in thymocytes
• thymus has increased numbers of double-negative cells (12.4% vs 7.6% in controls)
• thymus is deficient in double-positive cells (56.5% vs. 78.8% in controls)
• a higher proportion of granulocyte precursors (blasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes) are seen in the marrow compared to wild-type
• several mutants have a paucity of mature granulocytes in the peripheral blood
• greater proportion of natural killer cells in the bone marrow of pups (5.2% vs. 2.3% in controls)

• severe skin ulcers or abscesses are seen in a few of the surviving older mice

• the colon exhibits an increase in the number of goblet cells on the intestinal luminal surface and an increase in size and number of mucin vacuoles within the goblet cells
• in some cases, an increase in the numbers of goblet cells is seen in the distal-most part of the small intestine

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S1/Sv * BALB/c * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
E2f4tm1Jrn mutation (0 available); any E2f4 mutation (21 available)
E2f5tm1Dli mutation (1 available); any E2f5 mutation (13 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• no homozygotes are identified at birth, however the expected numbers are seen at E13.5-E14.5

• isolated embryonic fibroblasts proliferate normally and re-enter from G0 with normal kinetics, however they fail to arrest in G1 in response to Cdkn2a (p16INK4a)

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory