immune system
• reduced mobility of neutrophils in chemotaxis
• large lamellopodia formed normally by neutrophiles in chemotaxis were absent and neutrophils are unable to move along a chemotactic gradient
• reduced ability of leukocytes to emigrate in response to inflammatory stimuli
• reduced numbers of small lymphocytes in the peritoneum
• expanded numbers of macrophage in the peritoneum
hematopoietic system
• reduced numbers of small lymphocytes in the peritoneum
• expanded numbers of macrophage in the peritoneum
• reduced mobility of neutrophils in chemotaxis
• large lamellopodia formed normally by neutrophiles in chemotaxis were absent and neutrophils are unable to move along a chemotactic gradient
• reduced ability of leukocytes to emigrate in response to inflammatory stimuli
• reduced mobility of neutrophils in chemotaxis
• large lamellopodia formed normally by neutrophiles in chemotaxis were absent and neutrophils are unable to move along a chemotactic gradient
• reduced ability of leukocytes to emigrate in response to inflammatory stimuli