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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
Allele Name
Allele ID
targeted mutation 1, Tara Seshadri
Summary 13 genotypes

B10.Cg-Casp1tm1Sesh Casp4del H2r H2-T18b
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes exhibit increased resistance to Salmonella infection with an oral S. typhimurium 50% lethal dose (LD50) that is 1,000-fold higher than that of wild-type mice
• following oral infection with an oral dose of S. typhimurium that is 100-fold higher than the LD50 in homozygotes, death occurs about 4 days later relative to wild-type mice

immune system
• following oral infection, Salmonella breachs the M cell barrier of mutant mice efficiently; however, homozygotes show a significant reduction in the number of intracellular bacteria and the recruitment of polymorphonuclear lymphocytes in Peyer's patches relative to wild-type mice
• in vitro, mutant macrophages are not inherently different in their capacity to kill Salmonella relative to wild-type-derived macrophages
• following oral infection, Salmonella fails disseminate systemically with significantly reduced colonization in the Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleens after an oral dose of S. typhimurium that is 100-fold higher than the LD50; in homozygotes, death occurs about 4 days later relative to wild-type mice
• notably, homozygotes and wild-type mice are equally susceptible to intraperitoneally injected Salmonella (100 SL1344 bacteria), exhibiting comparable spleen colonization and mortality
• in addition, homozygotes and wild-type are equally susceptible to colonization by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, another enteric pathogen that normally invades the Peyer's patches
• homozygotes exhibit increased resistance to Salmonella infection with an oral S. typhimurium 50% lethal dose (LD50) that is 1,000-fold higher than that of wild-type mice
• following oral infection with an oral dose of S. typhimurium that is 100-fold higher than the LD50 in homozygotes, death occurs about 4 days later relative to wild-type mice

• after an oral dose of S. typhimurium that is 100-fold higher than the LD50, homozygotes show significantly less apoptotic cells in Peyer's patches (PP); in contrast, increased apoptosis in wild-type PP correlates with colonization

B6.129S2-Casp1tm1Sesh Casp4del
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
Slc11a1s mutation (0 available); any Slc11a1 mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• macrophages are resistant to cytotoxicity induced by in vitro Salmonella infection
• mice succumb more rapidly than controls to 108 CFU of Salmonella with a median survival time of 6 days compared to 8 days for controls
• there is an average 30-fold-higher bacterial loads in infected Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleens than in the infected organs of wild-type animals

hematopoietic system
• macrophages are resistant to cytotoxicity induced by in vitro Salmonella infection

B6.129S2(NOD)-Casp1tm1Sesh Casp4del
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock

immune system
• impaired cell death in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, CTB and E. coli
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• from LPS-primed bone marrow-derived macrophage in response to ATP, C. difficile, CTB and E. coli
• LPS-primed bone marrow-derived macrophages fail to produce IL1b and IL18 in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, cholera toxin B (CTB) or E. coli unlike controls
• LPS-primed bone marrow-derived macrophages fail to produce IL1b and IL18 in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, cholera toxin B (CTB) or E. coli unlike controls
• mice are resistant to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock with reduced mortality and serum levels of IL1b, IL1a and IL18

• of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) after oral rotavirus inoculation of 8 day old pups
• impaired cell death in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, CTB and E. coli

• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock

hematopoietic system
• impaired cell death in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, CTB and E. coli

C3.129S2-Casp1tm1Sesh Casp4del
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• following infection with Sterne 34F2 strain of Bacillus anthracis

immune system
• macrophages exhibit impaired ability to kill Bacillus anthracis compared with wild-type cells
• following exposure of macrophages to LPS or Bacillus anthracis spores
• following infection with Sterne 34F2 strain of Bacillus anthracis, mice exhibit increased mortality and reduced clearing compared with similarly treated wild-type mice
• following infection with Sterne 34F2 strain of Bacillus anthracis

hematopoietic system
• macrophages exhibit impaired ability to kill Bacillus anthracis compared with wild-type cells

C3N.129S2-Casp1tm1Sesh Casp4del
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• following inoculation with neurovirulent ts-1 MuLV, both homozygotes and their respective control heterozygote littermates develop hind limb paralysis with comparable latencies and spongiform lesions of comparable severity
• lack of protection from MuLV-induced neurodegeneration suggests that pathways of neuronal cell death induced by ts-1 MuLV and hypoxia or ischemia are not identical

involves: 129 * 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• freshly isolated peritoneal exudate cells (neutrophils and B cells) secrete less IL-1beta in response to LPS than in controls
• IL-1beta response to soluble FasL is similar to controls

involves: 129S1/SvImJ * 129S2/SvPas * NOD
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• Casp1-deficient bone marrow-derived macrophages that are homozygous for the 129S1 Nlrp1b transgene are highly resistant to necrosis induced by B. antracis lethal toxin (LeTx) while Casp1-heterozygous mice that are homozygous for the 129S1 Nlrp1b allele show a high susceptibility to necrosis from LeTx

hematopoietic system
• Casp1-deficient bone marrow-derived macrophages that are homozygous for the 129S1 Nlrp1b transgene are highly resistant to necrosis induced by B. antracis lethal toxin (LeTx) while Casp1-heterozygous mice that are homozygous for the 129S1 Nlrp1b allele show a high susceptibility to necrosis from LeTx

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Nlrp1aNeut1 mutation (0 available); any Nlrp1a mutation (64 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• no neutrophilia or inflammatory disease
• no loss of macrophage progenitor cells


involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• heterozygotes are slightly impaired in their capacity to produce mature IL-1beta: ex vivo, heterozygous peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATP release 50% of wild-type IL-1beta levels
• no decrease in pro-IL-1beta synthesis or release is detected

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes are viable and healthy with no signs of histological abnormalities in major organs; no spontaneous tumors are detected until the age of 25 weeks (J:22964)
• homozygotes remain tumor-free at the age of 18 months (J:40691)

• macrophages and thymocytes from mutant mice retain their capacity to undergo apoptosis upon ex vivo stimulation by several different signals (J:22964)
• in response to ATP, mutant peritoneal macrophages undergo normal apoptosis relative to wild-type (J:40691)
• in response to dexamethasone, aging or gamma irradiation, thymocytes from young homozygotes undergo normal apoptosis relative to wild-type (J:40691)
• in response to LPS and D-galactosamine, homozygotes undergo normal TNF-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and show normal kinetics of death from hepatic failure relative to wild-type mice (J:40691)
• mutant peripheral blood neutrophils display retarded constitutive apoptosis relative to wild-type neutrophils
• mutant peripheral blood neutrophils show no LPS-mediated inhibition of apoptosis but remain susceptible to Fas-mediated apoptosis
• in vitro, thymocytes from young homozygotes are resistant to Fas-induced apoptosis as measured by cell viability
• cultured cerebrocortical neurons from homozygotes are highly resistant to oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD)-induced neuronal cell death, showing only 50% of lactate dehydrogenase release relative to wild-type neurons
• also, mutant neurons are highly resistant to Ripk2-mediated cell death; transfecting caspase-1 into mutant neurons restores sensitivity to Ripk2-induced apoptosis
• notably, cultured neurons show inhibition of OGD-mediated processing of various members of the caspase pathway, cleavage of Bid, and hypoxia-associated loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential; in vivo, these findings are confirmed in a cerebral ischemia model
• in homozygotes lacking bioactive IL-1beta, IL-18 fails to induce the expected migration of epidermal Langerhans cells to draining lymph nodes following skin sensitization; as a result, immunostimulatory dendritic cells fail to accumulate in regional lymph nodes resulting in impaired initiation of cutaneous immune responses

hematopoietic system
• homozygotes exhibit normal numbers of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets in peripheral blood
• freshly isolated mutant thymuses, spleens and lymph nodes contain a normal % of various T cell subsets and B cells relative to wild-type
• in vitro, thymocytes from young homozygotes are resistant to Fas-induced apoptosis as measured by cell viability
• in addition to delayed apoptosis, mutant neutrophils show absence of LPS-stimulated IL-1beta production relative to wild-type
• in response to LPS-mediated acute lung injury, homozygotes show significantly increased total and percent neutrophil counts at 24 and 48 h; however, these numbers decline to wild-type levels by 72 h suggesting a delay in inflammatory neutrophil apoptosis
• ex vivo, thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATP are defective in IL-1beta processing and release

immune system
• in homozygotes, the % of B lymphocytes and the various T lymphocyte subsets found in mutant thymuses, spleens and lymph nodes appear unaffected relative to wild-type
• the size and lymphocyte counts in these lymphoid organs appear normal; myeolopoiesis remains unaffected
• in vitro, thymocytes from young homozygotes are resistant to Fas-induced apoptosis as measured by cell viability
• in addition to delayed apoptosis, mutant neutrophils show absence of LPS-stimulated IL-1beta production relative to wild-type
• in response to LPS-mediated acute lung injury, homozygotes show significantly increased total and percent neutrophil counts at 24 and 48 h; however, these numbers decline to wild-type levels by 72 h suggesting a delay in inflammatory neutrophil apoptosis
• ex vivo, thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATP are defective in IL-1beta processing and release
• LPS-treated mice show a 5-fold decrease in IL-1alpha levels in vivo
• in vivo, homozygous males injected with a high dose of LPS display undetectable levels of mature IL-1beta in their plasma; females are slightly less affected
• after injection with a high dose of LPS, homozygotes display a moderate reduction in IL-6 levels relative to wild-type mice
• after injection with a high dose of LPS, homozygotes display a moderate reduction in TNF levels relative to wild-type mice
• surprisingly, homozygous males are also defective in IL-1alpha production, with macrophages releasing only 20-25% of wild-type IL-1alpha levels after stimulation with LPS and ATP ex vivo
• homozygotes are impaired in their capacity to produce mature IL-1beta (J:22964)
• ex vivo, mutant peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATP release less that 1% of wild-type IL-1beta levels; however, no decrease in pro-IL-1beta synthesis or release is detected (J:22964)
• in culture, mutant cortical neurons exhibit inhibition of hypoxia-mediated generation of mature IL-1beta (J:88212)
• in response to LPS-mediated acute lung injury, homozygotes exhibit a prolonged neutrophilic inflammatory response and evidence of caspase-1-independent IL-1beta production in the lung
• strikingly, homozygotes are significantly resistant to the lethal effects of endotoxic shock after a high dose of LPS (J:22964)
• whereas all LPS-treated wild-type mice die within 30 hours after injection, all homozygotes survive for >45 hours, with only 30% of mutants dying during the next 5 days (J:22964)

reproductive system
• homozygotes are fertile and produce a normal litter size relative to wild-type (J:22964)
• in addition, post-lactation involution of mammary glands remains grossly normal in mutant post-partum females (J:22964)

nervous system
• cultured cerebrocortical neurons from homozygotes are highly resistant to oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD)-induced neuronal cell death, showing only 50% of lactate dehydrogenase release relative to wild-type neurons
• also, mutant neurons are highly resistant to Ripk2-mediated cell death; transfecting caspase-1 into mutant neurons restores sensitivity to Ripk2-induced apoptosis
• notably, cultured neurons show inhibition of OGD-mediated processing of various members of the caspase pathway, cleavage of Bid, and hypoxia-associated loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential; in vivo, these findings are confirmed in a cerebral ischemia model
• under mild lesioning conditions (right carotid ligation plus 40 min 10% O2), newborn homozygotes show attenuated hypoxia-ischemia induced CCL2 (chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2; also, MCP-1) expression at 8 h post-hypoxia relative to wild-type; no genotype differences in CCL2 production are observed in animals undergoing longer periods of hypoxia-ischemia (severe insult) (J:69589)
• following right carotid artery ligation, newborn homozygotes (P9-P10) are resistant to moderate, but not to severe cerebral hypoxic-ischemic insults relative to wild-type mice (J:98866)

• LPS-treated mice show a 5-fold decrease in IL-1alpha levels in vivo
• in vivo, homozygous males injected with a high dose of LPS display undetectable levels of mature IL-1beta in their plasma; females are slightly less affected
• after injection with a high dose of LPS, homozygotes display a moderate reduction in IL-6 levels relative to wild-type mice
• after injection with a high dose of LPS, homozygotes display a moderate reduction in TNF levels relative to wild-type mice
• under mild lesioning conditions (right carotid ligation plus 40 min 10% O2), newborn homozygotes show attenuated hypoxia-ischemia induced CCL2 (chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2; also, MCP-1) expression at 8 h post-hypoxia relative to wild-type; no genotype differences in CCL2 production are observed in animals undergoing longer periods of hypoxia-ischemia (severe insult) (J:69589)
• following right carotid artery ligation, newborn homozygotes (P9-P10) are resistant to moderate, but not to severe cerebral hypoxic-ischemic insults relative to wild-type mice (J:98866)

cardiovascular system
• mice exhibit normal response to carotid ligation

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * NOD/ShiLtJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
Tg(Casp4)#Gne mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• impaired cell death in response to ATP and Clostridium difficile toxin B
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• from LPS-primed bone marrow-derived macrophage in response to ATP and C. difficile
• however, IL1a secretion is restored in response to CTB and E. coli
• LPS-primed bone marrow-derived macrophages fail to produce IL1b and IL18 in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, cholera toxin B (CTB) or E. coli unlike controls
• LPS-primed bone marrow-derived macrophages fail to produce IL1b and IL18 in response to ATP, Clostridium difficile toxin B, cholera toxin B (CTB) or E. coli unlike controls
• mice treated with LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock exhibit reduced serum levels of IL1b and IL18 compared with controls
• however, mice do not survive beyond 26 hours and serum levels of IL1a are increased

• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock
• in response to LPS challenge in a model of acute septic shock

• impaired cell death in response to ATP and Clostridium difficile toxin B

hematopoietic system
• impaired cell death in response to ATP and Clostridium difficile toxin B

involves: 129/Sv * 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
Slc11a1r mutation (2 available); any Slc11a1 mutation (40 available)
Slc11a1s mutation (0 available); any Slc11a1 mutation (40 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mice succumb to 2x1010 CFU Salmonella infection with a median survival of 20 days compared to no death by infection for the control mice

NOD.129S2(B6)-Casp1tm1Sesh Casp4del/LtJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Casp1tm1Sesh mutation (5 available); any Casp1 mutation (42 available)
Casp4del mutation (5 available); any Casp4 mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• cultured LPS-stimulated bone marrow derived macrophages from homozygous mutants secrete 20%-30% less IL-1alpha relative to heterozygous or wild-type (NOD/Lt) mice
• cultured LPS-stimulated bone marrow derived macrophages from homozygous mutants secrete 4-fold less IL-1beta relative to heterozygous or wild-type (NOD/Lt) mice
• cultured LPS-stimulated bone marrow derived macrophages from homozygotes produce no immunoreactive IL18 relative to heterozygous or wild-type (NOD/Lt) mice

• homozygotes show no significant differences in the rate or in total incidence of diabetes relative to heterozygotes or wild-type (NOD/Lt) control mice
• weanling homozygotes injected with Complete Freund's adjuvant and young pre-diabetic males treated with multiple low dose streptozotocin behave similarly to control (wild-type, heterozygous, or NOD/Lt) mice

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
type 1 diabetes mellitus DOID:9744 OMIM:222100

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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