• heterozygotes die between E11 and E12
• at E10.5, mutant placentas exhibit a condensed vasculature with a degenerating endothelium lining the fetal capillaries
• at E9.5-E11.5, several heterozygotes display an apparent absence of blood supply in the yolk sac
• at E9.5-E11.5, vitelline veins fail to fuse with the yolk sac
• at E11.5, heterozygus mutant embryos exhibit significant apoptosis, consistent with a vascular deficit
• at E9.5-E12.5, heterozygotes display poorly developed and unsegmented branchial arches in the cranial region
• at E9.5-E11.5, the forelimb buds of heterozygotes are abnormally located at the earlier caudal position and appear unsegmented
• at E9.5-E11.5, heterozygotes show significantly less nucleated red blood cells in the blood islands
cardiovascular system
• at E10.5, heterozygotes display abnormal vascular patterns in the placenta and forebrain
• at E9.5-E11.5, heterozygotes exhibit a rudimentary dorsal aorta
• at E10.5, mutant placentas exhibit a condensed vasculature with a degenerating endothelium lining the fetal capillaries
• at E9.5-E11.5, several heterozygotes display an apparent absence of blood supply in the yolk sac
• at E9.5-E11.5, vitelline veins fail to fuse with the yolk sac
• at E9.5-E11.5, the common atrium and primitive ventricle are developmentally delayed
• at E10.5, heterozygotes show lack of myoblast differentiation in the cardiac region
• at E9.5-E11.5, heterozygotes show a significantly thinned ventricular wall
nervous system
• at E10.5, heterozygotes exhibit increased apoptosis and disorganization of neuroepithelial cells
• at E9.5-E11.5, heterozygotes display an underdeveloped forebrain region with vascular elements present in the mesenchyme but not in the neuroepithelium
• at E9.5-E11.5, the forelimb buds of heterozygotes are abnormally located at the earlier caudal position and appear unsegmented
• at E9.5-E12.5, heterozygotes display poorly developed and unsegmented branchial arches in the cranial region
• at E11.5, heterozygus mutant embryos exhibit significant apoptosis, consistent with a vascular deficit
• at E10.5, heterozygotes exhibit increased apoptosis and disorganization of neuroepithelial cells