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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Robert E Hill
Summary 3 genotypes
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Nkx3-2tm1Bobh/Nkx3-2tm1Bobh involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:2175716
Nkx3-2tm1Bobh/Nkx3-2+ involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3608884
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 MGI:3608887

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nkx3-2tm1Bobh mutation (0 available); any Nkx3-2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Skeletal phenotypes of E18.5 Nkx3-2tm1Bobh/Nkx3-2tm1Bobh fetuses

• homozygotes are present at the expected Mendelian frequencies at E17.5 and E18.5, but appear to die perinatally; no homozygotes are obtained at weaning
• no newborn homozygotes survive beyond the first few hours after birth (J:93802)

• homozygotes display a shortened body axis associated with axial skeleton defects in the ventromedial elements of vertebrae that develop around the notochord
• homozygotes exhibit abnormalities in bones of the basal skull (i.e. basioccipital and basisphenoid) associated with the notochord
• by E18.5, the mutant basioccipital bone appears significantly misshapen and reduced
• at E14.5 the number of cells at the midline of the mutant basioccipital bone is significantly decreased
• by E18.5, the mutant posterior basisphenoid bone is severely reduced
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit a malleus phenotype and lack the predicted malleal/incal fusions due to regulatory changes in genes involved in joint formation
• although elements of the malleus, such as the processus brevis and the manubrium appear normal, the width, but not the length, of the malleus is significantly decreased
• however, at E18.5, middle ear ossicle development is relatively normal, with the incus and stapes developing as wild-type with respect to both size and articulation
• at E18.5, all homozygotes lack a gonium, an investing bone that lies on the surface of the malleus
• at E18.5, mutant ribs appear to be tightly spaced and laterally extended but show no other abnormalities such as fusions or disruptions
• at E18.5, mutant vertebrae appear to be more highly compact along the entire vertebral column, with most vertebrae lacking an ossification center in the ventromedial region
• in contrast, mutant sterna remain unaffected, and the size and number of sternabra are comparable to those observed in wild-type mice
• at E18.5, the mutant caudal vertebrae are small and lack the anterior processes
• at E18.5, homozygotes display a midline clefting in the thoracic vertebrae immediately ventral to the region where the centra of vertebral bodies normally form
• in the thoracic region, vertebral bodies exhibit a narrow ventral bridge linking the lateral vertebral elements of the neural arches; only the centra are missing
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit compressed cervical vertebrae relative to wild-type mice
• in the cervical region, all elements at the midline are absent and the neural arches fail to fuse at the midline
• in the cervical region, all elements at the midline are absent and the neural arches fail to fuse at the midline
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit compressed cervical vertebrae relative to wild-type mice
• at E18.5, the ventromedial elements of each vertebra, i.e. the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs, are absent; this phenotype is most prominent in cervical vertebrae
• at E17.5, homozygotes show a significant reduction or absence of ventro-medial cartilaginous material in cervical vertebrae
• at E18.5, the ventromedial elements of each vertebra, including the intervertebral discs, are absent
• at E14.5, homozygotes exhibit reduced numbers of chondrogenic cells in the vicinity of the notochord at the cervical level; this effect is less pronounced at the lumbar level
• at E14.5, the cells that compose the lateral elements of the neural arches have condensed in both wild-type and mutant embryos; however, mutants exhibit only a few sclerotomal cells organized around the notochord in the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae
• in the lumbar region, more sclerotomal cells are apparent at the midline near to the notochord, but appear disorganized

• homozygotes exhibit abnormalities in bones of the basal skull (i.e. basioccipital and basisphenoid) associated with the notochord
• by E18.5, the mutant basioccipital bone appears significantly misshapen and reduced
• at E14.5 the number of cells at the midline of the mutant basioccipital bone is significantly decreased
• by E18.5, the mutant posterior basisphenoid bone is severely reduced
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit a malleus phenotype and lack the predicted malleal/incal fusions due to regulatory changes in genes involved in joint formation
• although elements of the malleus, such as the processus brevis and the manubrium appear normal, the width, but not the length, of the malleus is significantly decreased
• however, at E18.5, middle ear ossicle development is relatively normal, with the incus and stapes developing as wild-type with respect to both size and articulation
• at E18.5, all homozygotes lack a gonium, an investing bone that lies on the surface of the malleus

• at E18.5, the mutant caudal vertebrae are small and lack the anterior processes

• homozygotes display regional perturbations of LR asymmetry in the primordial splenopancreatic mesoderm affecting pancreas laterality
• at E14.5, homozygotes fail to exhibit a repetitive notochordal pattern of swellings in the posterior region, with swollen nodes being either broadened or absent
• in the cervical region, the thin mutant notochord lacks periodic swellings and shows no organized consensation of cells around it
• by E18.5, only a vestigial notochord is present, and the enlarged notochord-derived nucleus pulposus of each intervertebral disc is absent

digestive/alimentary system
• homozygotes exhibit regional perturbations of LR asymmetry in the primordial splenopancreatic mesoderm; as a result, the dorsal pancreas remains at the embryonic midline

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at E10 and E10.5, the mutant dorsal pancreatic bud fails to grow laterally and remains positioned along the embryonic midline
• at E13.5, the wild-type dorsal pancreas grows along an axis perpendicular to the duodenum whereas the mutant dorsal pancreas grows along the same axis as the stomach

• at E18.5, mutant fetuses appear slightly shorter and broader than wild-type fetuses

hematopoietic system
• at E14.5, homozygotes show no evidence of splenic cells in the splanchnic mesoderm-derived tissue near the stomach

immune system
• at E14.5, homozygotes show no evidence of splenic cells in the splanchnic mesoderm-derived tissue near the stomach

• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit a malleus phenotype and lack the predicted malleal/incal fusions due to regulatory changes in genes involved in joint formation
• although elements of the malleus, such as the processus brevis and the manubrium appear normal, the width, but not the length, of the malleus is significantly decreased
• however, at E18.5, middle ear ossicle development is relatively normal, with the incus and stapes developing as wild-type with respect to both size and articulation
• at E18.5, all homozygotes lack a gonium, an investing bone that lies on the surface of the malleus
• at E18.5, all homozygotes exhibit a hypoplastic tympanic ring with a portion of the anterior extremity of the ring absent

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nkx3-2tm1Bobh mutation (0 available); any Nkx3-2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• heterozygotes are overtly normal; however, unlike wild-type mice, 46% of heterozygotes exhibit kinked tails

• at P2, newborn heterozygotes show signs of fusion between the gonium and the malleus, despite the observed gonium hypoplasia
• moreover, adult heterozygotes show no overt phenotype associated with the earlier gonium hypoplasia, with the malleus, gonium and tympanic forming a continuous skeletal structure
• although elements of the malleus, such as the processus brevis and the manubrium appear normal, the width (but not the length) of the malleus is significantly decreased
• however, at E18.5, middle ear ossicle development is relatively normal, with the incus and stapes developing as wild-type with respect to both size and articulation
• at E18.5, heterozygtes exhibit no overt defects associated with the tympanic ring but do show variable hypoplasia of the gonium, not observed in adulthood

• at P2, newborn heterozygotes show signs of fusion between the gonium and the malleus, despite the observed gonium hypoplasia
• moreover, adult heterozygotes show no overt phenotype associated with the earlier gonium hypoplasia, with the malleus, gonium and tympanic forming a continuous skeletal structure
• although elements of the malleus, such as the processus brevis and the manubrium appear normal, the width (but not the length) of the malleus is significantly decreased
• however, at E18.5, middle ear ossicle development is relatively normal, with the incus and stapes developing as wild-type with respect to both size and articulation
• at E18.5, heterozygtes exhibit no overt defects associated with the tympanic ring but do show variable hypoplasia of the gonium, not observed in adulthood

• at P2, newborn heterozygotes show signs of fusion between the gonium and the malleus, despite the observed gonium hypoplasia
• moreover, adult heterozygotes show no overt phenotype associated with the earlier gonium hypoplasia, with the malleus, gonium and tympanic forming a continuous skeletal structure
• although elements of the malleus, such as the processus brevis and the manubrium appear normal, the width (but not the length) of the malleus is significantly decreased
• however, at E18.5, middle ear ossicle development is relatively normal, with the incus and stapes developing as wild-type with respect to both size and articulation
• at E18.5, heterozygtes exhibit no overt defects associated with the tympanic ring but do show variable hypoplasia of the gonium, not observed in adulthood

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nkx3-1tm1Hha mutation (0 available); any Nkx3-1 mutation (37 available)
Nkx3-2tm1Bobh mutation (0 available); any Nkx3-2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at E12.5, double homozygotes are present at the expected Mendelian frequency
• however, only ~50% and 15% of the expected number are obtained at E14.5 and E17.5, respectively, with a gradually increasing embryo loss noted between E13.5 and E17.5
• no double homozygotes are recovered alive after E17.5

• at E17.5, the axial skeleton of double homozygotes appears even shorter than that of Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes
• at E17.5, double homozygotes exhibit even more tightly spaced ribs than Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes
• at E17.5, the double mutant atlas is reduced to only the lateral parts lacking most of the cartilage that gives rise to the vertebral body
• at E17.5, double mutant lumbar vertebrae completely lack the normal dorsal processes observed as bifurcations in Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes
• at E17.5, double homozygotes show an enhanced reduction or loss of ventro-medial cartilaginous material in all cervical vertebrae relative to Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes
• at E17.5, double homozygotes lack the central ossification centers in cervical vertebrae, with the atlas being most severely affected; this defect is less obvious in thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
• at E14.5, double homozygotes exhibit a severe reduction in the number of chondrogenic cells around the notochord, with only few scattered cells present at the cervical level but no signs of cartilage formation; at lumbar level, chondrogenic cell numbers are also further reduced relative to Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes
• except for the region of pedicles essentially no cartilage is formed in the vertebral anlagen of double homozygotes
• double homozygotes exhibit exacerbated sclerotomal defects in cervical and lumbar segments relative to Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes

• at E17.5, double homozygotes display severely kinked tails relative to Bapx1tm1Bobh homozygotes

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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