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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Joachim Herz
Summary 5 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Lrp2tm1Her/Lrp2tm1Her either: (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * CD-1) or (involves: 129/SvEmcTer * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6N) MGI:3790971
Lrp2tm1Her/Lrp2tm1Her involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd MGI:3790867
Lrp2tm1Her/Lrp2tm1Her involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:3790950
Lrp2tm1Her/Lrp2tm1Her involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * FVB/NJ MGI:5697335
Lrp2tm1Her/Lrp2+ involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:3790951

either: (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * CD-1) or (involves: 129/SvEmcTer * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6N)
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Mouse lines carrying:
Lrp2tm1Her mutation (1 available); any Lrp2 mutation (261 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• the cryptorchid testis of the few mutants that survive to adulthood is characterized by degenerated germinal epithelia of the seminiferous tubules and by the absence of germ cells
• mutants exhibit a failure of cranial suspensory ligament (CSL) regression at E18.5; both the gubernaculums and CSL are still present at the lower and upper pole of the gonads, respectively, with the CSL tethering the testes and epididymi to the abdominal body wall dorsal to the kidney
• the left testis does not descend into the scrotum and is poorly developed and severely retarded in size in the few males that survive to adulthood
• as a result of the closed vagina cavity, uterine fluid accumulates in the uterus, grossly inflating the organ
• the vagina opening is closed by a septum composed of an epithelial cell layer followed by connective tissue and skin in the few females that survive to adulthood

• circulating DHT is increased 2-fold in E14.5 male embryos
• circulating testosterone is increased 2-fold in E14.5 male embryos
• neither male nor female embryos respond to exogenous androgen or estrogen application, respectively, indicating steroid insensitivity

endocrine/exocrine glands
• the cryptorchid testis of the few mutants that survive to adulthood is characterized by degenerated germinal epithelia of the seminiferous tubules and by the absence of germ cells
• mutants exhibit a failure of cranial suspensory ligament (CSL) regression at E18.5; both the gubernaculums and CSL are still present at the lower and upper pole of the gonads, respectively, with the CSL tethering the testes and epididymi to the abdominal body wall dorsal to the kidney
• the left testis does not descend into the scrotum and is poorly developed and severely retarded in size in the few males that survive to adulthood

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd
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Mouse lines carrying:
Lrp2tm1Her mutation (1 available); any Lrp2 mutation (261 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• about 50% die within the first few minutes because of an inability to breathe; the others initially ventilate normally but die from respiratory insufficiency within 2-3 hours

• newborns show a flattened forehead
• nose is shortened in newborns
• embryos are smaller at E9.5

• embryos are smaller at E9.5
• E8.5 embryos exhibit impaired epithelial cohesion resulting in uneven cobblestone-like neuroepithelial surface
• at E9.5, anterior neural tube closure is frequently delayed

nervous system
• E8.5 embryos exhibit impaired epithelial cohesion resulting in uneven cobblestone-like neuroepithelial surface
• at E9.5, anterior neural tube closure is frequently delayed
• smaller at E9.5
• fusion of the forebrain hemispheres
• the lateral (IV) and III ventricles are frequently fused to form a common holoprosencephalic cavity in 6 of 10 mutants
• mutants often have a characteristic protrusion in the midline of the crown that is caused by a prolapse of the choroid plexus
• small telencephalon with an uneven edge of the neural folds
• absent in 9 of 10 mutants
• newborns show an almost invariable absence of the olfactory bulbs
• seen in 10 of 106 newborns

respiratory system
• newborns exhibit atelectic areas in the lungs
• newborns exhibit emphysematous areas in the lungs

• about 50% of mutants remain severely cyanotic after birth and die within the first few minutes
• urine of the 2% of mutants that survive to adulthood contains increased amounts of vitamin A (retinol) and 25-OH vitamin D3
• the 2% of mutants that survive to adult hood exhibit renal resorption deficiency as seen by the excretion of low molecular weight plasma proteins in the urine (low molecular weight plasma proteinuria) (J:108230)
• proteins excreted include small plasma proteins that carry lipophilic compounds including vitamin D-binding protein, retinol-binding protein, alpha1-microglobulin and odorant-binding protein, indicating urinary loss of lipophilic vitamins bound to the carrier proteins (J:108230)
• adult survivors excrete vitamin D-binding protein and retinol-binding protein (J:184259)
• increased urine alpha1-microglobulin level

• variable degree of frontonasal bone dysmorphology, however rest of the skeleton appears normal
• newborns show a flattened forehead
• nose is shortened in newborns

renal/urinary system
• urine of the 2% of mutants that survive to adulthood contains increased amounts of vitamin A (retinol) and 25-OH vitamin D3
• the 2% of mutants that survive to adult hood exhibit renal resorption deficiency as seen by the excretion of low molecular weight plasma proteins in the urine (low molecular weight plasma proteinuria) (J:108230)
• proteins excreted include small plasma proteins that carry lipophilic compounds including vitamin D-binding protein, retinol-binding protein, alpha1-microglobulin and odorant-binding protein, indicating urinary loss of lipophilic vitamins bound to the carrier proteins (J:108230)
• adult survivors excrete vitamin D-binding protein and retinol-binding protein (J:184259)
• increased urine alpha1-microglobulin level
• decrease in the number and size of large endosomes in proximal tubular epithelial cells (reduction in the number of endocytic apical vesicles) (J:34835)
• the 2% of mutants that survive to adulthood exhibit a reduction in the number of coated pits, endosomes, and lysosomes in kidney proximal tubules (J:108230)

• variable degree of frontonasal bone dysmorphology, however rest of the skeleton appears normal

• seen in some mutants
• seen in some mutants

• increase in apoptosis is seen at E9.5 in areas that correspond to regions containing facio-acoustic (VII) or trigeminal (V) neural crest, as well as around the optic vesicle

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Fanconi syndrome DOID:1062 OMIM:PS134600

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lrp2tm1Her mutation (1 available); any Lrp2 mutation (261 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• most mutants die shortly after birth, although a few homozygotes reach adulthood

• lipofuscin granules are more abundant in the marginal cells than in wild-type
• the number of microvilli in marginal cells of the stria vascularis is reduced
• apical surfaces of marginal cells are more irregular than in wild-type
• the two surviving mutants exhibit increased ABR threshold indicating hearing loss at 3 months of age
• analysis of ABR thresholds shows that the two surviving mutants exhibit profound hearing loss at 3 months of age

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * FVB/NJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lrp2tm1Her mutation (1 available); any Lrp2 mutation (261 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• on a normal selenium diet kidney selenium levels are around 62% of control levels even though whole body levels are normal (J:211934)
• female mice on a low selenium diet have reduced whole body selenium levels after 12 weeks on the diet, particularly in the kidney (J:211934)
• seleno proteins found in the urine, unlike controls
• selenium primarily on N-terminal Sepp1 fragments
• plasma activity about 32% of control activity on a normal selenium diet

• normal body weight

• normal neurological phenotypes but not tested thoroughly

renal/urinary system
• seleno proteins found in the urine, unlike controls
• selenium primarily on N-terminal Sepp1 fragments

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lrp2tm1Her mutation (1 available); any Lrp2 mutation (261 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• uptake of FITC-labeled beta-estrogen into the strial marginal cells is reduced
• heterozygotes older than 6 months exhibit a moderate, but significant, elevation in click-ABR threshold
• moderate hearing loss is seen at 6 months of age

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory