• death at approximately E12.5
cardiovascular system
• defective angiogenesis in the head
• mutants exhibit disorganized capillaries in the E10.5 brain and fewer numbers of small capillaries in the hindbrain at E11.5
• endothelial cells in E10.5 brain sprout in many directions from one capillary
• para-aortic splanchnopleural explant cultures on stromal cells show defective angiogenesis, with poor vascular network formation
• addition of hematopoietic stem cells to para-aortic splanchnopleural explant cultures rescues the defective angiogenesis, indicating that vascular defects are secondary to hematopoietic failure
• large vessels in the embryonic head contain fewer branches than in wild-type
• less branching of capillaries is seen in the vessels of the pericardium
• less branching of the vitelline artery of the yolk sac
• hemorrhages in the vertebral canal and within the peritoneal cavity at E12.5
hematopoietic system
• absence of hematopoietic cells of the definitive type in the liver of E12.5 embryos
• however, primitive hematopoiesis appears normal
• para-aortic splanchnopleural explant cultures on stromal cells do not generate definitive hematopoietic cells
• mutant derived para-aortic splanchnopleural explant cultures on stromal cells contain no erythroid cells
• less branching of the vitelline artery of the yolk sac
nervous system