normal phenotype
• compound heterozygotes for Shhtm1Amc and Shhtm2Amc are viable and fertile with no discernible phenotype
Allele Symbol Allele Name Allele ID |
Shhtm2Amc targeted mutation 2, Andrew P McMahon MGI:1934268 |
Summary |
16 genotypes
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• compound heterozygotes for Shhtm1Amc and Shhtm2Amc are viable and fertile with no discernible phenotype
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• ventral neural tube patterning defects are seen
• ventral neural tube patterning defects are seen
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• at P1, digits appear posteriorized comparing relative digit length and phalanx morphology with that of controls Shhtm1Amc/Shhtm2Amc Tg(Prrx1-cre)1Cjt mice
• however, mice have the same number of digits as in Shhtm1Amc/Shhtm2Amc Tg(Prrx1-cre)1Cjt mice
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• at E10.5 and E18.5, mice exhibit abnormal arch-artery patterning compared to in wild-type mice
• at E10.5, mice exhibit short outflow tract compared with wild-type mice
• mice exhibit cell death in the anterior heart field unlike in wild-type mice
• at E18.5
• mice exhibit cell death in neural crest cells unlike in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit abnormal neural crest cells localization and septation defects compared with wild-type mice
• mice exhibit cell death in neural crest cells unlike in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit abnormal neural crest cells localization and septation defects compared with wild-type mice
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
N |
• normal medial motor column (MMC) and hypaxial motor column (HMC) development at age E12.5
• normal proliferation of neural stem cells and overall spinal cord dorsal-ventral patterning at age E12.5
• at age E12.5
• ~30% decrease in LMCm (medial) and LMCl (lateral) neurons at age E12.5
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice survive only until 4-6 weeks of age
• pups display movement disorders characteristic of abnormal cerebellar function
• cerebellar development is more severely affected than in Shhtm2Amc/Shhtm3Amc;Tg(Pcp2-cre)1Amc mice
• external germinal layer (EGL) is thin at E18.5
• at P5 there is no EGL
• at P5 cells form a broad densely packed layer at P5; dendrite projections of Purkinje cells are hard to distinguish
• at P14 there is a mixture of Purkinje cell bodies and disorganized cellular projections
• decreased by 25% at E18.5
• at P5 cell number is reduced by 50%
• in adults, number is reduced by 65%
• there is no apparent inner germinal layer (IGL) at P5, although at P5 some scattered granule cells can be seen
• in the adult cerebellum, there is no IGL
• proliferation of granule neuron progenitors is absent in the EGL at E18.5 and P5
• in the adult cerebellum, molecular layer is absent
• at E18.5 pups have no lobules
• in the adult cerebellum, there is a loss of rostral lobes
• at P5, cerebellum is small with some rudimentary lobules
• disorganization of Bergmann glia is more severe than in Shhtm2Amc/Shhtm3Amc;Tg(Pcp2-cre)1Amc mice post P5
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• pups display movement disorders characteristic of abnormal cerebellar function
• at E18.5, cerebellum is detected to be abnormal with immature fissures and a reduction in the external granule layer; however no difference in cerebellar volume is evident between mutants and wild-type
• at E18.5 mutants have 5 rudimentary lobules
• at P5, cerebellum has small primitive lobules
• at P5 cells are dispersed in a thinner layer than in control Shhtm2Amc/Shhtm3Amc control mice or Shhtm2Amc/Shhtm3Amc;Tg(Pax2-cre)1Amc mice
• dendrite projections of cells are hard to distinguish
• at P14, there is a layer of Purkinje neurons that is better organized than in Shhtm2Amc/Shhtm3Amc;Tg(Pax2-cre)1Amc mice
• at P5 number is reduced by 20% compared to controls
• in adults, a 35% reduction is apparent
• in adults, cerebellum is small but has distinct lobes with Purkinje cells organized into a 1-2 cell layer overlayed by a thin inner germinal layer
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice die at birth
• glial progenitor cells are absent from the optic nerves
• optic nerves are thin, hypocellular and surrounded by a thick layer of pigmented cells that are continuous with the pigment epithelium but extend variable distances towards the ventral diencephalons
• optic nerves lack Ntn1- and Pax2-expressing astrocytes and are instead populated by pigment cells interspersed with retinal ganglion cell axons
• the distal two thirds of optic nerves lack Pax2-expressing glial cells
• while the optic cup and proximal optic stalk are normal initially, the optic primordial lags behind that in wild-type mice resulting in small eyes
• as early as E13
• eyelids fail to close throughout gestation
• retinas are extensively disorganized
• the outer retinal layer contains many rosettes containing retinal progenitor cells and immature photoreceptors and, in some cases, cells extrude into the subretinal space
• lamination defects are observed at E17
• however, rosettes do not disrupt the retinal pigment epithelium
• retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons exhibit guidance defects and are misrouted to the sub-retinal spaces in several regions of the retina and at the optic disc
• RGC axons that reach the optic disc never enter the optic nerve and instead remain coiled in the sub-retinal space
• however, dorsal ventral patterning and optic fissure closure are normal
• mice exhibit mild to severe holoprosencephaly
• some mice exhibit holoprosencephaly
• however, development and expression of ventral markers in the hypothalamus are normal
• glial progenitor cells are absent from the optic nerves
• the distal two thirds of optic nerves lack Pax2-expressing glial cells
• retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons exhibit guidance defects and are misrouted to the sub-retinal spaces in several regions of the retina and at the optic disc
• RGC axons that reach the optic disc never enter the optic nerve and instead remain coiled in the sub-retinal space
• however, dorsal ventral patterning and optic fissure closure are normal
• glial progenitor cells are absent from the optic nerves
• optic nerves are thin, hypocellular and surrounded by a thick layer of pigmented cells that are continuous with the pigment epithelium but extend variable distances towards the ventral diencephalons
• optic nerves lack Ntn1- and Pax2-expressing astrocytes and are instead populated by pigment cells interspersed with retinal ganglion cell axons
• the distal two thirds of optic nerves lack Pax2-expressing glial cells
• as early as E13
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• at the newborn stage, cortical glomerular density is increased by 24% while glomerular density of the whole kidney is increased by 26% relative to that in wild-type controls
• however, no gross differences in glomerular size are observed
• newborn mice exhibit a 40% reduction in glomerular number
• at the newborn stage, cortical volume is reduced by 51%
• at 4 months of age, most of the inner medulla is lost in hydronephric kidneys
• at 4 months of age, most of the inner stripe of the outer medulla is lost in hydronephric kidneys
• at the newborn stage, medullary volume is reduced by 46%
• at 4 months of age, 50% of mice exhibit hydronephrosis
• however, no hydronephrosis is detected in newborn pups
• neonatal kidneys are 52% smaller than wild-type kidneys
• at E14.5, fewer mesenchymal cells line the ureteral epithelium relative to wild-type controls
• at E14.5, the mitotic index of the proximal and distal ureter mesenchyme is ~50% of that in wild-type controls, indicating reduced cell proliferation
• however, no differences in ureteral mesenchyme apoptosis are observed by TUNEL analysis
• a delay in smooth muscle differentiation is observed along the proximodistal axis of the ureter
• at E15.0, no smooth muscle alpha-actin protein (SMA), an early marker of smooth muscle differentiation, is detected at any axial level of the ureter, unlike in wild-type embryos where SMA is detected in the proximal ureter
• at the newborn stage, SMA is detected in the proximal ureter but, in contrast to wild-type controls, almost no SMA is detected in the distal-most part of the ureter, closest to the bladder
• in addition, mesenchymal cells in the distal ureter are not as condensed as those in wild-type controls
• newborn mice exhibit prominent hydroureter, usually more severe in the proximal region
• at E14.5, ureter length is ~21% shorter than in wild-type controls
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
N |
• total parietal cell number remains unchanged following tamoxifen treatment
• at 7 and 60 days after final tamoxifen injection, expansion of surface mucous cells (foveolar hyperplasia) is observed, but at 150 days, surface mucous cell numbers are comparable to controls
• parietal cells do not function in mutants treated with tamoxifen; parietal cells do not secrete acid in response to histamine stimulation
• in an acetic acid ulceration model, healing is delayed relative to controls at 7 days after ulcer induction (ulcer size is decreased in controls); granulation tissue below the ulcer is observed in controls but not in mutants 7 days after induction
• in contrast to control mice, mutants do not exhibit macrophage recruitment to the ulcer site 2 days after ulcer induction; macrophage numbers are increased in stomachs of injured controls, but not in mutants
• 7 days after acetic acid injury, control mice display an increase in new microvessels compared to PBS-treated controls, but PBS-treated mutants have significantly fewer CD31-positive microvessels relative to controls with no significant change after acetic acid injury
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mutant newborns die within a day after birth
• at birth, mutant pups display flattened skulls
• mutant mandibular molars are fused with the oral ectoderm and the alveolar bone is absent
• at birth, mutant pups display small (only 5% of normal size) and abnormally shaped incisors in both the mandible and maxilla
• mandibular incisors display a single cusp with two symmetrical cervical loops; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, incisors are only 5% of normal size
• mandibular molars display a single irregular cusp; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, mutant pups display small and abnormally shaped first molars in both the mandible and maxilla
• maxillary molars are less affected than mandibular molars which are 25% of normal size
• although cervical loops, dental papilla, inner enamel epithelium, predentin, and stellate reticulum are present, no dental cord is formed
• the dental cord is absent in mandibular molars
• at birth, mutant pups show absence of obvious teeth: manidbular molars and incisors exhibit a cap stage tooth rudiment of abnormal morphology
• at birth, mandibular incisors are more developmentally advanced relative to mandibular molars
• at birth, mandibular molars are less developmentally advanced relative to mandibular incisors
• in grafts of early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc), dentin deposits are deposited but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional odontoblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• at 14.5 dpc, the outer enamel epithelium of the lingual side is severely reduced and the lingual inner enamel epithelium has not invaginated, suggesting impaired crown formation
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel matrix is secreted but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional ameloblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel and dentin matrices are deposited in spite of absent ameloblast elongation and odontoblast disorganization
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
• the rudimentary palatal shelves are spaced widely apart
• the palatal shelves fail to develop beyond rudimentary processes
• 85% exhibit a cleft palate with rudimentary palatal shelves spaced widely apart
N |
• at birth, mutant pups possess normal skeletal elements; the upper and lower jaws are of normal length
• at birth, mutant pups display flattened skulls
• mutant mandibular molars are fused with the oral ectoderm and the alveolar bone is absent
• at birth, mutant pups display small (only 5% of normal size) and abnormally shaped incisors in both the mandible and maxilla
• mandibular incisors display a single cusp with two symmetrical cervical loops; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, incisors are only 5% of normal size
• mandibular molars display a single irregular cusp; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, mutant pups display small and abnormally shaped first molars in both the mandible and maxilla
• maxillary molars are less affected than mandibular molars which are 25% of normal size
• although cervical loops, dental papilla, inner enamel epithelium, predentin, and stellate reticulum are present, no dental cord is formed
• the dental cord is absent in mandibular molars
• at birth, mutant pups show absence of obvious teeth: manidbular molars and incisors exhibit a cap stage tooth rudiment of abnormal morphology
• at birth, mandibular incisors are more developmentally advanced relative to mandibular molars
• at birth, mandibular molars are less developmentally advanced relative to mandibular incisors
• in grafts of early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc), dentin deposits are deposited but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional odontoblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• at 14.5 dpc, the outer enamel epithelium of the lingual side is severely reduced and the lingual inner enamel epithelium has not invaginated, suggesting impaired crown formation
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel matrix is secreted but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional ameloblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel and dentin matrices are deposited in spite of absent ameloblast elongation and odontoblast disorganization
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
• the rudimentary palatal shelves are spaced widely apart
• the palatal shelves fail to develop beyond rudimentary processes
• 85% exhibit a cleft palate with rudimentary palatal shelves spaced widely apart
• at birth, mutant pups are observed gulping air
• mutant mandibular molars are fused with the oral ectoderm and the alveolar bone is absent
• at birth, mutant pups display small (only 5% of normal size) and abnormally shaped incisors in both the mandible and maxilla
• mandibular incisors display a single cusp with two symmetrical cervical loops; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, incisors are only 5% of normal size
• mandibular molars display a single irregular cusp; additional cusp formation is disrupted
• at birth, mutant pups display small and abnormally shaped first molars in both the mandible and maxilla
• maxillary molars are less affected than mandibular molars which are 25% of normal size
• although cervical loops, dental papilla, inner enamel epithelium, predentin, and stellate reticulum are present, no dental cord is formed
• the dental cord is absent in mandibular molars
• at birth, mutant pups show absence of obvious teeth: manidbular molars and incisors exhibit a cap stage tooth rudiment of abnormal morphology
• at birth, mandibular incisors are more developmentally advanced relative to mandibular molars
• at birth, mandibular molars are less developmentally advanced relative to mandibular incisors
• in grafts of early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc), dentin deposits are deposited but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional odontoblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• at 14.5 dpc, the outer enamel epithelium of the lingual side is severely reduced and the lingual inner enamel epithelium has not invaginated, suggesting impaired crown formation
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel matrix is secreted but crown formation is incomplete and resulting teeth are small and abnormally shaped
• at birth, functional ameloblast layers are present but display abnormal polarity and cellular architecture
• when early tooth rudiments (13.5-15.5 dpc) are transplanted under kidney capsules of nude mice, enamel and dentin matrices are deposited in spite of absent ameloblast elongation and odontoblast disorganization
• at birth, mutant pups display a small frontal nasal process; nasal passageways are severely reduced
• the rudimentary palatal shelves are spaced widely apart
• the palatal shelves fail to develop beyond rudimentary processes
• 85% exhibit a cleft palate with rudimentary palatal shelves spaced widely apart
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• adrenal glands exhibit a decrease in stem/precursor cells compared with wild-type mice
• the number of adrenocortical cells is decreased while their size is increased compared to in wild-type mice
• at P5
• at E16.5 and P5, adrenal gland cells exhibit reduced proliferation compared with wild-type cells
• at P21
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• death by P15
• animals are smaller than littermates, but are postnatally viable and have relatively normal gross morphology
• marked reduction in growth by the second postnatal week
• pronounced extension of the hindlimbs in response to handling and seizure-like behavior by the second postnatal week
• reductions of somatostatin- and parvalbumin-expressing interneurons in somatosensory cortex
• somatostatin- and Npy-expressing interneurons are also reduced in the striatum
• 10% decrease in cortical thickness at P12
• animals display slightly smaller brain size than control littermates, but overall morphology of brain is relatively normal
• thalamus organization is disrupted in mutants based on molecular marker analysis
• reduced interneuron fate determining gene Nkx2.1 expression in progenitors of the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) cells in S-phase
• a subtle disruption of MGE patterning indicated by reduction of Gli1 and Nkx6.2 expression is observed
• however, other aspects of MGE progenitor identity are maintained
• pronounced extension of the hindlimbs in response to handling and seizure-like behavior by the second postnatal week
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mutants die shortly after birth when doxycycline is administered throughout gestation
• in the absence of doxycycline mutants are viable
• lung and airway malformations are seen when doxycycline exposure occurs between E0.5 and E13.5
• doxycycline exposure after E13.5 does not result in any pulmonary or extrapulmonary abnormalities
• cysts that contain neuroepithelial cells are seen in the peripheral lung tissue
• branching morphogenesis is abnormal
• lungs are hypoplastic when doxycycline is administered throughout gestation
• peripheral tubule dilation is seen after doxycycline exposure
• tracheal abnormalities are seen
• doxycycline exposure before E8.5 or after E13.5 does not result in tracheal abnormalities
• the cartilaginous rings that normal surround the trachea are malformed with incomplete rings found along the ventral midline after doxycycline exposure
• fewer cartilaginous rings are seen after doxycycline exposure
• the cartilaginous rings that normal surround the trachea are malformed with incomplete rings found along the ventral midline after doxycycline exposure
• fewer cartilaginous rings are seen after doxycycline exposure
• cysts that contain neuroepithelial cells are seen in the peripheral lung tissue
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mutants die shortly after birth when doxycycline is administered throughout gestation
• in the absence of doxycycline treatment mutants are viable
• lung and airway malformations are seen when doxycycline exposure occurs between E0.5 and E13.5
• doxycycline exposure after E13.5 does not result in any pulmonary or extrapulmonary abnormalities
• branching morphogenesis is abnormal with doxycycline treatment
• lungs are hypoplastic after doxycycline exposure
• peripheral tubule dilation is seen with doxycycline exposure
• tracheal abnormalities are seen
• doxycycline exposure before E8.5 or after E13.5 does not result in tracheal abnormalities
• the cartilaginous rings that normal surround the trachea are malformed with incomplete rings found along the ventral midline after doxycycline exposure
• fewer cartilaginous rings are seen with doxycycline treatment
• the cartilaginous rings that normal surround the trachea are malformed with incomplete rings found along the ventral midline after doxycycline exposure
• fewer cartilaginous rings are seen with doxycycline treatment
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/10/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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